Stubborn Love -Klaus

By GiBbErZz

118K 2.8K 296

"It's always been you, Niklaus!" I cried at his retreating back, tears streaming down my pale cheeks. "It was... More

Chapter One - The Unfamiliar
Chapter Two- Recognition
Chapter Three -Dance With Me
Chapter Four -Remind Me
Chapter Five - Unraveling
Chapter Six -Will You Scream?
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight -The truth.
Chapter Nine -Her Dying Compromise.
Chapter Ten - A turn for the worst.
Chapter Eleven - Monstrous.
Chapter Twelve -Manic.
Chapter Thirteen -Nightmare.
Chapter Fifteen - Revelations.
Chapter Sixteen - Wake up.
Chapter seventeen- Awaken

Chapter Fourteen -Sadistic.

3.8K 91 2
By GiBbErZz

Present Day - Mystic Falls.

"Help!" A woman screamed fearfully as she stumbled blindly through the thick coverage of trees. Her clothes were torn as the stray branches clawed at her like a rabid dog; reaching and grabbing as if to trap her, to halt her in her attempts to escape her pursuer. "Please! Help me!" Her voice cracked under the strain of her shrill scream.
Her pleas for help fell upon deaf ears, she was too far from the road from anything public. The darkness that the night offered was terrifying. It was the physical appearance of what death would look like. Nothing. Just a dark void that offers nothing but the eternity of obscured nothingness. The young woman was shaking in her fear, quaking at the thought that this could be her last moment. The trepidation coursed through her, blanking all her rational throughs. All she could managed to think of was the unblinking terror.
A malicious laugh seemed to pierce through the darkness, bouncing from tree to tree, circling her. "You can't run for me. I can smell you," The young woman fell against the closest tree and hid behind it. "And you smell mouthwatering."
The woman stifled a sob behind her hands. Her red hair that had fallen lose from the intricate plait stuck to her face. "Please," She prayed in a whisper.
"I can also hear you and no one's coming to rescue you. You're all alone." Her attacker taunted.
A twig snapped to the left of the woman and her breathe hitched in her throat as the tears fell hot and large down her cheeks. Her make-up was disarrayed; smirred down her face only added the nightmarish fear.
"I-I don't know what you want-"
"Of course you don't. No one does." The teasing and taunting tone to his voice was gone now and each word was on the verge of a growl.
"Please! Don't k-kill me." Her words were almost indistinguishable as the tremor in her voice wavered even more.
Leave crunched and she knew that he was slowly walking his way over to her, but she had nowhere else to run. She wasn't even sure if she was heading in the direction of civilisation or further away from any chance of survival.
"I never said I was going to kill you." He mused. "I am," He added. "and i'm sure i'll enjoy every moment of it. But assuming something is where you make your mistake."
The young woman shuddered under his harsh tone. He was suddenly angry; furious.
"Assumptions are for the weak." He growled. "It's what people do to make themselves feel better. It's a way for them to pretend that there are alternative solutions to problems with only one. It's how people make mistakes."
A scream ripped it's way from the young woman's throat as her attacker appeared in front of her, materialised like a ghost. Blood dripped down his chin and his blue eyes were wild, flashing dangerously.
He smirked. "Do you want me to let you in on a little secret?"
The red head was frozen in fear and didn't move.
He stepped closer until the tip of his shoes were touching hers and he lent in closer to her ear. "I wasn't going to kill you." he pulled back, marvelling at the devastation and fear coating his victims face. "Or I don't think I was. I have a problem, you see; I'm impulsive. My brother loves to tell me that all the time. Over and over again - like I didn't already know; but I do. I've killed people because they've simple annoyed me, I revel in the feel of their lives being held in the palm of my hand, like yours is right now. Whether you survive this night or not is complete up to me." He flashed a sadistic grin, his teeth gleaming threateningly in the moonlight. "Your odds aren't looking too good."
Gently he brushed a lock of her red hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "You remind me of someone." He said, gazing at her, almost admiringly. "Someone I keep losing." His features hardened. "Someone who keeps leaving me." His hand shot out unblinkingly fast and grabbed her throat. Her eyes bulged under the pressure and she gasped for breath as she clawed at his hand. But all attempts to escape were futile. He was far too strong for her.
"Do you have any siblings?" He asked.
The young woman opened her mouth to reply but only managed to squeak under his strong grip and quickly opted for shaking her head. "You're a lucky one then, Love. Sibling cause you nothing but pain and assume that they can get away with it because they're family."He cocked his head. "Actually, that's not quite true; you see, I come from a big family-"He cut himself off as he stared at the woman.
Her eyes began to droop and her face was a very unnatural shade of red and purple from lack of air. With an annoyed roll of his eyes he released his chocking hold on her and her dropped to her knees, coughing and panting. Her throat was red and had already began to bruise in the shape of finger prints.
"Sometimes it's easy to forget how fragile you humans are. It's pathetic really."
"Begging for you life will do nothing but shorten your time."
"Y-you don't h-have to do this."
"No," He agreed. "I don't. But you might find it hard to believe but I enjoy it! It's fun. It reminds me just who's in charge. I'm the powerful one."
She was drowning in her tears. Her throat was blocked and she could do nothing but sob as her impending death loomed over her.
"Do you ever stop crying?"
That just made her sob louder.
The young man rolled his blue eyes and grabbed a fistful of her hair pulling her back to her. "You don't deserve to live like this; Afraid and emotionally damaged. You look too much like her to live. If I allowed that I would be weak and I can't have it. I won't have that! Because I am not weak!" His face morphed. His fangs elongated and his eyes turned bright burning gold.
The red headed woman gasped and then a torturous scream ripped through her throat and her attack's teeth sunk into her neck, tearing into it; feasting. She struggled in his arms but it was futile, his grip was unbreakable. He wasn't going to let go.

