Mr. CEO and the BET


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My name is Axel Thorn. i'm the big CEO of a billion dollar company. I'm arrogant, a major player, and I can g... Еще

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
chapter 5 (Edited)
chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11(edited)

Chapter 9 (edited)

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I was so excited he had taken me to the county fair. I jumped out of the car and ran around the car to hug him. He caught me and chuckled and then sat me back down on my feet. I grabbed his hand and practically drug him to the front gate. He paid for our wrist bands and we walked in the big gate. 

"What first?" He asks

"Rides" I tell him

He nods and we run over to a roller coaster and wait in line. 

"Will you put my phone in your pocket please?" I ask 

"sure." He says taking it

I smile and step up onto the platform and then step in the car and take a seat. He steps in and sits beside me and I grab his hand and squeeze it. He chuckles and I smile and the ride takes off like a shot. I squeal and laugh and I enjoy every minute of it. We get off and walk around for a while. I get a funnel cake and make a mess eating it. 

"You have powder sugar all over your face" He says laughing and pulls out his phone to take a picture

I grab it from him and turn on the front facing camera and I take a picture of me kissing the side of his face. He chuckles and wipes off his face and mine. I laugh and feed him a bite of the funnel cake. 

"I'll be right back" He says getting up

I nod and continue eating. A few minutes later a huge lime green monkey is sat in front of me and I looked up to see Dante grinning at me. I smile and walk around the table and he smiles down at me. I lean up and kiss him. He growls and kissing me back even harder. I slowly pull back and look at him smiling.

"Thank you" I tell him

"Your welcome." He says

"Alexis" I hear someone yell

I turn around to see Axel standing there fuming.

"Dante I think it's time to run" I whisper

He nods and grabs my hand and the monkey and we take off running back to the car. We hope in and start driving.

"Let me call mom and tell her we are staying at my place tonight. And see if she will look after the girls." I tell him

He nods and I make the call. 

"Hello" She says

"Mom can you look after the girls tonight? We had a problem so we are going to stay at my place tonight since Nan and Jason are on their vacation." I tell her

"Sure baby. That's fine. Call us if you need us" She says

"I will. Love you" I say

"Love you too" She says and hangs up

"Ok go down here and make a left." I tell him

"I know where you live" He says

"How?" I ask

"Dad told me." HE says

I nod and lean back in my seat. After thirty minutes we finally pull up to my gate. I sigh and lean over the seat and Dante and roll down the window. I lean out the window and punch in the code and the gate opens. I feel Dante's hand slide up the back of my leg and grab my ass. I swat his hand away and laugh.

"Now isn't the time for that." I tell him smiling

He chuckles and I settle back in my seat and he pulls through and up to the front door. I climb out and pull out my keys and I open the door. We step in and I kick my shoes off.

"Take those shoes off. I didn't spend so much money to have my carpet ruined." I tell him

He nods and kicks them off quick. I walk to the kitchen and start me some hot tea. 

"Ooh look it's about to rain. Let's go out back. I love being outside when it rains." I tell him

He nods and I walk out back and take a seat just as it starts raining. I smile and lean back in my seat. My phone stars ringing and I groan but answer it. 

"Hello" I say

"Hey baby" Markus says

"Hello lover" I say smiling

"What are you up to?" He asks

"I just got home. What are you up to?" I ask

"Going to get dinner. I was going to see if you wanted anything while I was out" He says

"Yes please." I tell him

"Same as always?" He asks

"Yes but double it. Dante is here with me" I tell him

"Ok I'll see you in thirty" He says

" OK be careful. I love you" I tell him

"I love you too honeybee" He says and hangs up

"Who was that?" Dante asks

"Markus. He is bringing food" I tell him

"And what are we having?" He asks

"Taco bell. I have it every time it rains. It's a comfort thing for me" I tell him

He nods and leans back in his chair and pulls my feet into his lap and start massaging my feet. I groan and then sigh. I don't know how long I say there but soon Markus was walking through the door with my food. 

"Come on honeybee time to eat" He whispers in my ear

"OK. Let's go inside though i'm cold" I tell them

They nod and I stand and walk inside. Markus places my food in front of me and I smile at him and open it up and I start eating. I finish off three tacos and then I sit back and sigh. 

"Ok i'm out of here. Your brother will have my head if I let his food get cold." Markus says

He walks around and pecks my lips and hugs me and leaves. 

"Bye love you" I yell

"Love you" He calls back 

I laugh and sit back sipping on my drink. 

"I'm going to change and then watch a movie. Wanna join me?" I ask him

He nods and stands and we head upstairs. I push my bedroom door open and Dante looks around wide eyed.

