A bet with Mr. CEO (COMPLETE!)

By HollyJohnson

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What the hell is wrong with me? Seriously? I can't believe i just did that! I cant believe i just made a $50... More

Chapter one! I bet you...
Chapter 2 you're you're? No!
Chapter 3 where is he?
Chapter 4. Little shows for daddy!
Chapter 5. Notes and hidden camras!
Chapter 6. Worst fears realized
Chapter 7. I'm to young to die
Chapter 8. Dinner with the parents
Chapter 9. Old army buddies
Chapter 10. Family reunion!
Chapter 12. Hide away places and not so pleasant torture!
Chapter 13. Wedding bells in the air.
A/N: Formal Attraction (complete)

Chapter 11. Issac!

10.4K 401 94
By HollyJohnson

Picture of Cate Blanchett as Lucy Patterson (Issac Pattersons wife)

Rick's POV...

"Hi, um just curious why did your husband to be think we were dead?" Jason's mother asked, he stepped forward away from as facing them looking a little, no lot stiff.

"It has something to do with" he started then cleared his throat before continuing "get out now, you are not my son, i will not have a faggot in this house, and, NEVER COME BACK, you ruined everything for me, i slept under the bridge for 2 years before i caught a bus here, then Oscar brought me in where i became his boxing bag, i was thinking about killing myself when i was at work but i just happen to meet Rick who saved my life in more ways then one, why the hell would i let anyone know about you when you wanted nothing to do with me?" Jason said in one long breath then started breathing heavily and shaking, i quickly walked up to him holding him to me trying to calm him down which seemed to work.

"Honey, we were just in shock, we're both so sorry, we tried looking for you but we didn't know where you were"

"Dad?" Jason asked his father who was quiet until now.

"I'm so sorry son, i was just scared, i didn't know what to think" he said looking uncomfortable.

"Scared? I WAS 11 YEARS OLD LIVING ON THE STREETS-" my eyes widened at this new information 11 years old what kind of parent kicks their 11 year old child out.

"I HAD TO BEG FOR FOOD JUST TO SURVIVE AND YOU WERE THE SCARED ONE?" He asked, my heart ached for what Jason was going through back then, but never again, i'm gonna make sure he has everything he ever wanted in life, let him be a kid again.

"You know what? No i'm not dealing with this right now, the love of my life just proposed to me so i'm going to go celebrate with the three most important people in my life, guys lets go" I smiled at him when he said i was the love of his life, Jason turned around and davids and issac walked out the door.

"I'll catch up, i want to have a word with your parents for a sec" I spoke up, he frowned but left the room so i was alone with them.

"Okay, i'm only going to say this once, when you get out of hospital i will have a car waiting to take you back to your home, where ever it is, and i don't want either of you getting in contact with Jason, i love him more then life itself and all you two seem to do is cause him pain and seeing him in pain kills me, i will pay you both $20,000 each to stay away, i have already payed for all the hospital bills so don't worry" i said before turning and walking out.

When i was out of the room i couldn't help smile at the sight before me, Jason and Issac were pretty much on the floor laughing their heads off and davids was shaking his head at them trying to hold back a smile but failing miserable.

"What's so funny?" I asked wrapping my arm around Jasons waist.

"Issacs being mean" Jason whined but he was still laughing so i knew it was a joke.

"Then why are you laughing?" Issac asked still laughing himself.

"Because i'm insane, i think i need to go to the nut house" Jason said waving his hands around madly.

"You got that right?" Issac mumbled but i heard it and to say i was shocked was an understatement, he's never this relaxed infront of me, the next thing made me laugh out loud Jason exited from my grasp and started chasing after Issac down the hallway of the hospital.

"Hey get back here so i can beat you up?" Jason yelled laughing, why the hell would he stop to get beat up.

"Hmmm tempting buuut nope" he yelled back popping the 'p' soon they we're out of sight.

