This can't be real... {Markip...

By HazzardHannah

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I would like to say a huge thank you to @cakeiplier for helping with progressing the story This story contain... More

Chapter 1: Look at the random man- OMG ITS MARKIPLIER
Chapter 2: Teddy bear leg
Chapter 3: I'm so holy!
Chapter 5: Ahhhhh... FRICK ME
Chapter 6: Sexy and I know it
Chapter 7: Yawn......yawwn....yaaawww- SHUT UP!
Chapter 8: Cuddles
Chapter 9: Awkward Lap Dance
Chapter 10: Grinding
Chapter 11: The fuck?
Chapter 12: Rude!
Chapter 13: Kewl band brah
Chapter 14: Dark sides.
Chapter 15: Finding something we shouldn't...
Chapter 16: (Warning: Sexual scenes)
Changer 18: JACK???
Chapter 19: Ow...
Chapter 20: "Like you..."
Chapter 21: Freddy...
Chapter 22: You're my heroes...
Chapter 23: WHY CHICA? WHYY?!?!?
Chapter 24: OH MY LORDY LORD
Chapter 25: Fight...Fight...Fight...
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28: Nude... ALMOST
Chapter 29: Sheeeshhhh...
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32: Dark?
Chapter 33: M-Mark?
Chapter 34: Night 7
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:


63 1 30
By HazzardHannah


I'm in the kitchen, just me and Chica.

"It wasn't on purpose." She says out of nowhere. "Me and Freddy, it just happened."

I look down at my hands and I fiddle with my fingers awkwardly.

"It's not me you need to be speaking about it to." I state as I look up at her, we make eye contact and she looks like she is about to cry.

"D-do you ever feel like a dark presence takes over you sometimes?" She asks me just as she finishes preparing some toasties. (Grilled sandwiches.)

"I know that all too well." I smile warmly to her. Now that I think about it, where has Dark been lately?

"Well, I had been talking to Freddy about it, he said that sometimes he has urges that he doesn't want. Like when we were at that party thing and he pinned you down and... Yeah. He says he didn't really want to force you like that. Foxy had also mentioned that he didn't want to flirt with Mangle, something just... came over him.... I think someone is controlling us." She finishes, pouring out glasses of orange juice and giving me a hard stare to show she's 100% serious.

"If I'm being honest, I believe you." I shrug as I pick up the heavy tray of cheese and bacon grilled sandwiches. I would be thinking about my weight but I couldn't care less right now. IM A WOMAN WHO NEEDS HER BACON.

I walk into the practically silent room, I look at the clock above the stage to see it's quarter past seven.

No one is around, the room is empty.

A chill runs up my spine as I cautiously place the tray down on one of the tables, looking around for anything.

"HAN-" I hear Chica, getting cut off mid scream.

I panic and quickly sprint to the kitchen door, I yank at the door handle but it doesn't budge. I begin to hit the door over and over.

"Chica?!?! It's going to be fine just find a weapon!" I shout through the door.

After not getting a response I run a hand through my hair out of stress.

I hear a sound behind me and I quickly spin around to see Golden Freddy. He picks up half of a toastie, inspects it, then throws it to the ground in disgust.

I take a step back, hitting my back against the wall.


He begins to walk towards me so I make a run for it, running down the side of one of the long party tables.

Suddenly he appears infront of me, causing me to hit him with a brute force.

"Now, that is not what I expected when I imagined you hitting on me." He jokes with a smirk on his annoying, stupid little face...

"Ha." I say sarcastically, then as he rolls his eyes I take the chance to run away but he catches me by my arm, pulling me into his chest.

"Come on, be a good girl." He whispers into my ear.

Fear freezes me in place, he then pinches a spot on my neck which causes me to go limp as he swings me over his shoulder. I then black out.


I wake up, my body being dragged. I moan slightly from the carpet burn on my back.

"Well, you're finally awake." Golden Freddy snaps, I look around to see him pulling me by the arm band of my tank top.

We enter a brighly lighted room with cream walls and a concrete floor, my eyes take a second to adjust to the light and as soon as they do, I instantly regret it.

I spot where everyone else went....

They are all beaten and bruised with blood coming from various spots. As soon as they spot Golden Freddy they start a ruckus.

"Give me food!" Ness shouts.
"I'm cooooolllllldddd." Jack moans.
"Wa....ttterr." Felix jokes in a fake dehydrated voice.

"SHUT UP!!!" Golden Freddy yells, getting the room to shut up and pay attention.