"What?" I ask

"I love your bedroom." He says

"Thanks. I designed it myself." I tell him walking into my closet

I come back out wearing Jace's jersey and some pink see through panties. 

"There are sweats in my closet that are brand new. I bought them cause I like my sweats big on me. You can barrow those or just sleep in your boxers I don't care" I tell him turning on the tv

He shrugs and pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it on the floor.

"Woah pick that up and put it on the chair" I tell him sternly

He picks it up and tosses it on the chair and smirks at me. 

"Don't smirk at me. I like for my home to stay clean" I tell him 

He nods and takes off his pants and I gasp looking at his abs. He turns around facing me and stretches flexing. I groaned and then smirked.

"I'm going to have a shower" I say

I stand up and pull the jersey over my head and I toss it on the bed and he gives a clean view of my bare back and ass. I hear him growl and I smirk and walk into the bathroom but I don't close the door all the way. I turn on slow music and turn on the hot water full blast. I strip my panties and step into the hot shower. I sigh when it runs over my back. I soon hear a click and I know that he has entered the bathroom. I hear the glass shower door open and then close and then I feel his hands on my hips. HE pulls me roughly against his chest and he runs his hands up my sides and over my breasts. I moan and sigh when he teases my nipples. 

"If you want me to stop you better say so now" He growls in my ear

I spin around and kiss him hard. He pushes me against the shower wall and kisses me harder.  

"Wait" I say

He pulls back and looks at me. 

"We have to stop. The shower is fine and so is the nakedness but we both know i'm not ready to go there yet" I say dragging my fingers over his abs

He nods and kisses my forehead and then turns me around and starts washing my hair for me. I smile and relax and then we wash up and step out. HE wraps a towel around me and I smile up at him. I dry off and slip on some panties and a t shirt and slid into bed. I turn on the tv and the Lucky one was playing so I just let it play. I curled into his side and soon enough I drifted off to sleep. I wake up the next morning to voices down stairs. I slip on my silk robe and wonder down stairs. Nancy and Jason were walking through the door and I smiled.

"Have fun you two?" I say causing them to jump

"Oh we had a great time baby" Nancy says hugging me

"What are you doing here?" She asks

"Dante and I stayed here last night cause of Axel. Some stuff happened and now Axel and Austin are both out of the picture. Their older brother is actually upstairs still sleeping" I tell them

"Wait what?" Jason says

"Papa calm down. Nothing happened. We watched and movie and slept. He took me to the county fair last night and we ended up back here just hanging out" I tell him

He nods and kisses my forehead. Soon Dante comes down and kisses the side of my head and takes a seat next to me. Nan sits my cup of hot tea in front of me and I take a sip and I moan.

"God I missed you" I say taking another sip

She laughs and then looks at Dante.

"What would you two like for breakfast?" She asks

"Nan you just got home. Sit and I'll cook" I tell her standing

"No both of you sit i'll cook" Dante says standing

I nod and I grab Nan and we walk out the back door to enjoy some fresh air. 

"I adopted Haley and Hannah yesterday" I tell her

"I have great grandbabies?" She yells

"Wait what?" I ask shocked

"Come on honey. I'm old enough to be your grandmother. You call Jason papa I just thought. Oh nevermind" She says

"Nan I love you like family. You have always been like a nanna to me. But yes you have great grandbabies" I tell her

"When can i meet them?" She asks

"Do you want to come with me to moms after breakfast?" I ask her

"Yes please" She says grinning

'What's with that smile?" Jason asks

"We have great grandbabies" Nancy yells

"You finally adopted them?" Jason asks

"I did. It happened yesterday. Wanna come with and meet them?" I ask him

He nods and kisses the top of my head. Soon Dante walks out carrying a bunch of food and sits it on the table. Nan fixes me a plate and sits it in front of me.

"I'm really not that hungry" I tell her

"Just eat your bacon and toast baby." She whispers

I nod and start nibbling on it. 

'Is it that bad?" Dante asks

"NO honey. Um I have a eating disorder so some days I feel like eating a horse and other days I barely eat anything. Nan told me I only had to eat my bacon and toast. If I push it will make me sick" I say shurgging

"Are you on meds?" He asks

"I was. I don't take them anymore. I still see a therapist once a month. If I need more than that I go talk to Jace. He was the one that found me so it's easier talking to him about everything." I tell him honestly

I push my plate away and I stand up walking out into the sand towards the water. My feet met the water and I sighed. I was hugging my arms close to my body and Nathan ran up to me wrapping a blanket around me. 

"Thanks" I tell him

He nods and walks away. I sigh and turn around and walk back towards the house. I enter the back door and Nan was doing the dishes. 

