When you meet him

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(F/n): First name
(L/n): Last name
(f/n): friends name

You're a new student, you just moved from America to Japan, you've studied on the langauge Japanese. You already made a new friend! Her name is (f/n), and she's really nice. She showed you around the school, told you where the best seat was in your class together, and she gave you school supplies that you had forgotten to take with.

As you sat in class at lunch, you noticed she wasn't around, so you sat alone in class at your desk, eating a homeade meal you'd usually eat from America. 'I kinda wish my mom would have made me a bento, I am in a Japanese school.' You thought, looking at your lunch, you look at the other students lunch, and just poke at yours.

You thought about just skipping lunch, until finally your friend comes back, she let you eat some of her bento "Oh thank you so much!" You pleaded. "Haha no biggy, you are foreign, so I thought you wouldn't have one." She smiles. As you and her ate, talked between bites of food, she tells you about all the students here in class.

"Satoshi! Oh man he's pretty funny, haha! He wore this ridiculus outfit last year at the Kanya Festival!" She giggles. You laugh a little, "What did he wear?" You asked, "It was a flower costume! He wore round sunglasses while wearing it! Hahaha!" You both burst out laughing. Some students look your way, you two quietly snicker at eachother.

Then she tells you about Mayaka "Yeah, she's into cosplay, but don't let her hear you say that, she'll get angry." She tells you, then whispers to you. "She likes Satoshi." You snicker just a little, "Cute." You whisper back to her. You both giggle.
She tells you of Chitanda Eru.

"She gets really curious, when she hears about a mystery, she speaks out 'I'm curious!' And looks at Oreki-san." "Oreki?" You ask.

She then tells you about the last student, Houtarou Oreki. "He's lazy, but he'd rather think he's 'conserving' energy." She points to him, sitting by the window. 'He looks so bored.' You thought.

"He doesn't like to waste energy on such useless things." She continues. You look at him again, 'I wonder what he does all day on Sunday..?' Lunch ends and you get back to your proper seating arrangement. "Ms. (L/n), could you please come up here and introduce yourself to the class, I believe you haven't done that yet."

You get up, walk over to the chalkboard, and write your name in Kanji as best you could. "Nice to meet you, I'm (L/n) (F/n). I moved here from America." You greet, then sit back down, "Thank you Ms. (L/n)." As you were up there you noticed Oreki-san didn't bat an eye up front.

It's the end of the day, you gather your things, "Hey wait, (F/n)!" You look up to see your friend walking up to you. "Wanna walk and see what clubs are open together?" She smiles. "Sure!" You reply. You both walk to the board on the wall that's all covered in club posters. You find one a little interesting 'Art Club'.

Then you see a more interesting one, 'Classics Club'. You point at it, "Oh it started a few minutes ago!" You say aloud. "You'll need to sign up for it first!" Your friend tells you. You go run ahead to the office at school, grab a sheet, sign your name and put the clubs name on it.

You run back to the board 'Forgot to look at the room number.' You thought as you write it down. You run to the room, open the door, you find all the four students your friend told you about. 'Eh? She didn't say they joined this club!' You hold up the sheet of paper. "I-I'm here to join this club!" You say nervously, "Great!" A girl with black hair, excitedly shouts, she runs up to you, lays her hand out in front you, you place it in her hand, as you smile.

"Thank you for considering to join the Litature club!" She smiles brightly, "Y-you're welcome!" You stutter, 'Wow, she must be Chitanda.' The one with short light brown hair waves a little at you, "Come sit! I'm Mayaka!" She assures you. You go and sit at the end of the table.

You find this one boy just smiling really brightly, "I'm Satoshi! I hope no one here troubles you, and watch out for this lazy guy!" He fist pumps Oreki-sans shoulder. "Nm." Oreki glares at Satoshi a little. You look at him, trying not to laugh. He looks at you, "Houtarou Oreki." He says, you nod.

You greeted everyone, "I'm (F/n) (L/n). It's nice meeting all of you." You give a soft smile, and kinda bow a little in your chair. Satoshi snickers, you glare at him, "What's so funny, if I may ask?" You say, irritatingly. He stops, astonished "Wow! You're like a female Oreki! Haha!" He jokes. You get a surprise look on your face, while you blush a little of pink on your cheeks.

You look at Oreki, he's a little wide-eyed, looking at you. Then he notices you looking at him and turns his head away.

'That's it for this chapter.'
-Kitsuda (author)

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