The Huntress Becomes the Wolf...

By heartlesstwin

322K 11.7K 939

I've always known I was different from the other hunters. My senses were always sharper, my sight more define... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 part 1
Chapter 42 part 2
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Editor Needed!
Important Changes

Chapter 60

2.4K 75 13
By heartlesstwin

Chapter 60

~ Lucie's POV~

Carnage surrounded me. There were dead bodies around every corner. The battle had begun and there was already so much death and destruction. The fighting had broken out at the campground that Dion and Darcy's men had been staying at. I had managed to avoid most of the fighting, one target clouding my mind. Darcy.

I heard a sound behind me and I lunged around, seeing an unfamiliar foe. I had gone through the painstakingly long process of memorizing everyone's face that was to fight with us. Sadly, that meant I recognized which one of the fallen soldiers belonged to my side instead of them just being nameless bodies on the ground.

The nameless man lunged for me and I gracefully stepped out of the way, just in time. I landed a blow to the back of his neck with my elbow, causing him to fall to the ground. In another fluid movement I bent down and swiftly broke his neck. I didn't care if he was dead or not, so I let him be, keeping in mind my main target. My brother, Darcy.

With every step that I took I felt a sense of dread set in. Something wasn't right. In fact, from the way my skin was crawling, something was very wrong. That something stepped out of a tent. Silvia.

"My dear child, it's nice to see you again. I would appreciate it if you would stop your incensed quest to find that dear brother of yours and end his life. He is needed."

"He might be needed for you, but for me? He's better off dead. I'm sure he feels the same way so it'd be best if I just got this little feud of ours over and done with."

"If you can't behave, you won't have any part of this." I was confused by her words. It didn't help that as she spoke a tiredness stronger than I'd ever felt began to overtake me.

"What are you doing to me?"

"Sleep, my child. You will have a lot of work to do when you awake from your slumber." I couldn't fight her anymore. I was too weak. I fell to my knees, and then onto my stomach. Not even a minute had passed before my eyes were closed and the lure of sleep was pulling me in. Before I succumbed to the power of whatever spell she was casting on me, however, I felt gentle wrinkled hands pick me up and then later set me down on something that was incredibly comfortable. Humming filled the air, a melody that I didn't recognize, but one that I couldn't deny was beautiful.

"Sleep, my child. It will all be over by the time you wake up." After those words were spoken, I was lost to the darkness. Sleep had overtaken my body at the worst of times, and there was nothing I could do to fight it.

~Braylynn's POV~

Blood covered half of my face and I was sure that I had a rib or two broken. Something was poking something it shouldn't be inside my body that was for sure. Casey had made me promise to keep an eye on Lucie during the battle, something I agreed to out of respect for his equal title. He was doing the same for my beta and for my friend Bodrik, someone that he had met rather recently he had told me.

From what I had seen the battle was nearly over. Most of our foes were either dead or had given up. Dion and Darcy were still at large. I had requested to be informed after their demise. Something moved to my left causing me to turn, ready for an attack. The person I saw, however was not who I was expecting.


"You know who I am?"

"I was informed about you, yes,"

"Informed, ah. Being informed about something isn't the same thing as knowing what it means though, I'm afraid. Oh the plans I have for you, my dear child. You will be marvelous. So beautiful. So young. I await the day you reach your true potential. The fates and I have talked so much-,"

"The Fates? You're a Fate!" The color drained from Silvia's face.

"I am Lachesis. For my sins I was cast from my perch above the heavens. I wanted a better life for you wolves. So much so I rewrote history. My job was to assign fates to people. I did not make these fates, I gave them the fates they were destined to have. One day I decided to change that. It did not matter that I was the oldest of the fates. It did not matter that I have the power to extend lives. The only thing that matters is that I was cast out for my sins, much like Lucifer."

"Are you saying the devil is real?" My heart cringed in my chest.

