Fairy Tales Don't Exist

Por StarSophie

18.4K 670 56

Lexi was once young, innocent, and perfect. She had the picture-perfect life and family to fit in with it al... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 : Drake POV
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 : Jax POV
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 : Multiple POV
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

569 25 2
Por StarSophie

Chapter 13:

That didn’t happen… it was all one big scary dream! Werewolves don’t exist! I’m going mad! Maybe I should go see a doctor, no! This is all a dream I’m going to wake up and none of this happened…everything’s fine.

My head is pounding. The room is so quiet, I feel someone rubbing my one hand and someone on my other side holding my other hand. The hands are big, rough and warm. Oh God. I slowly open one eye to look at whoever is holding my hands,

“Ah sleeping beauty is awake, I was beginning to think one of us was going to have to give you a kiss to get you to wake up,” Tyler says. “And that one would be me of course!” Talon says next to me kissing my hand.

“Ummm no thanks, you saw what I did to you out there? Come anywhere near my face with those lips and I will do MUCH worse. How long have I been out?” I ask them.

They chuckle, “about two hours love,” Tyler says.

“Oh shit, I’m supposed to let my mom know I arrived! I gotta get going, it’s gonna get dark soon!” I say as I start to get up. Alex rushes into the room and comes over to the bed where I was lying giving me a tight hug.

“Oh my God Lexi I was so worried about you! Please don’t hate me, I thought James would of explained everything to you! I didn’t know you didn’t know about us, but when I saw how scared you were when dumb-ass over here turned in front of you I knew you didn’t know!” she says as she starts to cry on my shoulder.

“It’s okay Alex, please don’t cry, can you help me understand what’s going on? I’m so confused? Am I dreaming? “I say more to myself than her.

The boys start laughing and Alex lets out a giggle as well, this cheers me up a bit, damn Blackwood woman are emotional. “No honey, you’re not dreaming, I’ll explain everything tonight, I hope you don’t mind but I sent your mom a message from your phone saying that you will be sleeping over? I’m guessing she thinks you’re at a friend’s house right? And I don’t want you driving in the dark alone - especially after you fainted, “she says as she could read my mind.

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell her about you just yet. Thought it might bring up old memories about dad and I can’t see her go through that pain again just when she’s starting to get better, you know?”

“Of course honey, I was hoping you wouldn’t tell her. I just didn’t want to be a reminder to her of my brother you know, but with you it’s different. I want to get to know you ,I’m just so sorry I wasn’t around for your childhood, you’re already a young woman and you’re just so beautiful… I’ve missed 17 years of your life! I wish we did things differently…. “She whispers as tears fall down her face.

“Please don’t cry, I’m so happy I met you, you are my only aunt and apart from mom you are my only other family, “I say as I give her another hug.

“Now you have all of us as your family Lexi,” I hear Talon say, “Can we join the group hug?” Tyler comments as they come closer. Alex and I start laughing as they surround us and squeeze us between them.

They release me and ask me to come down to join the bonfire. Alex holds my hand as she walks me down towards the kitchen; she’s tall like dad was. What the hell happened to me? Why am I such a shorty? Alex and I look alike apart from her being tall and my pale skin; our features are the same as well as our greeny-blue eyes and dimples. I’m like a miniature version of Alex. I’m still nervous and quite scared to be honest, they just told me they were werewolves and I saw one of them turn.

As we get closer to the bottom stairs I hear people talking and it makes me REALLY nervous, Alex obviously senses it and she puts her arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer into her side. She has a motherly touch, a touch that I miss too much.

As we walk into the kitchen there’s a couple of people standing around talking, they all stop and look at me under Alex’s arm. I try move closer to her, I look at the people in the room, and some are smiling at me and looking from me to Alex obviously seeing the similarities between us. The guys in the room all seem to be bare chested or wearing vests , looking me up and down with lust in their eyes, making me feel insecure in my denim shorts and tight t-shirt that clearly shows cleavage.

“Boys stop drooling, close those damn mouths!” a deep voice comes from the door that leads out the kitchen. A huge dark haired man walks in , I thought Jax was big but this guy is massive, muscles bulking out of his tight black shirt. His voices shows authority and this makes me take a step back out of fear.

The man walks towards me and bends so he is looking me in the eyes, “I’m going to give you a hug now, please don’t hurt me.” he smiles as he says this and before I can reply he too grabs me in a big bear hug that lifts me off the ground, I can feel him squeeze me but not too much this big guy could break me if he wanted to. I feel safe with him and I don’t know why, I start to laugh as everyone cheers in the room. He puts me down.

