Satoshi The Nosy

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Y/N = Your Name
F/D = Favorite Drink

(This will probably be a short chapter btw)


You had to go back to school, the weekend was over. You spot Oreki-san, you run up to him, "Good morning Oreki-san." You greet him. "Nm. Morning." He mummbles, you smile a little at him. As you and him were walking towards the classroom, you hear "Good morning lovelies~!" coming from a very familiar smart allec voice.

Before you could turn around you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder, the other arm was wrapped around Oreki's shoulder. "Soo... did you guys do it?" You blush and look straight at Satoshi, as does Oreki, Satoshi gasps "You did! You did din't you!" You duck under Satoshi's arm, then looked up at Satoshi.

You were glaring and your face was beat red. Satoshi looks at you, he then grins, "You're blushing Y/N-chan." You get angry and punch Satoshi on the shoulder. "Owwwww!" He fakes, then giggles. Oreki trips him as Satoshi walks backwards from your punch, Satoshi lands on his butt. Oreki grins at Satoshi. "Oh.. sorry, didn't see you." Oreki lies.

Satoshi quickly gets back up, whispers right next to Oreki's ear "Tell me the details later." Oreki then punches him in the shoulder harder then you did. "Ouch!" Satoshi says. "How bout no?" Oreki responds. You are over near the wall laughing at them. Satoshi grins, "Haha, looks like Y/N is having a blast at our marital dispute!" Satoshi jokes, Oreki then walks away. "Hey you're supposed to punch me, or say something like 'I want a divorse!'" Satoshi whines.

Alright, it is over, well this chapter is over, hope the requestee likes it.
-Kitsu the Author

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