When It All Falls Apart

By sarabeth120

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Elizabeth Fitzgerald is an average sixteen year old girl with a normal life, normal friends and a normal fami... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

205 14 0
By sarabeth120

Hey! So I am not dead! Yay! The school year has started and I am just super busy with teaching and such! :) I am working on "Everything I Never Wanted", but I really had the inspiration to write this story. I am thinking about writing an epilogue chapter for "Blood Pet" that will open up for another story that involves King Julian that takes place after "Everything I Never Wanted".

"You did what?!" Robert Fitzgerald tried to control his anger as he listened to his wife explain to him what had happened at his house over the phone.

"I'm sorry, Robert, I didn't have a choice... he was going to hurt, Elizabeth."

Robert reined in his anger; it would do no one any good anyway. He knew his wife had made a rash decision, but based on what she said happened, it sounded like she really didn't have much of a choice.

"How the hell did they even find us?!" he asked, "You placed the protection spell over all of us, right?"

"Of course, I did!" Mary spat in the phone; after a moment, she took a deep breath, "I'm sorry I shouldn't yell. It does nothing but cause stress for both of us," she sighed, "It's just - just... I don't understand how they found us! That's the most powerful spell that I know, Robert!"

"What about the one you put on Elizabeth?"

Mary nearly fell over in shock at the question. She hadn't even thought to check to make sure the cloaking spell she had placed on her youngest daughter was still intact.

"I-I don't know, Robert!"

Her husband sighed, "I hope it didn't. You and I both know what would happen if anyone finds out what she really is."

"I know," Mary sighed. Elizabeth was something that was not only very rare, but also very illegal due to the power that she would and could possess. If the cloaking spell she had cast over her younger daughter ever wore off and people discovered what she really was... which was more than just a witch, then she would be forever hunted by the supernatural community and probably killed if caught. For now, Mary thought she was safe as no one had come banging on her door in regards to her younger daughter.

"I think she's safe, Robert." Mary said, "The vampire wanted me, not her."

Mary could hear her husband sigh of relief clearly through the phone.

"How far away are you?" she asked.

There was a long pause on the phone before Robert finally spoke, "Tell the girls without us, Mary."

"What?" Mary nearly shrieked through the phone, "You aren't even going to be here while I explain to the girls what the hell is going on?! Why?"

"You know why."

After a moment, Mary calmed down enough to remember why her husband wouldn't be able to make it, "Well, tell Liam what's going on. I know he knows some of it, but he deserves to know everything, just like the girls."

"I will," he said, "I will see you soon, okay?"


They said their goodbyes and hung up.

Mary returned to the living room where both of her daughters now sat on the couch, looking anxious. Not that she blamed them; they had both been scarred by what they had witnessed just ten minutes ago.

Her youngest opened her mouth, but she held her hand up, "No, Elizabeth... let me explain this the way it needs to be explained."

The young girl looked annoyed; her eyes narrowed, but after a moment, she relented and nodded slightly; closing her mouth.

Mary sighed; now that she had the attention of her two younger children, she didn't really know how to go about explaining this very complicated matter. She had hoped Robert would have been there to help her with this difficult task, but he was unable to make it back in time which forced her to do this herself. After a couple of moments of awkward silence in which she tried to decide the best to go about doing this, she chose to give the girls the basics of what was going on.

"First, you girls should understand that your father and I thought it was best to not tell you about the past as we thought it would protect you," she scoffed that notion ended up being; the decision very well could have killed either girl or both had she not been there to get the vampire out of her house, "Your father and I have known each other for a very long time. We grew up together," she decided to start with something the girls already knew about her and her father, "We were normal for a little while, but... well, your father has an interesting family heritage; as do I. He comes from a long line of vampire hunters while I come from a long line of witches; quite powerful ones at that," she paused here as she wanted to give her daughters a chance to soak in what she was saying and maybe make a comment.

It took a few minutes before Elizabeth finally found her voice, "Mom... are you telling me that vampires and witches actually exist?"

"Yes," Mary said with all seriousness.

Elizabeth didn't know what to say to that for a moment; one quick glance at her sister and Ashley looked like she felt the same if the opened mouth, glazed look was any indication.

Elizabeth pretty much only read books that focused on vampires; she was reading "Interview with a Vampire" for what felt like the twentieth time. She had always been a fan of the supernatural creatures either in the horror genre or the romance genre, but to find out that they were real... well, that was just hard to understand.

"If you're a witch, what does that make us?" Ashley asked; finding her voice quicker than her younger sister.

Elizabeth was shocked to hear the older girl voicing a question she hadn't even realized. Though, she was a little too preoccupied with the whole "vampires are real" thing because vampires in the book she read tended to prey on humans, so if they were truly real that couldn't be good for the human population.

"You and Elizabeth and your brother are half-witches, of course." Mary said just as calmly as before.