Everyone is strapped to chairs, lined up next to each other, knees touching.

Golden Freddy then spins around with a dark look and stares at me with a scowl. He then quickly reaches out to me and pulls me up from the floor by my hair.

"Your friend finally woke up." He says, still keeping a hard grip on my hair. "You all need to shut, the, fuck, up."

"How about.... Nah?" Jack sniggers.

"No? Well, if not..." He then throws me to the ground, I hit my head on the concrete floor, belly down.

The room goes deathly silent and the atmosphere is thick with tension. I sit myself up and pull my hands up to my head. I try to crawl into a corner but I feel a foot on my back. I twist my head around to see Golden Freddy looking down at me with a pathetic look.

The door to the room opens and Scott walks into the room, his eyes glance over me and he snaps his fingers, causing Golden Freddy to immediately remove his foot and take a few steps back.

"Get up." Scott snaps at me, I quickly stumble to my feet. Warm liquid runs down the side of my face, I wipe it away and when I look at my hand I see blood. My eyes then widen as I realize I have managed to cut my head.

Scott walks over to me and before I can move away he presses his hand firmly over the cut.

"Hey, what the fuck do you think you're doing!" I hear Mark shout at him, but Scott barely flinches as he pays attention to the hand over my head. He pulls his hand away and I touch my head to feel the cut has disappeared.

"You're welcome." He says, I look up to meet Scott's red eyes but I get a surprise when I am met with soft brown eyes looking down at me with sympathy. Then, as if a switch had been flicked in his brain, he blinks and his eyes return to those demonic red ones.

"Where were we..." He evilly grins.

It's at this point I notice a panel with a few buttons and switches. Scott flicks a switch, causing the chairs to move around and people are put into pairs. Female and male... Well most of them.

Foxy and Mangle
Bonnie and Mark.
Freddy and Chica.
Jack and Ness.
Felix and Rachel.
Then New Chica is in the middle of Bonnie and Mark.

"I really thought you wouldn't fall for love so easily." Scott shakes his head in what looks like disappointment. "Kids these days, always falling for each other."

Everyone seems to be making eye contact with me, expecting me to do something but I'm shaking in the corner with fear.

"I thought I may have to teach you a lesson..." He presses a button which makes a panel of knives and other sharp objects to protrude from the right wall. Scott walks over to the panel and gingerly picks up a screwdriver, he then walks up to New Chica with a devilish grin.

I immediately jump up to stop him but I feel a sharp object being placed behind my back.

"If you make a move, you're dead." I hear Golden Freddy warn me.

Scott stands in front of New Chica, turns to me, then moves to Mark. My heart almost stops.

Scott then stands behind Mark and stares me in the eyes as he stabs Mark in the leg.

As if it was a reaction I jump forward to go help him but a sharp object gets jammed into my arm. I fall to the floor and a mixture of tears and screams come out.

Golden Freddy just walks past me with a grin and starts to talk to Scott when the beaver thing comes into the room.

"Boss, the glitches have escaped!" It exclaims, Scott sighs and all three walk out of the room, not before we get threatened.

"If you try anything, I will kill you." Golden Freddy then warns us all and leaves the room with Scott, we hear a locking sound after they leave.

I sit up and look at my left arm, a small pocket knife is left sticking out. I go to pull it out but I instantly flinch as a stinging sensation shocks my body.

You... you can do it Hannah. Come on, it's just a... small...small knife. A very sharp knife... that hurts. GOD DAMMIT! Stop unconvincing yourself woman!

A shock of courage shoots my brain and I yank out the knife, it turns out to be short but thicker than I expected.

"Shit, fuck, tit, wanker." I swear out loud. I then warily stand up as I put the knife into my pocket for protection; I then walk over to the control panel with buttons. Shit, Scott locked the panel so the buttons or levers can't be activated. He's a smart bastard.

"He locked the panel." I say aloud, causing a lot of sad noises to occur, and a couple angry ones.

I walk over to Mark and I inspect his leg.

"I need to pull it out, is that okay?" I reassure with him, but just as I go to grab it I hear footsteps and the door opening. I quickly duck down and I hide behind Mark's chair, where his hands are bound together.

"Hey! Where'd the gir-" Golden Freddy starts but the door opens again.

"Boss! They are in the main panel." I hear what sounds like the beaver thing say.

"For fucks sake, actually help this time Freddy..." Scott sighs and they leave the room again.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I quickly go around the room and slash at the ropes, just as I sit back down the door opens again, only Scott returns.

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