Corner of the Eye {NaNoWriMo1...

By WielderOfPens

491 52 23

Ivy Illigard has never had any doubt about the fact that she's not normal. However, after moving for the thir... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Recognition and more info
Valentine's Day <3

Chapter 5

29 3 2
By WielderOfPens

Heya, sorry this chapter isn't super amazing but it explains a lot. Please comment if there are parts missing or awkward sentences, I was tired while writing this, and I probably missed stuff. 

Thanks for reading!

~ ~ ~

"...she doesn't know anything. We have to explain it all. Nope. None of it. Not the Panthers, not the wings... Ivy? Are you awake?"

I don't want to be. My head hurts.

As I attempt to open my eyes, it feels like this morning all over again. It seems to take forever for my eyes to focus on Charlotte's worried expression, about five inches from my own face.

"Oh my word, Ivy, are you okay? I'm sorry that it had to be this way, it wasn't supposed to be so sudden, I'm so, so sorry!" she spewed in one breath.

"Wh-" I cough, my throat dry from screaming. "What? I don't- I don't understand."

Charlotte sat back on her haunches, and suddenly I can see a thin, colorful membrane shimmering right behind her. She says something, but I don't hear her.

"What is-" I interrupt her, and she looks back, turning her body to the side.

"Hm? It's just Joanna and Alexandria. Emely can't be here. It's okay, Ivy."

"No, not that- I-" I continue to stare.

Then, Alexandria comes up behind Charlotte and explains. "Char, it's your wings. Remember? You said she didn't know anything."

Wings. Wings? My mind rewinds to when I look back and see Charlotte and Joanna lifting me into the air, away from that cat-

Oh. My. Goodness. What in the world happened?

Charlotte sighs and moves onto her knees. "Here, sit up, Ivy. I can explain it all. I promise." She holds out a hand, but I'm afraid to take it. What has she been hiding from me? What else has been kept a secret?

I see the pleading look in her eyes as her hand hangs between us. Finally, I take it, and with a strong arm, she pulls me into a sitting position on the couch I had been laying on.

Finally, I get a good view of the room. It's completely unfamiliar - the walls are cream colored, but the windows almost look like castle windows because of their shape. It's mostly empty, apart from the couch I'm sitting on and a table in the corner.

As I scan the room, I catch Joanna's and Alexandria's eyes, and both of them are looking at me with pity. Behind Joanna is a pair of wings similar to Charlotte's, but a different shape. Alexandria has wings like a hummingbird's - straight, sharp, and smooth. I tear my eyes away from them as Charlotte begins to speak.

"There's a lot to tell, and it's all going to be quite hard to take in. But I need you to have an open mind, okay? Because it'll be hard to believe." She looks at me for affirmation. I nod, slowly and deliberately.

"Okay. So, I suppose I should start with the history. There's a group of... creatures, so to speak, called the Aires, or Winged. We- they have existed as long as humans have."

We? Are they Aires? I fight my instincts to speak.

"Aires are magical beings."

Magic. Really. Right. Ugh, open mind, Ivy.

"The magic surrounding them hides their non-human features, namely, their wings, from the human eye. Because Winged are made of magic, essentially, they can see the magic plain as day. Now, a long time ago, about two centuries ago, the Winged began a long war against another group of magical beings - Panthers. Nobody knows where Panthers came from, but they have always wanted to kill Aires, so w- they have to fight back. Still, today, the Winged are fighting the Panthers."

I was attacked by a Panther. Pieces are slowly coming together.

"Okay, so this is going to sound crazy, but Ivy, you're half-Aires."

Okay, what now? No way.

"Your father was- is Winged. Your mother is human."

Was. Does that mean that he's dead?

"Because you are half-Winged, Panthers have been after you for a while. You are considered an easy target for them, because of your limited powers."


"You've moved thirteen times, correct?" I nod. "This is because your parents were trying to keep you safe."

More pieces fitting together.

"Your mother knew who your father was, and she knows who you are. After your father disappeared, she had to work even harder to keep you safe, since she doesn't have the senses of a Winged.

"Ivy, because you're half-Aires, you have half the senses of a full-blooded Winged. You have wings-"

"WHAT?" My head whips around so fast that my neck cracks. "No. Freaking. Way," I whisper slowly. With a small movement of seemingly new muscles between my shoulder blades, four translucent, beautiful dragonfly wings swing to touch each other, then back to lay against my shoulders and waist. "Wow," is all I can make out. This feels like a fantasy book. So much for earth not being a supernatural world.

When I turn back to Charlotte, she's grinning at me, enjoying my wonder and excitement at what's such a small thing to her.

"Finish the story," I tell her, experimenting a little with the new feeling of controlling wings.

"Ah, um, okay, where was I? Oh, um, so yeah. You have wings, but they only come at age ten-"

"I've had them for five years? Oh, sorry, go on." I blush.

