Short stories and fan fictions

By QueenEioldd

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This is going to be some stories I make up on the fly while I think of things for my other stories. I will al... More

The interview
The school hall
Unusual Hero
A Day To Never Forget
Return to the Graveyard
Grandma Tell Me Again
Reader X Deadpool. A knight in red?
Reader x Doflamingo The Puppet Master
Doflamingo x dead child reader : Never truly gone.
Marco x Reader Ring of Fire
Ace X Reader : Slipped Away
Thatch x Reader : Broken Inside
Law x Reader : I need a doctor
Agent Maine x Reader see me smiling
Reader x Washington 'Well wasn't exspecting that'
Meeting the reds and blues.
The storm (Caboose x Tucker)
Why? (Red vs blue)
Thanks for the memories (Red vs Blue)
Gone : Red ve Blue

Caboose x Reader: The Apocalypse

86 0 0
By QueenEioldd

Hey rookies. I'm so sorry for not updating or writing. I have been having a major writers block. I hope you like an I will be trying to write more. I am really sorry. Hope you enjoy this story

One of the first things I remember was running, running with a small blond boy. We were on reach running away from the covenant, all we could see was dead and destruction. Me and my friend (the blond boy) got on a transport ship, and when we got away from the fight I started to cry, I didn't want to cry in front of my friend, but once we were safe I did. We were asked if we wanted to be in the army and strait away we both said yes. We wanted to get revenge on the people that hurt us and our family.

Over the years we trained I got better but when I became a mercenary I got separate from my friend (the blond boy). At first I was angry but I knew I had to get better to be the best of the best, so when I completed my 150th mission and UNSC asked me if I wanted to become a freelancer, without hesitation I said yes, but that was the worst mistake I made.

---on the mother of invention----

The director told me that my new name is going to be Michigan or Mich for short. I got new armour and then I was told to meet the rest of the team in the conference room.
I made my was there and I think I arrived early, the only once there was the Director and the Councillor. They saw me and the Councillor moments me to come over.
"Ah, (Y/N) how are you today?" The director glared at the Councillor.
"It's Agent Michigan, and I'm fine" the Councillor noted something on his pad, then turned to the Director.
"The other agents are on there way" the director said in an emotionless voice. I just nod, I waited for the other agents to arrive. I have read there files so I know what to do and expect from some of them.

After a few hours they arrived and they stood in line waiting for the director to speak. I took in how they stood and there armours I worked out who was who. Caroline in the teal armour, New York in the cream colour, Wyoming in the white armour, Washington with grey and yellow armour, Connecticut was in brown armour, North Dakota was in a dark purple with dark green highlights, South Dakota was in a light purple with light green highlights, Maine was in a white with some orange highlights, Florida in a Dark blue armour, and then there was me in a (F/C) and (F/C) highlight.

"I am Agent Carolina, I am the team leader. Who might you be?" Carolina was judgemental of the new recruit, she didn't like the idea of someone beating her in become the director favourite.
"This is Agent Michigan, they will be a field medic and if they has to they will also fight." The director knew (Y/N) didn't like talking to people she didn't know. He also knew it would be a bad idea to tell them a new recruit is a girl so he didn't state the gender.
"Understood sir, will you come with me so we can show you around" Carolina asked her, (Y/N) only nodded.
"Ok follow me" Carolina showed you around and then met the rest of the team in the lounge/commons room.

"So..... What can you do Mich?" New York or York as he preferred to be called, asked (Y/N) so he and the others knew where to put her in the field.
"Well, are ya gonna say somethin'?" South Dakota or South demanded. You could tell she doesn't like anyone very much.
"Do you have a problem speaking? Or something" Washington or Wash, seemed to care. You just kept quiet, you knew they wouldn't like you very much.
"Just answer the dame questions, I order you to" Carolina didn't like the idea of getting a new recruit, and especially one that didn't talk to her. So having been pranked and late for a meeting wasn't bad enough you not talking was also not helping.
"What's your bloody problem? Answer the fuckin question!!" Carolina was getting hissy with you, it didn't help you didn't talk to people.
"Ok Carolina I think they are scared of you, and because of that they aren't talking" North Dakota or North, tried to get Carolina to calm down.
"Fine, you get them to answer the question" Carolina walked off, probably going to punch something.
"Ok, Michigan or Mich, please can you answer the questions" Norths voice was calming you down and it made you trust him, you took a deep breath and took you helmet off.
"Hi..... I do not have a problem speaking as you can tell, I'm..... just not good at talking to people. To answer your question Agent New York, I can fire a sniper rifle, I used to be a mercenary, and I'm also a doctor in many areas of the body" you look down thinking they were going to hate you.
"That's cool, and just York will do" York smiled softly at you and took his helmet off, the rest of the freelancers (except Carolina who was punching walls/punching bag in her room) took there helmets off. You looked up shocked that they actually accepted you.
"Ok" for the first time in ages you smile, like a big idiot.