“I’m Johnny , your um….uncle .” he says with a big smile as he pats my head , “ We are so happy to have you with us here , I just can’t believe how much you look like Alex , your just a whole lot smaller, “ he looks at me in awe , “and a lot paler!” I blurt out without thinking and everyone starts laughing at my comment. I can’t believe how gentle he was with me, when he was about to rip those guys heads off just a minute ago.

He looks at my aunt then at me as if in amazement, “She is absolutely perfect Alex!” he gives Alex a big hug and kiss and I turn my attention to everyone that’s starts to introduce themselves to me. I’m not sure why everyone is so fascinated by me, maybe because I’m the only normal human here.

Johnny comes up and pulls me away from Talon and Tyler whom were teasing me about passing out.

He hands me a plastic cup with juice, “Come Lexi, we going to go make a bonfire outside and you can meet some of the other members of the pack.” He pulls me with him and introduces me to other members of the pack. I love this atmosphere, it’s like one big family, and I feel so wanted. Smiling to myself I think about how crazy this is.

“What are you smiling about?” Tyler says as he sits next to me and Talon sits on my other side.

“Are you two joined at the hip?” I ask them sarcastically raising my eyebrow.

They laugh, “You’re not only gorgeous, your also funny AND can kick ass!” Talon says as he fist pumps his brother’s hand in front of me.

“Baby where Talon goes - I go and we share EVERYTHING!” he says as he winks at me and looks my body over just oozing sex appeal. I feel my cheeks redden and take another sip of my colddrink.

Trying to change the subject, “So how old are you guys? Are you related to my aunt or her husband? Do you know how long they have been married, they so cute together like teenagers in love!” I ramble on asking the twins.

“We are 17, nah we not related but no one cares about all that stuff we are one pack, one family. Alpha Jon and Luna Alex have been together since before we were born, Alex was lucky to find her mate in Alpha when she was 15 , that’s what our mom told us, and they have been together ever since. Love that’s what having a mate is all about ...when you find your soul mate, the person becomes another part of you. Every time you see them it will be like the first time you saw them and your feeling for them will be so strong nothing can tear you apart.” Talon says to me.

“Wow, that’s amazing… so a mate is your soul mate? The person made just for you? “I say softly almost as a whisper thinking to myself the stories mom use to tell me when I was small.

“Yeah it’s pretty amazing…” Tyler says as he looks into the fire.

“Sorry for earlier, “I say to them. They look at me confused, “You know …for kneeing you in the …” I say as they immediately understand.

“Don’t apologize to them Lexi, if I was there when they man-handled you I would of probably done worse!” Alex says as she sits across from me on Johnny’s lap.

“I just can’t believe someone as small as you put those big mutts, that are double the size of you, so easily on the ground in pain…it was amazing!” Johnny says to me in a proud fatherly tone. There’s something about him that makes me easily drawn to him, in a fatherly sense… maybe he just reminds me so much of dad.

I giggle at their comments, “Well my dad taught me how to stand up for myself ,” I see Johnny wince when I say “my dad” but it was so small and then Alex rubs his neck as if trying to reassure him , that’s weird. “When I was younger, I was the smallest in my age group, so the boys and girls use to pick on me and then one day I came home with bruises and dad started teaching me self-defense and other types of martial arts. He said that even though I was small I should be able to defend myself so I’ve been training since I was 5.” I smile at the memory of my dad teaching me.

“You were bullied as a kid? How long did it last? Did James sort them out?” he rambles on and I see him sit up straight and his jaw tense. Why would he be angry? It was a long time ago…

“Yeah he went and spoke to their parents and they never bullied me again, but then after he died and things changed, the bullies came back and I just got to the point where I didn’t care what they did to me. I stopped going to lessons because the gym reminded me of him and I just couldn’t take it. I miss it though…” I say as I look in the blazing fire and grimace at the memory of how I was bullied by those who use to be my best friends.

“Johnny could train you if you like … I mean if you wanted to carry on training?" Alex says  as she looks down at Johnny underneath her. He looks at her and gives her a smile then looks at me with hope in his eyes.

“Really?” I say as I look at Johnny and his smile gets even bigger,” Of course! I would love that, and then at least you have a reason to come back, “

“I’ll come visit as often as I can ….that’s if you guys want me around, I don’t want to intrude or anything?” I say.