"I didn't mean to upset you" Dante says

"I wasn't upset. I was just thinking. I tend to do that a lot when I just need away. Nan nor Jason came after me cause they know I just needed a few minutes to get through my own thoughts." I say

"OK. Well go get dressed and we will go get the girls" He says smiling

I nod and run off to get dressed. I come back down twenty minutes later and Nan was standing by the door waiting on me. We all walk out and climb into my car and head out. I drive the twenty minutes to there house and we all climb out. The front swings open and Hannah comes running out jumping in my arms. 

"Hey baby. How was your night with your mimi and poppy?" I ask her

"Yes we did." She sang

Dante chuckled and Hannah reached out for him. He plucked her from my arms and carried her inside. I walked in to see Amy and Henry but no  Haley.

"Mom where is Hale?" I ask

"She locked herself in her room and won't come out. I've tried for hours to get her to come out" She says

I gasp and take over sprinting up the stairs and to her room. I knock and I hear a sniffle. 

"Hale baby open the door" I tell her

I hear another sniffle and then a click. I push it open slowly and step in shutting it behind me. I walk over and sit on the bed behind her. She had her back to me and was crying. 

"Haley baby talk to me" I tell her

She shakes her head and I sigh. I stand up and walk around the bed. I kneel down in front of her and her hair was covering her face. I reach up and gentle push her hair behind her ear. The only thing I see is red. 

"Who?" I ask calmly

"Brad" She whimpers

"Get up now" I tell her

She shakes her and and says "no" 

"Haley get your ass out of that bed right now." I yell at her

She jumps up lowering her head and I grab her arm pulling her out of the room and down stairs. We walk in and everyone freezes. 

"Hannah go to your room and play" I tell her

"But" She starts

"Now Hannah don't make me tell you again" I say sternly

"Yes ma'am"She says and runs upstairs

"Show them" I tell Haley

"Please don't make me" She whispers

"Show them now or I will"I yell 

She jumps where she stands and pulls her head up and moves her hair out of the way. 

"Who the hell hit you" Dante roars

She jumps again and starts crying. 

"Haley honey look at me" Dante says 

She lifts her head and closes her eyes and then opens them.

"Who did this baby?" He says calmly

"Brad a guy iv'e been seeing" She whispers

"what happened?" He asks

"It was my fault." She says

"Mom call my dad and get him here now. Now you young lady sit" I tell her pointing to the chair

She nods and walks over sitting down. I start pacing thinking about this hard. 

"OK first does anyone in this room have a problem seeing my in just my underwear and bra?" I ask

"NO" Henry says knowing what i'm going to do

"Dad" Dante starts

"No she needs to do this" He says 

Dante nods and I look at Haley. I walk over to her and kneel down in front of her. 

"Haley sweetie why do you think this was your fault?" I ask her

"He told me not to speak back to him and I did I should have listened" She says

"Baby this is not your fault. You should never let someone hit you." I tell her

"But" She says

"No buts. Baby i'm going to show you something." I tell her

I stand up and pull off my jeans and shirt  and I turn my leg and show her the scar. 

"What happened?" She asks

I turned out and showed her the one on my back and she gasps loudly. I turn around and kneel in front of her again. Amy wraps a blanket around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head. I look at Haley for a minutes and then sigh.

"Baby my father married me off to a man that abused me for years. He starved me and told me I was fat. He never let me have friends. He would throw me in a room for days with feeding me. Jace found me and took me to the hospital and because of the way he done me I can't have kids of my own." I tell her

By the time I was done she was crying. There was a knock on the door and my dad ran in and stopped dead in his tracks.

"What does she have to do?" I ask standing up wrapping the blanket around me tighter.

"She needs to make a report and get a restraining order. If he comes near her again she has every right to protect herself." He says pulling out the paperwork

HE gets all he needs to know and then stands. 

"I will push the restraining order through right away." He says

There was another knock on the door and I quickly pulled on my clothes. Brad came rushing through the door and went straight for Haley. I stepped in front of her and punch him right in the nose. He staggered back looking shocked.

"Stay the fuck away from my daughter" I tell him

"Back off bitch" He says

I rare back punching him again.

"If you come near her I will kill you and I will get away with it. All anyone will ever know is that you came after her and I protected my child." I say shrugging and grinning evily

"You can't keep me from her' He yells

"Oh but I can" My dad says stepping up flashing his badge

"Sorry" Brad mutters

"And don't think I won't be telling your father about this young man" My dad says

Brad gulps and nods and runs out. 

"Come on sweetie let's get you cleaned up" Amy tells Haley

Haley nods and then looks at my dad.

