Love Beneath The Darklines(co...

By shachiseth

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A Dark Past - Shyna. A Very Ambitious Future - Davidson They are two contradictory personalities. Yet they me... More

Chapter 1 Unwanted Attraction
Chapter 2 Staring Contest
Chapter 3 Friendly Encounter
Chapter 4 Divine Attraction
Chapter 5 Twists In Friendship
Chapter 6 Listen To Your Instincts
Chapter 7 Without You
Chapter 8 Make Her Smile
Chapter 9 A Night Together
Chapter 10 Dreams, Hallucinations And Chimeras!!!!!!!
Chapter 11 Fighting The Past
Chapter 12 Adventure Ride.
Chapter 13 Developing Bonds
Chapter 14 Need You Now
Chapter 15 Hands Of Help
Chapter 16 His Divine Touch
Chapter 18 Togetherness
Chapter 19 You Are Beautiful
Chapter 20 Wanna Help You
Chapter 21 Enigmatic Smile
Chapter 23 A Companion
Chapter 24 Lucky Charm
Chapter 25 Influx With Past
Chapter 26 Influences Of The Upbringing
Chapter 27 Word Fights
Chapter 28 Free Falling
Chapter 29 Breathtaking Beauty
Chapter 30 Past Grimaces
Chapter 31 Definition Of Love
Chapter 32 Love You Like I Do
Chapter 33 Perfection
Chapter 34 Power Of Love
Chapter 35 Wrecking Ball
Chapter 36 Sometimes Pain's The Healer
Chapter 37 Cheating v/s Vengeance
Chapter 38 Deadly Silence
Chapter 39 Winner Stands Alone

Chapter 17 Evil Birthday!!!!!

2K 49 29
By shachiseth

Chapter 17

Evil birthday!!!!

Davidson's pov

"I am so proud of you" she cooed from the other end of the phone.

"Both my boys made me swell today. Your brother is felicitated here and you there I don't know how good it is what you are saying but the way you are saying I can decipher it's indeed a great achievement my boy. I am really very happy for you." She uttered those words with sheer excitement enlightening my day and my already happy mood.

"Thanks mom. Bye!! Take care and I love you!!!" I disconnected the phone with that smiling voice of my mom. I wanted to talk to my dad too but he was busy bragging about my brother with his future partners or associates trying his hand in multi profits of the business sector. Mark's award winning was a great boom to his business. He was likely to get bigger and better opportunities is near future. He wanted to globalise his business and this was a milestone to that. I too did not push him for I knew the matter of basket ball won't interest him much rather he'd scowl on my lack of attention on my forthcoming tests.

"Congratulations honey" Cassie greeted me with a beloved kiss on my cheeks only to be pushed by Ciara who planted a quick kiss on my lips congratulating me for the same.

But she didn't leave the tight grip of her hug.

"Excuse me" Cassie objected. "I guess he is no longer your boyfriend" as she tried to pull me from her.

Am I some kind of stuff toy for these girl?????

I felt disappointed instead of enjoying dual attention at their open fight over something they cannot claim on.

"Neither is he your boyfriend." Ciara spat "so sorry your made up story of being a part of women empowernment and helping the less privilege did not work on him"

"Story????" I asked not believing in what Ciara was trying to say.

"Yeah the whole working for organisation for betterment of women was only a story to have your d!ck inside her" Ciara spat shamelessly.

I looked at Cassie not believing a single word of what Ciara said.

"Dav... I .. I can explain" Cassie said, all her charm lost and her face paled out all of a sudden.

"Cats gotten your tongue now!" Ciara gave an accusation glare to Cassie and turned to me "I will tell you. She does not work as a free lance at any organisation. Rather her weekends are all stuffed with clubs and parties and freaky things that teen agers do" she blew herself some air with her palms showing her dark painted nails.

"Will you just shut your filthy mouth Ciara" Cassie warned.

"Is it true Cassie" I pulled her making her look in my eyes.

Cassie avoided the eye contact with me.

"I promise I won't react but only once just tell me what Ciara is telling is....." I asked looking into her eyes waiting for a negation.

But all she did was affirm with a nod.

Ciara gave a wicked grin and walked away leaving two of us alone. She expected me to shout and create a scene out of Cassie but I didn't.

I couldn't. I was too shocked of the revelation.

Cassie too murmured a soft "sorry" and left.

What ????? That whole was a fake story. I scrunched my nose more irritated with the disgust. How did Cassie do that? Even if she didn't tell that she worked for some random organisation I still respected her, but lies. God!!!! These girls can really reduce their level so much sometimes.

