Survival Of James Potter

By Liv_Howard

45K 1.4K 160

James Potter struggles to come to terms with the fact that everyone thinks he's dead. After finding the best... More

The Explosion
Years Gone By
Harry Starts Hogwarts
Secret Guardian
Another Close Call
Poor Old Sirius
Discovered by Remus
Marauders Unite
I Wish I could have been there
Please Don't Die
I Want to Fight
Changes at Hogwarts
It Shouldn't Have Been Like This
Happy Birthday Harry
Same Old Snivillus
They'll Know Soon
author's note
Authors Note
Why Do You Do This
Need a Hand
My Not So Perfect Family
19 Years Later
Untitled Part 26

Why Do You Do This

1.1K 36 5
By Liv_Howard

A lot happened in the terms that followed. A few weeks after Christmas, Harry sent James a letter about the girls they'd been having problems with.

'Prongs, the girls who were after me have helped to solve twoboth of our problems. A girl by the name of Romilda Vane left me some chocolates, for Valentine's Day. They were laced with love potion. Ron ate them. I went to Slughorn and we reversed the potion, but then Ron got poisoned. He's alright. Problem number one solved. As for number two, the after effects of the potion made Ron admit that he loved Hermione. He doesn't know he said it but Lavender was there when he did. It was hilarious. I'll write soon. Harry.'

James sighed as he passed his letter to the other, "Typical girl problems"

The others laughed as they read the letter. "At least Ron is alright" Remus commented

"Yes. Hopefully Harry won't run in to any into any more trouble this year" James said.


How wrong James was. He received regular letters from Harry, updating him on what Dumbledore was teaching him. He said that Dumbledore was taking him on an important trip, related to Voldemort. It must have been important as it was brought up often.

And then the letter came. The one he was dreading.

'Prongs, I was right. Dumbledore is taking me out afterof school to go to a cave where Voldemort went as a child. Tonight. I got this memory from Slughorn that confirmed Dumbledore suspicions of Voldemort, He's been creating Horcruxes. Seven of them to be more specific. Dumbledore thinks there's one at the cave, that's why we're going. To get it. More to the point, I know how to destroy him. And I will.

I'll send for you as soon as I get back.


That was not what he wanted to hear, but one he knew would come eventually. He placed the letter in his desk drawer with the others from Harry. Then he wrote one sentence in reply;

'I know you'll be with Dumbledore but stay safe'

The wait that followed was agony. James paced the house. Eventually he got on Sirius's nerves.

"Will you sit down, James. It's hard to focus" He was playing wizard chess with Remus.

"I can't," James exclaimed, "I just can't. He may be with Dumbledore, but I've just got that feeling that something's going to go wrong."

"We'll hear from him soon" Remus told him, "It's almost 10. Even Dumbledore won't keep Harry out this late"

An owl flew in through the open window. It was one on the school owls, one that James knew was faster than Hedwig. Could this have the news he was waiting for. James tore open the letter and read it out loud.

"I think you should come to the school. All three of you. Floo straight into the head's office. McGonagall" James looked up from the others, then, without a word went to the fire place and flooed to the school, the others close behind him.

McGonagall was waiting for them there. She had a sad look on her face. He thought the worst had happened.

"Where's Harry?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"He's being checked over by Poppy. He'll be here in a moment" She sighed, "But that's not why I called you here. It Dumbledore. He's." She chocked up a sob, "He's dead."

"How?" Remus asked

"I don't know. But he landed at the bottom of the astronomy tower."

At that moment Harry entered the room. He looked battered and bruised but at least he was alive. James strode over to him and pulled him into a hug. Harry started to protest, but eventually gave in, when he saw he was going to lose.

"You're alright" James sighed in relief, as he pulled away.

"Yes, dad. I'm fine. Well as ok as I should be after what just happened" Harry turned to McGonagall, "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Unfortunately yes. What happened?"

"We got back and Dumbledore told me to hide under my cloak. So I did, and then the Death Eaters came to the tower, with Malfoy and Snape at the front. Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore and then they started talking about how Voldemort had threatened Malfoy. I think Malfoy said that Voldemort would kill his family if he didn't kill Dumbledore. But he couldn't do it. And then Dumbledore started begging with Snape. And he did it. Snape killed Dumbledore. That's how he fell. The curse hit him in the chest. But he was already dead. There was nothing I could do."

