Growing Pains [Finished]

By ThaKid_Snapback

104K 4.3K 1.4K

"Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now..." More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 20

3.1K 148 47
By ThaKid_Snapback

Chapter 20

A Couple Months Later

"Am I gonna have dry dead skin or anything?" Messiah asked his doctor.

"It may be a little bit but nothing warm water and cocoa butter won't solve." The doctor said.

Beyoncé stood beside Messiah while watching him get his cast off.

"Now Messiah, the hard part is coming." The doctor said. "But I know you will get better quickly with physical therapy."

"I'll try to. I still have to use the crutches right?"

"Yeah." She said.

After the doctor removed the cast she then began to stretch Messiah's leg asking if there was any discomfort. He said there wasn't and he was let go. Beyoncé stood in front of him putting on his shoe.

"You did good baby." She said.

"So good you'll let me open my beat machine?" He asked smiling.

"You can hold off till tomorrow."


"You whine I'll make you wait till Christmas." She said eyeing him.

Messiah stopped and she handed him his crutches. She helped him down and they walked out.

They got in the car and drove off. Beyoncé's phone went off.

"Hello?" She answered through the car.

"Hey, are we out the cast?" Shawn asked.

"Yes." Messiah said.

"So we can ride-"

"Slow down there. He has to do physical therapy before he ride anything." Beyoncé said.

"That's okay, you'll be back riding your bike and drumming in no time." Shawn said. "Are you on the way to the airport?"

"Yeah, I'm getting your mom and Sydney now." She said.

"Okay, you got my house key?"

"Yeah." She said.

"Okay, I'll be home soon." He said.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too bye." Shawn said and hung up.

Beyoncé continued to drive to the airport. They arrived at the airport.

"Do you see them?" Beyoncé asked Messiah while looking.

"Yeah, they right there." He said.

Beyoncé pulled over and put the car in park. Beyoncé got out and greeted Ms. Gloria and Sydney. They decided to come visit for Messiah's birthday. Beyoncé drove them to Shawn's house.

"Shawn should be here soon he was finishing up in the studio." Beyoncé said as she opened the door.

"That's no problem." Ms. Gloria said as they walked in.

"If you're hungry I can cook you something." Beyoncé offered.

"Thank you."

"No problem," Beyoncé said. "You can get settled and it should be finished by then."

"Okay." Ms. Gloria said and went to a guest room.

Beyoncé went through Shawn's kitchen to see what he had. He had a lot of salmon so Beyoncé thought to cook that. She washed her hands before she cooked.

Sydney had placed her stuff in a room and then went towards the kitchen. She sat on the island watching Beyoncé cook.

"What you want Sydney?" Beyoncé asked with her back turned.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk." She said.

Beyoncé turned the stove on low and turned around and looked at Sydney.

"What's up?"

Sydney sat playing with her fingers. Beyoncé grabbed her hands.

"Stop. What do you want?" Beyoncé said. "I know you want something."

"I want you to reconsider."

"Reconsider what? I know you not talking about going on tour." Beyoncé said.

Sydney just looked at her. Beyoncé smacked her teeth and went back to cooking.


"What? I'm supposed to change my mind cause you moved out the city now?" Beyoncé asked.

She finished up cooking and Sydney just sat there. After a while Sydney got up.

"Did I tell you to get up?"

"But you-"

"Sit down."

Sydney sighed and sat back down.

"You do realize you had to move to get your shit straight right?" Beyoncé said. "You had to move in with your aunt to act like you have sense. So why should I let you come on tour?"

Sydney just sat there as Beyoncé looked at her.

"Messiah, you know I can hear you breathing right?" Beyoncé said.

Messiah tried to hobble his way away from the wall he was standing near.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and finished preparing the food. Soon Shawn walked in the kitchen. He kissed Beyoncé then looked at Sydney.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"She told me not to get up." She said.

Shawn looked at Beyoncé.

"She'll get up when she gives me a reason on why I should reconsider letting her come on tour this summer." Beyoncé said.

Shawn shrugged it off and went to look for his mom. Beyoncé finished the lunch and made plates.

Ms. Gloria came in and sat down and then Messiah came in so they could eat. Everyone enjoyed the food. After lunch Beyoncé had to go meet up with her mother.

"Ma, can I stay with dad?" Messiah asked.

"Yeah." Beyoncé said.

"Bey?" Sydney said looking at her with sad eyes.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes.

"Come on." Beyoncé said grabbing her purse.

"Yes!" Sydney said and went to get and got her coat and they left.

Beyoncé and Sydney sat in the car as they drove to Ms. Tina's house.

"Okay, here's why I should go."

"Shoot." Beyoncé said waiting to hear her explanation.

"Okay, it's been two months and I've been good. Yes, I did have to move but I've done everything I've been told to do if I like it or not." She said.