England, 1492.

"Aleysia, stand up straight." Her Mother chastised, she pressed a hand to Aleysia's lower back and patted. She instantly straightened out her posture and looked questioningly at her mother. "Better." She praised.
Aleysia took a deep breath and gazed at herself in the mirror. "The gown is beautiful, Mother." She complimented as she brushed a hand over the soft silky material that flared down around around her waist.
Her mother smiled down at Aleysia through the mirror. "I'm glad you like it." Something about her smile was different and it was obvious to Aleysia. It was like a secret. It was all knowing. She knew something that Aleysia didn't.
"Are you and father set to accompany Edward and I?" Aleysia asked, twirling her hair around her her finger, trying to tame her unruly curls.
"We are. Our invites arrived the eve of yours. We choose to remain silent unsure whether Edward and yourself were invited." She answered.
"I wish I wasn't." Aleysia mumbled.
She received a swift smack to the back of her head. Her hand shot up and rubbed at the stinging spot. "Ouch."
"Enough of that, Aleysia. This is an honour. Why are you not treating it as such?"
"Because I see it not like you. I see it a scheme; a ploy."
"Why are you so untrusting of the Lords?"
"They're unworthy of my trust, Mother. They don't see us for people, they see us as slaves, most likely even animals. We're nothing more to them."
"Then why have we been invited?"
​ "I don't know." Aleysia said. "That's why I don't trust them; because i'm in the dark. Never has this happened and again, it won't repeat itself in the future."
Elizabeth frowned at her daughter. "Aleysia, has something happened?"
"Are you sure? I've never heard you speak so lowly of people before."
"Because in the past all conversations revolving around the Lords have been avoided. I tend not to involve myself."
Her mother sighed. "I understand you have your opinion, Darling, really, I do, but I'm asking you for one thing; give tonight a chance. You might end up surprised."