"That is a story for another time my young one. Right now you are needed elsewhere. Someone is calling for you. They need you to end their suffering, but not their lives. You will know who it is when you see them. This is your fate. He is your fate. So not question this fate for it is not a fate I have written, but one my sisters up above have. They are trying to re-write history. Just hope they remember to write you into their plans. I love you, dear child. You are everything I hoped you would be." With that she was gone and I was left wondering what she meant. Seconds later I heard the call. The scream of pure terror.

I ran to the noise, hoping over the dead bodies at my feet. I knew deep inside me that whoever was calling needed help. They needed me. I don't know why I put so much trust into the words that Silvia told me. Was it because I was the first person she had told her secret to? That she had chosen me to reveal her identity to? I had no idea. On my way I saw Casey fighting a rogue. He seemed to have the upper hand so I didn't deter my path to go help him. He was quite capable of fighting. He was an Alpha after all.

I could feel the pain in my chest with every step I took. I slowed down and sat next to a body so I could inspect the damage. I cringed at the sight. My ribs were bruised. They were a sickening color of black and purple, the first few stages of healing underway. I pulled my shirt back down and hissed at the contact, getting back up more slowly than was safe in a battle zone. I continued on my journey, the wailing still very loud and easy to follow.

A sent hit me before I got there. One that was heavenly. It was the smell of mint and woods. I had always loved the smell of mint and I could tell that this scent was radiating off of a male. My anticipation ate at me as I grew closer to the scent, the man. I was almost there, I could sense it. I stepped into a cleared area, one where the tents had been recently torn down. I spotted a man lying in the middle of the area, dead bodies surrounding him in every direction. I crept closer, instantly wary of the man lying there obviously in agony. Why hadn't anyone finished him off? Was his wailing just a ploy to get people to approach him so he could kill them? If it was I had to admit, it wasn't a horrible tactic. From the body count I could tell it was at the very least affective.

As I grew closer I recognized who he was. He wasn't a fighter from Casey's pack. He wasn't a fighter from my own. He was a member of Dion's and Darcy's group. How did I know this? Because Darcy was the one lying there in the middle of those bodies. Darcy was my mate.

~Casey's POV~

"Where is she?" I screamed, looking for an ally. I needed someone to help me search for Lucie but the only people I could find were foes that needed to be killed.

"Where's Lucie?" I shouted again. I needed to find her. I could sense something was wrong with her. Her mind wasn't sending out the right wave links. It didn't feel right and it didn't feel natural.

"Lucie!" I called out again, rounding a corner, hitting someone and knocking them over. Bowen. Maybe he had seen her.

"Bowen, have you seen Lucie? I haven't been able to find her for hours. The battle's almost won, but I can't seem to find her anywhere. You don't think this battle was just a ploy for Dion to get Lucie and run, right?"

"No. If anything Dion just wants to kill her. She's responsible for a lot of carnage that made him the way he is today. I'm not saying he's justified, just that I understand." Bowen's hands went up as if to defend himself. I wasn't going to hit him, even though bashing his head in would give me the greatest pleasure.

"We need to find Lucie,"

"She's missing?"

"I don't know," Bowen gave me a pointed look and huffed. He stood there thinking for a moment before he responded.

"We need to find Freya or Aimeri. They'd be able to locate her. But where would a witch be in a time like this?" The second that he was finished saying those words a body flew through the air, the body clearly on fire.

"Take that you slimy son of a gun! I will own you!" That was definitely Aimeri. Now where was he? I went over a couple of tents to see Aimeri standing back to back with Freya. Oh this couldn't be good.

"Do you want to take the next one, or should I?" A sickening smile danced on Freya's face and it took all my power not to gag at it. Here was the woman responsible for the death of thousands, living it up with another witch. Playing with magic. Magic wasn't to be toyed with. It was dangerous. Something to be feared. Or was that just what my father had taught me?

I still couldn't escape him. Even after he was dead. Maybe that was why I needed to find Freya. To have some sort of closure before the next major thing in my life happened. I watched her for a good while before Bowen said anything.