"They come at age ten for the half-blooded and they're slightly weaker than most. You can only see magic out of the corner of your eye, due to the human blood in you."

That explains things. All those things I've seen out of the corner of my eye - it was all the magic that I couldn't fully see. Wait a minute, why can I see it now?

I ask out loud, and she replies, "It's somewhat complicated. Once you've been introduced to the magic, you can see it, and, in your case sometimes extreme emotions can undo your human filter for a second. Magic is imperfect, as you can see." She pauses and looks back at the other two girls. "Did I miss anything?"

"I think you about covered it," Alexandria says softly.

They all turn to me.

It feels like the first day of school all over again. Don't stare at me, please? Pretty please? This is awkward.

"So... what do you think?" Joanna asks quietly.

I hesitate for a second. All of the puzzle has fit in, and it makes sense. I blink a few times before answering, "I believe you."

They all let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I didn't know how you'd take to all this information," Charlotte says.

"I don't understand, and I don't quite get it, but I believe you, because I trust you guys and because it all fits into the missing pieces of my life. But wait - I have a few questions first. Where is my dad?"

They exchange a glance, before saying together, "Panthers."

"He might still be alive," Alexandria says, but she sounds uncertain. "Your mom still believes that his heart's still beating somewhere out there."

"Oh." I pause. "Where am I?"

"We're still in Portage. Remember, Ivy, when you asked where I lived and I pointed to that hill?" Charlotte asks. Of course I do. I nod. "Well, this might sound crazy, but we're in a castle on that hill."

Not the strangest thing I've heard all day, but still weird. I have one last question, though. "And, you said that my wings are weaker than most. Can I still fly?"

"Yeah, probably. You just won't be able to fly as long or as fast," Joanna says.

Oh my goodness. I can fly. I can fly. I can FLY! I can't believe it.

My head begins to spin with all this new information. "I think I'm going to pass out again..." I wince and shift so I'm laying down, which eases the headache. "I'm okay," I say to the girls, all of whom are trying to get to me to make sure I'm not dying.

Surprisingly, my wings don't hinder the way I move, but they do feel somewhat uncomfortable against the side of the couch.

"How have I never felt them before?" I don't have to explain what "them" is.

"Magic," they all reply at the same time.

Of course. "I'm still amazed that I've had these for five years. I mean, that's a long time. Everything but that and my dad makes sense. That's why Mom kept choosing to move even though her job seemed okay. That's why I kept seeing colors out of the corner of my eye, and why Mom can't see them. And why I was attacked by a- a Panther, wasn't it? It was a Panther. And it was attacking me because I have Aires blood." The words sound strange in my mouth. I have Aires blood.

I'm not human. I'm not normal. Earth is a supernatural world after all. What I've always wished would happen to me has happened.

"Charlotte, Alexandria, Joanna, I'm here! I'm sorry I couldn't be here earlier- Ivy! You're awake!" Emely comes storming into the room, shoving the door open and slamming it shut behind her. She goes to give me a hug, but pauses when I wince in anticipation. I push myself up into a sitting position and she gives me a little awkward hug to avoid bumping my wings, and I do the same, noticing her brown hawk wings with layered feathers. "Are you okay? Did they tell you everything? How do you feel? Do you believe us?" She begins to bombard me with questions.

I just sigh. "I'm fine, my head just hurts a bit. Yes, they told me everything, I feel fine as I already said, and yes I believe you. Honestly, how can I not after seeing these-" I give my dragonfly wings a little flutter. "-and those?" I point to her wings. "Can I feel them? They're pretty, and they look really soft."

"Um, sure, just be gentle, I'm in the process of purging the down feathers and they come out really easily."

"You molt?" I ask incredulously as she turns and pushes her wing towards me and I stroke the top softly.

"Er, yeah. It's just my kind of wing. Alexandria does too, but it's less noticeable. It's only the bird wings. Obviously, insect wings like yours don't molt."

"Of course. Wow, it's so soft..."

Emely smiles and shivers slightly under my touch. "Um, thanks?" She turns back to face me and with the movement a white fluffy feather falls from the layers on her wings. I lean down to pick it up and I begin to finger it.

"So, there's different kinds of wings, I know that, but what kinds are there? Dragonfly, butterfly, hawk, hummingbird, what else?"

"Almost anything really. If you're really unlucky, you can get wings like a beetle's. They don't fly well and are really awkward when you're not using them to fly. Other people get really nice ones, like me. Bird wings fly the best and wings like hawks and eagles are fast. On the other hand, Alexandria's..."

