The Alchemist of Krydon

By yumekawaalchemy

3.8K 161 48

The story revolves around a young man named Kiro Ashenvar. Being an apprentice alchemist, his family's legacy... More

Chapter One - An Alchemist's Tale
Chapter Two - The Elegant Elf
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Outcome
Chapter Four - Kiro and the Single Tail
Chapter Five - At the Crossroads
Chapter Six - A Lone Depature
Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World
Chapter Eight - Trial, Errors and New Beginnings
Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye
Chapter Ten - Acceptance and Trust
Chapter Eleven - Audience with the Lord
Chapter Twelve - Together The Future
Chapter Thirteen - The Kiridorian Blade Dancer
Chapter Fourteen - Vacant Streets
Chapter Fifteen - A Step Forth into Rasheingal
Chapter Sixteen - The Price of Blood
Chapter Seventeen - Reassurance and Promises
Chapter Eighteen - Purpose and Investigation
Chapter Nineteen - Culprit Behind the Disturbance
Chapter Twenty - At Wits End
Chapter Twenty One - Reiguma's Natural Enemy
Chapter Twenty Two - Preparations and Family
Chapter Twenty Four - Shrine of the Serabrae's
Chapter Twenty Five - The Maiden of Flames
Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Overseer of Devotion
Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise
Chapter Twenty Nine - Party Amidst the Mist
Chapter Thirty - To Her Place of Origin
Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior
Chapter Thirty Two - The Demon's Awakening
Chapter Thirty Three - The Demon's Prowess
Epilogue - Records of an Alchemist

Chapter Twenty Three - Progress and Instability

84 5 0
By yumekawaalchemy

Perhaps sleeping in the same bed as Reiguma in her current state, wasn't such a great idea. I woke up in her usual grasp, usually, it'd be comfortable, however with her claws out, I had scratches all over.

"Uuu... I'm so sorry, Kiro.."

"Well, you couldn't help it, so don't worry."


"No buts about it."

Whilst Jang Mi's preparing breakfast, Aliza, Reiguma and I wait by the table.

"So, what's the plan for today?

Aliza's taken it upon herself to pour herself a cup of the expensive coffee I've hidden away. I'm not so much of a coffee addict, so I suppose it's a good thing it's being put to use as she seems to enjoy it as much as my Mother.

"Well, I was up researching last night, however I haven't been able to look through it all. I plan on revising over it today, however the store needs to be tended to as well..."

"Oh you run a shop? I could look after it if you'd like."

"Wait r-really? That'd be great, but... What's in it for you, gold upfront would be-"

"I'm not so concerned about tangible compensation, I'll be willing to work for free."

Finishing her coffee, she traces her finger tips around the brim of the cup.

"The lot of you interest me, so If you'll be willing to house another, I'll be sure to tend the store if required."

This place is starting to become an inn.

"About that..."

I look towards Reiguma.

"Would you be okay with that, Reiguma..?"

She averts her gaze with a hmph.

"I know you only want her because she's a girl, Kiro. I don't like it but... If you need her then she can stay."

"Aha...Thanks, Reiguma."

"I see now who pulls the strings in this house."

I turn back to Aliza as she seems to be sneering.

"Don't give me that, there's only one spare empty room left, however in it's current state, I cannot let you sleep in there. So for now, you'll be sharing Jang Mi's room, is that fine by you, Aliza?"

"Well it's fine by me, however I'm so sure if your friend thinks the same way."

She may be right about that, however it's only temporarily. Once this issue's over, I'd be able to clean up that room for Aliza to reside until she decides to leave. Though if this keeps up, I may have to expand if Lilly starts acting like an ordinary girl. If ever.

"It'll only be for a few more days, until then, just try to get along with her. I'll give you the run down of the store after breakfast."

"Will do."


After we finished Jang Mi's delicious breakfast consisting of eggs, butter/jam toast and a side helping of vegetables, I teach Aliza on exactly how I want her to maintain the store. In just under two hours, I was amazed at how fast she learns everything down to the very last detail.

However it seems that she can't seem to rid herself of her laid back attitude, which is okay, but it can be a catalyst for all sorts of problems. Though, it is her first day and she is doing this to simply amuse herself.

Maybe I was right that Aliza just wanted a place to stay after travelling for so long.

"Just don't shift forms or accept any requests without my go ahead, okay?"

Leaving the store tended by both Jang Mi as security and Aliza as the clerk, I retreat back into the forge room as Reiguma sits by the table, waiting.

"Kiro, your table's so messy!~"

Reiguma points out the obvious as I have loose sheets and books scattered all over it.

