Af adjoaq

417K 3.6K 740

Tyler Tyron Wesley vs. Tanesha Ashton Her father was a very prominent, influential and powerful man. Such a... Mere

Chapter 1: Blinding hunger in the midst of danger...the assignment!
Chapter 2: Blinding hunger in the midst of danger...the clash!
Chapter 3: Blinding hunger in the midst of danger...first kiss!
Chapter 5: Blinding hunger in the midst of danger...mixed feelings!

Chapter 4: Blinding hunger in the midst of danger...meeting the boss!

13.1K 655 178
Af adjoaq

Tyler Tyron Wesley vs. Tanesha Ashton

Pix of the dreaded Ghost

Video: Brown Skin Girl by Chris Brown.



When Tanesha eventually came to, she gasped at the number of men in the hall. Apart from the usual seven men she was used to seeing around, there were four really scary looking men with holsters strapped to their backs. The biggest of the new men sat at the table with Skull, deep in conversation. He was almost as tall as Skull and bigger. He was bald and looked to be around his late forties. Though his face was turned away from Tanesha, she could tell from his side view that he had a mean looking face. That must be the Ghost Mickey had been talking about, she thought. She'd obviously not been able to escape as she'd hoped before he arrived, Tanesha groaned, causing different pairs of eyes to turn her way.

"F. M. L." She muttered under her breath. She had to get away from these murderers, Tanesha thought frantically, trying to turn. And that was when she noticed that she had actually been tied to a pillar. Both wrists had been tied behind her around the pillar, and her legs had been pulled apart and tied to the pillar as well. "Fuck my life." She said out loud this time, drawing laughter from the men.

"Finally, she's up." The man Tanesha suspected was Ghost, bellowed, getting to his feet and starting towards her. "So you tried to escape huh?" He said, coming to a stop in front of her.

"And what if I did?" Tanesha snapped, causing the men to chuckle with shock and amusement.

"Oh she's fiery, this one." Ghost said, turning to look at Ty. "You're going to get your hands full with this one, my man."

"Tell me about it, Ghost." Ty responded, getting to his feet. "I just want to lock her up and not deal with her at all." He chuckled, crossing his arms across his broad chest.

"Not until she's punished real good." Ghost muttered. "Know what we do to worms who try to escape?" He asked a furious looking Tanesha.

"You expect me to guess?" Her sneer would have made a prison bully proud. "I'm sorry but I don't speak psycho." There were gasps all around as Ghost's eyes widened in surprise and Skull's flashed with a warning.

"Shark, bring me a duct tape." Ty growled. That was the only way he knew how to shut the crazy girl up before she caused her own murder with her loud mouth. "Hurry up. I can't even stand to hear her speak." He managed to sound disgusted.

"And you call yourselves tough." Tanesha gave a short humourless laugh. "Is it that you can't stand to hear me talk or you don't know how to hold your own against a woman, you spineless bastards?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Skull growled, jaw clenching. "Shark?" He bellowed.

"No, no, Skull." Ghost said quietly. "I want to hear what she has to say. Maybe afterwards, we can all show her just how spineless we are." Ghost's eyes slowly raked Tanesha from her heaving breasts to her toes and then back to her face. He licked his lips suggestively and then brought his face close to Tanesha's. "Go on...speak, little girl." He instructed and promptly took a step back when Tanesha actually spat in his face. "Fuck." He growled, wiping his face with his hand. He looked pissed.

Tanesha watched with pounding heart as Ghost slowly turned his full angry gaze on her. The man actually looked like a super villain from a movie, she couldn't help but think. That made her even angrier. "You evil, evil man. When the law catches up with you, your little reign of terror will end. So enjoy it whilst it lasts." She breathed.

"Oh I will and I am." Ghost rasped. "And I think you mean if and not when." He gave a short chilling laughter.

"You think you're good at whatever madness you're running here huh? You think you're the only one that can mess with people's lives? Well, you're not."

Ghost looked incredulous. "Are you threatening me?"