The night air was chilly. The wind was whistling through the trees, dancing through Aleysia's long curly hair, twisting in around her face as she walked alongside her family. Her brother was at her side, arm linked through hers, coping how their mother and father was joined. Edward had an obvious bounce in his step as he excitedly walked towards the overly grand house. Aleysia could even feel her parents excitement and it was dampening her moon drastically.
"Are you ready?" Edward asked as he shrugged off his tattered coat and handed it to the waiting hand of a well dressed server who had met them at the bottom of the steps.
Aleysia followed suit, delicately peeling her old, worn coat off of her shoulders. She smiled gratefully at the young man and muttered a polite 'thank you.'
"Invites -checked - door." He said in broken english. He had a very heavy accent that Aleysia just couldn't place but it was pleasant. She liked it, it was smooth and his voice was gravelly and she thought that it made the the words appealing.
She nodded and again said, 'thank you.'
"Aleysia, do you have our invites?" Edward mumbled once they had past and were making they're way up the unnecessary amount of stairs.
"You do, remember?" She replied.
Edward looked up at her, panic clear on his face. "What?" he croaked.
Aleysia rolled her eyes and reached around her brother and swiped them from his back pocket. She held them in front of him. "See."
Edward frowned, confused.
"Mother gave then to you before we left, don't you remember?"
Edward shook his head. "Oh, yes, of course." He said with a suddenly tense smile.
Aleysia pulled Edward to a stop just short of the door. "Are you alright?"
Edward refused to look into Aleysia's eyes but nodded. "I'm fine." He assured.
"Edward," Aleysia said warningly. "Are you lying to me?"
He looked taken aback and shook his head. "I would never."
Aleysia looked at him for a few moments, trying to analyse whether her brother was telling her the truth of not and at this point she truly wasn't sure. Edward had always kept to himself growing up, Aleysia felt responsible for that as that's what she had done her whole life. She didn't like relying on others and she believes that that was a contributing factor to Edwards behavior. And as much as she wanted to call him out on it, she couldn't. Not right now at least. It wouldn't have been fair because in actuality, Edward hasn't given Aleysia any reason not too believe him. And he was looking forward to this event, she didn't want to ruin that and taking from his fun.
She forced a smile. "Okay, if you're sure."
Edward physically relaxed, his shoulders sagged and he exhaled deeply. "Are you ready?" He asked once again, most likely trying to sway the conversation from where it was.
"If you are." She replied.
They handed over their invitations and were granted access to the inside. As soon as they entered they were blown away. It was like something from a dream. It was flawless and extravagant; beautiful even. A chandelier hung from the ceiling, candles placed evenly around the large round rim, lighting the place. It was busy, all the first class people mingling, laughing obnoxiously and toasting their champagne flutes pointlessly.
"Aleysia- are you seeing this?!" Edward exclaimed, his eyes running over everything. He was definitely the youngest person present and Aleysia was beginning to wonder why he was invited.
"Of course I am, Edward. It's very beautiful."
"Beautiful?! It's more than that! It's dazzling- I'm dazzled, do I look dazzled?"
Despite being uncomfortable and unhappy about being forced to attend, Aleysia couldn't help smiling brightly down at her brother's enthusiasm.
"You do look moderately dazzled, Little Brother." She replied and affectionately ruffled his hair.
"I'm overwhelmed." He breathed.
"That I can believe. Let's find Mother and Father." She began walking off in a random direction, just wanting to get out of the doorway, at least that way she can somewhat try to blend in. Standing in the doorway isn't very inconspicuous.
People looked at us as we carefully manoeuvred through the room, trying to navigate our parents. Aleysia felt extremely uncomfortable under everyone's watchful gaze. She could feel them judging, they know what she is, who she is; she's nothing more than a peasant in their eyes. She's mud to them, grime on their shoes; she's beneath them but they're wondering the same thing she is; Why am I even here?
"Aleysia! Edward!" Their names were called from just up ahead.
"Oh my. . ." Edward mumbled in embarrassment. "Can't we turn around. People are staring."
"People were staring anyway." She replied and continued towards her grinning mother. Her mother was stood, arm hooked through her fathers and they were standing beside two very handsome young men. They were dressed sharply and stood tall and proud. Aleysia instantly disliked them. And the smile her mother kept throwing them was unsettling.
"Mother, Father." Aleysia greeted.
"Aleysia," Her mother all but cooed.
Aleysia tried to hide her grimace but the instant down pull of her mothers lips were a clear indication that she didn't quite succeed. She bowed her head in a silent apology.
Her mother shrugged her off. "Aleysia, Edward, this is who we have to thank for our invitations."
Edward's arm left Aleysia and outstretched a hand towards them. "Thank you. It's a pleasure." He smiled politely.
"The pleasure's ours, young man." The voice was rich and smooth, he pronounced each word perfectly and Aleysia found her gaze ripping up to meet his.
From afar she hadn't been able to make out much of the mens features, she didn't care enough to try but she knew that they were attractive even from a distance. But now that they're standing within arms reach, Aleysia couldn't help herself from letting her eyes run over them, looking at them carefully. One was slightly older then the other with dark mahogany brown hair, with chocolate brown eyes to match, he was slightly taller too. Definitely the tallest one in their small company. The man standing beside him caught Aleysia's attention immediately. He had long, shoulder length, curly, light golden brown hair, almost like the colour of brown sugar, paired with his bright blue eyes, Aleysia found him breath taking.
"I see the gown was a perfect match," Blue eyes commented with a smirk. He inclined his head to Elizabeth. "Your help was greatly appreciated."
Aleysia felt her eyes widen as she looked between the stranger and her mother before settling the the smug stranger. "Y-you bought this?" She kicked the hem of her dress outwards.
"How else would you have managed to receive a dress a well designed as that one?"
"Excuse me?!" Aleysia demanded, disgusted with his words. How dare he? The older man,nudged the younger and threw him a look, whilst Aleysia glared at her mother. "See?" Her eyes flickered to the staring blue ones. "My previous judgement was correct, Mother. They're nothing but personified money. Anyone below them means nothing. We shouldn't have come here tonight. I knew that it was a mistake to even step on the premises." She gave a fake smile to the duo. "I hope you have a good evening. Goodnight." She spun on her heels, she refused to spend anymore time around these people.

