( t w e n t y - t w o )

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( t w e n t y - t w o )

We flew for hours, but I didn't remember much from the flight, probably because I spent most of it bent over Luna's neck, sobbing.

I felt that my heart was going to explode from all my emotions. I was upset, grieving, I was angry, at Percy, I was happy, or relieved, that the Curse was gone. But most of all, I was numb. I was emotional, but also detached. I didn't understand it, but by the minute, the numbness took over and I was crying for what felt like someone else, another life.

We kept flying until the sun set, at which point Luna started to descend to get some rest.

I repositioned my grip around her neck, sitting up like someone had shocked me.

"No," I yelled hoarsely into the howling wind. No, I repeated, we can't stop! We need to keep going- I nee-

Luna whinnied. Miss, She said, I can't. I need rest. Just a few hours.

I tightened my arms around her neck, not sure what I was doing. Trying to scare her? Redirect her? Possibly kill her and harness her wings?

I shook my head to clear it. I can't! Keep going!

Luna tossed her head to try and shake my arms away, but I clung on.

Luna inevitably landed in the middle of a few grassy hills, where she bucked and dumped me onto the ground. Sorry, miss, she muttered.

My back and legs ached, but I hardly noticed it. I hardly noticed anything, including Luna nuzzling my shoulder and my backpack.

Finally, when I refused to move, she gingerly lowered herself to the ground and laid awkwardly with her wings draped over me before she fell asleep.

After a few minutes, I slowly moved my hand up to stroke her soft wing. Finally, I curled into a ball under her soft feathers and drifted off to sleep.


When I woke up, Luna was standing, eyes closed, a few feet away and I was covered in dew. My hair was so wet I may as well have dove into a river (well, if I wasn't a daughter of Poseidon... you know what I mean) and the cold seemed to have seeped through my clothes and into my bones. I shivered and blinked until my eyes focused, then clambered stiffly to my feet.

My mind told me that I needed to eat, but my stomach revolted at the thought.

My backpack left angry red marks when I pried it off of my stiff shoulders, but I barely felt my skin aching.

Inside the bag was only a map, a few ambrosia squares, fifteen dollars, one drachma, a half-crushed blue cookie and an apple that was well on its way to bruising. I forced myself to scrape up the cookie pieces and eat them, despite my stomach.

I woke Luna with a gentle pat to the neck. "I'm sorry," I muttered aloud. "Apple?"


A few minutes later, the apple was history and we were in the air again. The wind dried me in seconds, but I hardly noticed when the moisture was gone.

I was numb. Completely numb, inside and out.

I just clung to Luna and let her carry me farther from everything, and closer to nothing.


We flew for a few more days, catching a few hours of sleep here and there. From that point on, we didn't talk. Well, I didn't talk. Luna made more attempts at conversation than I cared to count, but every time, I ignored her, jaw clenched, heart numb.

It was up to me to get food, though, and I spent our last money on greasy fast food. It was obvious Luna wasn't happy about my purchase, but she choked it down without complaint nonetheless.

By the time we reached Long Island, it was clear Luna needed a good rest. She'd been putting her all into flying, and we hadn't put a lot of time aside for sleep. As a result, the return trip was faster, but if it was any longer, I don't know if we would have made it.

We set down at the base of Halfblood Hill, on the side opposite camp. Here, it was still quiet. Here, it seemed, I could stay here forever without being bothered. But I couldn't. I had to leave, and I wasn't dragging anyone with me this time.

Finally I spoke, and my voice was croaky and hoarse. "Thanks, Luna. You can go. I'm leaving."

The pegasus stamped her feet nervously. Miss? She whinnied. Are you sure? Will you be okay?

I nodded. Go, I assured her.

She turned uneasily glided over the hill, back to her home.


I didn't have a home to return to. I wasn't god enough for Olympus, but I wasn't mortal enough for the moral world, or even Camp. I was just in between. I didn't even know what I was. I doubted anyone did.

So I wandered by myself through unfamiliar trees and farmland for a while. This was where I belonged. With nobody. It was better than belonging no where at all, I supposed.

Finally I settled a few miles away, at the base of a tree. I curled into a ball and closed my eyes. Mom? Dad?

I cleared my throat, thinking maybe this would be better aloud. "Poseidon? Artemis?"

Silence fell over me like a blanket as I struggled to find words.

"I need help," I whispered finally. "I don't know what to do anymore."

Again, my only answer was silence. No helpful hints, no sudden inspiration. Just silence.

I sighed and opened my eyes again. When they focused, I almost had a heart attack.

In front of me stood my mother, hair drawn back in a braid, a bow around her torso.

I rose unsteadily to my feet and eyed her warily.

"I am not here to provoke you, daugh-" She coughed uncomfortably. "Adara. All I wish to say is this; think not of what you've lost, nor even of what you might gain. The present should be your only concern."

I shifted my weight. Was that supposed to be a warning, or just some bad advice?

Artemis eyed me uncertainly. Finally, she spoke one soft word. "Daughter."

I shielded my eyes as she burst into a supernova and disappeared.

The Curse Of Artemis (Percy Jackson Fanfiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now