"Well both research and study are messy jobs after all. Especially during the night."

I resume my research as I hand Reiguma a picture book in the mean time.

"I'm not a child, Kiro! I'll help you research as well!~"

"Oh, well if that's the case could you run me through this textbook?"

I pass Reiguma a large textbook, filled with advanced forging techniques.

"Yes, gimme that!~ Hmm hmm..."

She starts sweating buckets.

"Ehh hmm, hmm... I see I see, I don't understand at all!~"


Gazing at me, it's as if she's about to cry from my laughter. I shouldn't tease her so much, the book handed to her's really difficult to understand. Especially for someone who hasn't had long experience in the field.

"Hmm... We'll be together for a long time, but since you're so keen on helping, how about I give you some basic lessons on alchemy?"

Closing the book I was reading, I stand up as I saw this as a perfect time to give her a general run down of the alchemy process. I'm not so much of a teacher, however the other day when we were working on Lilly's clothes, Reiguma excelled on working the forge, understanding what needed to be done as I told her. Even if there were a slight few mishaps, it was a success in the end.

"I-I'll do my best!~"


Perhaps drawing's not her strong suit as she couldn't draw a circle close enough to resemble one. For alchemy, it's a necessity as you'd want a clean connection between each item on display. Eventually though, I do believe she'll improve. And I also believe that her claws are the cause of the problem.

After giving her the general jist of it, she practices the phase I taught her accompanied by a small recipe for a healing balm using herbs and green slime goo. Even if she fails the process, she'd be in no danger of critical reactions, other than covering herself in goo. Though, she'd have to-


It seems Reiguma's in big trouble.


I quietly resumed skimming through every sheet of information after having to cleaning Reiguma's mess, I soon come across the exact recipe for their famous armors. Accompanied by side notes, diagrams and their personal thoughts, I feel surge of adrenaline rushing through my body.

The process my parents went through on creating their masterpiece is really technical, and it seems if there's any sorts of mess up, it'd destroy the end product. A fragile process, but nonetheless it's to be expected, a challenge that I must triumph.

Fortunately, it seems that their cashe of materials used were hidden in the basement which felt like a small treasure hunt to find it all. Of course there were other materials I had on hand, but I suppose they used the basement for storage. I rarely ever step down there as I never had a need to, plus it's a little terrifying in all honesty.


With all kinds of raw materials scattered across the table for alchemy purposes, Reiguma gazes at them in amaze. From small jewels to refined mana essences, to basic iron, fabrics and animal pelts, some of these I don't even want to sell in store due to their rarity.

The first tricky part is handling the correct quantity of the requirements for the alchemy side of things.

Reiguma holds a ruby to eye level and peers into as I've no doubt she's seeing multiple reflections of herself.

"If there's any left over rubies, you can have a piece."

"W-Wah r-really!? ...Nuu, I'm okay, ehehe.~ After all you've already given me a better present.~"

Smiling, she holds her out hand as I can clearly see her ring gleaming. Her smile was the exact same as the one she expressed on that faithful day, which reminds me that I told her that was her last present.

I guess I was lying about that.

"Alright then, we should get started. Are you ready, Reiguma?~"

"Mm ready! Just give me the orders, Kiro!~"

With the alchemy process reference in hand we begin our first major project in replicating my parent's masterpiece. Since they never knew that they'd leave this world so soon, their notes weren't as thorough as I'd like it to be. And I believe due to that, bits of the process were a little obscure and I had to rely on my own knowledge.

However, just my knowledge didn't seem to be enough as all our attempts resulted in failure.

"Uuu... I'm so sowwy, Kiro, I thought... I thought if I-"


While I am quite frustrated at our results, I can deem that some of the errors were due to Reiguma's rookie mistakes. The waste of resources is to be expected, however I didn't think it'd be this severe. There's no point in continuing if all our results are identical, it's time we stop, rest and revise.

"Hah... Let's just take a break shall we?"

I pass a cup of ice water to Reiguma as she awkwardly accepts it, it's as if she believes that I'm angry with her. Though I suppose the first I've gotten angry with her isn't so easily forgettable.

"Do you think I'm angry at you, Reiguma?"

I pull out a seat for her as I gesture for her to sit down.

"I don't know... Are you?"

"I am."

"Uuu... I knew it."

Lowering her head, she tries her best to sip from her cup.

"But not solely on you, I'm more frustrated at us."

"What do you mean, Kiro? Isn't it me that's causing everything to go wrong?"

Our teamwork isn't where I'd like it to be at, we don't understand each other's pace. But it's not due to that entirely, that we're not getting things right. It's because this task is of the extremes, I'm nowhere near my parents level.

