Trouble Of Gods: An Avenger F...

By Madness_Within

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Daenerys Hill worked for SHIELD and met the god Thor and his Brother Loki. They became friends in the past. T... More

Trouble Of Gods: A Loki fanfic
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Two

261 2 1
By Madness_Within

((SO I'm excited for this story so I've decided to post this quicker then normal. So, please I need your comments on character ideas, plots, settings, or anything you can think of! Thanks my little fangirl/boys)! OH and You know how you notice some of the agents in some marel movies? LIke Natasha in Iron Man and Clint Barton in Thor? This is the same with Daenerys. Her avenger should have been Bruce but I ended up with Thor. I know it should have been different but this is a loki story.)

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and saw my sister Maria. "Oh god Danny I missed you!" SHe says squishing me a little too tight. "Maria me too! BUt...can you let go?" I chuckled as I said that. She laughed too and let go of me. "Thank you so much for convincing Fury to consider me as an agent and apartently now I'm a hero." SHe smiled "You're welcome sissy. Anything for you! We call them "The Avengers". " SHe said sitting down next to me. I felt a tint of excitment in me it was unbarable. I even felt a bit scared knowing the power that Loki has. "It's a bit of a crazy situation. Heroes against a god and an army at the most. But listen we all pitch in so you're not alone. But you need to meet the guys and get along. That's important." My sister always had wide words to say even though she was the oldest she always knew what to say. I half smiled a bit as I looked down at the table. One of the doors flew open and saw Phil coming out. "Hey Danny. I'd like you too meet Dr.Bruce Banner and Steve Rogers." I quickly got up to shake their hands "Pleasure to meet you both." I smile full of excitement as I am meeting some of the greatest heroes alive. "Great to meet you Daenerys" says Bruce and Steve. "Please call me Danny." They smile and sit where I was. I noticed Maria had left so it was just us four. Phil quickly spoke up "Tony Stark will be on his way." He says trying to break the awkward silence. "Dr, Banner, I am a huge fan of your work. For a college credit I did a report on your studies." I smiled at him knowing how big if a fan I was. "Thank you. Believe it or not but it took longer then you think. Please, call me Bruce." I turned to Steve "My Mom talked about you all the time. She wouldn't stop. She thought you were dead. She'd cry about it once in a while but shed get over it, she always said I never got that dance." I looked at his expressions he leaned over the table and looked at me shocked "Peggy? Her name was peggy?" I nodded yes. "She actually met you?" He nodded and had a single tear in his eye. "Yes, I was in love with her." My face went down and I looked back up at him "When this is over, I'll let you see her one last time." I told him feeling sad and sick inside. "One last time? What do you nean?" Asked Steve "She's in the hospital. She had a stroke last month and is Being hospitalized at the moment." I saw his sad expression and I wanted to do something about it but felt nothing. Phil spoke up and broke the silence again. "I just got a call that Tony Stark will be arriving pretty soon. I'll meet up with you all later." Phil left the room and I excused myself to go to my room where all my stuff was placed. There was a little note on my bed. (A/N Hawkeye AKA Clint Barton was not taken by Loki in this one. I have things planed so just not think he is.) I read it, it had said: "Daenerys, they will find me. I know you became a so called Avenger. BUt when you land in Germany there is a ballroom meet me outside the building. I miss you, we need to talk." That was all the note said. No one signed it. Figures. I was trying to picture who it would be then I was being stupid. I already knew. It was something dark and sinister. Loki.

I ended up falling asleep after reading the letter. I got kinda sleepy but Tasha came and woke me up. "Hey! Gonna sleep the whole day?" I threw a pillow at her. But I guess I finally went through with it. "Come on, follow me." She lead me to a plane base. "Fury and Banner tracked down Loki, he's in Germany." SHe said again getting into the plane. I got ready too, I was trained for this. I knew Loki was there probably before Fury knew. I didn't want them to hurt him. Rogers came alone with us as well. (A/N I am making upthis plot. I might add some scenes or a lot of scenes from The avengers but this is basically made up just want you notice so you don't think any different) I haven't talked much to him since I told him my mom was the love of his life. He looked at me and smiled. "Listen Cap, I have to apologize for earlier. I didn't want to hurt you." I say feeling aweful. He just grins "It's not your fault. I wanted to know and you tole me. It's alright." He stuck his hand out and I shook it. I smiled at him back.

Tasha pulled up to see an aerial view of Germany. "Danny, go in for a closer look. You know Loki and he won't think you're undercover. Here, take this ear piece and we will listen in on the conversation. Try not to get yourself killed." I took the ear piece she had handed to me. I thought to myself "NIce words of wisedom Tasha" SHe landed in an area that wasn't too noticable and I ran as fast as I could to the ball. I met at the area Loki told me to meet him at. I was scared a bit because he did kill people and took them under his control so I didn't know what to expect. "Daenerys Amelia HIll. I've been waiting for the day to see you again." Said I voice I swear was sinister. I turned around slowly prepared for anything and saw a figure standing there. The figure came closer in the light and I saw who stood before me. Loki. Tasha was talkiing in the ear piece that only I could hear her. Only mumbling basically. Loki was a god so he noticed the piece. He made this straching noice from his staff and shorted out the piece so no one could hear anything. "Loki." I only whispered "OH how I've missed you Daenerys." He said in his sinister voice.I know what my "friend" have done I knew his plan. "Loki, why have you done this?" Was all that came out of my mouth. He moved closer to me. "Mortals, thats what" I back away from him. I was full of fear but soon the fear went away and all was left was braveness and overcoming my fear. "Loki. WHat do you want." I heard him chuckle a bit. "Revenge." Loki disappeared in thin air. I finally got contact from Tasha "Tasha, he's in the building. Captain, you're up" I said putting my finger on the ear piece Tasha responded "Got it. What the hell happened?" She said worried. "Just a bit of his sweet revenge. Small talk I guess." I might have chuckled a little bit but I saw Cap jump from the helicopter. "Come with me?" She asked I nodded and smiled. He had his shield hooked to his sleeve I couldn't help but notice. All of a sudden people were running out of the building. "That's our cue" I mumbled we hid by a another building and he put his arm over me. "Not yet." Loki cam bursting out yelling at people to kneel before him. Cap and I jumped right in front of the people to shield them from Loki. "Came back? Oh I see how it is" he laughed sinisterly I knew it was my cue. "What changed you Loki?" He chuckled a bit "My brother. Asgard. Odin, do you want me to continue?" He laughed. Finally a bit late Tony stark came in the picture. "A bit late." I said to him. And he spoke back "Fashionably late. A suit like this doesn't always look the way it does." He said. Captain had his shield out, Tony was at the ready, and I was ready to kick some ass.

When I went to Asgard Odin saw something in me. He said I was special in a way. He never told me anything about it or spoke of it. So I was ready to see what it was. Cap slammed his shield into Loki, he was surrounded we finally brought him up in the copter.

Cap and I sat awkwardly in the copter as Loki stared at me. I couldn't figure him out, what was his expression? I'm confused about everything. HIs betrayal, the attacks, and the tesseract. Things happened so quickly in one whole day. Tasha was on her way driving the plane back to the base to lock Loki up. There was a noise that sounded like a storm. Loki looked worried. "What? Scared of a little storm?" Said Steve to the worried Loki. "I am not fond of what of what follows." (A/N LIke I said I will bring in quotes from the movie but made up plot.) THe back of boarding door of the plane flew open. Was it true? It was. Thor has came back. 

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