"Are you sure you want to marry such a mad man?" Davids asked shaking his head smiling, it's not often that these two are so care free around me, i guess Jason is rubbing off on them.

"I don't even know right now, he's deffinatly a handfull, but i love him" i said happily.

"He's good for you sir, and your deffinatly good for him, he needs some light in his life, growing up the way he did, i couldn't imagine that kind of life for any one, so it's good seeing him and Issac mess around like kids" Davids said smiling, i laughed at that it is good seeing them to act like a couple of kids.

"So where to?" I asked when we caught up to them at the cars.

"Why don't the 4 of us go out for dinner and a drink?" Jason suggested.

"I'd love to but i better go home to my wife" Issac said.

"What are you talking about bring her along, i'd love to meet her" Jason said excited.

"If thats okay with you sir?" Issac asked me.

"Of course we'll stop by your house and pick her up" Issac and Davids got into my car and Jason and i got in to his with Jason driving following close behind them on the way to Issacs home.

15 minutes later we pulled up at Issacs suburban home, the four of us hoped out and made our way to the front door where Issac opened up and guided us in only to freeze inside the door at the site infront of us.

Issacs wife was naked on all fours with a naked guy doing it to her from behind, but he pulled out and they both stood up hurrying to put their clothes on, i grabbed Jason and put his head against my neck so he couldn't see.

"Issac, what, what are you doing home?" She asked when she had finished changing, looking over at Issac he hadn't moved from staring at them in shock.

"What do you mean what am i doing home? I live here, we came to invite you out for dinner only to find you screwing our neighbour, lucy? How could you? I thought you loved me?" He asked upset.

"I did, i mean i do, i do it's just well, i hardly see you and i was starting to get lonely" she said looking away.

"Thats when you sit me down and tell me how you feel i would have asked for time off and for less hours, i work my ass off so you could have a better life and you spit my love for you in the face, i want a divorce" he said before turning to us. "Can we go?" I nodded putting my hand on his shoulder, Jason left my hold and crushed himself on to Issac holding him repeatedly apologizing.

"Please no, i'm sorry, please don't divorce me, i wont have anywhere to go, i lost my job a few weeks ago, i need you so i have a place to live" Lucy said sounding desperate, that bitch using him like that.

"I don't think so honey, we wont let you use our friend like that so leave and take your manwhore with you" Jason said turning to face her snapping his fingers for dramatic effect.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do" she asked him looking ready to claw his face apart.

"I'm your worst nightmare dressed like a model" he fired back if the situation wasnt so serious i would have pissed myself laughing, before they could continue i interupted.

"Lucy you can have this place, Jason go help Issac pack his things, Issac i have a spare room at my house so you will be moving in with Jason and i not ifs buts or maybes now go" Jason took hold of Issacs hand and dragged him off upstairs to pack.

"Davids call my laywer to come into the office tomorrow to draw up some divorce papers for Issac call Sinthia and organize a good time" Davids nodded pulling his phone out dialing Sinthia and walked out of the house.

"As for you, if you don't find a job to pay for this place by the end of the month i'm buying and selling it i don't care if you become homeless it's your own fault, this is Issac's house you wont even see a cent of the money, am i understood?" I asked seriously, she had tears in her eyes scared of me but she kept her bitchy front up.

"I'm his wife so i get half of everything including the price of the house" she said angrily.

"Not when my lawyers get through with your divorce you wont, if i had a say in the matter you'd leave with nothing at all so don't test my patience because what you just caused to mine and my fiencee's best friend is making me very angry, if you werent a chick you'd be rocking a black eye right now bitch" i was interupted with a hand on my shoulder, i looked over and it was Issac smiling sadly at me.

"Thank you for sticking up for me sir i couldn't be more happier but i think i need to deal with her if thats okay" i nodded looking behind him where Jason was looking over all the bags making sure everything was there.