If only I had the end product before my very eyes, that way I can examine it wholesomely instead of inspecting a rough diagram.

Just thinking that, Reiguma's fluffy tail comes into view as my eyes soon fall upon her clothing.

"Wait just a second..."

Remembering very well that Reiguma's clothes are resistant to fire, while still resembling normal clothing, my answer was right before me. It may not be the same as my parents, that's for certain, however I believe this may show me the way.

"Reiguma, your clothes!"

"My clothes..? Ahh! I-Is there a bug on me!?"

Quickly rising from her spot, her cup crashes against the ground as she twists her body, trying to locate the bug that's made belief.

I place my hand against her shoulders to stop her from fidgeting and stare intently at her eyes.

"There's nothing on you but, your clothes. I need you to take them off."

"W-What, you want me to- B-But Kiro... We're..."

"Ho... I was wondering what you two were up to, but now I can see that it's of most importance."

Aliza's voice resonates as she appears by the entrance.

"Oh please don't mind me, do continue."

With a teasing smirk, I immediately turn back to Reiguma's redden face, soon realizing the current situation, I remove my hands off her shoulder and hop back a step.

"W-Wait, you're misunderstanding something here!!"

It seems the surge of adrenaline I had made me act in such a bold manner. Though of course I only wanted to examine her clothing and had no ulterior motive.


It took quite awhile to explain things to Aliza as it was already pass the afternoon and into the evening in which she took the time to check up on us seeing as the busy hour seems to be over. Though she took the worst opportunity to do so as she thought we were slacking about.


Reiguma couldn't stop giggling to herself as I steadily examine each part of her extensive clothing. The cloth itself is high in quality, if it had to say, it highly resembles silk as it shimmers and seems to slide off my fingers with ease. Even though Reiguma's no longer wearing them, it still retains a warm touch which is strange for silk as it's generally cool.


Once inspired, we soon repeat the alchemy phase once I make an imprint of her clothes. And shortly after awhile, we had our first success. Not to sure if it was due to the clothes inspection, or due to a well needed rest, however I couldn't complain that things seem to be flowing along now.

Once the Alchemy phase is complete, the raw resources have turned into the required materials, before we start the forging process, I call in Jang Mi to ask a favor as I made Reiguma look after Aliza.

"Is there something you need from me?"

Jang Mi enters with a question.

"I was just wondering, since Aliza herself wants to help out the store. I'd like her to look after it whilst Lilly, Reiguma and I locate the Serabrae's."

"...You're going to bring that creature with you?"

"She'll be of use as I assume traversing the volcanic grounds will be troublesome without aerial support."

"...So you'd leave me to watch over Alizabeth, while the three of you set off into the danger zone?"

"I know it's a lot to ask, but-"


She stares at me with her piercing, unyielding eyes.


I couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by her sharp eyes.

"You hired me as your guard, my duty is to ensure your protection. I cannot allow you to go without me searching for Kumiho's in which may be hostile. Besides, I want to see this through to the end and cure Reiguma as much as you do."


I have no choice but to submit, she has proven quite a point.

"Hahh... Then I suppose I'll have to entrust Aliza with the store, or just have her walk the town while we're out."

"Yes, I'm glad you see reason. So, is that all you wanted of me?"

Getting ready to leave, I prepare myself to ask a question in which may lead to some serious pain.

"There's more. Reiguma and I just finished the Alchemy phase, so we're ready to begin the long forging process."

"I see you've made progress then, is there something you want me to help with? I admit that I can fare well with heavy lifting up to a certain point."

"Ah no it's not that but... Your measurements..."

Feeling a cold sweat run down, I start nervously laughing beneath my breath.

"My measurements..?"

"I can't fit you with elemental clothing, the same I did for Lilly unless I know them..."

"So, you're asking to feel me over in the end."

With a swift movement, she thrusts the tip of her sword between my eyes as I soon start to panic. However, before I could talk her into reason, she returns it back into it's sheathe with a spin.

"If it wasn't necessary I'd decline, however I imagine searching through a volcano would be quite a problem with clothes that'd easily ignite. So, I'll trust you."

"A-Ahahaha... Yeah it would be a problem if we had to fight as well."

"...S-So, what do you want me to do first?"

Hearing a surprising stutter from the ever so calm Jang Mi, made me feel quite shocked.

"Your clothes will retain it's image if I create an imprint, but in order to do so, I have to ask for you to strip down to the bare while I take your measurements... W-While that does sound highly alarming, you can put on this gown."