"Thank you Harry." McGonagall turned back to James, Sirius and Remus, "For now, I'll be acting head. I'll talk to the Ministry as well, organise his funeral."

"I think the students should be allowed to attend. To say good bye" Harry said.

"I'll see what I can do. For now though, go back to your dormitory. Get some rest. It's been a long night." She looked at the empty desk in the center of the room, then turned back to the other, "I would be most grateful for your help as well."

"Of course" Remus said, "We'll come back in the morning, but I think we should all get some rest."

McGonagall nodded. James turned to Harry, "I'll see you tomorrow, alright. Try and get some sleep."

Harry nodded, "I will dad. I just wish that you could stay here without having to hide"

"Soon. Alright. Let's just get this over with first"

They hugged one last time, and Harry left for Gryffindor Tower. James joined the others by the fire place, looking back at the Headmasters office. It seemed darker now, knowing that Dumbledore would never set foot in this office again. Then the trio bade goodbye to McGonagall and flooed back home.


The funeral took place the day before the students would head home on the Hogwarts express. James decided that he would attend the funeral as Prongs, so he could stand in the forest with the centaurs and not look out of place. He would much rather be himself, but it was too dangerous.

The edge of the black lake had been decked out with chairs. All the students sat with their friends, all in their uniforms. The Minister himself sat at the front, with the teachers and members of the Order. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat behind with the DA. Prongs lined up with the centaurs along the edge of the forest.

The ceremony was long. Dumbledore lay at the very front, in his purple robes with his wand on his chest, hands crossed over the top. He looked so peaceful. At the end of the ceremony, the teachers in cased Dumbledore in a pure white marble tomb. There was an eerie silence among the staff and students as the centaurs shot arrows over the lake to honour him and Fawkes the Phoenix cried.

The procession dispersed. Some students had arranged to go home after the ceremony with parents who had attended. The others would have to wait until morning to make the journey back to platform 9 ¾ and meet their parents.

Prongs hung round waiting for the area to empty. Eventually it did, and he wondered over to join Harry, Ron, Hermione, Remus and Sirius next to the white tomb. Harry turned to him, and gave a sad smile.

"I'm going back to the Dursleys tomorrow. One last time. Dumbledore would have wanted me to" He sighed and looked at the tomb, "I'm going to try and convince them to leave before the Order come to get me. So they're safe. I hate them, but this wasn't their fault. You'll come won't you? With the Aurors who are escorting them."

Prongs bowed his head in a nod. It was risky as someone could be looking out the window but he had to be there.

"We need to go" Remus said from behind. Harry nodded, "I'll write when I get there. So you know I'm safe"

Prongs nodded again then scampered off to the forest. James then snuck out of the castle grounds and apparated back to Grimald. Soon Harry would be back here, and then the hunt would begin.

Why Do YouDo This

The days before Harry's move were long. James spent most of the time pacing the house, reviewing the plan of how they were going to get him out. He wasn't going to like it at all.

Finally the time came. James set off with Hestia and Dedalus to Number 4, the last place he'd thought he'd go. Yet there he was, knocking on the door.

From inside there were heavy footsteps, like someone running down stairs. The door flew open. Harry smiled. "Thought I'd better get the door before he did. He's still not sure but I think Dudley might convince him" He stepped forward and hugged his dad, "I've missed you"

"I have to. Come on, let's in get inside. The others will be here soon"

Harry backed out the way and let them in, greeting Hestia and Dedalus as they came through the door. Harry called back to his Uncle to let him know that they were there. There was a grunt in reply.

"I'm assuming that means to bring you though." Harry sighed, "You're staying aren't you dad."

"I'm coming with you. Hestia and Dedalus are taking your Aunt, Uncle and cousin"

Silence came from the room, next door. Then a "That's not possible!" from the unmistakable voice of Petunia Dursley. Her face appeared.

James sighed, "Before you say anything, yes, I know I'm supposed to be dead, and yes I realise that I'm not"

"How?!" she screeched, causing both Vernon and Dudley to run into the front room from the kitchen, "How is it that you are here in my house. You should not be here."