After a few weeks I got to know everyone and I treated them like my family. York was like a big annoying brother and Wash was like a cute, clumsy little brother. Me and Carolina didn't see eye to eye but I don't want that so one day I go to her room so I could talk to her.
"Hey Carolina, can I talk to you?"
"What they bloody hell do you want rookie?"
"I just want to be friends or at least on good terms so when we do mission it won't effect them" I could tell she agreed but she didn't want to admit it.
"Fine, what do you want to talk about?" She seemed more caring this time.
"I just want to say sorry for not saying anything when you first asked me, I have a hard trouble talking to people."
"It's fine I was having a bad day, I got pranked by York, Wash and Wyoming all I a row so that's why we are late to the conference room."
"Oh, well they are a bit much to handle." Me and Carolina laughed, I actually laughed.
"So why do you join the army?" But then Carolina had to ask that question.
"Personal" I growled
"Wow, I don't mean anything nasty by it. Also have you been talking to Maine because he also growls." She tried to make me smile and I do a little bit but, I'm just a bit scared she will pity me and I don't want that.
"If I tell you will you promise not to a) pity me in any way shape or form and b) not tell anyone about my past"
"Ok I promise."

----One sappy story later----

"Omg, I didn't know" I look down on the ground not wanting pity.
"Ok, well let's go train, get that rage out of you" Carolina surprised me, she acted like she doesn't care but she does, she wants to hug me and tell me it's ok but she know she promised to not do that so this is her way of saying 'it's ok'
"Ok, I'm looking forward to beating you butt. Haha I said butt" I run out of her room before she had a change to kill me.
"MICH, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I hear Carolina scream and start running faster, I knew this was the place for me.

---- After Tex and Maine get Shot----

The more time you spent with the team the more you started to be yourself again, Washington or Wash as he has told you to call him, reminds you of your old friend from reach. Even though you trust them you still don't fell as though you can tell your tough past. Well except Carolina, she already knew.

But when they started to get A.I's and the leaderboard started to matter you gave up hope on thinking to tell them. After Tex came the project went under, C.T. was apparently a traitor and is either dead or missing. Wash got his A.I and it turns out they tormented the Alpha and gathered the fragments, Wash was unlucky enough to get the memories. His A.I killed itself in his head, that can do a lot of thing to someone's mental state. Carolina was thrown of a cliff so you went back to being a mercenary and hoped you would see your old friend (the blond boy) and maybe some survivors from project freelancer.

----Years later----

"Command to mercenary, command to mercenary. Mercenary do you read me?" Command was trying to contact you.
"This is mercenary, I read you command" you weren't that bothered but you needed something to calm your nerves, you recently found out that a team had talked down project freelancer. You were happy, but you didn't know what to do anymore.
"We need you to escort some very important people to the UNSC facility on (random planet). Do you accept?" You liked helping people so you though why not.
"Sure, who am I escorting?" You were exited, you didn't expect to be escorting the Reds and Blues. The ones that beat the director.

---before the transport ship---

"Mercenary to command, mercenary to command. Do you read me command?" I was waiting for the red and blue squadrons to arrive, so I thought I should tell command.
"We read you mercenary. Please update us on your mission" command always tried to get me to give every single detail.
"I'm waiting for the Reds and Blues to arrive, I'll update you when they get here and are on the ship. Mercenary out" I didn't particularly want to deal with them so I decided to listen to some music that I had in my helmet, no songs just orchestra music.

(Play song here)

The song was called Apocalypse, in my opinion it did sound like the world would end, I started to think about my old friend (blonde boy) I always wondered if he was ok or if he was even alive. I waited for what seemed like hours until they arrived. I turned my music off and went over to them.