"Here baby i'll help you take that stuff out to the cars so Issac can be alone with her" i spat the last word, we took all the bags out side where Davids was hanging up he saw us and ran up to us helping with the bags, when we had everything packed in the boots we started hearing shouting from both Issac and Lucy.

"I NEVER LOVED YOU ISSAC, I ONLY USED YOU FOR YOUR MONEY" Lucy screamed i looked over at Jason when i heard him growl to see him death glaring the house hoping to burn a hole through it to Lucy i pulled him to me kissing him on both cheeks then his lips.


"FINE LEAVE AND TAKE YOUR FAGGET FRIENDS WITH YOU" Lucy yelled slamming the door shut.

When the door was closed Issac collapst to the ground crying Jason was quick to run over to Issac to help him up hugging him, they hugged while Issac cried on Jason's shoulder making my anger for that bitch triple.

We helped Issac into my car, davids in the driver seat and Jason and i got back in to his car this time me driving and we went to my house, the army guys were their when we arrived on the drive way talking, when they saw Issac get out crying they were at his side in a head beat.

We all went inside to the den and i pulled out some liquor pouring everyone a glass each, they all said thank you and talked amonst themselves.

"Uh excuse me?" Everyone stopped talking and looked to Issac who was standing infront of everyone with his glass wiping his eyes before clearing his throat.

"I'd like to make a toast to lighten the mood" everyone stood up with their glasses.

"I'd like to congradulate Jason and Mr Barrett on their engagement today, i'm so proud of the both of you, Mr Barrett? Good luck with him" Issac joked causing everyone to laugh and raise there glasses while Jason yelled 'HEY' and threw the closest thing he could find which was a couch cushion causing everyone to laugh harder.

For the next few minutes everyone came up and congradulated Jason and i then we all started to have a good time even Issac who was currently bickering with Jason about whos the best looking one out of the two, jason said to ask me but Issac refused saying i wouldn't dare to not pick Jason which was so true so now their annoying poor Davids who's refusing to answer them much to their dissapointment though that didn't stop them from continuing their play argument.

Ring Ring!

Jason's phone rang and he excused himself answering it, i continued talking to everyone but started wondering where Jason was, he's been gone for a while.

I also excused myself going to search for him, i checked every room in the house and started freaking out shit where is he, i ran back to the den.

"JASON'S MISSING" everyone stopped talking and looked over at me.

"His phone rang and he stepped out to answer it i checked everywhere he's not here we need to find him, Oscar might have him"

The computer guy steven i think pulled out his computer from his bag and fired it up typing away.

"I turned on the GPS on his phone, he's on the move and fast, must be in a car" he said.

"But his car is still parked in the drive way, i checked"

"Okay i'm gonna hack into his phone and turn on the sound so we can hear everything he's hearing" he said typing again.

"Guys help me move this TV" Steven said standing up Issac and Jim helped move my flat screen so Steven could plug some cords in the back then connected his computer to the TV so we could see what he see's.

"Okay here we go, don't worry he can't hear us just incase he's with somebody" Steven said before someones voice appeared on the TV.

"You've royally screwed everything up for us you little shit" it sounded like Oscars voice shit like i thought, Oscar took Jason.

"Mmm mmmnmm mm"

"Shut up Jason, you and your little bitch of a boyfriend has fucked with me long enough, your never gonna see him again, infact your not gonna see anything again" no he's gonna kill him.

"Let me mess him up a little before you kill him, he needs to pay for talking back at me today" all eyes flew to Issac at the sound of Lucy's voice in the background.

"And you will baby don't worry trust me when we get there me and you are going to torture him to the brink of death" Oscar said.

"Mmm just thinking about it is making me all horny, pull over so i can show you a good time" Lucy said trying to sound seductive.

"We can fuck all we want when we get there" Oscar said.

"Fine i guess i can have a little fun on the way" the slight sound of a zipper being undone then moaning could be heard.

