Young Girl

By Lulanarae

198K 6.2K 3.9K

"What do I do? Falling in love was never part of the plan." "Don't tell me what to do!" "I think our Moony i... More

1- Beautiful Girl
2- Anyone else bored?
3- Wotcha
4- Full Moon
5- The Wolf
6- Apologies
7- Truth or Dare?
8- Missions
9- Arthur
10- At Last
11- Maybe
12- Snivellus
13- Ministry
14- I'm Sorry
15- Confessing
16- Sympathy
17- Anger and Tears
18- Blue Promise
19- Shocks
20- Old Friends
21- Collapse
22- Albus
23- Marble Tomb
24- Drive on Down
25- Choosing
26- Oh My Merlin
27- Too soon?
28- Reactions
29- I do
30- Belle
31- Long Night
32- Ummm
33- Positive
34- 7 Potters
35- Ignore Me
36- Forgiveness
37- You're joking
38- Chances
39- Memories
40- Hello
41- Silence
42- Lost
43- Puppy
44- Relief
45- War
46a- Over
46b- Orphaned
48- Him

47- Reunited

2.8K 94 33
By Lulanarae

"Hello Moony."

Remus recognised that voice, but it had been so long since he heard it last that he couldn't quite remember who's it was. He tried to look up, but was blinded by an incredible white light. His face was pressed against the cold floor as he began to breathe again. At first the movement of his lungs hurt but he soon settled into it and began to register his surroundings. A hand came into his field of vision and he gladly accepted it, wincing in the bright light as he was pulled to his feet. He recognised who stood in front of him straight away. The messy black hair that stood up at the back and cheeky grin he was so fond of.

"Long time no see Rem." James Potter smiled across at him, the slight tears in his eyes magnified by the glasses that rested slightly crooked on his nose, "I've missed you." His voice broke a bit at the end, but he managed to cover it up by pulling the lycanthrope into a tight hug. Remus hugged back, feeling much younger than he had in the past few years.

"James." He grinned, his smile only widening as he pulled back and noticed the other two people, "Sirius. Lily." He pulled them into his arms one at a time, tears of happiness in his eyes.

"Merlin I've missed you." Sirius smiled sadly, trying to hide his genuine tears, "I can't believe it. No more Marauders. Well apart from Harry of course; but I guess he don't doesn't really count. And I should probably stop now cos I am just babbling on." Lupin chuckled lightly, finally turning his attention to the young ginger who stood beside Padfoot.

"How's it been Remus?" Lily asked quietly as he touched her porcelain cheek with a trembling finger, "How's Harry? Does he... does he miss us?"

"So much. There's a second war Lils, on at the moment, he's the only one who can kill Voldemort. And he's doing it for you. Both of you." He had a blank space in his memory, something desperately important was trying to refix itself in his mind. The more he concentrated on remembering it, the more he found he could not remember: his parents names, Hogwarts teachers, members of the order, the significance of a young woman with pink hair and plump lips.

"How about you Moony?" James butted in, "Got any wife? Kids?"

Oh My Merlin. That was it. The gorgeous woman who whispered his name as they kissed, the tiny babes wrapped up in bundles in cloth. His family. Remus sank to his knees, hands in his hair as he let out a strangled cry. He remembered everything; his Nymphadora whispering 'I do' at the altar, the cries of Hope and Teddy when they wanted him.

"Remus?" Sirius and Lily chorused, sharing a brief glance before kneeling down beside him. The witch paled even more as she noticed the small ring on his hand, glinting in the light.

"My..." Remus stuttered, "My... my babies." He reached into his pocket and drew out a crumpled picture of the twins, holding it tight in his hands and letting his tears flow free. He had already nearly lost Hope, and now he could never see any member of his family again. He didn't know if it would be possible to cope.

"Who's the mother?" Sirius blurted out before he could stop himself, instantly slapping a hand over his mouth as he realised his mistake. Remus was however saved the trouble of having to answer when a loud cry echoed through the crisp air of the afterlife.

A moment later, Nymphadora Lupin's body materialised on the floor behind the four friends. Her eyes were wide and her hands covered in thick, red blood as she scrambled into a sitting position.

"Moony." Sirius gasped in surprise, "You screwed my cousin. I'd congratulate you but I don't think nows the time." Remus met his wife's eyes and before he could quite realise, he was pulling her lightly shaking body closer to him and holding her tight. She buried her face into his shoulder, soaking his shirt within seconds.

"Who? What? Where? When? Why?" James said quickly, one eyebrow raised as he watched them.

"Matty." Dora choked, "He said he had taken Hope and killed my mum. I don't know if he was telling the truth. We're... oh my merlin. We're dead."

"Come here Nym." Her cousin pulled her up and into a tight hug, "Mrs Lupin. Since when?"

"Ten months or so." Remus answered through his tears, also pulled to his feet by James though he still found his legs weak at the knees, "It was, well, difficult to say the least."

"He left me." The brown haired witch stated plainly into her cousin's strong shoulder, "When he found out I was pregnant. And after you died Sirius."

"Remus." Lily gasped, "You shouldn't have! I need to talk to you later. Anyway, I don't think we've been properly introduced. My names Lily, though you probably already know."

"Wotcher Lily." Came the quiet reply, though it was obvious she was trying to put on a happy face, "I'm Dora. Nice to meet finally you."

"Didn't I tell you!" Sirius eventually seemed to burst and let out what he had been trying to keep in, "Didn't I say they would end up together! James you owe me and Albus ten galleons!"

"Whatever." James said casually, but the scowl on his face was unmissable, "Not the moment Black. Welcome back guys."


I'm sorry this took so long and is so bad *guilty face*. My muse has deserted me; but don't worry I have posters up and hopefully my inspiration will soon return.


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