If Elizabeth had not witnessed her mother throw a grown ass man out of the house and slam the door on him without even having to touch him or the door, she would have though she was crazy. However, since she had proof of the witch claim, she wasn't so sure now.

"If vampires and witches are real how come we don't know about them? Especially the vampires, I mean, mom... wouldn't people get suspicious about people randomly showing up dead with bite wounds on their neck and drained of all their blood?"

"Vampires are very discreet with their feeding."

Yea, that didn't explain anything as far as Elizabeth was concerned

"If that was a vampire, mom... then how come he was even able to get into the house? I mean, I thought vampires had to be invited inside by the owner of the house. Plus, isn't it sunny out? Wouldn't he be burned to a crisp?" she asked.

"Elizabeth," her mother sighed, "I know you like to read those vampire books, but you should know that they are fiction and you shouldn't believe everything you read about vampires in them. Especially since vampires are the ones who started the rumors about themselves so it would make them harder to spot as humans wouldn't expect them to show up in their house uninvited or out in broad daylight, but believe me, they can and they do."

"Okay, so what did you do to piss off a group of vampires then?" Elizabeth didn't mean to sound so rude in her question, but she just wanted answers.

Her mother glared at her.

She sighed, "Sorry... I just want to know what's going on."

"I supposed that's understandable," her mother commented before taking a deep breath, "Let me preface this by saying that vampires and witches have never gotten along. Ever. It's so bad that even being in a relationship is illegal on both sides." at the look of pure disgust on both her daughters faces, she quickly added, "That's not the case here, I just wanted to let you guys know that vampires and witches don't get along; mostly because one group doesn't trust the other.

"Normally, witches and vampire avoid each other since it's just easier than dealing with each other. However, around twenty years ago when I was pregnant with your brother, your father, well, he was a vampire hunter and he was not retired yet as he is now, so he was out doing his job. Well, he came across a group of male vampires harassing a young girl," the way she said harassing made it clear that something sexual had been going on, "Your father saved the girl and killed the vampires; unfortunately, one of those vampires was the son of one of the most powerful vampires ever and Dante tends to hold grudges for a long time. I've been using a protection charm to hide us from him but he seems to have been able to find us.

"Now, as witches, we are able to sense vampires when they are near... so I don't know why that didn't kick in and give us a warning. That's why we've been moving around so much. The moment I sensed a vampire near we got up and moved again."

For some reason that information peeked Elizabeth's interest, "Mom... how do you feel when a vampire is near?"

"It's kind of hard to explain as everyone experiences it differently. For me, I just get these bad vibes... that something bad is going to happen and that I can't trust whoever the person is."

Oh, shit.

"What is it, honey?" her mother had clearly seen the panic in her eyes.

"There's a new boy at school today and he creeped me out and just gave me a bad feeling all day. Everyone else didn't see an issue with him, but I had a bad vibe about him that I just couldn't describe. I served detention with him and I swear he did something to Mr. Comston since afterwards, Mr. Comston had no record of him serving detention."

"What was this boy's name?" her mother asked.


Her mother eyes widened ever so slightly at the name, but that was the only indication that she even recognized the name. It happened so fast that had Elizabeth not been looking right at her mother she would have certainly missed the reaction all together.

"I have to go call your father and make sure he and your brother are safe, I'll be right back."

Her mother left her and sister alone before they could say anything in protest. As she and her sister stared at each other, both in a form of shock, Elizabeth couldn't help but think that their mother was not telling the whole truth.


It took nearly ten minutes before Ethan's body stopped shuddering enough so he could get up off the ground. The witch's spell had been powerful enough to not only knock him halfway across the street from the house, it was also enough to knock him completely on his ass. How embarrassing. He made a mental note to make the bitch pay for that later.

As he stood, he glared at the house across the street. The Victorian with the wrap around porch was unassuming to the naked eye, but it wasn't really... it was really the home of an extremely powerful witch who Dante wanted dead for reasons that he would not reveal. It would have been nice to know who was in the house before he got there.

He had known about the girl because he had caught his brother snooping around her earlier. Ethan snorted at the image of his brother actually enrolling in school to get close to this girl. The idea was ludicrous and it was something he would never be willing to do. Not that he would pass as a high school student anyway as he had died when he was nearly twenty.

He was much more impressed by her and her feisty attitude; she was the complete opposite of her sister whom upon seeing him outside, had done nothing by widen her eyes and stare at him in horror. It was almost too easy to grab her and pull her from the vehicle and even easier to knock her out. Elizabeth had at least fought him - albeit - rather pathetically, it was certainly more impressive than her pathetic sister.

She would be probably be fun to play with, he mused. Maybe Dante would let him have her once he was through with her mother. The idea of being able to have the gutsy girl to do with whatever he pleased was definitely a turn on. Taking his thoughts a step further, he realized it would be even more fun to take her and break her spirit.

The sharp chirp of his phone knocked him from his depraved thoughts.

Ethan didn't even have a chance to say anything before Dante spoke.

"Where the hell are you?"

