The Mist Between Her And Fore...

By MBNightingale

4.1K 469 396

Their only problem was that they promised forever in a world where even life is temporary. ... More

\\Chapter One\\
\\Chapter Two\\
\\Chapter Three\\
\\Chapter Four\\
\\Chapter Five\\
\\Chapter Six\\
\\Chapter Seven\\
\\Chapter Eight\\
\\Chapter Nine\\
\\Chapter Ten\\
\\Chapter Twelve\\
\\Chapter Thirteen\\
\\Chapter Fourteen\\
\\Chapter Fifteen\\
\\Chapter Sixteen\\
\\Chapter Seventeen\\
\\Chapter Eighteen\\
\\Chapter Nineteen\\
\\Chapter Twenty\\
\\Chapter Twenty One\\
\\Chapter Twenty Two\\
\\Chapter Twenty Three\\
\\Chapter Twenty Four\\
\\Chapter Twenty Five\\
\\Chapter Twenty Six\\
\\Chapter Twenty Seven\\

\\Chapter Eleven\\

138 15 15
By MBNightingale

Picture of Victoria above>>>>>

~She new she loved him when home went from being a place to a person~

\\Chapter Eleven\\

"How dare you! You asshole I was nothing but good to you and that's how you repay me? By fucking moving into a house with your mistress! I can't actually believe I fell for a bastard like you!! I freaking hate you."

"Cut the shouting and let me explain." I hear Dylans' frustrated voice yell from the distance.

"I don't care for your explanation. We are over you womanizer. Get your shit together before crawling into a girls heart  cause you can break her real bad, but fortunately for me I am not that weak." The unknown person spoke with much mustered hatred and anger as if she could murder Dylan on the spot.

"Victoria you have to listen first before jumping into conclusions. Just shut your big mouth for a second and hear me out." Dylans' angry voice booms in the whole house.

"Even if I listen, I wont believe a word escaping the mouth of a filthy liar like you. I've had enough with your bullshit, go practice it on other girls not I." The weird voiced woman spits venously while loud footsteps hurrying towards my room are heard. Then the door bursts open and I jump terrified of my bed.

Dylan stands in my doorway breathing heavily and with an alerted look on his face. "Come with me." He commands me harshly and I find myself following him towards the living room without muttering a single word. This should be good.

In the living room or what is left of it, I spot a woman crashing the vases and shouting her lungs out. When she finally spots us she glares at Dylan and throws me a disgusted look. Then she marches towards me and raises her arms in front of my face. I flinch at her movement quickly placing my hands in front of me for protection.

She then claps her hands and laughs. The crazy Victoria woman freaking laughs.

"Well done Dylan, you brought me your mistress to prove me right. Couldn't be more proud of you." Dylan tries to interrupt her but she continues on ranting.

"I know we weren't exactly in a relationship so you had the full right to date any other girl, but you said you loved me. You fucking said you loved me."

"Guess you were lying as always." She laughs bitterly as tears start forming in her eyes. She doesn't spare me a glance as she focuses on a silent Dylan, challenging him to prove her wrong, but when Dylan doesn't respond she smiles sadly to herself and walks towards the front door.

I glance at Dylan seeking a reaction. He remains in his spot as if not believing what was happening. An ache in my chest appears at the familiar scene and I find myself unable to endure watching this much longer.

"Uhh...excuse me?" I say gently but Victoria ignores me still moving towards the door.

"Wait!!" I yell at her as she is crying her eyes out, ready to close the door after her. She turns towards me sadly and tries her best to glare, her tears coming to a stop, but fails miserably.

"I think you misunderstood the whole situation miss." I speak softly afraid to irrigate her and when she seemed like she was actually listening I continued. "If you think their is any kind of attraction between me and Dylan, then you're severely mistaken. See me and him aren't exactly on good terms. We're just business partners."

"Business partners living under the same roof? Are you making a fool out of me, or do I look that naive to you?" She questions loathing me with each passing minute.

"How do I even know you're not lying?" She asks as if completely believing I was lying straight to her face.

Before I could mutter a word, Christopher barges through the front door. He the situation and throws us a confused look. Then his eyes move from the crying Victoria girl to me.

Think fast Arianna. Think fast.

I look at Victoria who seems to be super irritated by Christopher intruding on our encounter, before taking a heavy intake of air.

"Because Christopher here is my boyfriend." I answer quickly without meeting Christophers' gaze. I feel his gaze burning a hole in my back but I keep my eyes locked in Victoria's.

