I Fell For My Childhood Bestf...

By UniCupcake

1M 12.2K 1K

When Mercy Amaze was a 16 year old girl, living with her mom, dad and twin brother David. She fell for her ch... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen(If You Can Call It That..)
Chapter Fifteen (For Real) Part One
Chapter Fifteen (Part Two)
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Twnety One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three : One Month later
Authors Note!! IMPORTANT!!!
Chapter Twenty Four (Three Years Later)
Authors Note!!! Kinda IMPORTANT!!! :D
Epilogue (Two Years Later)

chapter seven

37.6K 487 61
By UniCupcake

Mercy's P.O.V

I watch out my window has Tyler leaves my house with Marnie following behind him. It looks like there fighting about something. Marnie looks up and see me. She gives a slight wave and a smile before she smacks Tyler across the face. I can already see it coming. Tyler turning heading off in a different direction. Marnie walks back up to my house and inside. I hear a commotion downstairs and then a slight knock on my door.

I walk over to my door and open it a crack to see Marnie with my guitar in her hands. I open the door and walk over to my bed. She follows me in and set my guitar down in the bed beside her.

"Mercy, I...” she starts

"Why did he have to do that? It had to be my favorite song! Doesn't he realize that he just needs to be himself to make me forgive him...? And I don't mean the him you know. I mean the him I grew up with!" I say through sobs

"He was going to sing for you sooner or later... He has been practicing that song for weeks now... Since he called your mom and asked her if he could come by on your birthday, he was supposed to sing it for you then, when your mom told him that was your favorite song... And he just totally blew up... Mercy I think you’re the only one who can calm him down... I don't even know where he went...” she says

"I know where he is...” I say "We used to go there when we were kids... It's not too far from here...”

"Mercy, please go talk to him...” she begs

"Fine... For you, because you seem like you just want him to be happy." I say

"Thank you!" she says getting up

"I’ll go in a few minutes I need get changed, this outfit will not so for where I'm going...” I say as she walks out of my room

I close my door behind her and walk over to my closet. I pull out dark skinny jeans, a white tank top, black zip up hoody and my running shoes. I get dressed and go over to my dresser to grab some socks. I put my socks and shows on and grab my guitar; there is only one way to fix this, the sorry song we both came up with when we were 6.

Running down the stairs wiping my eyes and heading for the door I tell everyone that I'll be back soon and I'm off. Walking to the trail that leads to our tree house hideout we made all by ourselves so no one could ever find us only takes about fifteen minutes. Knowing that I can't climb up I move my guitar to hold it properly and start stunning the notes as I sing.

"Ty, I hope I didn't make you cry, I shouldn't have done what I did, you know it really was a fib!" I pause forgetting the next part, "I really do care, I'm just really scared... I don't want to get hurt; I just can't handle what you did before...” I improvise with a new verse all together "Ty, I'm so sorry! I hope you forgive me!" I Finnish with the original lyrics

"Mercy, I will always forgive you. Now get up here, I think we need to talk...” he says

"Grab my guitar!" I say lifting it above my head. He grabs hold if it, lifting it up before I climb ups the latter and landing me in the platform.

I get up and walk through our makeshift door. I sit in my pink bean bag chair across from Tyler in his Blue bean bag chair. Looking around, it's been a few years, and thus is the only thing that hasn't changed.

"Wow, it's still exactly the same as I remember it... Like nothing has changed." I say

"Tell me about it. Our sleeping bags and pillows are still in there. He says pointing at a small bin with a lid on it.

"How do you know?" I ask

"I was looking around... Thinking... And then I heard you singing... Nice improvising the middle...” he says

"You caught that...” I say

"Yes! How could I forget it...? We came up with it together...” he says

"Ty, I really am sorry...” I say

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It's my entire fault." he says

"I love you Mercy...” he says nervously

"I love you too Ty...” I say "But...” I'm cut off by his lips on mine

I'm startled at first but I'm quick to kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling his face closer to mine, if that were possible.

I can feel my cheeks burning up, probably a deep shade of pink as we pull away. Ty looks at me lovingly, adoringly...

Suddenly an idea comes to mind. 

"Hey Ty/Mercy, wanna have a sleepover in our tree house?" we both ask

"Just like when we were younger." I say "we can have so much fun! But we need to walk tithe store and buy junk food and stuff so we can eat till we puke!"

"Sounds good to me!" he says "And I'm buying."

"Good cause I didn't bring my purse." I say

Ty pulls out his phone and calls someone. He tells me that we have to walk to the trail opening and that his limo will drive us around and takes u to the mall so we can buy pjs and stuff.