"Thank you" She whispers

My dad sighs and steps up hugging her tightly.

"You can always call if you need me. After all it looks like i'm your paw paw" Dads says laughing

She nods and lets Amy pull her from the room. 

"Will you run up and check on Hannah real quick?" I ask Henry

He nods and walks out and soon Lucy the maid walks in with a ice pack and hands it to my smiling. I smile back at her and wink and she walks out. 

"Nice hit" Dante says

"I box" I tell him

His eyes go wide and he just nods. 

"OK i'm going to take care of this and then i'll call you later." He says kissing my temple

"Thanks daddy" I call after him

He turns and winks at me and closes the door. 

I turn and face Dante and he just looks at me with concern.

"She is changing schools so she doesn't have to be around him." I tell him

"Why don't you pull them both from school since it's the end of the year. Ya'll can come to London with me and then can have some time away from everyone." He offers

"That is an amazing idea" I say stepping forward and kissing him

He smiles into the kiss and I pull back and look up at him.

"Don't ever pack we can do all kinds of shopping when we get to London." He says

"You are going to go shopping with three girls?" I ask

"Yes. We are even going to get everything they need for a room at my house" He tells me

"And what about my room?" I ask him

"Oh no ma'am you are sleeping with me so you get to decorate our room" He says smiling

"Well do you want to tell them or should I?" I ask smiling back

Dante pulls away from my and runs up to the girls room. He scoops up Hannah and carries her to Haley's room. HE sits done on the bed and looks at the girl.

"So your mom and I talked and we decided to pull you two out of school since it's the end of the year and all three of you are coming to London with me." He tells 

"Really?" Haley squeals and then grabs her face tensing

"Yes love. Now put on come clothes so we can go to my jet" He tells them

"Yes sir" Haley says jumping up

Dante laughs and stands up and walks to Hannah's room again. He sits her down and pulls out a purple outfit an helps Hannah get dressed. I smile at them and walk over and I kiss the top of Hannah's head. She looks up at me and smiles and raises her arms for me to lift her up. I lean down and pick her up and I walk down stairs to find Amy and Henry talking. 

"Go give mimi and poppy loves" I tell Hannah 

She jumps down and runs over hugging them. Amy pulls out a stuffed hippo and hands it to Hannah.

"Thank you" She says smiling

Haley walks in and Amy pulls out a stuffed frog and hands it to her and she smiles and hugs her. Henry pulls out a stuffed monkey and hands it to me and I burst out laughing.

"Thank you" I tell him hugging him

"I know you love monkeys and we were buying for the girls and I thought of you instantly when I see that" HE says shrugging

I smile and hug it to my chest and Dante chuckles. I turn and glare at him and he steps back throwing his hands up in defense. 

"Alright girls let's go" Dante says

They nod and hug Amy and Henry and then I do and we all head outside to the car. Dante's driver picked us up and takes us to the airport. We soon board the plane and we all get seated. Soon a woman walks up and starts talking to Dante. 

"Girls are you hungry or thirsty?" Dante asks

"Yes please" Hannah says

"What do you want baby?" I ask her

"Chicken" She says

"OK." I tell her

"Chicken fingers ok baby?" Dante asks

"Yes" She says grinning

"We all will have the chicken fingers and fries and a coke for us three and apple juice for the little one." Dante says

"Actually bring me a screw driver. I need something to relax me." I tell her

"But" She starts

"Do it" I snap

She nods and walks away. Dante reaches over and grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Relax everything will be fine." He says

The woman sees us and spills my drink down the front of me. I smirk and look at Dante showing him my see through shirt. 

"Your wearing two shirts can I have one?" I ask him

He nods and stands and pulls one off and I step back and  pull my over my head and drop it to the floor. I take a few napkins and clean myself off and then I grab the shirt and pull it over my head. I lean up and kiss him and he groans and kisses me back. 

"By the way your fired when we land" I turn around snapping at the woman

Her jaw drops and I smirk. Dante bust out laughing and so does Haley. I smile and take my seat. After a very long flight we finally landed and all headed to the limo that was waiting for us. We pull up to a huge mansion and I grin. 

"What are you smiling about?" Dante whispers in my ear

"I can't wait to get started decorating" I tell him still grinning

He chuckles and I giggle and we all step out of the car. 

"Ok girls you can choose any room you want but the third floor is off limits to you two. Do you understand?" He says

"Yes sir." They say

"Now go kill each other over the best ones." He says 

They laugh and run inside only to stop dead in their tracks screaming bloody murder. I run in to see two huge doberman pinchers barking.

"Down boys" Dante commands

They back down and then run over jumping on him. 

