I Am In Love With Your Twin

By angravk

80 5 1

"Hey did you see your sister ?" I asked her.She looked exactly like her.obviously they are twins. "No,why?"sh... More

I Am In Love With Your Twin
Mall n wonders
Family 💓


36 2 1
By angravk

This is my first chapter(ever) . I don't know how it turned out. I am new at this writing thing. Iwill try to make things interesting.
There will be grammatical error. Sorry.

Note :Lauren is really sarcastic. So, there will be lots of single 'quotes' showing that she is being sarcastic .

Please comment.



Lauren's Pov

" Don't talk, don't reply , DO NOT REPLY Lauren "
I chanted to myself. But it is hard not to especially when your freaking best friend here is humiliating himself with his cheesy pick up lines that were meant to make my sister fall in love with him. Let's just say.... He is not going anywhere near my sister with his stupid 'lines' of his.

"hey Lils, why are you frowning? You know you look beautiful when you smile. It will be like... like a sunrise " he exclaimed and let out a goofy grin probably thinking that he made that up pretty quickly.

Oh my God... Did he really just say a freaking "sunrise "?
And then again... I am not at all surprised. I mean he is Peter... What could I possibly expect? No offence to my friend or anything, but when it comes to girls, he behaves like an ORIGINAL Freak!!!

" Hey sunshine, what is going on that pretty head of yours?" he continued like I was really paying him attention for the past half an hour. Then he struggled with his eyebrows which looks like he was trying to move something that was stuck in there.I think he meant to wiggle his eyebrows. Arrgh,hopeless.

By the way, Peter is my one and only best friend and also my brother from another mother. Oh I really wanted to say that line. um, I know....
Don't say it.

Anyway, Peter's dad got a transfer to this place 3months ago and he was really missing us... His words. So, when we heard the news of moving here,um, let's just not talk about my face planting on the kitchen floor because of my skills in happy dancing.

We are now in our new neighbourhood standing near my car taking a break from all the unpacking and hardwork. See, my mom is an interior designer which results in too much moving. I have no problem with new places but all this unpacking and arranging had left me exhausted.

I let out a sigh remembering the past week. Lily was not excited to move to another place. She really misses her so called friends who are generally the bimbos of the school. yeah, she knows how to select her friends(I am not going to go there now) .

Peter has a crush on my twin sister lily, who just looks exactly like me(duh). He is crushing on my sister for... I don't know, a year may be. Yeah.

He hasn't had the guts to ask her out yet and now he is making complete fool of himself by thinking that I am lily. Yeah,we just look really similar that it's not possible for an outsider to identify us. But, Pete, he was seeing us for 7 years, and was decided to be friends with me the second I had pushed him out of the swing in the park seven years ago. I mean that is some loooong friendship . He should have known that the person before him who he shamelessly trying to flirt without any success was his best friend not the best friend's sister. Then again I was wearing my sunglasses, so he couldn't have seen my eyes which are electric blue just like my dad's unlike lily's hazel ones which she got from mom.

I was then thinking about my unfortunate friend and his 'skills to lure girls' , when I felt someone poking my cheeks. I came out of my reverie only to find my self looking at the grey eyes of my best friend. I snapped out.

"What the hell, Pete? "

"You were not replying,, so I tho... Wait! "he suddenly yelled.

Finally. He knew only I call him Pete cuz others(including Lily) calls him Peter. So... I think he understood.

About time . On second thought, No, cuz he should have found this long time ago .

" What?" I snapped back. I am irritated with his talk . Yeah, I love my friend and all but there are times when I feel like yelling 'DIE'.

"Y.. You called me ' Pete' "he said shaking his head showing that he don't want to believe what's happening.

" Yeah, that's your name Pete, what should I call you then, stupid, idiot or would you prefer something fancy like foool" I drawled at him. Note the sarcasm.

"God, Lauren... Why why why... I have said a thousand times to you before, not to pretend like lily. I have wasted my amazing lines on you" he said the last word like he spend his time talking to a dynausar.


"Pete,'your smile is like sunrise lily', really? "I mocked him imitating his voice which I fail miserably.

Knowing that this doesn't go anywhere if he tried to argue about his pickup lines, he let out a sigh leaving that subject, before starting.

"I know you are in love with me but you do know that I just like you as my sister. Right? I mean I love your sister and I..." he rambled some stupid things which he was really good at. He always likes to say that I am secretly in love with him, which we both know was so not true.

"You didn't just go there, how in your brainless mind could you think that I am in love with you... Oh god,this is not happening. My best friend is lunatic, I mean I know that he is weird and all but... "my mumbled the last part to myself but I knew heard it because I was cut off his shouting .


Yeah, Wake the whole city, Pete .

"Yeah, yeah, way to say you are not weird "I drawled sarcastically. And rolled my eyes just to emphasise my point .
He just stuck out his tongue like a little kid. Did I say he is good at great comebacks? No? Good. Because that would be a total lie.

He then tried to say something but only stood there with his mouth agape looking something behind me and then slowly his mouth turned into 100 watt smile... Which is really creepy, trust me, I know ". He will have this creepy smile only when he sees someone. So I turned to see her.

My sister stood their with her white shirt and jeans shorts which hugs on her curvy figure on all right places, and was smiling when she saw Peter. And he was staring at her like a love sick puppy.

Don't get excited. Cuz...no, She doesn't like Pete... I mean not that I know of. She was having her routine friendly smile which she saves for friends which means Pete is friend zoned but he being him doesn't realise this. Typical Peter . Sigh.

I interrupted their 'moment' which I am pretty sure was NOT.

"Hey Lils, sup? "

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