The Passing Clouds

By Animalover9

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-Sequel to KOBEP- It's been a long two and a half years since Akisha Syerki left Konoha and left a certain N... More

The Passing Clouds
Saving Gaara
Another Mission?
Tenchi Bridge
A Date
Old Enemies
The Approaching Fear
The Losses
Back To You
Team 8 and Team Kakashi
Before Impact
Pein's Invasion


1.4K 55 18
By Animalover9

I'm sure you all notice I almost always post pictures of Akisha but they're never exactly the same. I thought I'd explain that~ You see, I want you guys to have the basics of how I believe she looks and yet have your own twist on things!~ 

All in all, we do know what she looks like XP So yeah! Also a pic of her to the side. It's not bad, just once again to help you create that picture in your mind of her.


 ***Akisha's POV***

 We jumped quickly, tree to tree. My arm with the scratches was acting up, not that I let anyone notice. "So Captai-GAH!" My arm's pain escalated as I had tried to swing from a tree branch. The annoying burn pain overcame me and I accidentally fell, heading fast to the forest floor. "KISH!!" Naruto yelled out in a panic. He raced for me and caught me in the nick of time. Naruto set me against a tree carefully, Sakura and Yamato jumped down, right behind him. "Kish, are you alright!?" Naruto asked.

I waved at him with my left arm, deciding it'd be best not to use the right unless I need to do so. "Ah. what this? It's fine, just an attack from Orochimaru." I lied, going on with the ''Orochimaru attack'' lies for Naruto.  Naruto crossed his arms with a slight pout. "You shouldn't be too reckless, Kish." My eye twitched. The King of reckless told me.. Not to be.. Reckless. "Lets take a little break, we could all use it." Yamato announced. "Naruto follow me over here, I want to talk to you." Yamato said quietly, as if trying to keep Sakura and I out of it. I glanced over at Sakura who sat down next to me. She didn't hear... I concentrated a little bit of chakra to my ears. "Naruto you should know, the one who got Kisha hurt was you." I stopped listening in, it was easy to see where that conversation was going. To be honest, I'm relieved Yamato is telling Naruto the truth.

Sakura started rummaging through her bag. "Oh right I took this.." I leaned in closer. "Hm? Took what?" Sakura released a book from her bag, the one I'm sure she had back at the hotel with Sai. One cover had a black haired boy and the other had a blue-white haired boy. "Hey guys! Come check this out, Sakura yelled over. Naruto and Yamato jogged on over and leaned down, to see the pages of this new discovery. 

Sakura flipped through the pages. "This is strange.." Naruto mumbled. "Did Sai draw these?" I asked. Sakura nodded. "It looks like it." She got to the middle of the book showing one blank page and the black haired boy drawing was unfinished on the opposite page.

"It almost looks like the stories of two boys, with their own cover and they eventually meet in the middle." "So... It's a picture book about Sai and his brother?" I threw out, recalling the news of Sai's brother. Maybe that's why it's unfinished.. Sai's brother died before he could finish the drawing. "Hey yeah, that one guy does look like Sai!" Sakura looked down. "This is kind of sad.." I agreed. "It is but we can't feel sympathy right now for a guy that went against us." Sakura nodded back. "Right." "Team Kakashi, my clone located the lair! Let's head on out." 


We all had ourselves hid behind a rock, peeking out ever so slightly to see another just sitting alone ahead of us. The clone that was tracking Sai, disappeared into normal wood against the rock. "There. The base is under that rock." Yamato stated. Naruto's eyes seemed to go nostalgic. "Sasuke's in there then.." Sakura's eyes almost matched his. "Yeah."

Naruto heaved a breath of air before looking determined. "Alright! Let's do this." Yamato blocked all of us. "Wait here. Take these." He handed us three small pills. Sakura took hers. "What are they?" I took my own as did Naruto when Yamato answered. "Think of them as tracking devices, I slipped one in Sai's food back at that motel with the hot springs." 

A light bulb went off in my mind. "Ah, that explains why you were able to track him so well!" Yamato smiled, happy to have his intelligence noticed. "Exactly. Now come on." 