"Aunt Petunia, maybe we should all sit down and I shall explain," Harry said calmly. The family sat down on the sofa. Harry gave the others a look that clearly said, 'This is what I've had to live with', before following their lead and sitting in the arm chair. All other seats occupied, James grabbed a dining chair and sat on it backwards, like he used to do when he was a teen, resting his arms on the back. Hestia and Dedalus hung back, leaning in the door.

"So where do you want me to start" Harry asked.

"How about at the beginning" Petunia said coldly, not taking her eyes off James. Vernon grunted in agreement.

"Well, for starters, I didn't know until the end of my third year, and even then it was hit and misses as to when I could see dad."

"But Lily's still dead" Petunia said in that same cold tone. James looked away.

"And I have to live with the fact that I'm not next to her every single day." He whispered

"I have to live with it to. The fact that I never said sorry. Never made it up to her. Never said goodbye"

"Yet there is no evidence that you even cared. No photos of her, or Harry for that matter."

"Dad" Harry said but James didn't hear him.

"You admitted you didn't go to her funeral. That's low. Really low. You've been lucky it's only now that you're being affected by this battle because you can't even imagine the losses we went through during that war."

"Dad" Harry said a bit louder but James still wasn't listening.

"Lily did nothing but talk about you, after your argument. She regretted every word she said to you that night and then you ignored all of her attempts to make it up to you. It took her years to stop trying, but she never forgot it."

"Uncle James" Dudley shouted. That not only shut James up, but shocked the entire room. Dudley had been so quiet that they had forgotten he was there. "Harry wants you" he said now the room was quiet.

"Thanks, Dudley." Harry turned to his dad, "We don't have long. They'll be here in a minuet and somehow I don't think Moody will be happy if we screw this up."

James took a deep breath, "You're right. There is a bigger matter on hand."

Harry turned to the trio on the sofa, "You're still packed aren't you."

"Yes" Vernon said.

"Good. Hestia and Dedalus are going to take you to the safe house that's been set up."

"So you're still making us go" Vernon grunted

"It's the only way you'll be safe. The magic that's been protecting us all breaks the moment I turn 17. The moment I no longer call this place home."

"I'm going with them." Dudley told his parents, "I'm going to go with them"

"Alright. But I want to be able to come back to my home" Vernon said. He got up and went upstairs to collect their things. When he returned they loaded the car, before returning to say a final farewell.

"Just think now I won't be in your way. You'll never have to deal with me again. You won't have to think that I'm a waste of space" Harry said.

Dudley looked at him, dead in the eye and said "I don't think you're a waste of space."

Harry smirked, "Thanks Big D"

James stood behind Harry as they watched the family leave in the car, from the doorway. Finally the car was out of sight and they were gone.

Once they were back inside, Harry collected his things from upstairs, including Hedwig, who was safely locked in her cage, and his firebolt.

"I'm going to ride that." James told him, "So it doesn't get lost."

"Good." Harry said, "Just don't fall off it. My Nimbus 2000 got destroyed by the Whopping Willow when I fell off that."

"I won't." There was a knock at the door. "That'll be them." James went to open it. On the other side was everyone involved in the plan; Tonks, Lupin, Fred and George, Moody, Arthur, Hagrid, Mundungus Fletcher, Bill Weasley and lastly, Ron and Hermione.

"He's in the front room" James told them, "I haven't told him about the plan," He looked at Remus and Tonks, "Or the wedding. Thought I'd let you do that"

They all made their way into the front room to discuss the plan, which had been finalised a few days before.

"Right" Moody said getting straight to the point, "Can my six Harry's step up"

"WHAT!" Harry shouted, "No! I'm not going to let you be me! It's too dangerous!"

"I told you he wouldn't like it" Hermione said. She walked forward and grabbed some of Harry's hair, giving it to Moody. She then joined Ron, Fleur, Mundungus, Fred and George who had formed a line behind her.

Moody added Harry's hair to a flask in his hand, then passed it to George, who was on the end of the line. James watched as each person in the line took a sip of the polyjuice potion. After a short wait 7 Harry's stood in a line. Moody pulled out 2 bags.