Christopher takes a step back as if my words terrified him as his eyes nearly pope out of their sockets. He was staring intensely at me, urging me to prove that he heard wrongly. After a while of silence, Dylan walks slowly towards Victoria and stands in front of her. He looks into her eyes with much love and compassion as if she is a fragile piece that he is afraid to break.

"I am sorry Victoria." He says truthfully with drops of sincerity poured into each single words. He seems pained by her tear stained face that was printing an unforgettable image in his mind. Constantly reminding him of his mistakes, nettling him with guilt and rue. Slowly he took small yet noticeable steps away from her, rids his face from any slight trace of emotion left before returning to his usual austere look. "Get out of my life Victoria before it's too late. You deserve someone who deeply cares for you and that person definitely isn't me." He keeps his eyes transfixed at a stunned Victoria, memorizing each part of her, before he walks away without muttering any additional word.

Victoria on the other hand becomes extremely pale and frozen in her own her agonizing world. She looks longingly at the space were Dylan previously occupied, replaying the whole scene over and over again.

I want to comfort her though I don't know her but I can't order my body to move. I feel a slight touch on my shoulder and I turn around to Christopher who nods his head at me, clearly approving of what I was thinking of. I walk suavely towards the current shattering little fragile girl afraid I might scare her away.

"Hey...It's going to be okay." I lie straight through my teeth unable to find the proper words to sooth her.

I lead a dangerously silent Victoria to my room and seat her on my bed.

"Are you alright?" I ask cautiously while biting my lip.

She looks at me for a moment before her head falls down and her eyes lock with the ground. "What am I still doing here? I should leave." She was about to stand up but then fell back holding her head with her hands, pain evident on her features. "Hey...calm down and rest here a bit. Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly.

No you silly girl she is quite fine after getting heartbroken a few minutes ago.

"Yeah I am fine. I'll be good in a few minutes." She barely says before closing her eyes and inhaling then exhaling tired breaths. "Can you please get me the bottle in my bag?"

I quickly do as she asks and watch her as she swallows down her medicine. I watch her closely as a question pokes up in my mind.

She seems to read my mind and answers my question. "It's nothing serious just stress." She informs me falling into her own miserable silence once again.

"I am sorry for the way I reacted. I thought you were one of his mistresses and other issues added it all up. I am extremely sorry that you had to witness my melt down and me totally embarrassing myself."

"It's okay." I smile politely assuring her it's fine.
"I'll leave you to rest. You can't leave in this state." I offer my room not bothering to question her about her relationship with Dylan, giving her some space to calm down.

Once I leave my room, I head towards the living room to clean the mess up and I walk into a wall on my way there.
"Ouch." I rub my head before looking up to me these bright lovely blue eyes.

"Is she alright?"

"She's resting."

"Good." He says quietly while pouring his intimidating stare on me.

"So why didn't you tell me I was your boyfriend?" Christopher asks raising a questioning eyebrow, a playful smile dancing on his lips, maybe remembering a happy memory.

"Oh about that." I laugh nervously.
"It was the best answer to prove to Victoria I wasn't the girl Dylan is cheating on her with." I try to squirm away from him but fail considering his huge body blocking my way.

"Well if that's the case it's okay. Come on let me help you clean up since that ignorant dude ditched us yet again to clean his mess." Christopher clenches his teeth angrily already heading towards the living room.

I wanted to ask him "What if that wasn't the case what would have you done?" But I held it back.

About half an hour later me and Christopher were almost done cleaning when Dylan barged into the house and slammed the door shut with a loud bam. He threw his jacket on the floor and headed towards the kitchen.

Christopher was about to scold him about throwing his things while we were here cleaning his mess, but I sent him a warning glance which he fortunately  understood. The last thing we needed was anther fight.

Not long after Dylan's arrival, Christopher got a phone call and excused himself from cleaning. I decide that the living room was presentable enough now and headed upstairs to check on Victoria. The poor girl got me worried about her for an unknown reason. 

Once I open the door, I find her peacefully sleeping with her messy hair all over the place and her green eyes swollen from crying. The pillow was soaked and her mascara was spoiled. Her face was still extremely pale but she still managed to look stunning.

"Why is she still here?" Dylans' cold voice snaps me out of my gaze and I turn to answer him.

"I kept her here." I answer drily.

"And why is that?" Dylan annoyed voice provokes me to punch his douchbag face but I hold it in.

"After you left, I brought her here to calm down but then she got dizzy and fell. So I insisted she stayed and got some rest before she leaves and here she is." I whispered lowly not to wake her up.