I left the college premises right then. But I was too happy to sulk over these two females who once were very important part of my life. Ciara-I wanted to marry her one day. I thought we were perfect couple and Cassie- I really respected her and I wanted to propose her to be my girlfriend but she blew up my desires. She tried to create a fake story to get into my good books. Silly though but I guess I am done with both of them.

This selection by the national committee of basket ball means a lot to me. It means that I have stepped ahead in my dream of becoming a star basket ball player.

For now I want to spend my time sharing the news with someone who cares and whom I can trust so I called up ..

"Hi Jack" I shouted from my phone excitedly only to hear back a whisper from him.

God in the early hours of the day he is screwing a girl!!!!

"What?" I shouted when his words weren't clear so he calmly repeated

"I am at a crash course class which is a marathon class for the finals, cannot talk, cannot meet you. Will come to your house at 12:00 midnight"

I hooked up without another word. First time in his conscious sense was he doing something worthwhile so I was cool about it.

I quickly put the keys in the ignition and sped off in my BMW stopping only to buy Choco-Ferraro pastries and took them to share the news with someone without whom this selection was not possible.

I was welcomed in the house by the wagging Spike who was moving restlessly around the house, noises of repeated 'thud' invaded my ears and I followed them to the gym where a sweated Shyna wet from head to toe was constantly hitting the boxing bag. Her muscles of forearm stretching with every blow.

I knew she would be doing something stupid like this. The biggest reason I was longing to be here. I knew it damn very well that inspite of the high fever last night she would continue her heavy work out.

I pulled her and ducked the blow that was evidently coming my way and put her still on the floor making her count 5 to 1 and she was normal, mused but normal.

"I made it. I made it. We made it" I spun her in the air and shouted all of a sudden so that she doesn't start yelling again for barging into her house.

My hands wet staining my white Jack n Jones tee with the sweat from Shyna's who was in her Nike shorts and vest

"You are selected" she chirped smiling inside but her lips didn't twinge. God! Can she ever stretch her jaw muscles? I whined internally.

I pulled her to the dining table to share the pastries I had picked on the way.

She picked her jacket hugging it to her body as she wore it. She might have got conscious as I was mentally appreciating the four packs visible on her abdomen. I had seen girl with abs live for the first time, spare the hot and sexy models from the fashion tv.

She ate the pastries without any rejection nor did she enjoy the taste like I was savouring the dark chocolate melting in my mouth. She simply had it bringing bottle of water later and having a glass full like she was rinsing the sweet taste in her mouth. I did not question her behaviour though.

Before she could kick me out, I handed her my books to prepare notes for me which she took giving an alarming glare.

"There is a clause in the selection criteria that I have to reach minimum percentage in my tests." I clarified before she could deny.

We studied together for the whole time till midnight till my eyes drooped to sleep and I fell asleep on the couch itself.

I woke up pushing the blue cover that was spread over me.

Fresh coffee invited my toxic cells taking me to small kitchen where Shyna stood carrying two mugs of hot coffee as she was heading out. Her eyes seemed to be contended for the first time, probably she too like me slept well last night not moving here and there restlessly like I used to see her from Miron's house during few of our parties.

Yeah she would be sleeping because I did not feel any movement around during the night so I slept throughout the night.


I continued coming to her place every evening after the gym and fight sessions and yes she did grab the opportunity of 2:1 fight with Rob and me against her. Rob seems to be a nice guy and cares for Shyna. I can say that because sometimes Shyna does get uncontrollable in her training sessions and her blows hurt more than normal but he doesn't crib or complain. He understands and changes his technique to distract her.

Fortunately she was sober when we had our 1:2 fight session with Shyna on one side and me And Rob on the other side and did not take us to the hospital with her blows but she did give us a tough time.

The coach also joined in chnaging partners to train us the advantages to be taken and the defensive techniques to be followed when you are outnumbered by your attackers. I was enjoying the scenario knowing I wouldnt ever get into stuff like this. I am too naive to have enemies to attack. I am Cool with capital C and Hot for girls to fight over me like Cassie and Ciara did but again some how that doesn't seem to delight me in any ways. I get more enthused and amazed at the sincerity of eforts put in by Shyna especially when she too doesn't need it. She is smart and slim...I mean as far as figure is concerned, no dis she concerned about good looks also she hardly steps out from her house, avoids crowded places or even if she goes out with her Spike that too she chooses places which are safe for a girl to visit. However she does her fitness schedule with strong determination and I really respect her for that.

I however cannot leave her alone at nights. I have this strong urge to check if she is safe and to add to it, her help in studies is amazing as my first test today was very smooth and easy.

I study at her place with utter concentration with no one to disturb as she too studies one mindedly with her books finishing mine first then coming to her psychology which I guess she had already been through once and was only revising as she keeps on surfing net for additional information all the time.

