Oreki x reader

By KitsudaNagisa

98K 2.5K 3.2K

Where it's you and Oreki-san. Maybe a chance with you and him will happen? Who knows, let's find out. More

When you meet him
When he calls you
The Project
When he notices
The Hangout
The Date
AN - Lemon Request Topic
The question of All Time!
F-First Time?! (Lemon)
A/N Requests are open
Your Day With Oreki
Satoshi The Nosy

Gimmie Details!!

4.8K 167 171
By KitsudaNagisa

Oreki's p.o.v

I walk into the school, thinking of yesterday. My date with (y/n) was exceptionally cute that day. Even if she wore her school uniform.

As I was about to walk into class, Satoshi stops me in my tracks. "Sooo, how'd it go?" He asks. I begrudgingly walk past him. He follows from behind. We sit at our desks.

He looks at me, grinning like an idiot. "Well? You gonna tell me?" He questions. I look down at my school bag, take out my manga, and start reading.

Satoshi waves his hand in front of my face, making me look up at him. I glare in response. "Come on Oreki~ I must know what happened on your date~" he grins.

He doesn't need to know what happened between me and (y/n). "Nothing." I lie. He frowns, then smirks, "I know you're lying.. tell me everything, or I'll ask (y/n)~" he teases.

I glare at him again. "We went to the arcade." I tell him. "I already know that! I was there when she asked you!" He whines, "Come on! Gimmie details!" He shouts.

I look down at my manga, then (y/n) walks into class. "Ahh~ there she is! I'll go ask her instead~" as he gets up from his chair, walks over to (y/n).

Your p.o.v.

As I sat down in my desk, Satoshi walks up to me, "So how the date go?" He asks. I remember the kiss me and Oreki-san shared, and my cheeks suddenly become hot.

Satoshi's eyes widen. "Ahh~ so something good did happen huh?" He ponders. I look down with pink cheeks beaming. "M-maybe.." I say. He smirks, "If you don't tell me, I'll have to ask you to marry me again~"

I look up at him, cheeks red. "Why would I wanna marry you when I like Oreki-san more?!" I shout, then realizing everyone staring at me. I grow embarrassment, clamming up.

Satoshi walks away, feeling kinda dumb for pressuring me. Which made me feel bad for him. 'I didn't mean to shout at him like that.. I'll go apologize.' I thought.

Oreki's p.o.v.

Satoshi waves his hand in front of my face again. I look up. "(Y/n) wouldn't tell me either.." He says, I grin a little. 'Good, I knew I spotted an angel.' I thought. Then I spot (y/n) walking over.

"Satoshi-san?" She says. "Yeah?" Satoshi responds. "I-I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to shout at you. I can tell why Ibara-senpai gets agitated around you now, but that was no way for me to be rude.. that's Ibara-senpais job."

Satoshi laughs, pats (y/n) on the back. "Nah, I got it, and I realize how much you really like Oreki!" He smiles. She smiles back. Then looks at me. I blush slightly. "H-hello Oreki-san." She greets to me.

I wave slightly. "Hey." I say. "How are you Oreki-san?" She asks, "Mn." I respond. She smiles.

Your p.o.v.

After I turn to go back to my desk, I feel arms wrapped around me from behind. I blush intensly. "I love you." I hear him whisper in my ear. I immediatly turn around and hug him back, smiling. Showing him I loved him as well.

I didn't want to embarrass Oreki-san, and I was too short to reach his ear. I think he knew I loved him back, he leaned down, and kissed my cheek. I beam, cheeks flushed with the color red.

I look over and see Satoshi smiling for us. I smile back to him, letting him know I saw his congradulate smile. We stop hugging, I look up to Oreki-san, smiling. He grins at me, gives me one more kiss on my cheeks. "See you in the club room." He tells me, I nod.

We head to the club room together after class was over. Chitanda-san glomps me, "Congrats (y/n)!" She says cheerfully, "For what?" I ask. "You and Oreki-san.. are together right?" She asks. I look at her surprised, turning around to see that Oreki-san was standing right behind me.

He looks down at me, "Are we?" I ask him. He grins, leans down and kisses my lips so suddenly, feeling his warm lips upon mine again. I felt like everything else was frozen in time but us.

He takes his lips off mine. "Yes." He says, grinning at me. I smile brightly, cheeks tinting with pink. I hugg him suddenly, so happily to hear that, "I love you, Oreki-san!" I joyfully tell him. He blushes, smiles and hugs me back. "I love you too, (y/n)."

Satoshi never did get to hear them details did he? Huehue! -Kitsu

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