Random One Shots

By zeldalove18

109K 2K 704

Exactly what the title says. These are what I occupy myself with when I have nothing to do. Figured I'd start... More

Lie Ren - RWBY
Lie Ren #2 - RWBY
Ozpin - RWBY
Ozpin #2 - RWBY
Qrow Branwen- RWBY
Roman Torchwick - RWBY
Roman Torchwick #2 - RWBY
Roman Torchwick #3 - RWBY
Steve Rogers - Avengers
Peter Petrelli - Heroes
Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII/Crisis Core
Zack Fair - Final Fantasy Crisis Core
Angeal Hewley - Final Fantasy Crisis Core
Vincent Valentine - Final Fantasy VII/Dirge of Cerberus
Haruhi Fujioka- Ouran High School Host Club
Chris - Until Dawn
Jason Dean - Heathers
Louis Asahina - Brothers Conflict
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Legolas Greenleaf - Lord of the Rings
Dark Link - The Legend of Zelda
Q - James Bond
Emma Swan - Once Upon a Time
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Wade Wilson/Deadpool Part 2
Peter Petrelli #2 - Heroes
Nathan Prescott - Life is Strange
Reno Sinclair - Final Fantasy VII
Jason Dean #2 - Heathers
Khadgar - Warcraft (2016)
Warren Graham - Life is Strange
Daniel Atlas - Now You See Me
Lie Ren #3 - RWBY
Dr. Oobleck - RWBY
Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist
Max Vandenburg - The Book Thief
Khadgar #2 - Warcraft
Josh Washington - Until Dawn
Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy VII
GraveRobber - Repo! the Genetic Opera
Low-key-Loki -- Marvel Universe
Jack - Mary Poppins Returns
Close Your Eyes and Listen - WTNV/SCP

Genesis - Final Fantasy Crisis Core

1.2K 37 2
By zeldalove18

Genesis x Reader : Loveless

Many thanks to J i η X

(http://www.quotev.com/JinxingJinxer) who requested I write for this red-headed SOLDIER.

I'm actually sorry this seemed to turn out to be more of a friendship thing, with a little bit of fluff at the end, but I wasn't sure what you wanted so I just kinda rolled with what I had.

(Y/N) = Your Name. (E/N) = Ex's name.

Disclaimer: I do not own any Final Fantasy character or storyline.

You let out a puff of air as you walked to the small café you had arranged to meet your old childhood friend at. The two of you hadn't seen each other for years, him having gone off to work for Shinra and yourself staying behind in Banora to work as an author, but now you finally had the chance to catch up as you were visiting Midgar for a few weeks.

You walked through the streets, dodging the busy business people and kids as they walked or ran along; scanning along the shops for that one blasted café you had to meet him at. You had passes several clothing stores... a theatre... a bookstore...bingo!

Your pace picked up as you saw the small building, accessorized nicely with small little tables and chairs, and you couldn't help the large grin that spread across your face when you spotted the unmistakable red hair and jacket of your childhood friend – the same coat you had bought him before he had left.

You quietly approached behind the man, and as you were a few feet away you could hear the quiet words he was whispering fluently under his breath.

"There is no hate, only joy

For you are beloved by the goddess.

Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds

Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul.

Pride is lost

Wings stripped away, the end is nigh..."

You smiled lightly, walking up behind him and wrapping your arms around him in a hug.

"My friend," you began to quote, "do you fly away now?

To a world that abhors you and I?

All that awaits you is a somber morrow

No matter where the winds may blow...

Hello Dork."

"I'm pretty sure 'hello Dork' isn't the next line..." Genesis said mockingly, flicking through the pages of the book he always carried with him.

"Isn't it?" you moved to sit across from him, looking the familiar man up and down. "You look well. SOLDIER treating you nicely?"

"Something like that," he chuckled, smiling slightly at you. "You look beautiful, like always."

"Well thank you," you nodded your head slightly, before smiling widely at him. "It's really been way too long.

"It has, hasn't it?" His face became somewhat saddened. "I was almost worried you'd forgotten about me."

"Oh please, like I could forget about my best friend," you rolled your eyes. "No, Gen, I'd never forget about you...it's just a matter of being busy. My book's been going well, so I've been absorbed into that, the breakup was still sort of fresh in my mind, not to mention how worried I was when you would tell me about all those horrible missions you've been on."

"Oh, so you worried about me, huh?" he smirked. "Relax, (Y/N), it takes more than a simple mission to bring down a hero."

"You may be incredible, Genesis, but you are human. And I'm allowed to worry about you."

He just chuckled. "Very well. Let's talk about something else then, shall we? I mean, you have finally decided to read Loveless."

"You never change," you whispered, causing him to laugh again.

The afternoon quickly dissolved into evening with the two of you talking endlessly. After you managed to finally drag the redhead's attention away from his beloved book you managed to talk for a while on how things at Shinra were with Angeal, and he began to take a lot of interest in the novel you were writing.

