The Curse Of Artemis (Percy J...

Par hunter-g-tyler

98.9K 2.9K 539

Adara Artedon doesn't belong in any world - not the gods', not the humans', and not the demigods'. But that's... Plus

The Curse Of Artemis
( o n e )
( t w o )
( t h r e e )
( f o u r )
( f i v e )
( s i x )
( s e v e n )
( e i g h t )
( n i n e )
( t e n )
( e l e v e n )
( t w e l v e )
( t h i r t e e n )
( f o u r t e e n )
( f i f t e e n )
( s i x t e e n )
( s e v e n t e e n )
( e i g h t e e n )
( n i n e t e e n )
( t w e n t y )
( t w e n t y - o n e )
( t w e n t y - t w o )
( t w e n t y - t h r e e )
( t w e n t y - f o u r )


2.4K 58 24
Par hunter-g-tyler

Adara's eyes opened again. For a few moments, she was unwilling to see anything. She was unsure of her eternal fate. Had she done enough for Elysium?

No, thought Adara, I surely haven't.

But then she realized - she was too aware to be in Asphodel. Which only meant one thing.

Finally she focused on her surroundings hopefully, breathing a sigh of content when she found herself resting on a comfortable bed in a clean, bright room bearing simple decorations.

No more than a second later Adara leapt from the bed and out of the room, following her instincts out of the house she'd found herself in until she could make out a red sky that looked pleasant and calming from here.

She didn't care about the view. All that mattered was him now.

Her eyes searched around hopefully, her gaze falling on a short boy with messy black hair, a devilish grin, and a smudged white shirt held up by worn suspenders. He offered her a sad grin.

Without anymore hesitation, Adara tore across the bright green lawn towards him. They locked their arms around eachother tightly, Adara's hands fisted in his hair. She took in his face greedily.

Finally she pressed her lips against his, pressing him into her like she hadn't seen Leo in a million years. For all it mattered, she hadn't.

Adara felt tears dripping down her cheeks but it didn't matter. Leo was here now. She had her Leo forever and she'd never lose him again.

When they broke away from the kiss, Leo didn't ask what had happened, how she had died. He just rested his forehead against hers and held her tight.


The water slowly seeped into the ground, disappearing from sight. Percy was left completely dry except for the tears on his face as he clutched his dead sister. Her chest was stained red, her sword still impaled in her skin. He didn't have the heart to take it out. All he could do was cry.

It was his fault.

Adara had been right to blame him. He'd let Leo down. Because of that, both Leo and Adara were dead.

What had he done?

In his peripheral vision he saw Annabeth appear on the crest of the hill, shoulders tense. When she spotted him kneeling on the wet ground, she sprinted over, dropping down next to him.

Her hand rested on his shoulder gently.

He looked over at her, salty tears running down his cheeks.

Annabeth slowly pulled the sword from Adara's body and laid it next to Percy. She touched the tip, heedless of the blood staining it. It shrank into it's marker form, and Annabeth tucked it into Percy's pocket.

Percy silently rested his head on her shoulder and cried.

So this story is officially finished. Done. Finit.

Thank you to everyone who supported me, and read, and voted. It means a lot, and I don't think I could have done this otherwise.

I just can't believe it's over.

Hopefully now, I'll get writing my others fics again, so stay posted.


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