"No. I'm promising you. Your day of reckoning is coming." Tanesha managed to look as threatening as she could in her current state of immobility.

"So dramatic." Ghost laughed.

"Oh yeah?" Tanesha sneered. "You can suck my dramatic dick, you reprehensible..."

"Okay, that's it." Bellowed an exasperated Ty as he snatched a duct tape from a not too shocked Shark and stormed towards Tanesha whilst tearing some of the tape. And then he was not so gently, taping her mouth shut.

Tanesha was however surprised at the look in Skull's eyes. It was a clear warning to her not to do anything stupid. But why would Skull warn her as if he cared what happened to her, Tanesha wondered. Was she reading too much into something that wasn't really there? Well, at least she'd been able to tell Ghost her piece and that was okay with her. She knew her friend, Caroline would have been proud of her if she were to be there that very moment, Tanesha would have smiled if she could. Caroline's own choice of words would make a sailor blush and she'd taught her well.

"There." Tanesha watched the relief and satisfaction on Skull's face. "Now, you can say whatever your stupid brain tells you to...behind that tape." Laughter met Skull's mocking words.

"What do you plan on doing to her, Skull?" Ghost rasped, staring at Tanesha. "You're running the show so you have to decide which punishment will be suitable." He turned to face Ty. "And it has to be good. I want her to feel pain." He turned to look at Tanesha. "My men here haven't been with women in a while. They would love a good fun. Maybe we will give her some lashes first, and then..."

Ty had to push both hands into his pocket to stop himself from throwing a punch. He looked at the eager faces of the trolls standing around and allowed a grin that didn't reach his eyes to widen his mouth.

"Lashing is definitely out of the question, Ghost. Until I send the first batch of pictures the day after tomorrow, I don't want any blemish on her. As for your men having fun, I have an even better plan. Come on, let's finish talking business. Then we can get to the fun part."

"Great." Ghost said moving outside onto the porch with Ty.

Tanesha watched them go and shivered with dread. For some reason she couldn't fathom, she didn't want Skull to leave her alone with the thugs. She saw Mickey sitting quietly in a corner of the room, watching TV. He would turn once in a while to look at her and from those brief looks, Tanesha could tell just how upset he was with her. Well, he could sulk all he wanted, Tanesha thought. She'd been looking out for herself. After all he wasn't the one being held against his will.

One of the thugs who came with Ghost came closer to Tanesha and began to run his fingers through her hair. She felt her skin crawl but didn't even flinch. At that point, she didn't really care what anybody wanted to do with her because there was nothing she could do about it.

"Damn, your hair is long." The thug breathed. "I thought it was artificial. I wanted to come rip it out." He suddenly gripped her hair painfully. "And you have such a smooth skin." He murmured, bringing out his tongue to lick Tanesha's cheek. "I can't wait to fuck you, bitch."

"I think you'll have to wait your turn, Jack." Mickey said quietly from right beside them, startling Tanesha. She'd tuned herself off to the extent that she hadn't seen Mickey move from his chair.

"Hey, Little Mickey wants a piece too huh?" The thug who Tanesha now knew as Jack said, letting go of her hair. "No worries, I'll let you go first." He chuckled. "That will be best anyway because by the time I'm done with that pussy, she'll be too big for you." Raucous laughter erupted from the others at his words.

Tanesha watched him go join his friends in front of the TV and turned grateful eyes onto Mickey. But he only turned and went back to his seat. Even though Tanesha was saddened by the fact that Mickey felt she'd betrayed him, she knew that if an opportunity presented itself again, she would be out of the door in a blink. She was human after all. And it was only natural that she would want to escape. For now, she couldn't do much. She didn't know what Skull had in store for her but was ready for whatever they were going to throw at her. They could cut her, rape her, beat her up...torture her however they wanted, she would take it like the tough girl she was. Tanesha knew how criminals like the men about to torture her, loved to hear their victims beg. She would never give them the satisfaction of hearing her beg Tanesha vowed to herself.