"Ohh god Lucy your so good at that, yeah thats right suck that dick, jesus christ" i felt bad for Issac just this morning she was his wife now she's sucking Oscar off like the whore she is.

10 highly uncomfortable minutes later the car stopped and the sound of Jason struggling could be heard, my poor baby who knows what they have plan for him.

"Please tell me you know where they took him?" I desperatly asked Steven who nodded.

"You sit tight Lucy and i will be in the other room me pounding her in to next week" Oscar said, Lucy giggle and the sound of a door closing was heard followed by muffled crying from Jason.

"Is there anyway you can turn on the speaker so he can hear me?" I asked, steven pressed enter on his keyboard then signaled for me to speak.

"Jason baby?" I asked, there was a muffled noise that sounded like a gasp, i knew he had something over his mouth so i asked.

"If you can hear me knock once against something" we were silent waiting to hear anything and then there was a knock, thank god.

"Hi baby, don't worry Steven has traced your phone so we know where you are, i need you to just hold on tight and try not to make them mad okay?" There was a knock so i knew he understood.

"I love you baby, see you soon"

"Jason? It's Issac here i need you to listen carefully okay, do you remember that day in Barretts office when we offically met? And we made our own secret morse code?" Issac asked, there was a knock again saying yes then there was a series on knocks.

"No! Don't talk like that, we're goona save you and you will get married to Barrett you hear me your not gonna d-" before issac could finish the sentence Jason started knocking again.

"Shit, Steven turn the sound off they're coming back" Issac hissed Steven pressed a button, Jim and another guy went out while we were talking to Jason and had come back with a bunch of fire arms.

"Mr Barrett have you ever fired a gun before?" Jim asked, i nodded so he handed me a hand gun then went about handing everyone else their guns.

"What's all that noise coming from?" Oscars voice stopped us in our tracks.

"Where moving again to our new hiding place" there was shuffling around for a minute.

"And i'm leaving this here incase your rich boyfriend found a way to track your phone so he will think your here to bad we're rigging the house to blow so say byebye Rickie" Oscar said sounding cocky.

"Mmm mmmnmm"


"I said shut up" Oscar snapped.

"Lets get out of here" There was more shuffling before there was complete silence.

"FUCK! Now what? How are we gonna find him now?" I started hyperventilating dropping to my knees, no please, he can't be gone he just can't be, wait a minute.


"Steven can you track burner phones?" I asked, please say yes! please say yes!

"Uh yeah i guess so why's that?" He asked confused.

"Issac, davids remember when we saved Jason from being kidnapped from Oscar since he called me on that burner phone he had strapped to him, hopefully he still has it on him"

"Oh shit yeah thats perfect" Issac said lighting up.

I gave Steven the nuber to the burner phone from my call history and he started tracking it.

"I'm afraid since it is a burner phone it's gonna take a little longer to track but i will be able to" steven said and so we waited.

Jason's POV...

"What's all that noise coming from?" Oscar came barging in looking around before fixing his eyes on me with nothing but hatred.

"Where moving again to our new hiding place" he said before walking over to me seraching my pockets pulling out my phone.

"And i'm leaving this here incase your rich boyfriend found a way to track your phone so he will think your here to bad we're rigging the house to blow so say byebye Rickie" Oscar said smiling evily at me my eyes grew wide in shock no!

"Mmm mmmnmm" i tried speaking again but the dirty rag taped to my mouth preventing me from speaking clearly.


"I said shut up" Oscar snapped slapping me hard across the face, i shut up straight away not wanting to get hit again.

"Lets get out of here" Oscar said to the tramp and roughly dragged me to my feet pulling me out of the house and back into the old falling apart car he braught me here in, this time i was put in the boot of the car.

"We'll let you lay in here and ponder on just how serious your situation is" Oscar said before slamming the boot shut engulfing me in darkness.

The car fired up and started moving, from the lack of oxygen and the funky smell in here i was having trouble staying concious and it didn't take long before i completely blacked out.

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