"Get changed, all of you" he barked, "Then pair up as follows; Fred and Arthur, George and Lupin, Ron and Tonks, Fleur and Bill, Hermione and James, the real Harry with Hagrid and Dung with me"

"Why can't I go with dad?" Harry complained

"Because I said so" Moody barked back

"Fine" Harry huffed, obviously upset that he wasn't going with his father.

Finally everyone was ready. They paired up and went outside. James glanced at Harry once they were all mounted on the brooms and thestrals. Harry was looking at him.

"It'll be alright," James called over. Harry nodded as Moody gave the launch signal.

They all too off rising higher and higher. Then it happened. They broke through the barrier and were met by an onslaught of Death Eaters. Spells were flying everywhere. Hermione flew next to James, shooting spells at every death eater who came close. She may have looked like Harry, but even he couldn't shoot spells that fast. The battle was intense. James struggled to clear a path. He didn't even know if Harry was safe.

After what seemed like hours of fighting, James broke through the barrier of death eaters, Hermione hot on his tail. Looking down the battle raged on, but it was on Moody's orders that they left. 'Get out and go'. So they did. Destination 12 Grimald Place.

They were going via Godrics Hollow, as James wanted to visit Lily before taking a port key to Grimald, where everyone would ronde vous.

They arrived on time, which was a miracle. James quickly went to Lily. Hermione, now looking like herself again, right behind him.

"Oh, Lily. If only you knew what's going on," James sighed. Hermione drew her wand, conjured up some lillys and placed them by the headstone as an old football appeared in a blue glow.

"Time to go" Hermione muttered

"See you soon Lils." James whispered.

They both grabbed the ball and Godrics Hollow vanished. The pair landed with a thud in the back garden of 12 Grimald Place. AKA: Order HQ.

Harry, Lupin and Sirius ran out to meet them. James smiled until he noticed that Remus had his wand out and was pointing it at him.

"Moony are you mad" James exclaimed

"What was the rumour you sent round Hogwarts about me being a werewolf?" Remus asked, a dead serious look in his eye.

"That you had gone home to deal with your fury little problem which every thought was an out of control rabbit"

"I had to check" Lupin lowered his wand, "we were ambushed. I had to make sure you weren't an imposter."

"Where are the others?" Hermione asked.

"Molly, Ginny and Hagrid are inside with George" Sirius said, "He's lost an ear. The others aren't back yet"

There was a popping noise and Fred and Arthur appeared.

"Where's George?" Fred asked, before bolting it inside, closely followed by Arthur. The others returned to the house with them, as no one else had returned yet.

George was lying on the sofa. His mother was bending over him, while his sister sat on the arm of the sofa by his feet. Hagrid was sat on the arm chair in the corner. Fred went and knelt by his brother's head. James struggled to look. There was a gaping hole on the side of George's face where his ear used to be.

"Who did this?" James finally asked

"Snape" Lupin replied grimly, "Sent a killing curse which, as you can see, took off his ear"

"How'd you feel, George?" Fred asked

"Holy Fred," He said, dazed, "Get it. I'm holy Fred"

Fred laughed, "In all the world of ear related humour and you go with I'm Holy. It's pathetic"

There was a loud bang of a door and Ron walked into the room. Harry and Hermione ran straight to him. Tonks went straight to Lupin, and they exchanged a loving look that said 'I'm glad you're alright'

"I think we could all use a drink while we wait for the final pairs to come back" Sirius said and he bustled around the kitchen getting butter beer and fire whiskey.

After 10 minutes of waiting in silence, Bill and Fleur entered the kitchen looking grim and upset.

"Mad-eye's dead" Bill announced, bluntly, "As soon as we were ambushed. Dung panicked and dissaperated. Oh and Voldemort he can"

"Fly, I saw" Harry but in, "He came after me to"

Sirius handed a glass of fire whiskey to Bill and Fleur, "To Mad-eye" he toasted

"To Mad-eye" they echoed.

They all went back to sitting in silence. Eventually, Harry, Ron, Hermione and some of the others excused themselves, heading to bed and home after an eventful day.