Quickly after I finished my sentence, Dylan's cold eyes were replaced by confused then worried ones. He rushes towards Victorias side in an abnormal speed, carefully brushing away some tiles of her hair and examining her face. A few minutes later, Dylan kisses the top of her head and walks to the door. "When she wakes up make sure she is in a good condition to drive." And with that he was out of sight.


In the afternoon no one was insight. Victoria thanked me and left after I made sure she was okay and we actually planned to meet somewhere. Dylan was no where to be seen though I never saw him leave the house. And Christopher started acting really grumpy after that phone call he received.

I was currently doing some paperwork when Christopher's loud movements disturbed my working.

He was going through the drawers like a maniac, fuming uncontrollably as fumes of rage exploded from his ears. His face was so red and troubled I thought he might be having a heart attack.

Before I was able to interfere and maybe calm him a bit, he grabbed a whiskey bottle and marched outside.

What the hell was that?

I look at the messed up kitchen confused. What happened that made him this angry? It sure was something important to provoke Christopher. He usually is  collected and controlled.

The ringing of my phone catches my attention. I grab my phone and surprisingly it wasn't the one ringing. I look around for the source of voice and catch something flashing under the couch.

Christopher's phone.

Why is it under the couch? Should I answer it?

The screen was displaying an unknown name that surely seemed persistent on receiving an answer. Without thinking I press answer. A mans' voice booms through the phone threatening and shouting for a few seconds before the line goes silent.

What in the name of God was that?
Is this man the reason why Christopher is currently outraged?

I stand still for a minute judging my following actions. Either I stay here where I can rest and sleep happily, or I follow Christopher in the dark night to I don't  know where with the chance of getting lost and possibly not finding him.

As much as choice one seemed good something told me I had to go with choice two.

I wait a couple of minutes convincing myself that he'll walk through the door any minute now but nothing happens.

I huff annoyed with my worry and concern. For Gods sake! Christopher isn't a child! He could take care of himself.

Pff yeah, when he is equipped with alcohol. A drunken man is nothing to worry about and especially Christopher.

Damn my sarcastic sharp conscious. Christopher was surely the most collected person I knew, but when he's drunk he transforms to a total psychopath. He always managed to amuse me when he got really wasted. That man didn't have any bit of tolerance against alcohol.


Without a second thought I put on my sports shoes and run towards the forest forgetting to even pull on a coat.

Why the forest you ask? I felt like Christopher was there. I hopped my gut feeling didn't betray me this time.

When the first rush of wind slapped my soft warm skinI knew I was an idiot. It was the middle of December and here I am running in the forest with just a thin T-shirt on. Today is going to be my last I am telling you.

After searching for around ten minutes and finding nothing I give up.

I start to head back to the house, looking to my sides carefully. The flashlight in my hands begins to shake since I was shivering uncontrollably. Either because I was on the edge of freezing or maybe because I was scared shitless.

Suddenly out of nowhere,  I hear a muffled voice coming from behind a large tree.
I inhale a deep breath and slowly sneak towards the tree and peek. A relieved sigh escapes my lips. Finally I found him, in a very miserable state I might add.

"Thank God Christopher! What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper-yell to myself.

He doesn't answer and remains focused on his whiskey.

I walk slowly towards him hesitating weather to sit beside him or not and eventually I decided to rest on the log beside him. His bottle was almost empty and he reeked of the smell of alcohol. "Why are you drinking? It's very unusual of you."


"Can you at least give me the bottle?" I stretch my hand in front of him ready to receive the poison he was drinking.

"Why did you follow me?" He asks rudely taking anther sip.

"I...I was worried." I stutter uneasily. 

"Yeah right." He spits out clearly annoyed by my answer and presence.

"Well sorry I wanted to offer help to a drunken man." I mumble lowly but I knew he heard me.

"I didn't ask for your help. You can leave me the fuck alone." He sneers angrily as I was his worst enemy. His eyes burned with outrage and his his nose flared crazily.

I remained quite in my spot as he continued on drinking his anger away hungrily. It seemed he was trying to devour something deep inside of him to get back to normal.

I couldn't take the scene much longer. A person intentionally hurting himself. Seeking peace in a permanent illusion. My hands moved on there own, snatching quickly the bottle away unable to witness this torture any longer.

"Give it back." He glared real hard at the whiskey container in my hands as if he could break it into pieces with his intense gaze.

"No." I answer confidently, challenge seeping from my skin.

"What did you say?" He hisses at me.

"I said no." This time my voice wavered but I still kept the determined look scripted on my face. He seemed like he was about to throw a couple of insults right to my face so I outrun his sentences.