"Hello, I am here to escort you to a UNSC safe house. So please can you follow me" I wasn't in the mood they have made me wait for them and they are arguing about I don't know what.
"I'll follow you any were babe" the one in teal armer was trying to flirt with me, I laughed at his. In the freelancer project York always flirted with me or Carolina and we both hit him.
"Is that the best you got, I've heard better from an old friend and he actually got a girl" I could tell he was hurt with what I said and them the one in a light blue with yellow armour laughed.
"Looked like she got you good Tucker" this made the everyone of the red and blue soldiers laughed. And for once I laughed as well. These guys remind me of my friends in project freelancer. All of a sudden an A.I appeared out of nowhere.
"Ok guys I think that is enough, we need to get goin" the A.I looked at me and realised I was shocked
"He is an A.I and he is mine, his name is Church or Epsilon" I knew that voice anywhere, it was Carolina in the flesh.
"Are you mute or something" she looked at me, I was in tears then I ran up to her and hugged her.
"I'm so glad you are alright 'Lina I can't believe you are alive." I practically screamed at her.
"Ok who are you and how do you know that nickname?" The one in light blue and yellow highlights asked.
"I was in project freelancer, I was Agent Michigan" then before the one in light blue and yellow armour cold hug me the Reds and blues cocked there guns.
"Guys put your weapons down" then he turned to hug me along with Carolina.
"OMG, MICH. how have you been?." Carolina was actually friends with me once I told her my past. Only her though.
"Um... Is someone going to tell us what is going on?" The one named Tucker asked.
"Tucker this is Mich or Michigan from the project she is like a sister to me and Carolina" I knew it was Wash as soon as he said that, Carolina and Wash were the only ones that I really considered family.
"Ok!?!?!?" Tucker was for once quiet.
"Yay new friend!!" After the dark blue one spoke everyone laughed including Carolina and Wash

Eventually the pilots came to take the Reds and Blues to the (random planet). I went on the ship and stayed out if the way I also contacted command to tell them we were on out way to (random planet). While we were on the ship I watched as all of them did something that was funny and a bit risky, but I didn't mind. I chatted to Carolina and Wash, we told each other what happened when we left project freelancer.

"Really!?!? There dead!?!?" I was shocked, saddened. York was like a big brother to me, and North was sorta like a caring father. Their A.Is were like family as well. But I was happy the director was dead at least after the torment he put us through.
"I just can't believe it"
"It's ok Mich, me and Wash are still here for you"
"I'm ok, I just can't believe they are dead." I was stunned almost about to cry.
"Hey didn't you say you have a friend in the army, maybe you can find them" Carolina tried to cheer me up but it didn't work. Wash kept trying to make me smile but it wasn't working either.
"I don't even know if he is alive" Carolina looked at me then turned to Wash.
"Do you mind if we have some girl talk?" Wash only nodded and walked away.
"You know Wash doesn't know your story, and I'm sure he would understand if you told him. And about your friend I could ask Church to look for him in the data base if you want?"
"Yes to the data base thing, but I don't want to tell Wash about my past just yet. Ok?" Carolina gave a sweet sister smile, the 'I completely understand'.
"Church do you have a minute?" Carolina called out to Church
"Yeah, what is it?" I almost laughed at his attitude, it was like waking a grumpy teenager.
"I need you to help me find someone for Mich. She want to find an old friend so she can have some closure from her past. Ok?" Church just nodded understanding what to do. He than came over to me and looked back at Carolina.
"Ok I'm going to assess you memory banks in your head to see if I can cross reference it to any army or UNSC database, it might sting a little. Is that ok?" I was just happy he was willing to help I said yes immediately.

He went into my head and I collapsed, Carolina kept asking if I was ok and asking Church what was going on. It felt like hours before Church left my head.