But it didn't take long after that for the two of you to find a peaceful silence, in which you looked around at the countless couples at other tables. You couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of that; you hadn't been in a relationship for a while, and nor had anyone taken any interest in you.

"Am I dateable?"

Genesis, who had just taken a sip of tea, promptly spit it out. "Excuse me?"

"I mean, do you see me as dateable? A woman my age with no solid job, stuck in Banora, with mediocre looks and shitty people skills?"

"I really don't understand where this is coming from, not to mention I don't understand why you have that image of yourself in your head," he disagreed with you.

"Just...(E/N) would say things like-"


You were confused. "What?"



"No, to all of the things you said," he said simply. "You are completely dateable."

"But I-"

"(Y/N), I've known you longer than anyone else, I know what I'm talking about. Are you really going to argue with me?" he took the familiar cocky tone of his, and surprisingly it began to reassure you.


He stared at you for a moment. "You don't seem convinced."

"Because I'm not, Gen. It's a woman's job to be insecure, I thought you knew that."

He chuckled. "You have a solid job, you're an author and a damned good one. You can leave Banora whenever you wish, so I don't see why that's an issue. You're a beautiful woman, and...well, while your people skills are rusty at best-"

"Oh fuck you," you laughed.

"-you're still an excellent person to talk too."

"Alright, alright," you held up your hands in mock surrender. "You win."

"I always win," he said childishly.

"That's a lie. That's straight up a lie."

He just laughed. "Alright, maybe not always."

You shook your head. "So how's the ever so popular Genesis' love life going? Surely with the amount of female attention you get there's someone who holds your heart."

"Well," his airy voice brushed off the comment. "Perhaps there's a woman who holds it, but she is unaware of that fact. And...I certainly hope she's not a part of any fan club."

"What's wrong with the fan clubs? I'm a part of Sephiroth's," you teased.

His reaction wasn't what you expected though. His mood darkened almost instantly as he began to glare at the table. "Oh really?"

"No," you said bluntly, trying to hold in a snort as he happily looked back up at you. "Of course not. Though I am sensing some major competition between you and your fellow 1st Class."

"Oh, just a friendly rivalry," he tried to smile, though it came out forced.

"Uhuh," you said, unconvinced. "You know if you ever need to talk Gen, I'm here for you. I'll even whoop Sephiroth's ass if you want me too."

He laughed loudly. "That is a fight I would love to see."

"What, you think I wouldn't win?"

"No, I think you just might. And that's what scares me," he smiled widely at you, which made your heart flutter a bit like it always did. You knew it shouldn't, you two were best friends, but you couldn't help but be weak to that smile. The real one, the real him, and not the face he put on for his job, for his fans. You liked the man underneath, the one people so rarely got to see.

You were about to say something when a small 'ding' sounded from inside his coat, and you held in a groan as he checked his messages.

"(Y/N), I'm really sorry, I have to go," he said quickly, standing up. "Things in Wutai are worsening and-"

"Say no more, I understand," you wrapped him in a tight hug which he gladly reciprocated. "Be safe?"

"Why are you always so worried?" he questioned.

"Why do you put up with me?" you questioned back, half joking half serious.

He was silent for a moment before his voice quoted a passage he had originally memorized for you.

"As the war sends the world hurtling towards destruction

The prisoner departs with his newfound love

And embarks on a new journey.

He is guided by hope that the gift will bring bliss

And the oath that he swore to his friend."

He went to turn away after that as thoughts were swirling through your mind. Newfound love, why did he have to bring this up?! What was he implying by that? Did he...no he couldn't share those feelings....but did he?

You quickly shot out your arm to latch onto his, and he paused, turning around with slight nervousness in his eyes.

You swallowed the lump in your throat before continuing on with the poem.

"Though no oath is shared between the lovers

In their hearts they know they will meet again.

Loveless...Act III, right?"

"Yes," his voice was quiet as he stared down at you.

You weren't sure who leaned in first, or really who ended it. The entire thing was synchronized, both of you sliding your eyes shut as the warmth of each other's lips comforted the pair of you, the kiss holding unspoken words and promises the two of you didn't have time to share.

"So you'll be safe?" you whispered hoarsely as you broke apart.

"I have no intention of not returning."

"Alright..." you nodded, pecking his lips one more time before backing up. "Take care, Dork."

"Whatever, (Y/N)."

You just smiled. You hadn't really considered dating the man who had been your best friend for so long. But maybe...maybe it could work out.

A/N: So hopefully you all enjoyed that.

I'd seriously love some critisim guys. Are you ok with my writing style? Anything you think I do too much or too little? Are the sizes of these one shots okay? Anything you want me to change I'll do my best if you let me know : )

Maybe expect another one shot soon. I've been using them to procrastinate from physics homework :3.

Thanks for reading.

Have a nice life.

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