Instinct (1D)

By cheerbabi23

1.7M 36.5K 6.5K

A Girl named Stella lives in Washington. Her parents both work for the government. She believes a zombie apoc... More

Instinct (1D)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chapter thirteen
authors note
Chapter fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter sixteen
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter twenty
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 24

2.6K 144 81
By cheerbabi23

"Come in." I remind the boys as they all gather closely around me. Being in the woods surrounded by thick fog gives me the chills.

"I don't hear anything." Liam turns around and mouths to me, pointing to his ear. It's smart that he didn't whisper because these zombies can pick up the smallest noises. I can get through the woods and run with out zombies hearing me because of my no -noise shoes. Lucky for me.

I come to a stop and so do the boys. I drop down and open my book bag. I feel around for a circular object and take it out.

"What's that?" Harry whispers. Looking at the silver circular metal ball.

"It'll tell us how many or if there is any zombies ahead and it'll show up on my watch." I stand up and click the red button on the side of the ball. The metal ball vibrates and I throw it up in the air. The object goes into the air and hovers forward, followed by a red light that shines on the floor. It'll pick up how many zombies are ahead with in a 2 mile radius. ( if any of you have watched Prometheus the movie, I got this idea from the movie.)
A couple minutes go by and the metal ball comes back and is hovering over me. I put up my arm and the ball comes down. I look at my watch and see all the red dots appear. There's a mass of them. Half of my watch is filled with red blotches. They're probably half a mile away, if that. There's some in the woods too, but when we get out of the woods, I have no clue what's yet to come.

"They're here, and they're coming through, fast." I put the ball in my bag and get me now and arrow ready. The boys all nod and I know they're just as scared as I am probably. I look at my watch again and see the red dots getting closer. There's a green dot on my watch which represents me. Even if we take a different route, there's no use, they're surrounding us. We have to get through the woods in order to keep going. If we go the left, we'll come across a lake and if we go to the right, we come across a long bridge. But if we go straight and get out of here, we'll make it into a neighborhood I'm assuming. This is the way my watch is telling me to go.

"I hear them," Zayn says heavily and I see him gasping for air. I put my hand on his shoulder and remind him one thing. "We're gonna get out of here." We make eye to eye contact and he nods. Their groaning becomes louder and louder. You can barley see them. You can see a faint silhouette. It's go time.

"It's go time." I say and we all disperse. The Guns go off and I hear grunting from some of the boys using knifes. I pull back my arrow and shoot, getting a head shot and killing two zombies at once. I put my hand up and the magnetic force finds my arrows and it retrieves it back to me. I pull back again and keep doing it over and over.

"Stella behind you!" Niall shouts and I turn around. I'm too late. I make direct contact with the zombie and we fall,

"Shit," I fall and my arrow falls from my hand. I try pushing the zombie off of me but its too strong. The zombie is a male and I look down and see a name tag on his shirt. His name is James. The more I push James away the more my hands sink into his chest and his blood is seeping through his olive green shirt. His bones crack and he's getting closer and closer to my face. I try finding my arrow by putting out my hand but it doesn't come back to me. I can't reach behind me and grab another one. I take the gun from my belt as my last option.

"Goodbye James" I say and put the gun under his chin. I look away and pull the trigger, resulting him to clapse on top of me, brains and blood are all over me but I push him off and get up, putting the fun back on my belt. I finally find my arrow but it's broken. That's why it didn't come back to me. I reach back and get another arrow, ready to let go at any minute. Head shot after head shot, they just keep coming. I look at the boys who are holding their own. Luis is with Zayn, kicking them back and stabbing them in the head. Although a gun might be a better option, we have to save our amo and the gun noises are too loud and could attract more zombies. Harry and Liam are doing the same tactic but I can't find Niall.

"There's too many of them Stella!" Louis shouts and backs away.

"Keep fighting, where's Niall?" I take my arrow and jab it into an oncoming zombie who was getting ready to attack me.

"NIALL!" Harry screams.

"Stop, I'll look for him, I'll be back." I'm finally able to run with out them following me. They were only attacking me because they can hear my voice.

I see a group of 5 zombies walking all together. They must be after something. I run to them and see Niall trying to fight them off.

"Niall, duck." I warn him and pin point my arrow at a zombie and release. They pay no attention to me and keep going after Niall. Niall falls and the zombies are on top of him. I have to use but to take my gun again and use is.

"Niall." I push the zombies off of him and he gets up.

"Your shoulder." I back away and gasp. Blood.. His blue flannel falls from his shoulders but his white t-shirt shows the blood and bite mark.

He collapses and tries to get back up. It takes about twenty minutes for the virus to spread through out the body and he changes. I look ahead of him and see more zombies coming

"Let's go," I pick him up by the collar of his shirt, somewhat dragging him. He fumbles but gets back up.

"Don't tell them yet." He pleads and I nod. Niall is bit. He's gonna turn and I have no idea what to do. I see the boys who are still fighting. Not many zombies are left so we're able to escape and keep moving forward.

"Let's go," I run and I hear them running behind me. We run and we run, killing zombies in our path but don't go out of our way to kill the ones who are far away.

"There's still to many of them." Liam says. We stop and try to fight more of them. The more we stop the more were running out of time to try and save Niall. I can tell Niall doesn't have enough energy. He's slowly dying.

"We have to abort and keep running." I look around but they keep coming.

"We can't we have to fight them off." Zayn says sternly and he's low key pissing me off.

I look at Niall and make eye contact with him. I give him an apologetic look and he looks down.

"Niall is bit god damn it we have to go!" I finally say  and grab Niall and start running. If the boys wanna stay and fight them off they can but my main concern is to get Niall and help him the best I can. I give Niall my gun and tell him to shoot while I put one of his arms around my neck and help support him. My bow is around my torso so I'm not able to use it. Niall is defending me now and I pray he can keep it together. I hear the other boys behind me and am glad they decided to follow me. I can see it. I can see the end of the woods almost coming to an end. The boys run faster than Niall and I to fight off the zombies ahead. We're almost there. We're almost out.

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