Getting down from the tree fort I watch as Ty locks it up with the lock and climb down the latter. We walk quickly to the trail opening talking about silly things from when we were kids and how life has been in the last couple of years. When we reach the opening the limo is already sitting there and we get in. It's a quick drive to the mall in the next town over. We get out of the limo and walk in to the mall. We stop at a bunch if stores and look around.

By the time we left the mall, Ty was $10,000 shorter and we even got a few people to buy us some alcoholic beverages... I know that you’re thinking, didn't I learn last time when I was in the hospital for a day and a half... Yes but that’s why I'm not going to drink so much tonight.

We return to our tree house, our hands full of bags. I do my best to climb up the latter dropping the bags carefully on the platform to unlock the door.

"16, 52, 18." I say aloud as I turn the knob

UN lacking the lock I push open the door and pick some bags back up putting them down inside. We make a few trips to bring all the bags into the tree house before we lock it from the inside. We take everything out if the bags and sort through it all. We go over to our mini cooler and pour the ice Tyler had his driver get for us into it placing alcoholic beverages in it. I fold our cloths and stack them into neat piles. I grab a chocolate bar out of one of the bags and open it, splitting it in half and giving the other half to Tyler. We both eat the chocolate in silence until an idea pops into my head.

"Why dont we make smokes!" i exclaim

"Not inside here we dont!" he says

"Well, duh...we dont want to kill ourselves, out there... i meant." i say

"Let’s do it." he says unlocking the door and walking out before starting too climbed down the latter. I follow behind him. He walks over to a small bush area and collects small but burnable twigs and branches.

"Do you know if we still have the burn bowl from when we were younger?" he asks

"Ah, Uhm. Last time i saw it was with our other campout things...” i say "i could always check."

"Can you do that?" he asks

"Yeah. I’ll be out with that and the lighter." i say climbing back up the latter.

Looking around the whole tree house i find the burn bowl and the lighter bringing them outside. Tyler sitting on the platform where we used to sit. I sit down and place the bowl in between us. He starts to break up small twigs and place them in the bowl. Once there is enough to keep the fire going for a few minutes while it starts up ii set the lighter on one twig and throw it on top of the others and we watch as it all becomes a flame. We wait for the flame to die down a bit before we decide to get the marsh mellows and the graham crakers and lots of chocolate. We roast the marsh mellows with bigger, less burnable sticks and makes nice gooey smokes. Grabbing an empty water bottle, from who knows when i go down to the small river opt to far from the tree house and fill it up full with water. Once we finish eating and making smokes i pour the water onto the fire and put it out. We leave the bowl outside and go back in. we change into our new pjs and i grab us both a Vodka Mudshake, banana flavored.

We down our drinks and we grab another, and another, and before we know it we both can’t walk strait, even in a short distance the bean bag chairs are from the cooler with half melted ice in it. We pull out our sleeping bags and pillows and spread them out along the floor, moving things out of our way. We bump into each other and land on our sleeping bags next to each other. We both move so we are facing one another and i smile at the goofy smile on his face. He leans in closer to me and slightly ducks his head before his lips once again touch mine. I kiss him back without even thinking. Jeez! Kissing Tyler is like breathing air! Something i could do in my sleep. I bring my hands up and wrap them around his neck pulling him closer to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls our bodies closer. Deepening the kiss, both us trying to push ourselves closer to the other. He playfully bites my bottom lip and i open my lips, his tongue meets up with mine and they dance together so perfectly. We both pull away breathless. Taking in deep breaths of air before he is kissing me again. Im not sure when and im not sure how, but slowly one by one our cloths came off. And that my friends are the night i lost my virginity to my Bestfriend.

*********THE NEXT MORNING*********

I wake up to feel naked, only to look down and see that i was. That’s when memories of last night started to flood my mind. I CANT BELIEVE I DID THAT! Im so STUPID! How could i be so careless? What has gotten in to me lately... i get out of the covering sleeping bag and walk over to where i put our cloths for today. I put them on and look for something to eat. Just when i start to think we ate everything last night, i come across the food we were supposed to eat for dinner still in its container. I open the container and take a bite out of the cold burger before spitting it back out... EWW! Never eat a burger that has just been sitting around in a tree house, doesn’t taste very good...especially when the bun is all saggy! Searching the tree house once more i land my eyes on a bag of chips. I open them up and start munching on them quietly waiting for Tyler to wake up.  And that’s when i remember that we have school this morning.

"Ty! Wake up! We have school this morning!" i say shaking him awake

"No! I just want to sleep..." he groans

"Please Ty! You know i hate missing school." i say

"Okay! Im up." he says "Where did you put my new cloths?"

"Over there." i say pointing at the neatly folded pile of cloths

"Thanks." he says smiling at me

"No problem." i say

Is it bad to say that i watched him get dressed?




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