Turning away in embarrassment, I present her with thin gown that one'd use for sleep wear.


She forcefully tugs it away from my hand and retreats into the smaller room.

"You really have no shame, Kiro. It's no wonder you were able to do the same thing with that creature."

Leaving me with those words, she closes the door as I soon hear the rustling of clothes. I couldn't come up with a retort as I really did do the same thing for Lilly. Though with her original clothes, they were so thin, It was possible to obtain her measurements, without the use of the gown.


"I like to ask for you to stop staring at me so much."

"S-Sorry! Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all..."

Averting my attention, it seems rather wrong for me to put Jang Mi in such an awkward position as she wrapped one arm around her chest as her other hand pulled down the hem of her gown.

"Isn't this what you asked for however? If so then I'd appreciate it if you could hurry up."

Fidgeting, I start to remember the time in which she hasn't placed any faith in me.

"While I did want your measurements, it's not like I have to be the one to take them..."

"Do you believe Reiguma will be competent enough for it?"

Asking that very question, I don't think Reiguma would take her accurate measurements.

"If not Reiguma, then-"

"I refuse."

She turns down the idea immediately without hearing the rest of what I had to say.

"I suppose you wanted to ask for Alizabeth, however I refuse to let her see me like this and ask a favor."


I could only laugh wryly, ever since their first meeting I don't think they'd get along well.

"Then... Please excuse me."

With the measuring tape in hand, I close in behind Jang Mi as I take a nervous gulp and begin.


It was obvious Jang Mi's a lot thinner than Lilly and has more muscle. It's obvious that her body will reflect her aptitude with her sword, both toned and surprisingly beautiful. Able to swing and dance with her blade at ease and having incredible stamina, it makes me wonder if all Kiridorian's who take on the sword are just like her.

"Are you finished yet, Kiro?"

"A-Ahh yeah, just a second..."

After taking her measurements, Jang Mi left soon after as she placed herself in charge of tonight's dinner. I told her it'd be okay for her to eat out, however she insisted as she found cooking to be a sort of way to connect with her past asides from her daily training.

Soon after upon hearing Reiguma's footsteps, she appears as she immediately asked what Jang Mi and I were doing in her absence.

...Though of course I'm not going to tell her I took her measurements.

The forging process will be difficult, however I feel as if I'm a lot more competent with it.

Reiguma's flame eases the forging process as her ability to control her flames played a major part with that side of the process, just like she helped the first time. I admit that if I were by myself, this would've been a lot more troubling, even if Reiguma's still learning, she's been of great use.

While it was a shame that we weren't ready by dinner time, Reiguma and I decided to stick at it and only eat when we're satisfied with our work. Though just from that mindset, we were able to finish Jang Mi's set just pass midnight as we then took our dinner outside against the bench to take in the fresh air.

"I can't believe how fast this day went..."

Feeling fulfilled, the tasteful dinner Jang Mi prepared was like the icing on top of a well deserved soft n' round.

"Huu... I'm all bummed out, Kiro...~"

Usually, Reiguma would be keen on devouring her dinner. However, she could barely keep her eyes open.

"Ahaha, you did push yourself today."

"Well of course I did... You all were working for my sake...~"

With a yawn, she twirls her fork into her cold noodles and places it in her mouth.


"Hmm? What is it?"

Resting her head against my shoulder, she still had her fork in her mouth.

"I've been thinking... What If... What If this part of me can't be cured. Would you still care about me?"

Perhaps it was pass her general bedtime, that uneasiness started to swirl up inside her.

"What are you talking about? There'll be a way if we-"

"But what if there isn't, Kiro? I mean, it's like what Jang Mee said, I'm naturally an animal, a carnivore. One who eats raw flesh whatever it may be, either other animals or even people like you..."


It seems that she overheard our conversation last night.

"Kiro... I'm scared, last night... I dreamt of something terrible... What if I... What if I wake up the next morning to-"


I place my arm around her shoulder and press my head against hers as her fork drops against her plate.

"Look, while I don't know what we'll find. I'm sure there'll be a way in the end and I'm willing to do everything it takes to reach it. If you keep worrying about that and we do find a way, wouldn't you feel like a complete fool and that all your worries has been for nothing?"

"But Kiro that's just!-"

"Yes, it's thinking optimistically, but that's all we have, but that also doesn't mean we should give up so easily."


"Come on, while our dinner's meant to be eaten cold we should get some sleep soon. We have to work on Lilly's and mine tomorrow."

Using her fork, I twirl up her portion of noodles and feed her as she soon brightens back up.

If we keep up the pace, we should be ready in two days time.

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