Dragon Witch: Shadow of the p...

By DragonWitchPrincess

335 12 12

(Book 1 of the Dragon Witch series) It's been years since Gondra- land that became a haven for dragons and th... More

Friendly battle
Enemies from the Past
Ambush at Shadow Mountain
Rescue in the Past
Uneasy alliance
Allying with the enemy
Plots Revelation and plots

Allied Meeting

5 0 0
By DragonWitchPrincess

The two dragons flew for about a couple of hours, and then landed in front of a cave. A smaller white dragon, who was clearly a juvenile, came out hissing. "Who is that?" Khila asked, watching the white dragon.

"Lithira," Leila replied, standing her ground against the dragon. "Attack me and suffer the consequences."

Lithira bowed her head in submission, but there was still rebellion in her eyes. "Okay, what did you just tell her?" Khila asked.

"That if she attacked us," Leila replied, looking at her friend who was standing right across from her. "She'd suffer the consequences. I thought you read lips."

"I do," Khila said, as Leila started walking toward the mouth of the cave. "But not when you're speaking Dragon Tongue. Unlike most, I don't speak a word of it. There's only a few words I understand; one  of them meaning Guardian."

"Niguidara," Leila translated, looking at her friend.

"Yeah, however you say it," Khila said. Being deaf, Khila wasn't able to sound things out like a normal hearing person could. It took her awhile to learn Basic English; learning Dragon Tongue would be a lifetime. The few words she did know, she learned from Leila; mostly because Leila would say them so often around her.

A fireball shot out of the cave, making Leila shove Khila to the side as she took the fireball head on. "Seriously, Morgana?!" Leila exclaimed, knowing exactly who threw it. "You know I'm immune to fire attacks."

"I Just wanted to make sure." Morgana, a tall beautiful brunette who looked to be in her early to mid-thirties said, stepping out into the sunlight. "Who's this?"

"I'm Khila," Khila replied, getting off the ground and brushing herself off. "You are?"

"Did you not just hear her say my name?" Morgana demanded, confused.

"Morgana," Leila said quickly, stepping between her and Khila. "She's deaf- and extremely underestimated. You have to be facing her if she's going to understand what you're saying."

"Oh..." Morgana said, looking at Khila. "I'm sorry, come in."

"You're welcome," Leila whispered to her shorter friend, before turning to follow Morgana. The cavern was quite large, and had few possessions: a cauldron, a few blankets, and a small area with toys for Lithira.

"What brings you to my cozy abode this time?" Morgana asked, turning to face Leila and Khila. "Don't tell me you're here for another magic lesson?"

"You know I'm not," Leila said, shaking her head. The last time Morgana tried to teach her a spell, it severely backfired. Luckily the area they had practiced in was once again full of life. "I'm here about Arthur."

"What about him?" Morgana asked, a bit confused. Neither woman was a fan of Arthur; which is one of the reasons they were allies.

"He's found Gondra," Leila replied, crossing her arms. "Only a handful outside of its denizens know where it is- none in Camelot, mind you."

"And you think I had something to do with it?" Morgana asked, turning toward Leila and her friend, clearly shocked by this.

"All I know is that Arthur had help from a powerful sorceress," Leila replied, cooly. "You're pretty powerful; but, I think you know better than to betray me. Who else have you told about Gondra?"

"No one," Morgana said, shifting her weight a bit. "No one who would have anything to gain from it, anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"That you've overstayed your welcome," Morgana said darkly, turning away. "Next time I see you, it better be for your monthly rounds."

Leila rolled her eyes and walked away. She's lying about something, Leila signed.

I know, Khila signed back. Why, though?

I don't know, but something big is going on, and I don't like it.


"Do they suspect, sister?" A voice called from the adjacent tunnel. Morgana turned to see a beautiful blonde with blue eyes standing there in a blood red dress and black cape.

"Probably," Morgana replied. "Did you have anything to do with what she's talking about, Morgause?"

"Maybe a little," Morgause said, using her forefinger and thumb for emphasis.  "But I had nothing to do with the attack on the outter village."

"Morgause," Morgana groaned, turning away. She shouldn't have asked Morgause anything and kept her suspicions to herself. Now, she knew and Leila would hold her accountable as an accomplice; which meant she would most likely lose one of her most precious possessions, and that was the last thing she wanted.

"I only got Arthur's men past the mountain," Morgause repeated defensively. "I don't know why they wanted to get over it; and what they did after I left them was their business."

"If Leila finds out I gave you the location to her realm, I could lose Lithira," Morgana countered angrily. The white dragon walked into the cave at that moment and nudged her friend. Morgana sighed and stroked Lithira's nose in a soothing manner. She was the closest thing she'd had to a friend since fleeing Camelot, and she would died protecting her.

"She won't find out," Morgause said stepping toward her sister in a comforting manner. "I have a feeling she's going to be a little distracted."

"Do I want to know?" Morgana asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's all to give you your throne," Morgause said, touching her shoulder. "It's taking too long with that Niguidara girl."

"I know,"Morgana sighed, continuing to stroke Lithira's nose. "It's just that thing she has about innocent blood- and the problems in the realm she lives in..." She turned to her older sister after a moment. "I won't pry into whatever it is you're doing; just as long as I don't lose Lithira... Or you."

"You won't, Morgana,"Morgause said, smiling as pulled her hood up as she started to walk out of the cave. "I promise."

Lithira snorted, nudging Morgana once again. "Don't worry Lithira," she whispered as Morgause disappeared out of sight. "I won't let them take you away from me. Not if I have anything to say about it..."

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