"Hey, they're not totally useless!" Alexandria exclaims as Emely turns to look at her slyly. "They work, and I can hover really well too. Just because I can't fly all high and mighty like you doesn't mean I'm trash." She says it in mock indignation, and sticks her hands on her hips. Her pale pink wings begin to shimmer, and I realize that she's moving them so fast that it looks like a blur. Slowly, she rises into the air, but can't go very high due to the ceiling. She stops moving up, and she hovers in the middle of the room. It almost looks like she's standing on thin air. "Beat that, Emely," she challenges.

Emely just shakes her head. I look over at Joanna and Charlotte, who have stayed mostly silent during the whole thing, and I can see that they're whispering together and chuckling softly. Joanna notices me looking at them and leans over to me.

"This happens almost everyday," she whispers. "It's hilarious, because all wings are created differently, and they don't seem to understand that."

"Okay, girls, break it up now." Charlotte pushes herself between Alexandria and Emely, who have begun yelling in each other's faces. I'd be worried, but their smiling slightly as they both sigh and step away. "I think it's about time we tell Ivy about insect wings, because after all, that's what she has." Charlotte smirks at them and turns to me.

"Okay, Ivy. So. You see, insect wings are much better than bird wings-" She's tackled down by Emely. "Ugh, okay, fine Emely. They have different ways that they are better-"

"And worse," Alexandria interjects.

"-and worse. Get off me, Emely. Ivy needs to hear this." Emely reluctantly concedes and stands up. Charlotte dusts herself off as she pushes off the floor. With a little help from her wings, she's up in one smooth movement. "Ahem. So. Insect wings don't molt, so we don't have to worry about looking any different in the spring than the winter. They also are typically less cumbersome, due to their flexibility and how thin they are. Our wings aren't like extra limbs, like the bird wings. I mean, we have nerves in the bases of them, but we don't have big sensitive things like them." She jabs her thumb backwards towards Alexandria and Emely, then swings her large butterfly wings forward from their back-lying position to show them to me. "They're also beautiful."

"Hey, just so you remember, she said mine were pretty too. And plus, bird wings are soft! Yours are so hard and weird." Immediately Charlotte whips around and glares at Emely.

Looks like I'll have to be the one to break this one up. Carefully I get to my feet and stand next to them. "Geez guys," I start. "If I didn't know you two, I'd think that you're actually angry at each other." They both turn their attention to me, frowning slightly. I giggle at their matching expressions. "Honestly, is this how you want me to see the Winged from now on? Insect wings and bird wings are both beautiful. You two are just being poopy."

Charlotte opens her mouth to protest, and I can see Joanna on the side, laughing her head off. I just cross my arms across my chest. She shuts her mouth and doesn't say anything.

I chose to make another point, hoping they would knock it off. "I mean, seriously, what if you had ostrich or chicken wings?" Charlotte suddenly looks way too smug. "How about cricket wings?" The smug smile is wiped away in but a second. "Seriously guys. Stop it, and shut up."

With a last little humph, I sit down on the couch heavily. Joanna sits next to me and murmurs, "That was amazing! You totally showed them. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to hold them off for long. They argue all the time about this stuff."

I just shrug and watch as Emely and Charlotte reluctantly back away, Emely giving me a sullen look and Charlotte looking like I'd just betrayed her. Geez. No need to be moody.

Nobody speaks for a few seconds and it turns into a weird, awkward silence. However, it's broken by a knock at the door. Alexandria is closest, so she goes to open it. Behind the door is a tall, rigid man dressed in a suit and tie.

"My ladies," he says crisply. "Can I be of your service?" His gaze travels over the other four until it lands on me. "Miss Illigard. Welcome to the home of the Aires."

I just stare. I don't know what to say. Should I say thanks?

Seeing my hesitation, Joanna answers for me. "She is still in shock, Alimer. Can she have a glass of water, please?"

"Of course, my ladies. Will that be all?"

"Yup, thanks Alimer," Alexandria says casually.

The man - Alimer - bows slightly at the waist, then turns to leave the room, and Alexandria closes the door behind him. Just before the door closes, however, I get a glimpse of his wings - bright green and blue parakeet wings.

I can't help but laugh - his wings are brightly colored, which totally doesn't match his personality at all. The other girls just look at me.

"That's Alimer. He's been around for forever. I think he's the oldest servant here," Joanna explains.

That shuts up my laughter. Servant? They have servants here?

"It's normal to have servants around here, Ivy. They're treated well and have close to the same accommodations as us."

"Oh. Okay. No, see, I was laughing because of his wings - they're so bright!"

"Oh! Those! He doesn't like them - he tried to dye them once but the magic resisted it and he ended up with brown skin instead for a few days." The other four girls laugh with me.

Once again, we are interrupted by a knock.

"Well, that was fast," I comment.

Alexandria moves to open the door - and the man behind it isn't Alimer. It's another Aires man, in the same servant attire, with moth-like wings.

"Ivy Illigard?" He looks straight at me.

"Y- yes?" My voice cracks. Ugh, always at the worst times.

"The king would like to see you."

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