Yamato got us in the base with no problem, of course. "SA-" I slapped my hand over Naruto's mouth before he could yell out something and ruin the whole mission. I raised my other hand and placed a finger to my lips, giving him a little, "Naruto, shush." Naruto gave a limp nod with a little sweat drop. He placed my hand off of his mouth. "You know, you could have just shushed me without slapping my mouth closed?" I waved him off with my shrugs. "Yeah, yeah, but that's no fun."

"Hey are you two listening?" Naruto and I turned around to see Yamato with a slight eye twitch. "Uh. Yes?" Naruto and I answered in sync. Yamato sighed. "I expected that from Naruto, but you Kisha?" I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. "Heheh." "Anyway, we're looking for Sai first, now follow me." Yamato led the way. He looked down to hallway both ways making sure no one was around before continuing his walk. Yamato's steps quickened making our's quicken as well. 

Finally he stopped at a door in these seemingly endless hallways. "Sai's behind here." He whispered. He raised his hand and morphed his finger in to a wooden key. I stared at his finger. "How in the hell-" "And lookie here." Yamato stated, stepping into the room and cutting me off. Naruto and Sakura piled in the room, making me last to enter. Sai gave a fake smile. "To think you all caught up with me. Impressive." Naruto grabbed Sai's collar. "You! You betrayed us!! Why!?" Sai simply smiled again. "You shouldn't make to much noise. It'll attract trouble." 

Naruto released Sai. "Tch!" Sakura stepped up, handing out Sai's book. "Here we found this." Sai took it. "Thank you." Hm, even his ''thanks'' seem fake. " ou're here under Danzo's orders right?" I asked, getting to the subject. "What's he plotting?" Sakura added. Sai continued his fake smile. "...No... " "We already know your smiles are fake and the same for the lies your force through it!!" Naruto yelled making me sigh. He's going to get us caught here... "My mission ended in failure the moment you found me and I can't take care of you four by myself.. So.. I assume I might as well tell you all."

Sai's face went stoic, personally I'm glad to have that over the smile. "I am to join up with Orochimaru and yet, be a spy and pass information on Orochimaru back to Danzo-sama." I scoffed. "You're joining Orochimaru just to stab him in the back? How stupid and dangerous." "Well, the second we destroy Konoha, Orochimaru will betray us anyway."  "But why destroy Konoha?" Yamato asked. "Danzo-sama wishes to take over the village I believe." Sakura seemed to be getting more and more amazed at this information. " nd.. You're the only one who Danzo sent for this?" Sai nodded. "My ability made me the best candidate. The ink I write with becomes a mobile animal, taking the information back to Danzo-sama." Sakura clenched her fists. "You do realise, huge members of the village will die if this carries out as you plan!?" "I am following my orders. Sai's not even my name. I am no one. Only a tool to carry out orders." 

Naruto looked quite angry while Sakura seemed taken back. "Wait.." I pointed to Sai's book. "Then why do you care so much about that?" Sakura added on with my words. "Yeah... Is it because it proves you have existed?" "Or because it holds memory of your brother?" I added back on to Sakura's statement making her go on with our accusations. "I think you really keep it because you can't stop being his brother." Sai titled his head in confusion so again I added in. "Meaning, that book is the one link you have to your brother. And you don't want to break that, do you?" 

"We've already seen it too." Yamato said. "The two middle pages are unfinished." Sai stopped his fake smiles completely. "And the way it seemed to me was you and your brother had to fight. I know Danzo used special training to kill your emotions off... To do that.. You had to kill-" "No!" Sai was quick to keep Yamato from finishing that, quick and almost emotional. "This was a present for him, but he later died of illness. We weren't related by blood, but he always praised my work." I could have sworn I heard a hint of sadness in his voice however he gave us that terrible, fake smile. "And now, I can't remember what I wanted to draw for those two pages." 

Naruto gave Sai a sharp look before turning away. "We need to search for Sasuke-" "Sasuke? I've met him. If you pursue him you'll be torn to shreds. Sasuke no longer cares for you.. Sakura told me you think of him as a brother, and still to bring him back, you'd fight Orochimaru and get yourself killed. Why is that?" I looked over seeing Naruto's determined face holding a small grin. I swear he's going to change some thing right now, I'd bet money on it. "Sasuke.. We use to fight all the time-" I can almost hear the sad tuned melody playing. "-But I had the most fun with him. He acknowledged me more than anyone else. He's my friend. Someone who I finally made a bond with." 