She left her family where there were, they weren't exactly chasing after her. They knew just as well as she did that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and they were savoring it. Aleysia didn't mind, she was happy that they were getting to experience something like grand, but she couldn't bare to remain intertwined with people like those. As she reached the door she kindly asked the doorman for her jacket. He quickly disappeared to retrieve it. Or she hoped he had. Because after ten minutes of standing idly by the door he was no where in sight. He hadn't once come back and another young man had actually replaced him after just a few moments after his departure.

Aleysia' sighed heavily. She just wanted to go home. She was tired and she was cold. She crossed her arms over her chest and rubbed her arms, trying to warm herself with the friction but it was no use. Her skin still prickled with the cold and she was beginning to dread the trek home.
"Are you waiting for this?"
Aleysia turned around, ready to lose her patience on the poor man who had taken his time, however the words died at the back of her throat when she locked eyes with the chilling blue ones that just seemed to rub her the wrong way. In his left hand he held her coat out to her. Aleysia wanted to take it -she was cold- but another part of her just wanted to forget it, leave it here and just go home. She didn't want to deal with his arrogance.
He pushed it towards her. "Here, you're cold."
And she was. She couldn't take it any longer. She took it from his hand and slipped it up her arms and over her shoulders. "Thank you." She mumbled resentfully.
"Anytime." He replied.
Aleysia finished with the last button on her jacket and when she looked up, the blue eyes stranger had his arm extended. "Would you care to take a walk."
"With you?"
"With me." He clarified.
She smiled. "No thank you."
For a moment, Aleysia could have sworn that his eyes darkened but then he was grinning. "I would like to apologies for speaking out of term earlier; it was uncalled for."
"Uncalled for?" Aleysia snorted. "Quite frankly it was rude."
"Fine," He gritted. "It was rude of me. I'm asking to make it up to you."
"How?" She asked curiously. As much as she hated to admit it; he was charming or maybe it was just because he's easy on the eyes.
He smirked. "Accompany me and I'll show you."
Aleysia's gaze switched from his eyes to his outstretched hands several times and with one quick impulsive decision she gently slid her hand into his. "After you, Mr. . ."
"Mikaelson," He supplied easily. "Niklaus Mikaelson."

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