They had a lot to prepare for anyway, with Harry's 17th and Bill and Fleur's marriage, they couldn't dwell on Moody's death too much. But for now they remembered a fallen auror. A fallen friend.


A dark gloom hung in the air for the next few days. Everyone settled into a fairly regular routine. Eventually, things began to look towards the upcoming wedding of Bill and Fleur and Harry's all important 17th birthday.

As the events got closer, a large tent was put up in the back garden. Inside was tables and chair round the edge of a giant dance floor. Along the side a long table to place food and drinks with '17' sequins in red and gold covered the table.

The morning of the 31st July dawned. Sirius, James and Remus got up early to add the finishing touches to the tent. Happy Birthday banners that changed colour, a large sparkling disco ball, DJ deck with all the best music on it, muggle and wizard, the list went on. At 9am Molly appeared with the Golden Snitch cake that she had made, and placed it on the stand that was at the centre of the food table.

Once all the preparations had been made, they magically sealed the tent, so Harry couldn't get in until the party, and went inside. The birthday boy was sat at the table with the rest of the Weasley clan and members of the Order and Delacour family.

"Happy Birthday Harry" exclaimed Sirius, as they walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks" Harry said. Molly went over and gave him a big hug, before handing him the present from her and Arthur. Inside was a golden watch, like the one that Ron had got except this one looked new, instead of second hand.

Harry then proceeded to open the rest of his presents, which included a lot of new quiddich things and something he didn't expect from Hermione. A driving lesson.

"I thought it would be nice, seeing as you spent most of your life in the muggle world like me" she said shyly, "I can help you book it after all this blows over if you want"

"I'd really like that. Thanks Hermione" Harry stood up and gave her a hug.

The rest of the day went by in a flash, and before they knew it, Harry's Hogwarts classmates and members of the Order where congregating in the tent, which Harry had finally been allowed in to see.

The music played loud through the speakers that had been placed in the corners. The once empty glasses were now full of butter beer, fire whiskey and various wines and ciders. Lights danced around the floor and along the walls, reflecting off the disco ball.

Harry got so many more presents. Honeydukes chocolate, attachments for his firebolt along with various other wizarding objects. The drinks continued to flow, glasses automatically refilling themselves, but before long the party was over.

Guest began to stumble towards home, or hotels in some cases. Molly, who was the only sober one, rounded up the rest of the drunken teens (and adults) and redecorated and resealed the tent with a flick of her wand. She returned to the house to find that the once noisy boys where now passed out in the front room. Rolling her eyes, Molly retreated to her room, she had another big day ahead of her.


Harry awoke on the 1st August and found that he was on the floor. Someone had removed his glasses so his sight was fuzzy. He found his wand in his pocket, were he left it, and fumbled to get it.

"Accio, glasses" he muttered. A pair flew at him. Harry put them on. His sight didn't improve much. It took a few glances round the room to realise that they weren't his glasses, they were his fathers, and his were on the table in the corner.

Stumbling, Harry managed to collect his glasses and place his fathers on the table. He then proceeded to look round the room again to see who was with him. James, Sirius and Remus were sprawled over the sofa, on top of each other, in some kind of hug that you would only do if you were out of your head. Hagrid was asleep on the armchair. Ron had somehow ended up under the coffee table that was wedged between the arm chair and the sofa. It didn't look to comfy to Harry, but Ron was sound asleep as though it was the comfiest place he'd ever slept.

Harry stumbled into the kitchen for coffee, only to trip over one of the twins, who had passed out in the door way, wand in hand. Only when said twin rolled over in his sleep did Harry realise it was Fred. Looking round he found Bill on the dining room table, with Charlie on top of him, and George by the back door, also with his wand in his hand. Shrugging, Harry returned to the front room with coffee in hand.

After draining his drink, Harry heard movement from upstairs. Looking at the clock on the wall, Harry realised what the date was and that he and the others still passed out in the room should be getting into their dress robes before they got turfed out to make way for the girls. Footsteps sounded on the stairs. Thinking fast, Harry woke up Ron, who proceeded to smack his head on the coffee table.

"OW!" Ron exclaimed. He blinked a couple of times, "How did I get under here?"

"Don't ask me, but we're going to be in trouble if we don't get a move on. Your brothers getting married in a few hours."