Sai... Sai looked in awe. "A bond... Still, Orochimaru-" Naruto grinned even more. "If he rips my arms off, I'll kick him to death! If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death! If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death! And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him beyond the grave! Even if I get ripped apart. I'll get Sasuke back!!" 

Wow. Quote of the year. I think I had to hold myself back from clapping. 

"Okay let's go, Sai you're going-" "Wait.. I..." Sai looked as if torn but knowing. "People.. They change right? I want to be on your side. I do. I need to know more about you and Sasuke... Please, allow me to come with you." Yamato stared at Sai harshly. "Hm.. Fine. Only because we don't have much time to look for Sasuke now. So, Naruto and Sai, you'll be on one team. Sakura, Myself and A-" "Whoa whoa! I can look faster on my own!" I stated. Being around Yamato is sort of pissing me off. I'm almost positive he thinks Sakura and I can hardly do anything.

"Here look, I won't totally be on my own." I summoned up Ryu. Ryu looked around as the smoke disappeared. "Eh? Child, it's been a while." Yamato nodded to me, not a hint of doubt on his face, rather belief took the spot. "Good then."


"I'm really sorry, I should have thought this through more." I apologized again to Ryu. "So it would seem, but it is fine." His voice mighty as ever. "A-are you sure? I can summon Keio instead?" "And let a cat replace a lion? No, I am fine, I assure you." I forgot to take in account for Ryu's large body in these slender hallways. "But.. I mean.. You can't even turn around..." "C-can we talk about something else, please?" His voice holding defeat. I opened a door to a random room preparing for a fight when it was empty. I turned back and continued our walk. "Yeah, what do you want to talk about?" 

Ryu gave me a side look. "..Tano is upset at you." I sighed. "What? Why?" "He claims you broke a promise. He was suppose to spend the day with you once you returned to Konoha."  I felt guilt reach the surface. "Oh.. That.. Uh.. Oops.." Ryu shook his head. "Oh child, do not make promises you can't keep." "Hey I can keep promises-" "This is certainly a dark place, hm Kitten?" An vein popped up in anger from me as the sleek cat appeared on my shoulder. "Ryu, you should leave, you look so cramped with this low ceiling and all." Ryu stopped his little tread and stared from me to Keio. "Go ahead Ryu. I'll be fine, and tell Tano I'm so sorry!" Ryu seemed uncertain but dipped his head in a bow before poofing away. Soon as he left I grabbed Keio by the neck, holding him in front of me.

"You pushed me off the building that day!" "You're welcome." He said smoothly. "If it wasn't for me you would have never had your lover's kiss with the Nara boy." I released Keio letting him fall down to the ground. "Ouch, Kitten, you shouldn't be so rough with me!" I rolled my eyes. "You have nine lives." Keio licked his whiskers before treading along my side, following me as I walked through the hallways. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. So what are we doing?" "Looking for Sasuke." "Sounds boring." "You're not exactly wrong..." I shrugged. "It's been quite the mission so far, I just want to go home and be with Shi-S-SLEEP! I want to sleep!" 

Keio gave me a knowing look. "Oh, missing the Nara boy?" I pouted but gave up with a sigh. "A little bit.." " I wonder when you two will screw." I stopped walking. "EH!?" "What? You don't plan on fuc-" I waved my arms, interrupting him. "New topic!! Now!" Keio chuckled slyly. "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I started walking again. "There is one thing I want to know from you." "Really! My interest is peaked, what is it?" Keio jumped back on to my shoulder, waiting for my question. "How exactly do you know Kakashi?" Keio suddenly went limp with a sigh. "That was disappointing." My eye twitched. "Answer it-" " Kish!!" Naruto and the rest of Team Kakashi ran to me. Keio seemed rather pleasant he was off the spotlight of answer my question. "What happened?!" 

"Sai! He has a real mission, not to be a spy but to kill Sasuke!" Naruto growled out. "But we don't know if he's going too, he could have changed his mind!" Sakura said, to remind Naruto it seemed. 

A loud crash stopped everyone. 

We all shared a moment of silence before racing off in that direction. Keio gripped on to me tighter. "This is going to be amusing!" He sung in the air to himself. We turned down another hallway to see the light of the outside world. Sakura saw Sai standing in the middle. 