"Guys this is Charlie and Luke." He says petting them

Hannah squeals and runs over petting them. I laugh at her and pat their heads and then I look around some. 

"So how about some shopping?" Dante says

"Yes please" Haley says

I look at her shocked.

"What? I haven't been shopping for myself since I have had Hannah. Not that i'm complaining. I gave up everything for her." Haley says smiling down at Hannah

"I love you Hales" Hannah says

"Aw I love you too." Haley says bending down hugging her

I look at Dante and he winks at me and I shake my head knowing he's up to something.

"Ok first of all there is a guard for each of us. You can't go running off alone. I'm very well known here and there is always someone after my life. So please listen to your body guards. Now Haley this is Andre. Hannah this is  Alex and Lexi that is Bill. Now let's go shopping." Dante says

"What are you up to?" I whisper to him

"I assigned Andre to Haley on purpose. He is good at his job but is a stiff. Haley has been through a lot and think she will be the one to break him and he will be the one to heal her. Alex is good at her job and is great with kids so that is where Hannah comes in. Now Bill and Casey are for both of us. But I have a few other things up my sleeve for Haley. She is an amazing young woman who deserves more than she was dealt." He tells me shurgging

We all climb into the limo and head to the mall. We drive for twenty minutes and pull into the mall. 

"Ok look the paps are going to be all over you. Don't raise your head or answer any questions. I will take Hannah. Haley do not let go of your moms hand please" HE says

She nods and he steps out and picks up Hannah and then I step out followed by Haley who grabs my hand right away. The paps were screaming and Haley tightened her grip on my hand and Andre ran up and wrapped a arm around Haley and rushed us inside. 

"Thanks" She says 

He nods and steps back and Dante steps up again. 

"OK Haley you are going to go with Andre and do your own shopping. We will meet you in the food court in two hours." He says handing her a black card

"No I can't" She says not taking it

"Yes you can. Hale take it now" He demands

She stiffens but takes it and steps back hanging her head.

"Actually can I go with Haley for now. Let me switch with Andre while shopping. I think she could use a girlfriend right now" Alex says

"That's good with me" I tell her

I hug her and whisper a thank you in her ear and she nods and winks and walks away with Haley. 

"OK Hannah how about shopping with mommy?" I ask her

"Yes please" She says

She is so cute for a four year old. I smile and take her hand and we skip off to the kid clothing store. We fill a buggy with clothes and shoes and I run over to pay for everything while Dante takes Hannah to the toy store. I pay for everything and turn to see Andre waiting on me. 

"Andre I need you to look after Haley. I know you noticed the bruises. Her ex beat her pretty bad. I don't want to see my daughter go through that again. So look after her with your life please" I tell him

"Ms. Petrova I will look after her with my life. I'm very good at my job. And for the record I know what she is going through" He says

"Call me Alexis and at least we are in that same boat" I tell him looking down at my feet

"what?" He says looking shocked

"That is a story for another time. But yes" I tell him

He nods and takes the bags and we walk over to the toy store to see Dante paying for everything. 

"Mommy, Dante took me to build a bear" She squeals

Andre cracks a smile and then covers it up and I grin and scoop her up.

"That's awesome baby. Now let's go find your sister" I tell her

She nods and makes grabby hands for Dante who happily takes her. I grin and he grabs my hand and we head to the food court. I see Haley sitting there smiling for once and I can't help but smile to.

"How did it go?" I ask

"Well Miss Haley and I are going to be great friends. And after forcing her to run his card hot she finally come out of the store spending two grand." Alex says

I choke on my drink and look at her wide eyed.

"Calm down love. That's why I gave it to her. Haley it's fine. I make more than that a hour. You could have spent eight grand and I wouldn't have cared." Dante says

"Thanks" she whispers

"Every man that speaks to you isn't going to hurt you honey. Relax, take a deep breathe and close your eyes" Alex tells her

Haley does just that then opens her eyes again and I see no trace of fear in them at all.

"See much better" Alex tells her

"Thank you" Haley says hugging her

I smile and then Hannah speaks up.

"Can we have pizza?" She asks

"Sure let's go home and order in" Dante says

"Actually we need to go to get bedding for their beds. Then we can go home." I say

"Come on one last stop then home" Dante says

We all stand and head to bed, bath and beyond and Haley goes crazy. 

"Go get whatever you want" Dante says

Haley jumps and attacks him in a hug and runs off with Alex.

"Well that was different" Dante says

"She actually hugged you" I say

"It's about damn time. I didn't think she was ever going to warm up to me" He says smiling

"Just give her time honey" I tell him

He nods and we get to shopping for Hannah's room. After two more hours we were all tired and headed back to the house. As soon as we stepped inside we got the pizza ordered and then got Hannah's room set up and left her to play with her toys. 