“Honey we want you around as much as possible, now that we found you, you aren’t going to be able to get rid of us that easily,” Johnny chuckles, “We would prefer if you lived with us but I know you have other commitments and we didn't want to scare you away especially with this whole werewolf thing that’s new to you. Our home is always open for you when you want to come here; you’re part of our family and this is your home,” he gives me an encouraging smile.

"Thank you so much for everything , I would of loved to live here with you guys…its weird because I haven’t felt “at home” for so long and as soon as I came here and met you guys…I felt like I was at home. I didn’t really have a big family when I was growing up, it was just mom, dad and I. So spending time with all of you feels great!” I notice when I say “dad” Johnny winces again, I need to get to the bottom of that . I see sadness in both Alex and Johnny’s eyes as I tell them this.

“So Johnny will you really train me?” I ask him. “Sure hun if you want me to.”

“Yes please, I’ll make sure I come visit you guys at least once a week, hopefully more if I can get moms car, then Johnny can train me,” I smile at them excitedly .

“Then you can stay over whenever you come on over , we will even get you your own bedroom ready, I don’t want you driving all the way back there in the dark, do you think Georgina will mind?” Alex declares, I don’t argue with her since I really don’t mind spending more time with these people.

“Oh don’t worry about Georgina, she probably won’t even realise I’m gone, she never does….she’s too worried about her boyfriend and going out with her friends,” I mumble off not realising how annoyed I sound at speaking of Georgina , I look at Johnny and Alex and both of their faces are scrunched up and I can see their eyes turn black with anger and Johnny’s fist is clenched showing his white knuckles.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to come out so harsh, it’s just that…. I get so annoyed at her sometimes, I’m sorry …. She’s not that bad I swear ….she’s getting better. I just miss who she used to be and I feel like I don’t know who this person is that took my mom’s place.” I stutter and look at my feet not wanting to look at their angry faces any longer.

Alex rushes to my side and pulls me into another crushing hug; I look over her shoulder and see Johnny pacing back and forth beside me.

“How long has this been going on Lexi?” Johnny stops and asks me with the anger still lingering in his eyes.

“From the day dad died, so about over two years … I swear Johnny it’s okay, “ I say as I take his hand , “ at first it hurt that she didn’t want me around but I’m okay now , I just stick to myself …it gets lonely and tiresome  worrying about her but I can handle it, it’s getting better I promise!” I plead with him trying to lighten his mood.

He pulls me in for a hug, “this is not how it was supposed to be, you’re supposed to be safe, she was supposed to look after you not the other way around!”

“Lexi are you sure you don’t want to come live with us, we will give you everything you need, and we can look after you properly!” Alex pleads.

“Thank you guys I’ll think about it... but I’m not sure I can leave her alone, especially now.” I say to them.

“Can you guys tell me something though?” I ask both Alex and Johnny. “Sure. “They both reply.

“You guys are all werewolves’ right? So was my dad and mom a werewolf also? How come I’m not? And why did you leave, Alex?” I ask them.

“Angel ,there is a lot that happened that I can’t explain but let me try explain what I can, you are not ready to hear all of it just yet, you wouldn’t understand why we all did what we did.James use to stay here with us, with our pack but he had to move to an area that  was a neutral zone , with no packs around,  due to certain circumstances. When he moved, he met Georgina, she was human and she was his mate. You see sometimes werewolves find their mates in humans. When you were born it meant you were half human and half wolf. It was the first time that a werewolf had mated a human and was able to successfully reproduce, there are few humans that have mated werewolves and survived the mating process but there’s only a few. The human body is very weak and once the human has been mated to a wolf they might not survive the changing process, that's where the human will turn for the first time into a wolf. Humans that have been changed by their mate may fall pregnant but the baby always dies or the mother dies killing the baby as well. The fact that the human has turned doesn’t change the fact that there still is a human part of them and their body is still not able to carry a wolf baby. Yes fate has a crazy way of finding our mates , everything happens for a reason and that’s why wolves are so scared when they find out their mate is  human because they know they wouldn’t be able to reproduce and they also have to risk the chance of losing their human mate during the mating process, so wolves usually just reject their human mates when they find them to avoid going through all that. The human doesn’t sense the feelings the wolf gets when he finds his mate but when the mating process is started only then will the human get all the feelings a wolf would get when they have met their mate, it’s very complex honey. When you were born we were all scared what would happen to you and if other packs would want to take you away from all of us since you were the first to successfully be born from a changed mother. When James died, I lost contact with Georgina and we tried to get in contact with her and look for you but we couldn’t find her or you until today when I saw you at the supermarket and I knew who you were! Alexia you are the first of your kind, we don’t know when and if you will turn, you smell like a human but we have been researching since you were born and the elders say that we will only be able to find out if you are wolf when you turn 18, that’s the end of this year right? The elders also say that because you are half human you may not have a mate, but we will only be able to tell once you are 18 and if you turn I guess…” Alex says to me trying to explain but this just leaves me confused.