She has also taken on a new Job to put me to meditation daily saying that it would not even help me in my tests but also help me in my game which was ignored due to preparations for the tests.

I cook her breakfast daily which varies from pancakes to boiled eggs or French toast

The evenings initially she avoided with dinners earlier but after my stubbornness to have an appetite after the heavy work out and she too agreed that my being famished after a work out would affect my game later on and so she made it a point that we Yes we both eat a heavy supper when we are studying so it was unsaid routine for her to cook either stew brown rice or chicken curry or sometimes frozen food in the evening.

She eats with me or she pretends to eat but the way she gulps her food as if forcing it inside makes me wonder what all she had been through to be such elusive of herself.

She never interacts except for the notes or academies. She never even exchanges pleasantries. She simply stares at me acknowledging that I had come and continues with her books.

I try to open up new topics but she listens patiently, not attempting to give her view point or any thing relevant to it. I tried each and every topic from food to family, parties, my first affair, my first kiss or my first date. She simply hears them patiently rather getting bored of it and continues with what she is doing.

I do try to do some work out with her at her personal gym but there too she is so self absorbed and gets lost in the speed of the machine often ending up hurting herself, like today she happened to fall off from cross trainer as she did it at a level of 12 and with speed of 55/hr.

Though it was a minor bruise but how long is she going to hurt herself. She has made an artificial wall around her that she is relented within and doesn't want to cross it. She also has locked it for others to enter. I have to hunt a key to that lock but for now my ultimate aim is to score good percentile in academics not only for my dad but also for the minimum requirement needed by the association to accept me into the team. So I let her be and take the maximum I can get from her sharp and intellect brains.


Shyna's pov

I am wearing my favourite pink dress with multiple layers of frills from the Barbie collection, my most sorted dress that me and my mom took after hunting 15 shops from three different malls. I turn around swaying the the circumference of the dress dancing and admiring as the frills move around. I hide my lips pressing them into a line from my mom. I had worn her pink lip gloss that she always objects me to wear but when she found me repeatedly pressing my lips, she caught me like catching my hand from the cookie jar and instead of scolding me she cooed with 'how cute' expression hugging me, her bulged stomach which seemed to be size of a basket ball and is getting bigger and bigger day by day pressed on my nose.

I smiled cheekily, fearlessly looking at my image on the mirror and asking an approval from my mom wriggling my eyebrows if I looked nice?

She scrunched her nose dislikingly. I frowned at her reaction. She then scratched her chin thinking and said "something 's missing".

I hung my face down not feeling the same confidence I had minutes ago but then a slow smile emerged on my mom's face as she brought her hand behind her back in front of me.

There was a pink hair band with a lovely rose flower of a shade darker than my dress and helped it on my head. She then brushed my golden curls letting them flow on my waist.

"Perfect. My very own Barbie" she kissed my nose.

Our mother daughter moment was interrupted with the honking of the car and my mom clapped in excitement.

I too started jumping at the arrival of my dad who was getting another gift for me, my skipper Barbie.

Three of us stood on the edge of the dining table and the cardboard box was opened to reveal another Barbie in the form of a cake.

"A beautiful Barbie cake with strawberry icing layering her dress!!!!!!"

So happy I couldn't hold my excitement.

"Thank you daddy!!!!" I said in my girls voice as I saw both my parents hugging each other and smiling at my happy stance.

My mom gave me a knife covered with pink ribbon and a blue bow on the

rim where the blade touched the handle.

Carefully I took the knife from her, not to hurt myself while holding it and blushed profusely.

It was then I realised that if the cake is such a huge one then the party should be a grand endeavour but where were others?

I looked at my mom questioningly. But she ushered lifting her hands asking me to cut the cake.

I smiled until and unless my parents are with me, I need no other guests or friends or relatives.

I then looked at the 17 numbered candle on the cake and then at the pink barbie dress i was wearing and started wondering that if I am seventeen turning on eighteen then why am I dressed as a Barbie.

I looked at my parents once again confused when my dad instructed me "cut the cake Shyna".

I was staring at his dark brown eyes when his tone changed into louder and harsher "Cut The Cake SHYNA".

My hands trembled as I picked the knife and my fathers eyes were lightening like a 1000 watt bulb, his face furious as he yelled now "CUT THE CAKE SHYNA".

I hurriedly inserted the decorated knife into the cake, my father still angry and doubling up in size like some kind of giant.

The knife pierced into the cake and two sticks emerged out of it. I stared at those sticks with my eyes wide opened when the sticks started wriggling. My heart rate increased than normal and a big scorpion wrapped in the sponge of the came got its exit from the interior of the cake. It was soon accompanied by another Scorpio following him.