But by the time Skull was through with her later, Tanesha didn't remember any such vow.


Outside, Ty had a lengthy chat with Ghost. He filed away every piece of information that Ghost released. By giving Ghost some constructive pointers, Ty earned Ghost's trust and respect even more. The man was so impressed with Ty's strategic thinking he didn't hesitate to give him detailed information about his current operations. Ty couldn't believe just how wicked the man was. And at that point, he knew he had to be very careful not to give himself up. Ghost was a ruthless monster.

"Enough of this talk." Ghost slapped Ty on the back. "We have to leave." He gestured towards the chopper they'd flown to the Island in. "What do you say the boys have some fun with the little lady huh?"

"About that." Skull started, choosing his words carefully. "See how she is? All high and mighty and stuck-up?"

"Yes?" Ghost listened attentively.

"I know her type. She can't really be bothered if we hurt her. Hell, she'll be expecting that." Ty chuckled. "What will hurt her to no end is actually fucking her and making her enjoy it."

"Really?" Ghost looked incredulous.

"Trust me on this Ghost. I've dealt with women like her so I know what I'm talking about." Ty smirked. "Put yourself in her shoes for a second. Now imagine actually enjoying being fucked by a 'thug'." Ty gave the word quotations with his fingers. "Don't be surprised if she attempts suicide afterwards. In fact I should probably start making her sleep in my room instead, to keep an eye on her."

"She'll be devastated if her body actually betrays her." Ghost said slowly. "I like this." He burst into laughter. "You're a smart man, Skull. So who's going to..."

"I'll do it." Skull said dryly. He actually managed to sound bored. "She hates my guts. And I'll enjoy nothing more than hearing her scream with pleasure against her will."

"Damn, you're good." Ghost grinned. "But you have to do it in front of everyone. Humiliate her even more. At least the guys will get to enjoy the show now that they're not going to partake in what they hoped would be a gang bang. They'll be disappointed but..."


"Come on. The sooner we get this show on the road, the sooner we can get outta here." Ghost entered the room, leaving a confused Ty behind.

"Oh fuck!" Ty swore. He knew he was cornered. There was no way he was going to get out of this one without raising questions and endangering their lives. Shit! He also knew Tanesha was going to hate him even more than she already did if he actually went through with it. But there was nothing he could do about it. Unless... Ty pulled his secure phone from his pocket.


"Okay people." Tanesha raised her head when she heard Ghost's voice. "Change of plans." He grinned at Tanesha evilly.

"Do we ballot now?" One of the thugs who came with Ghost snarled.

"No guys." Ghost chuckled. "There's not going to be a gang bang today." He raised his hand for silence when the men started grumbling. "You can have your daisy chain fun with her on our next visit. Today, there's going to be something even better. Skull has decided to give us a good show." He turned to watch as Ty entered the room and closed the door firmly behind him. The faces of the men brightened again with interest. "So relax and enjoy."

Tanesha watched as Skull approached her, looking so fierce and taut. His posture was pure predatory, making him look like a predator stalking towards its prey. She had to give it to the man...he was sexy as fuck, Tanesha thought as a shiver ran down her spine and goose bumps broke out across her skin. She swallowed hard. Only God knew what Skull was about to do to her. It definitely couldn't be good. Tanesha was almost hyperventilating, wondering what Skull was going to do to her.

When Skull got to her, he stood still and stared into her eyes. She couldn't read what was in his eyes but somehow she felt calmed by it. Well, at least she was till Skull leaned down and began to nuzzle her neck. Tanesha's eyes widened, staring at the criminals over Skull's shoulder. They stared back at her. Some smirking, others looking like they were actually in a movie theatre. Then it dawned on Tanesha... Skull was going to fuck her. Oh God! Was that the show he'd promised those animals? Where was a miracle when she needed one, she thought frantically. He was obviously going to fuck her in front of all the brutes gathered. Tanesha whimpered as her heart pounded with dread. No. No. No. Anyone but Skull. Not after how disgracefully she'd acted around him two days earlier. Hell, he was the reason she'd tried to escape. The thought of having his hands on her again was frightening, taking into consideration how they'd both reacted. She couldn't allow that. Tanesha began to struggle against her bonds. She would have begged if her mouth wasn't taped.

Ty wasn't surprised at Tanesha's reaction. He'd seen the exact moment it had dawned on her what his intentions were. Who would want to be touched intimately in front of people? And by none other than someone they detested. At least she would be alive to hate him, Ty thought as he grazed the sensitive curve of her neck with his lips. When he felt a shudder pass through her, he latched onto that sensitive spot at the base of her neck and sucked hard, feeling Tanesha's breath begin to quicken. When he moved up to her ear and licked the outer shell and then sucked her earlobe into his mouth, he was rewarded with a little moan. Ty was getting hard...and fast.

Feeling that wet hot tongue on her skin felt so good an intense shiver passed through Tanesha. She was reminded of just how badly she'd craved Skull's touch since that humiliating night and wished she could just block everything out. Since that night, all she had to do was close her eyes and she could still feel the pull of his mouth on her nipple, could still remember how she'd come totally undone. The memory of the jolting pleasure his touch had brought her still haunted her. Tanesha stifled a groan when just remembering caused moisture to pool in her most intimate parts. She closed her eyes, shutting out all the eyes filled with lust that were staring at her. She'd never been ruled by her hormones till Skull and that pissed her off. She needed to control herself, she scolded herself even as Skull moved to give her other ear the same attention. But Skull's mouth felt too good for Tanesha to ignore.

For a moment she forgot about the people in the room, losing herself in the maddeningly slow touches by Skull. Was it just her or was Skull stalling, Tanesha wondered. She felt Skull move away from her and opened her eyes to find his heated gaze on her unbound breasts, whose hardened nipples stood out visibly through her thin tank top. She saw the stark hunger in his eyes and shivered. Why hadn't she simply taken some seconds to put on a bra, Tanesha admonished herself. Now all these murderers where looking at her aroused nipples and smirking at her slutty appearance. She couldn't possibly be aroused at a time like this could she? She needed to be angry and scared, not aroused. What was wrong with her, Tanesha screamed silently.

Ty felt his cock throb and his mouth water as he gazed at those taut peaks just begging for his mouth. What the fuck was taking them so long, he groaned. He was getting harder by the minute and looking at those hard peaks wasn't helping matters. As if in a trance, he reached out and grabbed a nipple through the top, between a thumb and forefinger.

"Damn, I'm hungry for another taste." He murmured so only Tanesha could hear. "But this time, I don't want a fabric against my tongue." He husked as he squeezed the turgid flesh.

Tanesha couldn't suppress the moan that rumbled in her throat. She felt herself get instantly drenched and wished Skull could take off the tape so that she could beg him to stop. Anything would be preferable to what Skull was doing to her. Tears pooled in beautiful eyes that reflected so much turmoil. Why did her body react this way to a man she didn't know and was very sure she hated, Tanesha asked herself for the umpteenth time. It was one thing being taken against your will. And it was another thing, actually enjoying being taken against your will. And to think all the men could see her arousal... Confusion and yearning clashed in her tear-filled eyes as Ty pinched both hard pinpoints of her nipples between his fingers, rolling them slowly with erotic patience.

Tanesha moaned deep in her throat and squirmed as pleasure battered her senses with the double assault. Need spiked in her belly, right from the aching points of her tight nipples, through her body, shooting straight down between her legs. Her body was so tightly strung, she knew she'd probably climax if Skull so much as touched her between her legs. He'd aroused her so thoroughly she didn't have any control over her body. Her mind raced. She needed her anger damnit. Then without warning, Skull reached up and tore her tank top from top to her stomach, exposing her beautiful breasts to the eyes of everyone. Tanesha prayed for a tornado or any equally terrible natural disaster to suddenly occur. Surely death would be better than the humiliating experience she was having.

"Fuck, those are damn gorgeous." One of the thugs gasped whilst others groaned lustfully, gasped or swore.

Tanesha tried to move away but there was nowhere to go. The look in Skull's eyes as he stared at her exposed breasts would have been the highest compliment ever, under normal circumstances. Tanesha watched as his tongue came out to lick his lips hungrily. That was so erotic she moaned. And when she saw Skull's head move down towards her chest...towards a taut nipple, she struggled against her bonds. But a muffled scream rumbled deep in her chest when the wet heat of Skull's mouth closed around a taut nipple. She couldn't breathe. She wasn't prepared for the onslaught of such bliss...for how good it felt. It was too much to accept. She couldn't do it. Tanesha fought against succumbing to the exquisite pleasure and lost. She moaned uncontrollably as the back of her head thumped against the pillar, her eyes shut in ecstasy. The feeling of Skull's mouth pulling on that highly sensitive flesh, and his fingers twisting the other nipple was indescribable. The ache between her thighs zoomed to a different level, an electric bolt of rapturous thrill racing deliciously through her even as she called herself all kinds of stupid.

"See how she's loving it." Tanesha heard someone...Ghost say hoarsely.

"She's obviously dying to have a dick fill her hungry hole this very moment." Another person chipped in, making the others laugh.

And that was all it took for the tears to slide out from under Tanesha's tightly squeezed eyes. Those tears were not flowing because she'd been virtually called a slut. It was because she couldn't control her body's response to Skull's attentions no matter how much she tried. And that was disturbing and damn mortifying. Her eyes popped open when she felt Skull's hand at the juncture of her thighs. If she could close her thighs together to prevent him touching her there and feeling just how wet he'd made her, she would have. But thanks to her legs being tied apart, she couldn't.

Ty's cock jerked in impatience when he felt just how wet Tanesha was. And he groaned deep in his throat when he realized she wasn't wearing panties. He could feel the outline of her sex with his fingers. Fuck! He raised his head and stared down into Tanesha's dilated eyes...hers pleading, his filled with lust and regret. "Just as I thought." Ty breathed huskily. "I love how wet you are for me. You're so ready for my cock." He murmured, feeling his hard cock pressing uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans.

If it was possible, Tanesha got even more wet. Skull's words should have been a turnoff. But surprisingly, they rather achieved the opposite effect. That smooth, sexy, rich voice with its explicit words, and the blazing look of desire in those eyes caused her stomach to clench and her clit to throb relentlessly. And those magic fingers rubbing against her swollen clit felt indescribably amazing. Tanesha allowed her eyes to shut, blocking out those beautiful arresting blue eyes that made her want to just let go and give herself over to the pleasure offered.

Ty almost groaned in protest when Tanesha's eyes closed. He loved looking into those eyes...seeing how aroused she was and knowing that he'd caused it. Fuck, he wanted her so bad. He could see the tears on her cheeks but consoled himself with the fact that at least she wasn't in pain. Ty stepped back from her and pulled out a pocket knife from his back pocket.

With his eyes fixed on Tanesha's closed eyes, Ty reached between her legs and pulled the thin fabric of the leggings away from the juncture of her thighs. But just as he was about to slit it with the knife, his cell phone rang. With a groan of both frustration and relief, Ty put the knife back into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

"Took you long enough." He hissed into the phone to his fellow seal on the other end.

"Sorry. We had to set it up." Lieutenant Jackson answered on the other end. "Now let's play."

"Really?" Ty bellowed as he turned to face Ghost. "Ghost, you have to hear this. A moment." Ty barked into the phone, suddenly looking all businesslike. "I'm not done with you, bitch." He snarled at Tanesha. "Untie her and put her in my room. Mickey, get her something to eat. She's going to need her strength for what's coming." With that, he headed to another room with Ghost.

Ty saw both disappointment and anxiety on the faces of the men and almost smirked. If they wanted to watch two people getting it on, they could get online and watch porn. Fools!


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