"Haley I chose your room" Dante says

He walks down to the end of the hall and pulls out a key and unlocks the door. He pushes the double doors open and Haley gasps. 

"This is amazing" She says smiling

"This room belonged to someone very important to me and this is the first time I have opened these doors in years." He tells her

"Then I can't" She says

"Yes you can. It's time this room shined again. Don't worry she won't care that you have it now." He says

She turned around slowly and stepped forward and paused. Dante raised his hand and wipes her tears away and then pulls her into a hug. 

"Go on and unpack. And then come on down to the living room. I'll let a fire and we can eat dinner in front of it" He says

She nods and turns to me and hugs me. Everything goes by smoothly through dinner and I get Hannah to bed and then I walk to Haley's room and hear her singing in the bathroom. I push the door open to see her settled in a bubble bath and I stand there listening to her sing. I pick up singing with her and her head snaps to me. I continue singing and she smiles and we finish the song.

"I didn't know you could sing" I tell her

"It has always been my little relaxing method. I love singing" She says

"And why didn't you tell me your birthday is Saturday?" I ask

"I didn't want to make a big deal out of it" She says

"Well we are. This is your first birthday with me and we are going all out" I tell her

She nods and stands to get out of the tub. I hand her a big fluffy warm towel and when she goes to wrap it around herself I see bruises. I reach out opening the towel and I touch the bruise on her ribs. 

"Does it still hurt?" I ask

"No not so much" She says

I nod and kiss her forehead and tell her goodnight. I walk up the stairs and to the end of the hall. I push open the big double doors to find Dante standing there looking out the huge glass window.

"She can sing" I say

"Who" He says turning around

"Haley. She is amazing. And her birthday is Saturday. I was thinking of having everyone fly in Saturday morning and throw her a party. But Friday night we are all going to a club. We can hire a nanny right?" I ask

"Sure that is fine we can start tomorrow. For now let's get you in a shower and in bed. I know your tired and probably still sticky from that drink" He says winking at me

I smile and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. Dante dries my hair when I get out and pulls one of his t shirts on me and I tense. I rush over picking up my phone and calling Jace.

"Jace" I rush out

"Woah baby breathe" He tells me 

I start to panic and I sit in the corner of the room and try to breathe slowly.

"Now what's wrong" He asks

"Don't have jersey." I say quietly

"Ok baby. It's ok. I can bring it to you." He says

"No in London" I tell him

"OK. Calm down." He says 

"Need you here Thursday" I tell him

"Lexi baby we don't have the money to fly to London" He says

"Take my jet. I can call them. Go by my house and get China and the jersey. Call mom and dad and tell them to fly out as well. It's Haley's birthday Saturday and we are throwing her a party. Bring Nan and Jason. Call my sister and Jacob please" I ask still breathing hard

"OK i'll take care of it. Call them now and we will leave tonight so we can get everything ready." He tells 

"Ok" I whisper

"I love you" He tells me

"I love you too. Thank you" I say finally calming down

"Hey baby are you ok?" Markus asks

"I'm fine now. Marky I need you to go to my bank."  I tell him

"no" He says

"Yes it's for Haley." I tell him

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yes. Just bring it with you" I tell him

"Ok want me to call your dad as well?" He asks

"Yes please. I'm sure he would want to be here" I say

"Ok baby get some sleep. I'll call you when we land" He says

"Ok love you" I whisper

"I love you so much" He says and hangs up

"Sorry" I mumble

"Baby it's ok. Now what happened?" He asks

"I only ever sleep in Jace's jersey. It's a comfort thing I have to have it. I can't believe I forgot it." I whisper

"It's ok he is going to bring it. Are you ok in that or do you want something else?" He asks

"I think i'm ok. Could you get my fuzzy socks?" I ask

He nods and stands and I stay put. He comes back and puts them on my feet and then moves closer and waits for me. I nod and he lifts me up and carries me to the bed. 

"Can I change the colors in here?" I ask

"Sure. Anything you need?" He asks

" I hate to ask but hot tea. It helps me relax after a panic attack." I tell him

He nods and stands kissing my forehead. Just as he opens the door we hear a scream rip through the house. I rush past Dante and down the stairs and into Haley's room. She was kicking and screaming in her sleep. I rush over to her and shake her awake. 

"Haley baby your ok." I tell her pushing her hair out of her face

"Bad dream" She whispers

"Are you ok?" I ask

She nods and Dante walks over to us.