"Sai!" She raced out to him before any of us. "Ah, it's Sakura." That voice.. I froze as did Naruto. It has to be.. "S-Sasuke." Naruto suddenly tensed and ran out. He stopped his run as soon as he reached the outside, looking up with wide eyes. "Sasuke.." "So even you're here Naruto? Is Kakashi here too?"  Yamato and I shared a glance before walking out, I could feel Keio tense. "Kitten, be careful, you hear? This person's chakra... I don't like the smell of it." I nodded and the sun hit my eyes. Sasuke stood above us on a top of the rocky base.

He.. He's changed. His outfit, build and, most importantly... His eyes. They're so different from before. They're so absent of emotion. Not one drop of his cockiness, or even sorrow at seeing his old teammates. Simply... Nothing.

Yamato looked up to Sasuke like the rest of us. "Sorry, your old teacher isn't here right now, I'm the substitute. As Kakashi's group, we'll be taking you back to Konoha."  Sai raised a sword or something up. Sakura gasped. "Sai! So you really were-" "Sai? Is he filling in my spot? Another useless person who went on about protecting bonds." Sasuke said, careless with his offending words. Sakura looked relieved to hear the side Sai was really on. "My real mission was to kill Sasuke, but I want to protect your bond. Bonds.. They're special. Sasuke you should know that!" Sai's voice rose up when he spoke to Sasuke. Sasuke only stated, "Which is exactly why I broke them off." 

Naruto began to shake. "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU KILL ME THAT TIME!?" Sasuke looked completely unamused. "A measurement of power." In a flash Sasuke appeared by Naruto. How-How did you move that fast? "Naruto," Sasuke whispered. "Didn't you have a dream of being Hokage?" Naruto looked frozen making Sasuke lean in closer. "Maybe if you spent less time chasing after me, you could have actually reached your goal, hm?" Sasuke drew out his sword that was strapped to his side and went to stab Naruto.

I reacted along with Sai, Keio jumping off to the side. Sai was behind Naruto blocking the sword, Myself behind Sasuke, both of us grabbing the hilt of the sword to hold it back.  "That was the right way to block." Sasuke said, tempting me to ask what he meant by that. Sasuke then sent a kick, making Naruto fly before grabbing onto Sai and myself. "CHIDORI!" The sparks of Chidori ran over Sasuke's body to my own and Sai's. "GAH!" I cried out as did Sai, Sasuke then throwing us to the side. 

I could still feel the sparks around my body making me slightly twitch. "Er-Ugh-Fuc-" "Kitten!" Keio appeared, looking down at me. "Fucking hell.." I whined, trying to get up. "Such a bad mouth." Keio teased. My eye twitched, my lips forming a strict line. "Are you here to help me or what?" "I never said I was here to help besides the threat is away at the moment." I went to glare at Keio when arms pulled me up from my spot. "Eh? Oh, thank you Sai." Sai nodded to me before looking back up to Sasuke. Confusion reached my face as I twisted around. Yamato looked injured in his arm. 

The fight's already over? That's it? "I was down for thirty seconds tops." I murmured, not disappointed, rather in shock.

"Sasuke, let us go." Orochimaru said with that sick grin. Oh great, when'd he get here? My eyes traced from Orochimaru to Kabuto. I really, really hate that guy.. Maybe more than Orochimaru. Fire flamed up from their bodies, leaving nothing behind. 

A few seconds of deafening silence passed.

I turned sharply in Naruto's direction, hearing the shaky sobs. He hugged himself, tears racing down his cheeks. That's right.. Sasuke.. Sasuke really does mean alot to them.. "Crying won't bring him back to us." Sakura wiped tears of her own away. "We'll get stronger together and bring him back then!" Naruto stopped his tears. "R-right.." The sadness still in his voice, yet he let a grin reach his face anyway, like it was forced, but he had to do it, for Sakura and himself.

Oh thank the heavens. This means back to Konoha! And back to Shikamaru... I smiled to myself before pointing ahead. "So! Let's hurry on back then!" Naruto grinned. "Yeah!" 

"Back to your lover boy, right Kitten?"



Terribly sorry this chapter is shorter! >-<

But, I'm making up for it with ShikaKisha filled chapter coming up next!! ;D XDD

So pleaseeee comment! >w< I mean you can vote too... But commenting is even more epic~! ;w; And also, thank you for all the comments I've been seeing lately! ^o^ 

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