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To the side is a cute little picture of Ino and Akisha! ^.^

Next chapter will be a picture of a character you'll soon know of! ^___^

Oh and to the side is a song that reminds me of how Shikamaru and Kiba both kinda see Akisha X3 Oh yeah, Kiba is still in the picture >3>  That and who doesn't love a Vocaloid song? ^-^

Now then! On to the story!

***Akisha's POV***

"Kitten, I highly advise you to wake up." I turned to my side, ignoring the voice and letting slumber take over. The voice sighed. "Kitten, up." I didn't move, still to tired to process what ever was happening. "I'm doing this for your sake." The voice mumbled before pain slashed on my cheek. Startled, I quickly rose to a sitting position. "Huh!? What!?" Keio sat on the covers in front of me, looking highly amused. "Hm, so that's what your breasts look like." Confusion surged through me until I looked down. The covers came off when I got up revealing my naked body. "Epp! Keio! What the hell!?" I tugged the covers up, hiding my chest area.

"What? I'm a cat. I don't care. I don't really fancy your kind anyway." My eye twitched at him. "What do you want?" My tone bland and a hint of spiteful was tossed in. "You and lover boy should wake up." Keio stated simply. I lifted my brow, looking to the side of me only to see a passed out Shikamaru laying face down. My face heated up remembering last night's events.

"I knew you two were bound to fuck sooner or later." Keio said, licking a paw. The heat to my face became even hotter. "You little-" I cut myself off from going on a swear rant. "What are you doing here, Keio?" Keio stopped licking his paw. "I decided to be kind enough to save you two from dying." "Eh? What do you mean?" 

Keio's ears perked up. "Oh you'll see in...  Three... Two... One..." "AKISHA! WE'RE HOME!" A bright cheery voice yelled. I gasped, "OH SHIT!" I turned to Shikamaru as Keio chuckled and vanished. "HEY GET UP!!" I yelled but only loud enough to be heard by Shikamaru. "Wha-What?" I jumped out of bed, getting dressed in a hurry. I turned to Shikamaru, still only half dressed, and shoved him. "My parents are home!!" It came out as a hissed whisper.

That was all Shikamaru needed to jump out of the bed and get dressed. "Akisha! Are you home!?" I heard my mother's footsteps start walking up stairs. I glanced in the mirror. My clothes were put on in such a rush that things were backwards and inside out while my hair was tangled and teased. I could explain that easily. I looked over to the half dressed Shikamaru. I cannot explain him though...

"Shikamaru, I'm sorry!" I rushed over to him. "What do you-Hey!" And with a push, he fell out of the window I use for entry. He hit the ground with an 'Oof' making me flinch for him. "My Chunin vest is st-" "SHUSH! GO AWAY! I'LL GET IT TO YOU LATER!" I yelled in a hushed whisper before slamming the window and plopping on to my bed, kicking his Chunin vest underneath the bed. As I did all of this my mother entered the room. "Akisha! You are home! Let's all have lun-" She stopped mid-sentence, her words interrupted by I assume to be thoughts swirling in her head. I scratched my neck nervously. There's no way she'd know, right? 

"Akisha..." A warning tone in her voice. I cleared my throat. "Y-yes?" She suddenly cracked up laughing. "YOU LOOK TERRIBLE! OH SWEETIE, DID YOU GO BLIND WHEN YOU GOT DRESSED!?" I immediately fell off the bed, twitching on the floor. Her laughter died down. "I'll leave you to.. Fix... Yourself." She said, snickering at me. "Take a shower too, your hair is so messy!" I sighed. "I know mom." She eyed me. "Yeah, that's what you always say. Now go take a shower or else." A sweet, murdering ring to her tone. I nodded to her. "Uh-huh! Uh-Huh!" She smiled, still looking evil whist doing so, and walked out of my room.

The Passing CloudsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin