Somehow I got Reincarnated as...

By Wynnfield

159K 6.8K 2.3K

The last thing I remembered was flashing lights, and someone shouting into my ears. When I woke up, I was imm... More

Death had Dragged me down...But Life Pulled me back.
Growing up I
Growing up II
Growing up III
Extra section
Sick I
Sick II
Sick III
Sick IV
Valentines Special
Elementary I
Elementary II

Growing up IV

11.6K 648 208
By Wynnfield

A/N : brief summary of what's happening till now

Lilianne (our main lead ) was angry with her fiancée, Hugo Kain (werewolf) over how he is too nice too other girls, so she teleported to the back forest of a human town (aka where the Heroine and her childhood friend lives in, in the game.) for some time alone . While observing their daily routine, Lilianne was found by the in-game Heroine's childhood friend, Yuuya/Ren Archlight.

Yes, Ren and Ren Archlight are the same person, if you hadn't notice the hints.

Anyway, onto the next chapter.


Lilianne POV:

I've been picking apricots and nuts for the past hour and for some reason or another, I'm not bored at all!

This is really unexpected. I had thought picking things and trinkets from the ground was something I would never take a liking to, but the way everything I picked up seem have different shape and sizes - some smaller, some rougher, some of lighter shade - really peaks my interests in these small collectibles.

Moreover, Ren is now explaining how all these apricots that we have collected could be made into different products and trinkets. Imagining crafting my own bracelet with seeds I've picked up myself! I'd feel very accomplished to say the least.

Listening intently as Ren gave me advices on harvesting, I conjured a glass jar out of my imagination without him knowing.

Realistic Illusion Magic is where, if the caster's belief of their creation is strong enough, the object of their imagination would turn real for a period of time. It depends on the emotions of the caster most of the time though.

Vincent had told me my first incidental magic was of Realistic Illusion Magic, with me popping flowers when I first saw my brother George. Though I have no recollection of that.

Thinking of brother George makes my mood soar. Though we are only a few chronological years apart, the genius in him has invented countless new Magical spells and equipment to be used. It makes me really admire him. Of course, I respect and admire Vincent lots too, but my small crush on George still lingers, so I am partial to the former over the latter.

However, George is still very shy, so Father is the person whom sells them for him after he creates the blueprint.

Father...Father dearest has not been showing his face much since I was born. Even during my first birthday ceremony, or even today, my first day of school. I know he's busy with his duties as King, but would it actually kill him to spend some time with his only daughter? I've even forgotten how he looks like, since there aren't any paintings or pictures of him in the castle.

Makes me wonder what he actually is doing.

Putting Father dearest aside for now, the boy in front of me -Yuuya/Ren- has so little similarities with the Ren Archlight I know from the game that I have troubles believing they are the same person.

However, in an otome game, why would there be another character having the same name as one of the main lead of the game? It mustn't be a coincidence.

I have trust in my deduction, that this Ren/Yuuya boy in front of me, is actually the cool, aloof prince, Ren Archlight!


So, what am I suppose to do with that information?

I have absolutely no idea. It's not like I've offended him in anyway, so I doubt he would hurt me. Moreover, I think we are legit friends right now, and friends don't kill each other right?

"Since Lily and I are friends now, are you going to come play again?" Ren (I'm going to just call him that now) asked as he picked another apricot up from the ground.

"Eh?..." I should maintain a favorable standing in his eyes to avoid getting slaughtered by his powers in the future"...if I can, sure!", even if it means breaking some ground rules.

Its forbidden for a Vampire to interact with a human as we don't know what sorcery they might throw at us.

Forgive me Dear Mothers, your precious daughter is breaking a rule for the first time since I am reborn!

Technically, I've broken two rules, one being the fact that I've skipped school, but who would actually mind the details?

"Then, next week on the same day, same place?"

"I'm fine with that."

"Yay!" Ren cheered as he hooked my head under his shoulders.

"You can be my best friend from now on!"


"Ren, don't you have other friends?" I blurted out without thinking.

That was really insensitive of me!

"I-I'm sorry! I mean-" I tried to rephrase myself but was stopped when the hold on my neck got tighter.

"Hahaha! It's okay! I have heard that friends tell each other their personal background, so I can tell you mine!"

I blinked stupidly at his grinning face, confused for a moment before it clicked.

He's going to tell me his life story?

Not that I mind. I'm really curious, actually.

"I come from a family of Murderers. "

Wow, what a way to start.


Wait what?

"M-Murderers???" I widened my eyes when he gave an affirmative nod.

Are you serious?? No one mentioned this kind of background story in the Game!

"I'm hoping that you aren't scared of me now, Lily, since all the other kids are. They don't like me much, since I'm the son of Murderers." His eyes became hooded at this point of time.

"Even now...My parents are still kidnapping small children and doing weird things to them!" He continued, clenching his hands tightly.

"W-W-Weird things??" I involuntarily squeaked as I struggled against his hold.

"A-Ah- " Ren gasped as I shoved him away from myself.

"......As predicted, you want to stop being my friend, aren't you?" Ren looked downcasted as he held his body tightly, as if trying to seek comfort alone.

Suddenly, I felt the air shift as the area around Ren became darker.

"I knew I shouldn't have been born, I know my Parents are bad people, and I should stop them every time they do something bad, but I'm weak! What do they even want me to do?? I didn't even do anything to them, yet they throw trash at me everyday and call me names! Why-"

Gritting my teeth as he continued to ramble off, I stomped towards him...

And gave him a hard slap.

"You idiot! I pushed you away because you were suffocating me! What makes you think I'm scared of you?" If it was known that a Royal blood Vampire was scared of a puny human child, I'd become the laughingstock of the school! Let alone the entire kingdom.

"E-Eh?" Ren, who had stopped in his rambling looked up at me, one hand cupping his red, now swelling cheek.

Opps, I forgot to lessen my power when I slapped him.

"I'm surprised you aren't crying yet. Even my brother(George) cried when I slapped him that one unfortunate time." That was an accident that should have never happened.

"I-I'm used to it...but what do you mean by that? When you said that you aren't scared of me? I mean...everyone else calls me monster after experiencing this weird curse from me...The blood of murderers also runs in mine, so how can you not be afraid of me?" He looked very confused and I felt myself pitying him this very second.

Poor child... he must have experienced a horrible life in this human town. I know humans may be terrible, but to even hurt a child!

(I was a human in my past life too though)

Without thinking much, I embraced him and chided him instinctively. "Just because you can perform a bit of Dark Magic, doesn't mean I have to be afraid of you! You are being over confident! Plus, if I have already said I would become your friend, I'm not going to go against my word!"

He looked even more dumbfounded when I said that.

"B-But normal people are afraid-"

"What I mean is, I'm not a normal 'person' either!" I hit his head lightly as I released him from myself, standing up and stretching, mentally preparing myself for the punishment I would be receiving for doing what I think I'm going to do.

"What do you mean-" he was promptly stunned into silence when I stretched my back for one last time, before my pair of scaly leather wings popped out.

"W-Wings???" I swear I saw his eyes popped out from his sockets.

"That's right! I'm not a normal 'human'. I'm a Vampire, nice to meet you! " I smiled at the shocked boy, bending down to his seated height.

"That's why, I'm not afraid of you. I'm the real monster! ...Are you scared of me now?" I asked him, tilting my head slightly.

"No! You are still my friend, Lily!" He replied with much gusto, accepting my held out hand for him to stand.

"Hmm, so we are best friends now?" I asked the smiling boy beside me. We did tell each other our backgrounds.

"Yup! You are my first and best friend! Nice to meet you again, Lily!"

"Nice to meet you again too, Ren."

Even though we are using our alias for one another, I felt that by revealing my secret, I have gotten his trust in return.

"But, your wings sure are small. I thought Vampires had wings bigger that their body size. Yours is just a bit bigger that your back."

W-What did he just say!

"S-Shut up! I'm still growing!" I retorted childishly as I started to hit his shoulders playfully.

"Hahaha! If you say so!" Ren ran away from me as I tried to shower him with light punches.

I think...I've just made a friend.


"What? You made friends with a HUMAN BOY???"

I cringed slightly as Mother,Vivilian screeched at me.

" I spent my entire day searching for you, and you were spending your day with another boy?" I heard a growl accompanying the accusing tone.

Ouch, that comment made my heart sting.

"I-It's not what you think! Ren is a really nice person!" I tried to calm Mother and Kain, but I think they've lost it.

"I don't care if he's nice or not! I want him out of your life right this instant!"

I saw Kain nodding his head in agreement beside her and sighed.

Why have it come to this?

Stupid brothers reporting unnecessary things to Mother.

I glared at George from beneath my bangs and saw him tremble in fright.

First crush or not, to report this directly to Mother is unforgivable!

Sure, I had expected punishment to come when I've revealed my identity to Ren, but no one told me The Queen was going to give me a lecture!

"Now listen here, young lady-"

I blocked out all sounds coming from the flaming lady in front of me afterwards.


"Am I unnecessary now?"

I turned my head in surprise, facing a red faced Kain, surprised that he had followed me to my room.

I'm currently grounded by dear Mother.

"Excuse me?" I raised my eyebrows, prompting Kain to explain what he meant.

"Since you have that other boy now, are you going to throw me aside?" Kain spat the word 'boy' out with much undisguised venom. From where I was-on my bed, I could tell that Kain's body was trembling.

"What- Kain, you know I'm not going to do that. I'm still your fiancee if you had forgotten." I reminded him calmly.

What is he even trying to say-

"Kain?" I asked hesitantly as I beckoned him to come closer. I couldn't leave my bed after all. Mother had nicely ordered some wards to be placed around my bedside, so that I won't be able to escape.

When he took really small steps, body still trembling, my worry grew.

I don't think it's possible... But is he actually-

"Kain, are you possibly crying?" I tilted my head to take a good look at the boy's face. And what I saw really stunned me.

The prideful, arrogant little brat, Hugo Kain, is actually crying?

"K-Kain! W-What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" I asked, unease filled my mind as I thought of any possible injuries the young child might have. Ignoring how he is a lot bigger than me, and predictably heavier than me, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him onto my bed.

"My chest hurts." Kain cried out, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

Frozen by the sudden affectionate action, my brain couldn't register what was happening, but instinctively, my arms circled around his waist and I patted him on the back.

"Your chest?" I wanted him to elaborate so that I could help him. Maybe I should call for some guards or something, but with the wards around, I doubt I can ring the emergency bell nor shout for help.

"Do you want to go to the nurse?" I asked him, hand running circles on his back, trying to soothe the brawling boy.

If he had a wound on his chest, would it be better if we stopped hugging? Won't it make his wound worse?

But just as I wanted to release his hold on me, Kain shook his head and held me tighter.

"Kain, if you don't let go of me, we can't go call for help. Your wound may end up worse too!" I tried to convince him to release me but to no avail.

He shook his head again, hold on me still tight. I could feel my shoulders soaked with the tears he have already shed.

This feeling of helplessness...

"What can I do to help then?" I asked him, running out of ideas on how to help the crying boy.

"Stay with me. Don't throw me aside. My chest hurts just by the thoughts of you leaving me alone, Lilianne."


"Kain, do you actually have an injury?" I questioned as I thought back on his previous sentence.

By the way he phrased it...could it be?

I felt Kain release me as he checked for any injuries on his chest. Of course, he turned his back to me. Technically, we aren't married yet, so it's immodest if he had shown me his bare chest.

"I don't see any wounds...So why does it hurt so much?" Kain turned again, now facing me directly with his clothes all buttoned up.

The way his face looked, flushed and filled with tears, made my stomach turned as I remembered how helpless I felt when he was just there embracing me. I couldn't do anything to actually help him.

But wait a second... If he didn't see any signs of injury...

"Kain, if I want to see Ren again, would you allow me to?" I asked, then blinked when I heard him form an almost inaudible growl.

"No!" Kain quickly brought me back to his embrace, now with a vice grip that I had no way of escaping. Not that I was planning to, with the Werewolf's feelings being so volatile right now.

But before I could process my with thoughts, I blurted out the one hypothesis I had formed in my mind.

"Kain...could you be perhaps, jealous?"

Hearing that, Kain parted our bodies as he stared into my eyes without blinking. I did the same.

And we sat there awkwardly, both of our faces flushed red.

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