My badboy

By xox30xox

448K 8.9K 1.2K

COMPLETED. Find out what happens with this crazy love story!!! Does she fall for the badboy? More

Prologue (EDITED*)
Authors note
Chapter one (EDITED*)
Authors note
Chapter two (EDITED*)
Authors note
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Dallas to Florida
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Florida to Dallas
Authors note
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 3

21.1K 477 63
By xox30xox

Tyler's POV

As I was sitting in the backseat of Vanessa's car all I could do was think about her.

I couldn't get her out of my head.

She is just so beautiful maybe even the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

She was different to me.  She wasn't like all the other girls I dated well actually used she was so different a good kind through.

But I knew that I couldn't actually have feeling for me or could I?

I'm a player a jerk I would never want to hurt such a beautiful soul like hers.

God she has me totally whipped.


All I could think about was that I wanted to get to know her.

The car ride to their house was pretty quiet a couple words were said but nothing too important.

When ever she would talk I would get hypnotized by her beautiful voice that all I could do was stare at her.

I know I sound like a creeper but she was just that pretty to me, I couldn't help my self.

All I wanted to do what kiss her passionately.

God I need to grow the hell up and get these thoughts out of my head.


Vanessa's POV

finally we arrived home I just needed to get home already and take off these killer heals.

I thought my feet were going to fall off. But I had to admit they did look really cute.

Is beauty worth that much pain. In my opinion no I would so have rathered wore sweatpants, Jordan's, and my jets jersey.

Cause they won yesterday and I was happy.

When I got out of the car I felt eyes on me.

"Is there something that I could help u with because I can't help notice that your eyes have been glued on me since we left school?" I questioned with a smirk on my face.

"No I don't need help with anything but I do look at beautiful girls just the heads up." He smirked but and smiled.

He smile was sweet and nice but very different from him.

"Well played Parker,  well played."  Was all I could manage to say after he called me beautiful and of course I had to Blush cause I'm am idiot.

I was probably as red a freaking tomato.

"Aww babycakes do I make u blush?" He questioned with another one of his signature smirks.

"Ew no and don't call me babycakes again, got it."

"Sure thing, babycakes." He said and winked.

Jake gave me a confused look and I just rolled my eye.

As soon as I walked inside I walked up to my room leaving Mr.Badboy and my brother behind.

When I got to my room I quickly closed the door and called Claire up.

"Hey babe what's up." Claire said first.

"Hey love nothing other than Tyler freaking Parker is at my house." I said in a whisper so nobody heard me but Claire.

"Are u serious he asked to come over?" Claire asked.

"No he is here with Jake I can't believe they are friends just my luck."

"Did u hear that there is a party tomorrow night and guess who's house it's at." Claire basically yelled with excitement.

"Whose." I questioned confused.

"Your badboy." Was all she said.

I was shocked.

"No way, did u get invited." I asked her.

She said no and I told her that I have to go do homework and then we hung up.

I wonder if Tyler would invite a nobody like me to one of his parties, I doubt it.

As I was about to open my book bag my stomach growled.
Which reminded me I didn't eat that much today thanks to Tyler for ruining my appetite today.

Before i went downstairs I changed into something more comfortable.
Sweatpants, a crop top and fuzzy socks.

My favorite outfit I could literary wear it everyday.

After I changed I through my hair up in a messy bun and put my glasses on.

Then I skipped downstairs to get something to eat hopefully Tyler doesn't hear me and come find me.

I thought too soon.

There he was leaning against the counter.

"Ugh I feel like u follow me everywhere." I joked.

Which caused him to laugh.

"How could anybody not want to be around u must I say u look hot and I didn't know you wore glasses" He replied with a smirk.

I igorned that and quickly grabbed a water bottle and a bag of chips.

As I turned around to walk away he grabbed my arm and spun me around leaning me on the counter.

"Where are u going princess, I had to ask u something." He smirked of course.

"Oh okay what is it then."

"I was wondering if u wanted to come to my party tomorrow." He asked but without a smirk he sounded a little nervous.

I was to uncomfortable at out position and how close we were to reply.

"Hello is that a yes or a no?" He asked.

"On one condition can I bring my friend Claire."

"Of course she's hot but not as hot as somebody that I have in mind, who is actually standing infront of me." He smirked saying  that.

I blushed and smiled.

Then he whispered in my hear. "Can't wait." And walked away leaving me breathless and confused.

Who hells does that was all I could think to myself?

Hello loves...updated another chapter today.

Enjoy this chapter i enjoyed writing it.

Also any question leave in the comments.....

Did u like the part when Claire said your badboy cause i did!!!!!lol.


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