Surviving the V's

By mylifeashope

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My name is Terra Blaze. I am a survivor. Over 98% of the population in the world is either dead or a is blood... More

Surviving the V's
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Misti's POV)
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chaper 13

chapter 9

73 2 1
By mylifeashope

her words shocked me. how did she know me? I didn't know her. I stayed away from people most times.I only picked friends who would help me in the future.mean, I know, I know. its just that when your the social outcast, you have to chose your friends wisely, otherwise you end up getting burnt in the end.And I've been burnt, scarred, beat enough. That's why I know how to survive on my own.I stayed away from people.

But this girl somewhat intreaged me. she seems fumileur, not like a I've only seen her face before a couple times, but like I really knew her...No.this cant happen.I cant go through this again-not after Misti.Misti is dead, her bonds are cut off from me.Shes dead, all of your classmates are dead.neighbors, friends, family.Dead, dead, dead.why couldn't I just get that through my head? maybe I already did.maybe its those lookalikes that are bringing memories and false hope back.yes, thats it.those damn lookalikes sent from my own personal hell to destroy me.thats why there make me suffer for not warning the real ones.

I would just have to stay away from them.or better yet move on as The General told us, to forget about them, they're dead anyways.But now that I think about it, its not that easy.The others might not remember their past life, but I do.

I have every moment permanatly burned into my brain.I remember everything.I notice everything.and by everything, I litterly mean everything.I notice when someone stops hitting me like they used to.I notice when the way someone talks to me starts changing.I notice the little things that people do, and the little things that they used to do. I notice when things change, and its no longer the same.I notice every single detail.I just don't say anything.

thats my curse.I can see the pain everyone goes through, day after they try very hard to hide it.but its no use.I see the scars, bruises and cuts they try to hide behind clothing, and the words 'im fine'.I see how they fool most people with fake smiles and the excuse 'im just tired'.I see this all the time.I try to help, but theres just too many god damn bloody bastards here to see that this shit hurts people.

whoever made up the saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me' can go to hell.its not true.words make fights, wars...death.they get people killed.thats why the kids at jamesworth middleschool saw an empty desk for over half a school year.thats why Rebecca Miller now lays permanently in the ground 6 feet under with a bullet hole in her head. words kill people.why can't people understand that? (sorry for the possible over- emotional phrases in this chapter. just wanted to speak the truth, and I might've gotten carried away on it.)

This girl, Thorn, seems different.she seems kinnda bubbely. happy with cans she be happy when everyone's dead?lost can she be happy when we're the ones left to pick up the pieces of the dead and forgotten? how can she be happy that there's blood thirsty vampires chasing after us that will kill you as so much as look at you?

"Get the bow.she doesn't matter. she will just tear you apart if you loose her. stop the hurt before it happens. leave her out of of your life." my conchace told me.for once it seemed right to listen to my conchace. to not get hurt in the first place.

My mind screamed stay away from her, shes nothing.but my heart screamed she needs you. you can protect her, give her a happy life.

would I be able to stay away from her?


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