"Want to come sleep with us?" He asks her

"I'm twenty two not five but yes" She whispers

He chuckles and shakes his head and leans down and lifts her up in his arm and walks her back up stairs. He places her in the middle of the bed and walks back out the door. I crawl in the bed with her and she curls into my side. Dante comes back with my hot tea and hands it to me and I happily drink it down. He crawls in behind Haley and wraps a arm around her tightly. She sighs and cuddles into him even more. I smile and in no time she is fast asleep. I lean down kissing her temple and Dante kisses her forehead.

"I want to be their dad" Dante blurts out

"What?" I ask shocked

"I want to be their dad. I don't care what happens with us. Wait I mean I care and I want to be with you but if things don't work out I still want to be their dad" He tells me honestly

"Then talk to them and make it legal" I tell him

"Are you serious?" He asks

"of course" I tell him

"Do I have to ask them? I would much rather surprise Haley at her party. I thought we could do a big ball. A beautiful dress for her and then the father daughter dance I could tell her." He says smiling down at her

"That sounds amazing" I tell him

I lay down and snuggle int Haley and Dante wraps his arm around both of us and I smile. The next morning my phone rings and I roll over answering. 

"Hello?" I say still sleepy

"Hey baby. We just landed we will be there soon" Jace says and hangs up

I sit up and notice that Dante and Haley were missing. I get up and walk down to the kitchen to find Haley singing and her and Dante cooking together.

"Well good morning" I say

"Morning mom" Haley says

I freeze and look at her and she smiles at me and I grin back at her. I take a seat and Haley makes me a cup of hot tea. We eat breakfast quickly and Hannah runs back to play in her room. Soon there is a knock on the door and the maid opens it to find everyone standing there. I squeal and run over jumping in Jace's arms. He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me. Markus chuckles and kisses the side of my head and so does everyone else. Jace walks over and sits down with me in his lap and starts humming. I hum back in response and he smiles. 

"You opened the room?" Amy says to Dante

"Yes it is Haley's room" He says

"I'm for you baby. It's about time" She says and starts looking around the room

She picks of a picture and smiles at it. I walk over looking over her shoulder and see a beautiful woman in the photo.

"Who?" I ask

"She was my best friend. She ended up with Cancer and she lived with me til she went. You couldn't separate us for anything. She was glued to my hip much as I was to hers. She would have loved you. She could be such a bitch but at the same time you couldn't help but love her and laugh when she laughed. It's been four years a month ago" He tells me

"She sounds like she was amazing. And she was very beautiful" I tell him

"She was indeed. She had that killer smile that would cause you to smile even if you were pissed at the world. She was much like Haley. She always sang when she was stressed or extremely happy." He says

"Ms. Petrova the first interview is ready" Tracey the made tells me

"Let me change and i'll be right down" I tell her

She nods and walks back out and I run up to change and then I head down stairs. I go through ten people and then I finally choose one. Her name is Reese and she was in her thirties and was great for the job. 

"OK can you start today? And this is a live in situation" I tell her

"That is fine and yes i can." She says smiling

"Ok well let's go meet Hannah then." I tell her

She nods and we walk to Hannah's room and she was playing with her barbies.

"Hannah this is Reese. Reese is going to be your nanny for when mommy is working." I tell her

"OK mommy. Reese do you like barbies?" SHe asks

"I love barbies." Reese tells her

"Ok I see we are good here. Are you good?" I ask her

"Yes ma'am. I got it under control. Go do what you need to" She says smiling

I nod and kiss Hannah's head and walk out to the office.

"Ok so I just ordered Haley's birthday present" Dante says

I walk around and gasp. He bought her a fucking car.

"What?" He asks

"You bought her a porshe?" I ask

He nods and then looks back at the screen. 

"That's not all. But that is her big present. Now come do your online shopping for her dress. I done reserved everything else and I got the caters the list of food. I need you to buy her dress, your dress and Hannah's. I want Haley in purple." He says

"Done." I tell him

He stands and kisses me and I smile into the kiss. I order our dresses and then walk back to the living room to see everyone talking.

"Ok so the party is being done in purple and silver." I tell them 

They nod and Amy shows me what she is buying Haley.

"How much property do you have?"I ask

"Plenty. We even have stables but they aren't used cause I don't have horses." He says

"They are about to be used" I tell him smiling

"Your not" Jace says

"I am. I love riding and I know Haley does. She use to trick ride." I tell them

They nod and smile.

"Ugh it's only lunch time and i'm really tired" I say yawning

"Go have a nap baby. I don't want you dropping again" Markus says

"ok." I say standing

I sway a little and Markus stands up and lifts me off my feet. Dante stands and tries to take me and I feel Markus tighten his grip and release a growl. 