Beyoncé just glanced at her.

"Oh come on, I did what I was supposed to do." Sydney said. "Let me go!"

"First of all who the hell you yelling at? Calm down." Beyoncé said glancing at her. "And no. You're still not going."

"But why? I did everything you asked."

"After you got suspended and moved." Beyoncé said.

Sydney sighed but Beyoncé was sticking by her word. Sydney just turned towards the window.

Beyoncé pulled up to her mothers house and they got out. Sydney slammed the car door. Beyoncé looked at her.

"Sydney, come here."

Sydney walked over to Beyoncé.

"Listen, you're mad. I know but don't slam my car door." Beyoncé said. "Fix your attitude before you walk in this house. You disrespect my mother and you know I can't help you."

"Okay." Sydney said straightening her face.

They walked towards the house and Beyoncé used her key to go in. They walked in and Kelly and Solange were in there with Ms. Tina.

"Hey y'all." Beyoncé said hugging them.

"Hey." They said.

"Hi baby," Ms Tina said hugging Sydney. "You doing good?"

"Yes." Sydney said hugging her.

"So how did you keep Messiah away?" Solange asked.

"He wanted to stay with Shawn. Where's Jeulz?"

"With Michelle getting food."

Beyoncé nodded.

"So how you been Ms. Sydney?" Kelly asked.

Beyoncé looked at her and Sydney pursed her lips.

"Never mind." Kelly said.

"No, it's not like that it's just I'm not doing what she wants me to do." Sydney said pointing towards Beyoncé.

"Sorry that I want you to go to school to get an education." Beyoncé said. "Shame on me."

Ms. Tina shook her head and laughed.

"You get out in June right?" Ms. Tina asked and Sydney nodded. "We'll revisit this conversation then."

"Mama!" Beyoncé said.

"What? Let's see what happens in a couple of months." Ms. Tina said.

Sydney hid her smile. In all honesty she was trying and she just wanted Beyoncé to see it.

The Next Day

Beyoncé woke up and looked to the left of her. Messiah was dead sleep. They had watched a movie while he tried to make it to midnight to bring in his birthday. He never made it.

Beyoncé gently rubbed his face before she went in the bathroom to shower and get ready. When she was finished she went over to her bed to wake him up.

"Messiah." Beyoncé said shaking him gently.


"Wake up." She said.

Messiah sighed and slightly opened his eyes. He turned over and reached for his glasses. He put them on and saw his mother clearly smiling. He smiled back at her.

"It's my babies birthday." Beyoncé said grabbing his head.

He laughed as she kissed him. She kissed him thirteen times.

"Thank you." He said.

"Hurry up and get ready so we can go."

She handed him his crutches and he went to get ready. Messiah walked in his room and saw clothes and shoe boxes laying on his bed. He smiled as he looked at the clothes and boxes. Jordan's, the red giuseppe's he asked for. Balmain jeans, polo's, retro jerseys, every piece of clothing he asked for.

"Mama!" Messiah yelled smiling.

He looked back and she was standing right there.

"Why so many?" He asked.

"It's your birthday and we leave next week for the tour and you need some spring/summer clothes." She said.

"Thank you." He said going over to hug her.

"You're welcome." She said kissing his forehead. "Pick an outfit so we can go."

"Okay." He said and went to get ready.

About an hour later they drove up to Ms. Tina's house.

"Why all the cars?" Messiah asked when they got out the car.

"We eating breakfast then we'll go to your party." She said.

They walked up to the house and Beyoncé used her key to get in. They walked towards all the talking which was in the kitchen.

"Hey!" They all yelled when they saw Messiah.

They had balloons all around and they started singing happy birthday (Stevie Wonder Version) and dancing. He was laughing while he stood with his crutches.

"Thank you." He said laughing and went over to Julez.

Beyoncé walked over to the table where her mother, sister, Kelly and Michelle were.

"He like the clothes?" Ms. Tina asked.

"Yeah, he did." Beyoncé said sitting.

"Where's Shawn?" Solange asked.

"On his way." Beyoncé said.

"Well get a plate." Ms. Tina said.

"Yes, let's eat." Kelly said.

Everyone got plates and something to eat. Tim walked in with Titan and joined Kelly and soon Beyoncé heard the door.

She went to get the door and it was Shawn, his mom and Sydney. Beyoncé hugged them and brought them into the kitchen. They told Messiah happy birthday and Beyoncé introduced her mom to Shawn's mom and they started talking.

"Messiah, come here." Shawn said.

Messiah got up and grabbed a crutch and followed Shawn into the foyer with Beyoncé behind him.

"Happy Birthday." Shawn said.

"Thanks dad." He said looking up at him.

"Now I know you can't ride it yet." Shawn said and then looked at Beyoncé. "Here."