"Wow. I though Carolinas and Washes head was messed up but that was, well it was kinda creepy and sorta sad." His colour started to shift.
"Ok, I'm cross referencing your past with UNSC databases." He disappeared and reappear on Carolina shoulder.
"Ok I have good news and bad news" Chruch starts and I freak out when he said bad news because that means my friend might be dead or worse.
"Good news he is not dead and I know where he is, but.." He stopped I was scared, but at least I know he is alive even though I can't see him.
"The bad news is, he isn't the same. He might not remember you or his past. He is sort off an idiot and very annoying but know I know why he is the way he is" I was confused how did church know who my best friend was.
"Church, where are you? Why did to contact me to come? Is it because I am the best" all of a sudden Caboose came in and Carolina looked like she was going to kill Church if it was possible.
"Yes Church, why did you tell Caboose to come here?" Carolinas voice was kinda scary, Church turned a slight purple colour.
"Wow, Church you turned colour, that is awesome" I smiled at the childish behaviour, I wish I was still like that.
"Any ways, Caboose where were you born?" I could tell Church was planing something.
"Oh, um..... I.. I don.. I don't like to talk about it..." Carolina and I stud in shock. Caboose was always a happy cheerful person, and as long and I have known the Reds and blues and from what they told me Caboose never stutters or sound that sad.
"Um.. Caboose are you ok?" Carolina was really worried, she had never seen him like this but church sorta looked like he has seen this before.
"Last time I asked Caboose that, he acted it same way. Caboose, please can you tell us your past. Mich here wants to know so she can find her friend from her home world." Church was confusing me. If he knew where I come from why didn't he say what planet I was from.
"*sigh* ok, if it helps the nice lady then ok. But don't tell Tucker, he is to stupid to understand." Carolina sorta smiled at the last part, from what I could gather Caboose and Tucker didn't get along well.
"Ok Caboose, just tell us what happened" Caboose nodded and took his helmet off, I was in shock, his hair was blond the same type of blond from my friend, and his eyes were a sweet baby blue colour.
"I... I.... *sigh* I was born on a planet called Reach. *(Mich was in shock)* It was a nice planet, I think, you see I may seem dumb but I'm not its just I don't know how else to cope, Reach was taken by the Covenant and not a lot of people made it out alive. The day they attacked I was playing outside with my best friend. Her name was (N/N) (This means nickname) or that's her nick name any ways. We were playing and then the sirens went off, (N/N) grabbed me and we started to run, then all of a sudden big aliens land and start to kill people, me and (N/N) ran, I could tell she was scared and wanted to cry but she didn't. We kept running and she saw some men trying evacuate people out if the area. *sigh* but it wasn't enough the STUPID ALIENS THEY, they *sniff* *sad sigh* they killed anyone in sight. Me and (N/N) kept to the shadows and ran to the transport ship. But one of the stupid aliens grabbed (N/N) and was about to stick the sword thing through her, one of the soldier men saw and took the blow instead, but she still got burned. I grabbed her and ran to the ship, once we were on they left the planet. *sigh* only a week later some army men came and asked if we wanted revenge for out planet. I wasn't sure at first but I remembered what they did to (N/N) and said yes, I found out she also said yes and we stared to train. She was a lot better then me as we trained and we were split off because I wasn't good enough. It was long time ago, and I haven't heard from her since." Caboose stared to cry a bit, Carolina and I went over and hugged him, we took off out helmets and Carolina said she was going to go check on the others.
"You know, I was also born on Reach *Caboose looks up, and tilts his head to the side like a little puppy*, I lost a my family and friends as well. Just out of curiosity what's your first name?"
"Michael. My name is Michael. J. Caboose." I was shocked Jay (my nickname for caboose, you can change it if you want), I nicked named my friends Jay because his middle name stared with J.
"Jay, was your nick name Jay?" Caboose looked at me and smile.
"Yes. Are you (N/N)?" I smiled I was so happy I had been waiting to find him for so long.
"Yes, omg yes, I can't believe I found you after all these years." I start to cry and I hug him, I hug him like I'm never going to let go.
Then red light go off and so do sirens. We put our helmets off and try to find the other, we run and we run. Just like before.

----After the Crash----

It had only been a few hours after the crash and we stopped looking for survives. Only a few of us were alive, Wash, me, Tucker, Caboose, Carolina, Church (even though he is an A.I), Sarge, Grif and Simmons. After a few weeks Carolina and Church left, Carolina only told me why because she know what would happen if she didn't. I promised not to tell anyone, even Caboose who was so upset with Church leaving. But I always tried to make him happy, I helped Wash with the drills with Tucker and made sure Caboose was ok.
I knew we would be ok so I didn't worry.

Hey rookies that's it. I hope you liked it, I am really sorry for not updating. I am going to update my actual stories and hopefully make more oneshots. If you want a certain character or story please comment and I will try.

The next ones are:
Meeting the Reds and Blues.
Herobrine X Reader part two : Remember the name
Averages Adventure
Soundwave X Reader : Breaking the Soundwave

That's it for the moment I will also update my stories.

Chile of light and darkness
Darkness will rise
Darkness in people's hearts
And NaLu fanfic as well.

Have fun rookies.

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