"Dante let him take her. It's his thing. He is going to nap with her" Jace says

Dante nods and backs away and Markus carries me to his room and lays down with me and I snuggle into his chest and slowly drift off. About two hours later I was being woke up to get ready for dinner. apparently I slept through lunch and til dinner time. 

"Come on love. Go get ready and then we will head out to get dinner" Markus says

"Will you do the Elsa braid?" I mumble

"Sure love. Go get ready and holler when your ready" He says

I nod and walk out of his room and up the stairs to our room. I grabbed a bra and some panties and went to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower and washed off quickly and stepped out drying off and blow drying my hair. I slipped on a gold dress and called for Markus. I sat down at my vanity and he braided my hair. I did my make up and Markus slipped my shoes on my feet. I stood up grabbing my phone and we walked down stairs together. Everyone was sitting around talking when we walked in. 

"Are we ready to go?" Dante asks

I nod and Jace walks over putting a arm around me and led me outside. 

"You ok?" He whispers

I nod and snuggle into him more. 

"You slipped some didn't you?" Markus asks

I nod and he sighs and holds my hand.

"Sorry" I whisper

"No baby it's ok. Just relax.  It's just dinner then we can go home and get you in bed." Jace says

I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. 

"You ok baby?" Amy asks

"She's fine. No questions" Markus says

Amy nods and Dante looks at me with a concerned look.

"Make them stop staring please" I whisper

"Guys stop staring" Jace snaps

Everyone jumps and Hannah crawls over to me and climbs up in my lap and snuggles into me. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head. We pull up to the restaurant and we all get out. Hannah goes to Dante and Jace wraps a arm around my waist leading me inside. We are seated right away and I look around. 

"Want me to order for you?" Markus whispers

"The less talking the better" I grit out

He nods and grabs my hand running his thumb over the back on my hand. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. 

"Wine?' Henry asks

"no" Jace and MArkus say at the same time

I tense and they both sigh.

"Relax baby. Just another hour and then you can get back in bed." Markus says

My food was placed in front of me and I slowly start eating taking my time. After ten bites I was full and Jace nodded at me. 

"Lex baby you should eat more" Dante says

I shake my head and lean back in my seat. 

"I really think you should" He tries again

"And I really think you need to shut the hell up" I snap at him

His eyes grown wide and I grip the edge of my chair and I start breathing hard. 

"We are taking her back. Amy can you look after the girls?" Jace asks

She nods and Jace stands helping me up. We walk outside and get a cab and head back to the house. As soon as we walk into the house I lose it. I start screaming and crying and throwing things. Markus wraps his arms around me and sits us in the middle of the floor. About twenty minutes later everyone else walks in and gasps.

"What the hell happened?" Dante screams

"Calm down. We she panicked yesterday it cause he emotions to go in overload and she dropped. She lost it when we got here and Markus is dealing with it." Jace says

"Lexi" Amy says

  "No don't" Jace says

Amy backs away and Markus sits there rocking me slowly. I cry and cry til I slowly drift off. 

Jace's (pov)

Markus rocked her slowly whispering things in her ear. Soon I watched her eyes close and Markus stood up and carried her to her room. I sat down on the couch and sighed and rubbed my temples.

"Uncle Jace what's wrong with mom?" Haley asks

"I'm sure she told you what happened to her?" I ask

"She did" She says

"Well when she has a panic attack it cause her emotions to go wild. Usually Markus or I are close enough to get to her. But since we weren't here last night it was to much for her. Today it finally all came out. It's like a mental drop. She will be fine once she wakes up." I tell her

"Are you sure?" She asks concerned

"Baby she is going to be perfectly fine. I promise" I tell her hugging her close to me

"Does this happen often?" Dante asks

"Every now and then. Markus is the only one to get her to calm down.." I tell her

Soon Markus comes walking down the stairs rubbing his arms. They are red and bleeding. 

"It was worse this time but at least she didn't bite me again" Markus says sinking into the couch

Amy hands me a first aid kit and I start cleaning the scratches on his arms. 

"Ok look it's been a long day let's get in bed and get some sleep." Jace says

"She is in our bed." Markus says

"That is fine. She is going to want you when she wakes up anyways." I tell him

"Please tell me we brought that damn bear" Markus says

"I did. It's in my bag." I tell him standing up

"Haley help Hannah get ready for bed then go to bed. It's been a long day and i'm exhausted" I tell her

"Yes sir. Goodnight" She says picking up a sleepy Hannah

"Goodnight girls." Everyone says

We finally head to our room and slide into bed with a very tired Lexi. After twisting and turning I finally pass out for the night. 

Ok guys there is the next chapter. I am going to try to update later this week. Tell me what you think like and comment! 

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