"What do you think you're doing getting drunk in the middle of nowhere? What will Clair do if she saw you like this? Is this the impression you want to show your soon to be wife?" I try to use the closest person to his heart as a weapon against him. Even in your worst situations a person will always be affected by the most passionate person to their hearts. No amount of alcohol could arise that power.

"Claire?" He laughs
"She will surely slap me and tell me to pull my shit together unlike others running away with your tail between your legs." He laughs mockingly.

"What does that mean?"

He stays silent for a minute but then chuckles darkly. "You don't understand this right? How are you supposed to when you never saw this before."

"Christopher calm down. You don't know what you're saying. Come let's head back." I move to grab his arm but he snatches it away swaying, unable to steady himself.

"Why? Are you scared my dearest Arianna?" He laughs.
"Are you terrified that I might say something you won't like?" He laughs again bitterly.

I keep silent while he smirks.

"This Arianna is me from five years. This is what I actually felt like every single day after you left me. This emptiness and trepidation is what I suffered. This is the acid that dripped on my heart forming a huge damage hole in it."

"You ran away from me and I was stuck in the darkness for years trying fucking hard to forget but I couldn't. No matter how I much I tried I couldn't delete you from my life. I...I just couldn't." He savors his words, feeling the soar metallic taste they form in his mouth.

His words cut deep into my heart leaving it bleeding with huge gashes reforming. All those awful memories I tried so hard to lock deep down surfed, releasing with them my demons that were sealed away for so long.

"Why did you bring this up now? We finished this years ago." I whimper, desperately trying to hide my despair.

"That's the freaking point. You moved over years ago but me? It took me much time and a vast amount of help from others. Even now, every time I see you, all these things you said, all the the hurt you subjected me to, all the poison you made me drink reappears again and hunts me down."

I couldn't take his shattering words much longer, they were driving me insane. My mind was a raging storm and my heart was just...just screeching in anguish again, beseeching for help.

"What? You can't speak now? I remember that you talked for hours how I was below you and how you never loved. How you played me the whole time and took advantage of my feelings. How- "

"Stop." I cry loudly. Christopher looks at me glaring as he gets up swaying slightly and starts walking towards me.

"Just stop." I mutter lowly before moving away from him and heading back.

Before I could get any further he pushes me into the tree caging me between his arms.

"Why should I?" He speaks hatefully.

"Sorry if I hurt your feelings you golden lady."

I punch him repeatedly trying to escape but he captures my arms, forcing me to go still.

My eyes begin to water as I use my hair to shield me from his focused stare.
I small whimper escapes my mouth without control as a single tear slides down my cheek.

Christopher notices this and something snaps inside of him. It seemed that the spell finally broke and the Christopher I knew returned from the haze. He pulls urgently away from me as if I electrocuted him. He then stares at his hands shocked before he pulls his hair with them.

I fall to my knees, gasping, trying my best to gather a cure for my deflated lungs.

"Arianna I didn't mean-"

"Never." I spot out of my mouth.
"Never again talk to me about this. Ever again. We're just buizness partners now. You said it with your own tongue."

He slaps both his hand over his forehead and leans back on a tree trunk. "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking right."

"Leave Christopher." I order tensely.

"Leave the past and cross to the present. Your present and future. Just forget me. You have a fiancé and beside her you should be. Not here criticizing and bullying me about what we used to have, because we both know it's over." I finished up daring him to disagree more like wishing he does. I hoped he would just shout at me tell me I was wrong. Tell me to open my eyes and see what we have.

I waited. And waited. I fucking waited so long. And received.


With that I carried my broken heart in my hands and returned home. I slipped again to the darkness. I surrendered to my monsters and allowed them to scratch freely every part of me, refreshing my terrifying memories. I gladly welcomed the sadness that I adapted to. My demon looked at me from the sidelines shaking his head at my constant failures. He seemed after all these years of poking, provoking and rebuking me to have gathered them sympathy along the way, only revealing it in my worst times, when I didn't need him to make everything more darker, more inevitable.

I let it. I let all the pain happen. I didn't stop myself from hurting because I knew that I messed up again.

Because I knew that the chance I was looking for just disappeared into thin air. Or it wasn't even there in the first place.


Yes guys, I finally took my favorite holiday of the year. The Christmas Vacation is finally in the house!!!!!

And just as I promised, the drama train just departed. You won't ever feel bored after this chapter. I'm sure of that. So a new character just got introduced *wiggles eyebrows*

Anyways what did you think about the drunken Christopher version?

Don't keep calm cause the drama just began,
So vote on the Christmas star at the bottom, share your wonderful comments, and later (Cause obviously it's Christmas🎄🎁🎄)


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