“Alex how come you couldn’t come and see me if I was in a neutral area? And how come you were in the supermarket is that part of your territory? “I ask Alex.

Johnny interrupts though, “You see Lexi, it is very dangerous to go through the other packs territories to get to the neutral zone and the others might think you’re a rogue and could kill you, that’s why I wouldn’t allow my mate to cross other packs lands, it just wasn’t safe. That supermarket is on the boarder of our land so that we have an agreement with the other pack so that we are only allowed to enter the supermarket and leave.” I nod in understanding and let out a yawn.

“You will stay with Tyler and Talon until we get you your own room, I’ve appointed them your protectors when you are on our land and I will speak to the other Alpha where you stay to make sure you have protection there as well!” Johnny says.

“Please don’t! It’s not that I’m ashamed of all of this but …it’s just that… I’d prefer if no one knows I knew, I’m not going to tell Georgina either. I just don’t want things to change and I’m just getting use to the way things were before and I need to deal with all of this in my own time so I’d prefer if we kept the fact that I’m a part of this now to just us? Is that okay? You said I could be in danger and other packs could take me, so wouldn’t it be safer if no one else knew about me being half human and half wolf?” I beg Johnny.

“That’s actually a good idea Lexi, we just need to keep an eye on you in case someone does figure it out, but if we keep it within the pack – no one else should find out about it.” Alex states.

“Okay I understand. I’ll talk to the pack and explain to them that this is to be kept secret, you boys take her to bed, she looks exhausted,” says Johnny as he hugs me goodnight.

“Goodnight Alex,” I say as I give her a hug, “Goodnight hun.” She kisses my cheek.

Talon picks me up again and throws me over his shoulder, “Really Talon! Really? I can walk you know!” I hear Johnny and Alex laughing behind me.

“We know that, but this is way more fun!” Tyler says and smacks my ass. Arg!

Talon throws me on his giant bed and Tyler throws me a shirt and boxers, “get dressed we will be back in a few minutes, make it quick!” Tyler says as they leave the room. I get dressed and climb on the bed, getting under the covers, damn I’m so tired!

The door opens and the boys come in, Talon comes and lies on the bed next to me under the covers, “Whose Jax and Ronny? And Drake? “He growls in my ear, I turn to look at him holding my phone, “Oh shit! Have you read all the messages? Jax and Ronny are my best friends and Drake my boyfriend. “

“Nah we just saw that they left you like a hundred missed calls and messages, we didn’t read them.”  Tyler replies for Talon as he climbs on the other side of me and pushes me to the middle of the bed.

“You have a boyfriend??” Talon asks and I just ignore him.

“What are you guys doing? “ I ask them looking from where they’re sleeping to where I'm laying. “We are sleeping next to you, so no monsters can steal you at night, you never know what’s lurking in these woods at night,” Talon says in a creepy voice than winks at me. Oh god if werewolves are real, what else is out there…? This scares me so I just get comfortable under the blanket and enjoy the warmth coming from their bodies. I take a look at my phone that is still on silent. 153 Missed calls and my mailbox is full with 72 new messages.

I read the latest message:

DRAKE at 11:40pm: Lexi! Answer your fucking fone! I'm so angry right now!!!

I just ignore that message and look at the next.

JAX at 11:46pm: Alexia where are you??? Your mom says ur staying over at a friend? It’s not safe out there, I’m so mad at you right now, I need you to get back home NOW, I need to know ur safe! Fuck sakes!!!

LEXI at 12:13am: I’m coming back tomorrow and I’m Safe goodnight Jax.

JAX at 12:14am: THANK GOD, you don’t know how worried we are about you! Love you Lex & btw this doesn’t mean I’m not mad at you. I’m VERY mad but goodnight and drive safe tomorrow.

LEXI at 12:16 am: Love you too Jax.

RONNY at 12:16am: Love you Lexi.

LEXI at 12:17am: Love you too Ron xxx

I slip my phone under my pillow and fall asleep surrounded by warmth.

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