"Want to talk about it, champ?"

"Don't call me Champ, Rogue,"

"Hey, it was just a question. I was trying to be friendly, for Lucie's sake."

"Don't talk about Lucie to me. You of all people don't have the right to."

"Why? Because I love her?" His words chilled me to the bones. He loved her. Of course he did. Why would he do so much to help her, to help me, if he wasn't in love with her? I knew that he had feelings for her, that much was obvious, but love? Did I even love Lucie?

"Woah there buddy, don't hurt yourself thinking. No need to die of an aneurysm on the battle field. I may not be your best friend, but right now I'm the closet thing you have to one. You need someone to talk to. The battles over. My men told me that Dion's run off and Darcy is in Braylynn's custody. You need to talk to someone before whatever it is that is eating you starts affecting your leadership. Or more than it already has. People are questioning you, Casey. They are questioning why you wasted so many of your packs resources in finding a witch that had nothing to do with the battle. We could have spent all that time preparing for this moment and instead we focused on tying up your agendas. What kind of leader does that? I can tell you it's not a very good one. Somethings up, Casey. You need to tell me what because you are in no position to lead your pack right now. I hate Alpha's and what you've done, what you've done with your power, is why I hate Alpha's as much as I do. You all abuse your power. You don't take care of the people who don't help you. You haven't even attempted to fix the mistakes of your father because you are still caught up on the day he died. Moved past it. Talk about. For god's sake get some help before it gets you killed." Instead of letting me answer what was wrong Bowen simply walked away, his frustration obviously eating at him. I'm glad he didn't stay, however, I'm not sure how much more he could have said before one of us snapped.

"The battles over, Aimerious. You don't need to send any more people flying in flames to their death." I couldn't help the smile that flooded to my face at the thought. Aimerious truly was a creative guy.

"What will you be doing with me now that the battle is over, Alpha?" She diverted her eyes, a show of submission that I hadn't expected from her.

"I am going to employ your help. I need to locate my mate, she's gone missing."

"Lucie's gone! Does Beau know?" Aimerious asked, his face flooded with worry. I didn't know the two of them were very close, all I had known was that his boss was.

"Yes. He knows. He just walked off after giving me a rather long speech about how I am the worlds worse Alpha." I huffed, running my fingers through my hair. I hadn't gotten it cut in a while, so it's rather floppy at the moment.

"He walked away? That doesn't sound much like him. Did you do anything to upset him?" Aimerious asked, trying to figure out why someone so admittedly in love with her would just let her remain missing any longer than she had to be.

"I found her! She won't wake up Casey!" Bowen's cries were frantic and I followed them without another thought, Aimerious and Freya trailing behind. It took less than a minute to reach the tent that Lucie was residing in. I entered quickly, not wasting any more time.

There lied Lucie. Her eyes were closed as if she was resting and the slight rise and fall of her chest enlightened me to the fact that she was still breathing. Her eyes were moving rapidly beneath their lids, while the rest of her lay there unmoving. I knelt beside her, placing my hands on her folded ones. The second I placed my hands on hers I was gone. The darkness disappeared as fast as it came. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my beautiful mate.


"Ah, you're both here. It's nice to see you finally joined us. You're line wavers. I'm not sure when you die. For all I know you could have died during that battle. Oh well, I suppose you made it. When you find Braylynn she will explain some things to you. While Lucie and I had quite the nice chat while we waited for you, didn't we Lucie dear?

"Go to hell,"

"Well that's not very nice. Anyways, I brought you both here to let you know something very important. You completed phase one of prophecy. Fantastic job you too. I just hope when you and Darcy work together you have as much success as you do this time." 



And that's the end of book one! I hope you enjoyed it! I will start writing book two sometime in the next coming week. Please a comment about what you liked best about this story and if you think I should continue this story. Thank you to my fans that stayed with this story until the end! It mean's a lot to me.

Peace and Chocolate,


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