Shawn grabbed a box by the door and helped Messiah open it. Messiah started smiling when he saw it was the hover board he wanted.

"Thanks dad." He said smiling.

"You can't ride it until your physical therapist gives the okay." Beyoncé said.

"I got it ma." He said.

Messiah went back into the kitchen. Beyoncé looked up Shawn.

"You just had to buy it." She said.

He laughed.

"He wanted one." He said shrugging.

Beyoncé sighed and he pulled her closer. He bent down and kissed her.

"I didn't think he was gonna wear those shoes that quick." He said.

"Oh, I knew it." She said laughing.

"You gonna be okay in them heels all day?" He asked looking at her outfit.

She was wearing a Stevie wonder shirt, leather black pants and heels.

"I'll be fine."

They went back into the kitchen and began eating and then the guys went into the living room and the woman stayed in the kitchen to talk about different things until they had to leave for Messiah's party.

Messiah's Party

Beyoncé watched all these kids rip and run through Dave N Busters. Beyoncé had it shut down so he could have fun with his friends especially because he wouldn't see them for a couple months.

"Nicki! Ty!" Beyoncé yelled when she saw them.

They walked up to her and they hugged.

"Where the birthday boy?" Nicki asked.

"Around here somewhere." She said. "You can put the gifts over on the gift table."

They walked over to the card box and they put there cards in there.

"How many kids here?" Ty asked.

"Like forty plus their parents." Beyoncé said.

He sighed.

"I'm getting me a drink." He said.

Beyoncé laughed.

"About that." Beyoncé said.

"Are you for real?" Ty said.

"My son is thirteen, what was you expecting?" She asked.

He groaned and walked off as Beyoncé and Nicki laughed.

"Let's go find the birthday boy." Beyoncé said walking with Nicki.
"So how you like being thirteen so far?"

Messiah smiled looking at the girl.

"It's cool. It's only been a few hours." He said laughing.

Messiah was sitting in a booth away from the games and his family.

"So, you gonna be gone this summer?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said. "I'll be back when school start back up."

She nodded.

"Why? You miss me in school?" He asked.

"No." She said.

"You lying." He said laughing.

"Yeah, whatever." She said. "You like your gifts so far?"

"Yeah, my parents got me some cool stuff. I didn't open nobody else gifts yet. What you get me?"

"You'll see." She said smirking.

Beyoncé and Nicki were peeking around the corner.

"I can't see." Beyoncé whispered.

"Chill Bey." Nicki whispered.

"What is he doing?" Beyoncé asked.

"Oh, they kissing."

"What?!" Beyoncé yelled.

Nicki looked at her.

"Shut up."

Beyoncé rolled her eyes and started to walk but Nicki pulled her back.

"What?" Beyoncé asked looking at Nicki.

"Let him get his little birthday kiss. Don't embarrass him in front of the girl." Nicki said.

Beyoncé sucked her teeth.

Nicki looked around the corner.

"Okay, the lil girl gone." Nicki said and they walked over and saw Messiah getting up.

"Hey Ms. Nicki." Messiah said smiling.

"Hey birthday boy." She said.

Beyoncé sat down across from him in the booth.

"I'll leave you two alone." Nicki said walking off.

Messiah looked at his mother. Beyoncé just looked at it.

"Do you need to talk to your father?"

"Why? What I do?" He asked.

"Messiah, today you are thirteen and I know what that means. The girls have been here and their still coming."

"Ma, what are you talking about."

"I saw your lil make out session." She said.

He just looked at her.

"All I'm gonna say is be careful and don't grow up too fast." She said. "Watch these little girls cause they gonna get you caught up and when that happen you gonna deal with me and you not gonna want that problem. Got it?"

"Yeah ma, I got it." He said.

"Come on so you can cut this cake." She said.

Messiah got up and followed his mom to his cake. Everyone crowded around and sung happy birthday. Messiah blew out his candles. They ended up cutting the cake.

"Messiah, come here." Shawn said.

Messiah walked over to Shawn and he was laughing.

"What lil girl you kissing?" Shawn asked.

"Her name Brandi." He said smiling.

"Don't go no further then kissing."

"I gotchu dad." Messiah smiling.

Messiah went back over to his friends and Shawn went over to Beyoncé who was still cutting some cake.

"Your son got a lil girlfriend." Shawn said laughing.

Beyoncé turned around with knife still in hand glaring at him.

"Don't play with me Shawn." She said.

Shawn just laughed.

"He gonna be alright Bey. He just being a boy." He said.

"Okay then, we'll see how long you saying that." Beyoncé said.

Shawn just kept laughing as he finished his cake.

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Sydney trying to get back on the tour!

Messiah's gifts.

Beyoncé and Nicki spying on Messiah!

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