freshman | s.w


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Maddie Gilinsky falls in love with a guy who is 4 years older. More

Chapter 1: first day of school
Chapter 2: dont make your baby sister cry
Chapter 3: arranged marriage
Chapter 4: our fights bring us closer
Chapter 5: you can't like my brother
Chapter 6: relashinships are weird
Chapter 8: skippin class and smokin blunts
Chapter 9: Innocence
Chapter 10: we do alot for love
Chapter 11: "I promise"
Chapter 12: lies
Chapter 13: awkward dinner
Chapter 14: "I panicked"

Chapter 7: love @ first sight?¿

749 23 4

Maddie's POV:

The next day Jack had to take me to school.

"Bye daddy!" I called as I ran out the door into the garage and Jack was sitting in his black jeep. He absolutely protects that jeep for his life. He even named it Rosy. He spent his Magcon money on it.

I hopped in the passenger seat and Jack put his phone down in the cup holder.

He started up the car and turned on the radio.

I had to break the silence "so how are you and Emily?"

"Please don't talk to me" Jack moaned

"Sorry" I mumbled

"I'm really stressed"

"Why?" I mumbled once again. I tend to mumble a lot.

"Nothing, personal issues" Jack sighed and sped up the car.

I held on to my back pack straps cause I'm nervous. "Oh...." I looked out the window and bummed the song.

Jack laughed

"What?" I sneered

"Your stupid" Jack mocked my humming

I hit his arm and realized we were at the school. Finally.

I hopped out of the car and shut the door and Jack got out too and locked it.

"See ya later, sis. Good talk." Jack smiled

I nodded and walked in the school and Jack went over to Johnson, Mallory and Sam. I Wonder where Emily is?

I looked over at Lucy's locker and she wasn't there ugh. Where is that girl?

I decided to go over to Johnson so I don't look like a loser.

"Hey Jack" I smiled

"Oh hi mads!" Johnson hugged me

"Hi girly" Mallory grinned

"Hey mal" i said, "what you guys up to?"

"Bored as hell." Sam whined

"Uhhhhhh, mads can you, like, leave?" Jack moaned

I shook my head and smirked at him.

"Let her stay" Jack put his arm around my shoulders.

I smiled. I love Jack. He's like my 2nd best friend. Lucy and Sara are tied for 1st.

"Yeah dude let the chick stay" Sam smirked at me

I giggled. Sam is cute. Wait what? He's Jacks friend, I can't like him, that's disgusting.

Just then the bell rang and Johnson said bye and walked Mallory to class. With Jack trailing right behind them.

I was left with Sam.

"So what grade are you?" Sam asked me breaking the silence.

"9th" I said simply

"Cool I haven't ever seen you at Jacks come?" He questioned

"I don't know....I guess I was gone maybe, you came over a lot more when you and Jack were in middle school. You never come over that much anymore that's probably why." I shrugged

Sam laughed "yeah we mainly hang at parties nowadays. I need to come over this weekend"

"You should!" I said excitedly

"Alright I will" Sam grinned

I started walking away when Sam said, "hey, wait, what's your number?"

"Oh umm you want it?" I asked

"Yah, I'll text you" he smiled

"Okay, it's **********" I said

"Alright. Sweet I'll text you right now." He said and slid his phone in (them dms) his pocket.

I nodded and walked up the stairs because my 1st period class is upstairs. I started smiling to myself about Sam. He's a senior but who cares! Lucy will be sooo jealous of me.😂



Hey everyone!

I posted a new chapter! Way to go me!




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