"SH....." Ron started, but the rest of his sentence was cut off by a rather loud scream from the kitchen. This not only woke James, Sirius and Remus from their slumber but caused all five of them to run into the kitchen, wands out.

Molly was stood in the doorway, her face as red as her hair. Further in, Harry could see the twins, Bill and Charlie waking up to their mothers cry. The walls, somehow, were purple, the floor green and, Bill's hair was not its usual colour. It was pink. A bright bubble gum pink, with flashing blue highlights.

"What on EARTH have you been doing in here?" Molly screeched, "You boys had better have a decent explanation as to why the kitchen is different colours and why does Bill HAVE BRIGHT PINK HAIR WITH FLASHING BLUE HIGHLIGHTS"

James and Sirius burst out laughing. Remus tried, and failed, to keep a straight face as Fred. George and Charlie tried to explain why everything looked like it did. Eventually, Molly flicked her wand, reverting everything back to normal and sent them all, James, Sirius, Remus, Harry and Ron included, on their way to get ready for the wedding.


Once again the tent at the back of Grimald Place was filled with sound of music and laughter. The newlyweds were in the middle of the dance floor slowly turning to the slow music. Family members and friends watched on from the sides.

James spent most of the time with Harry and the other Marauders. Unlike the night before the boys were sticking to pumpkin juice and other non-alcoholic beverages. Harry made excused himself for a while to go and talk to Elphis Dodge. Nothing could interrupt the wonderful day. How wrong they were.

Bill and Fleur were just cutting the cake when a silvery orb flew into the tent, making everyone freeze and watch. A voice that sounded a lot like Kingsley Shacklebolt's echoed around.

"The ministry had fallen" It said into the eerie silence, "The minister for magic is dead. They are coming"

There was an explosion as death eaters flooded the tent, causing panic. Guests fled as the tent went up in flames. The last thing James saw was Harry, Ron and Hermione disapperating away from the chaos before passing out on the floor.


James awoke in the pitch black. He heard voices around him but whether they were friend or foe, he was unsure. Carefully, James stood up. He found his wand still in his pocket.

"Lumos" He muttered. His wand lit, showing the tattered ruins of the tent around him. James continued to look round. No lights were on in the house. Either no one was home or they were making sure the coast was clear before putting any on.

"James?" A voice asked, "James is that you?"

"Sirius?" another wand lit a short distance away, and Sirius' face appeared in the darkness. James breathed a sigh in relief, "Where's Remus?"

"Not sure. Should we check the house?"

"Yes. Maybe we can find someone"

The two of them worked their way to the house, looking carefully at faces of the fallen for people they knew and signs that they might still be alive. Most were breathing, only stunned and could be left until the area had been checked.

They made it to the house, without springing any traps or setting off any alarms. James entered into the kitchen first. The wedding cake was spattered across the table, as if it had been hit by a spell.

"Homenum Revelio" Sirius muttered. The ceiling glowed red, "few people, three floors up."

"Let's take a look then" they made their way slowly up the stairs. The pair made it to the third floor, no problem. Slowly, James and Sirius made their way along the corridor, checking each room as they passed.

Finally they came to the last room. Carefully, James opened the door, wand out in front of him. He came face to face with another lit wand, blinding him so he couldn't see past. Then it vanished, and James was body slammed in a tight hug.

"Remus?" a timid voice from behind the shadow asked, "Who is it?"

"James and Sirius" said the shadow that was blocking James's view. Finally the shadow let go. James let his eyes focus on the room. Remus was in the doorway, behind him, Molly, Arthur and Ginny. They all looked grim.

"The rest of the house is clear," Sirius told them, "We checked. There are lots of casualties out in the garden though."

"We should tend to them, ensure they get the right help" Molly said, before leaving the room, the others following close behind. When they reached the kitchen, Remus flicked on the lights. The back garden lite up.

At first glance, the garden looked in carnage. The tent was shredded all over the ground, as well as several bodies, yet, somehow, the five tier wedding cake was still standing. However after a few hours the garden was back to its usual state. Thankfully, no one was dead, but a few had to be carted off to St Mungos with severe injuries and to be treated for shock.


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