He knew better than to say something smart; the last guy who did that had ended up dying a very slow and painful death as Dante had a nasty streak when he was pissed off. Ethan liked living and he would love to keep it that way, thank you very much. So, he did his best to stay on Dante's good side; though, he wouldn't really call it a 'good' side more like a 'not as bad as his evil side'.

"I'm leaving the house right now."

"Is it done?"

Ethan was not looking forward to the wraith that he would be met with at his next words, but he knew keeping anything from his clan leader was never a good idea.

"No," he could hear the anger emitting off the other vampire through the phone, but he continued before the yelling started, "I know you aren't happy to hear that, Dante, but she's damn powerful. It's going to take more than just one of use to get to her. Especially with her children coming into their powers."

There was a long pause; so long that Ethan thought the other vampire had hung up on him and he would have to deal with his wraith when he got home. He was just about to hang up when Dante spoke up, "Children? You said she has children?" he asked, "Remind me to punish the stupid idiot who left that out of his initial report to me about her." Dante's words were practically growled through the phone.

Well, that was news to him. How could Dante's informant not tell him about the children?! Oh well, it wasn't his ass that was going to get fried, so in all honesty, he really didn't care.

"Tell me about them."

Over the next couple of minutes, Ethan relayed all in the information about Mary Fitzgerald and her two daughters; being sure to mention there was also a son, but he didn't live at home anymore. Once he was done speaking, Dante was silent on the other end. Once again, he was quiet for so long that Ethan had thought he had hung up. Again.

"Hmm...," Dante said, "I just thought of another way to get to her that doesn't involve actually getting close to her."

Ethan was confused by that statement, but Dante continued before he could voice his confusion, "I don't want to do this over the phone; hurry up and get back here I can share it and we can start working on it."

Dante hung up before he could say anything. Not that there was anything to say as it wasn't like he could say 'no' to him.

Ethan pocketed the phone and took one last glance at the witch's house before he turned on his heel and headed down the street.


Dominic crouched over the young witch. Stupid bitch was still out cold and that just wasn't acceptable. At all. Now that he knew his brother was involved, he had to get Elizabeth before he did.

He smacked the young girl a few times on the face, "Get up, bitch."

After a few moments and the girl showed no sign of getting up, Dominic got up himself and left the cell long enough to grab a bucket and fill it with cold water from the sink in the kitchen upstairs.

Throwing the water over the girl seemed to do something as she twitched ever so slightly. Had he not been a vampire, he probably wouldn't have even caught the gesture as it was so slight. Though, he stared at the young girl and could practically see when her eyes began moving behind her eyelids.

He rolled his eyes, "I know you're awake now, Angelica, no use pretending otherwise. You know that will do nothing but piss me off." The girl made no move to open her eyes, so Dominic grabbed hold of her face and held it in a tight grip, "Angelica..." he growled in warning, "I am not in the mood to deal with your disobedience. Open your eyes now before I do it for you and I make no promises that you will be not lose your ability to see if I have to yank your eyelids open myself as I will not be gentle."

The young girl jerked slightly and opened her eyes a few second later; she sputtered slightly since some of the water he had thrown on her had ended up in her mouth.

"Good girl," Dominic praised while she was still coughing up what felt like a lung, "I always knew you were a smart girl. That's why I like you and have kept you around for so long." he smiled; a look that was not meant to actually look nice or reassuring at all; completely ignoring the fact that she was still having a hard time breathing normally due to the coughing fit.

Dominic yanked her up, "Come along, dear... now that you are up, you can do that other spell for me" he explained as he began pulling her from the room.

"What -"

He glanced back at her, eyes narrowed in annoyance, "Angelica, I know you're a human female and not very bright as it is, but do try to keep up." If Angelica had had any more willpower, she would have probably smacked him for such a chauvinistic comment, but as it was, all she could do was stare at him. She couldn't even be offended by that statement due to how broken she felt.

Dominic continued speaking, "Remember, you were supposed to cast two spells for me. You cast the cloaking spell, but passed out before you could get to the more important one, time reversal."

Of course now she remembered. However, the idea did not scare her as much as it did before as she knew something about the spell that Dominic didn't. A time reversal spell required a lot of power and usually more than one witch. With just her conducting the spell, there was a good chance that the spell, if it worked, would kill her in the process due to all the power she would have to channel through her body. And with death would finally come peace away from this hellhole. She tried to pretend that she was not at all thrilled about the idea of dying, but she couldn't help herself. Anything to get away from these psychotic vampires, she would do it. Even if it meant helping them get another girl. Though, she reminded herself that there was a fifty-fifty chance that spell wouldn't work, but she knew that there was close to a hundred percent chance that she would die from the effort.

With those last thoughts she let Dominic drag her from the room. For the first time in the two years that she been there, this was the first time she had no ill thoughts towards her captors, nor no intentions to struggle.

Oh... things are getting interesting, aren't they? I don't know when the writing bug will hit me next, but I will post again when it happens!

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