Pein's Invasion

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Alright, sweet! I'm not totally hated by everyone. That's good to see ^-^' 

AMV to the side~ I find it fitting with the whole village-under-attack thing going on right now, plus Thirty Seconds to Mars is a very good band ^.^  Also, some thing's will be changed around within this arc to better fit TPC, keep in mind this is but a fanfiction~

Let's see... What else? Hm..  Did you know my internet connection is terrible? I'm raging at it right now ._. Totally normal thing for a teenager on a Friday night... ;~; *sobs in corner*

Miyuto: Hello there! Ryu sent me to tell you we should be getting to the story now! Oh what a lovely home we're in right now, your's? Of course it is. My, my, how splendid this couch is! Would you mind if I sat down? 'Course not! Ohh, what is this- *rambles on about other things*

Me: ...Uh, Hana?

Hana: Yes?

Me: ...Who is that?

Hana: Ryu's grandfather. Akisha met him a few chapters ago, he's rather senile. 

Me: Ah... He's eating a couch cushion, Hana...

Hana: Yes, yes, he is.


***Akisha's POV***

I glanced around, more fires and screams breaking out within the village. "Keio, Tano," both looked at me, Keio ready to receive orders and Tano almost surprised to hear his name spoken. "I need you to go around, help villagers, put out some of the fires if you can."

Keio nodded. "Done and done. Cub, come along." Just before Keio jumped off with Tano, Ryu caught him by the scruff of his neck and slammed him down in front of him. A fierce look taking over the normal calm and kind gleam in his eyes. "Keio.. If anything- anything, should happen to my son-" Keio squirmed out from Ryu's grasp, his eyes narrowing where Ryu's touch had rumpled his fur. "Yes, you'll have my head on a stick or something. Got it. Now then, like I said before, come along." Keio jumped off with an awkward looking Tano, who probably was shocked to see his father act in such a way that had me backing up a foot or so.

Hana cleared her throat, making Ryu's eyes return back to normal. "Sorry about that." His voice was no longer dangerous either, proving he was no longer ready to tear off Keio's head at the thought of anything happening to Tano. "U-uh, it's fine." I said, suppressing the need to have a sweat drop drip off my head in nervous concern. "We should-" My sentence was cut off by a loud boom.

I leaned down, taking cover for the sharp wind that blew this way. As it ended I raised back up again, heading towards the area with Hana and Ryu. "The plan?" Hana shouted, finally her true feelings surfacing with the shakiness that had been in her voice. "Help Konoha's ninjas, attack anything else!" I yelled back, making her groan and mumble, "Such a brilliant idea... Can't wait to die.."

Ryu jumped down from the building he was on as did Hana and myself, one of the Akatsuki was surrounded by two other ninja. "I-It's impossible!" One the ninja, wearing a bandana claimed in fear. He moved back, evading a fire ball from the Akatsuki member. The other ninja looked up, spotting myself, Ryu and Hana. His face melted into relief. "Reinforcements!" At this the Akatsuki member turned around. He had orange hair combed back, a sturdy face, and looked to be bigger than most. His eyes were the most interesting feature other than the many piercings in his face. Ryu, having fire nature chakra, decided to not attack with his claws, but release a fire ball back at the Akatsuki member. The Akatsuki merely stood there, raising his arm Ryu's jutsu was enveloped by him. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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