Soon the number increased and there were thousands of scorpions, leeches and creepy insects emerging out of the cake. They were crawling from the table travelling all over the room till they reached me standing in the corner of the room as I sprinted over here only to be captured by these scorpions, crabs and leeches that are all over me, biting me, hurting me. I gave a look at the cake once again, the face and hair of the barbie was burning with flames of fire from the candle which I hadn't blown before cutting the cake. Millions of creepy, crawly insects still finding their way out of the frilly skirt of the Barbie cake torn by my knife, most of them heading towards me.

They reach my pink ballerina booties crawling into my skirt and then upwards on my palms, my hands, arms, then to my shoulders and my face and then covering whole of my body.

I try to push them shred them off looking at my mom pleadingly who is standing still crying as she stared at me horrified expression on her face. But she is protecting the baby in her womb.

'No use crying for help' I tell myself I try to brush them off but they outnumber and they are all over me.....

I am shouting, shrieking and yelling in pain with no one at my rescue.

I pass one loud shriek and sat up.

Eerie silence accompanied with the ticking of clock reading 7:00 o'clock and dated 23rd June.

Shit... Shit ... Shit...

I once again try to wipe the non existing creeping insects from my body.

I wipe the droplets of sweat formed on my forehead, my erratic breathing seems to get normal gradually that I realise that this was just a part of my nightmare.

Though the scorpions and crabs have disappeared but a seething pain of their ducts and bites still burning through my skin.

I will still survive with it.

I can take all the pain now....

My throat is burning and dry so I stretch to pick a glass of water which is empty by now. I try to empty the last few drops of water from the bottle into the glass too scared to move an check the living room across the kitchen if there are still any scorpions moving around but in vain.

Last night was quite a long one when I was roaming all around the room in despair, opening and closing all the windows and strolling restlessly. Amicably I finished the whole bottle of water.

Today being a Saturday and an off day for our tests So David is not around as he left last night to enjoy his weekend with some of his friends. He had been staying overnight throughout the week studying with me and trying to communicate with me in all the possible ways. I tried to avoid him but still he being he was persistent and forced me to listen to him with his puppy dog eyes....

I then listen to him showing the lack of interest but he doesn't budge....

The house seems so silent today when he is not around. I also slept well last couple of days when he was around only because I did not want to disturb his sleep. So I stayed in my room and since I wasn't scared of the darkness, Yes!!! I wasn't scared of darkness when he was around though in the couch of my living room so I slept well.

The phone rang and I knew who it is.

I pick up half heartedly because whatever communication we have, it's is going to hurt her.

"Hi Shyna" my mom greeted nervously.

"Mom" was my only reply.

"You good?" she asked already knowing the reply. She cannot pass birthday greetings to me. I had denied her. It hurt me a bit too much. So when she called a year before the only gift I asked her for my birthday was that she would not greet me on my birthdays..

"I just... I want to..." She tried to wish me.

"Drop it mom" I said flatly.

"I miss you sweetie" she sobbed.

But I have to be strong. I missed her too. I missed the comfort, love and security of her hug, her tender touch that made me believe that everything will be fine when I was young. But things had changed now.

It's better for them if I stay aloof and ..... away from them.

"Your dad.. He wants to..... He wants to come....." She was asking me permission. One positive sign from me and she would be happiest but I kept my cold shoulder.

"I am okay mom. Please let it be" I pressed the red button hearing my mom's soft sobs assuming my dad hugging her as she melts into his arms. At least he is a good husband and a better father to my brother.

I take a deep breath which I was holding. These interactions with my mom always make it difficult for me. I do not want to hurt her but I end up hurting her each time she tries to contact me...

Why can't she just let me be...

The bell on the door broke my chain of thoughts and I wiped the stray tear that was lingering at the edge of my eye; masked my bitchy self and headed to open the door.

The sight in front of me was enough to enrage me. He stood still standing at my doors, carrying a huge packet that shouts being a cake. The look on his face was extracting the buried temper inside me...

"Hi! Ummm...Happy birthday...."

A/n: So who has dared to step on Shyna's door step to greet her on her birthday?

Will Shyna ever respond to love and care of her mother?

Will Davidson be able to secure the keys to Shyna's broken self?

Will Davidson's selection really be a stepping stone to his hunger of being finest basket ball player?

Keep reading!!!!!

A huge thank you to all those who have supported the story:)

All your comments are so inspiring and few of them just take my heart away.

No word of gratitude can be enough to thank all the sweetest readers who Vote for the story.

So a final plea to keep the comments and VOTES flowing (please)

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