Affair | CAKE

By lvergurl

63.6K 3.8K 2K

where luke is a teacher and meets a man who's been having problems with his wife. dom!calum [ON HOLD] More



4.7K 220 207
By lvergurl

"Today, we're going to start a new unit for math. I'll be teaching you guys how to multiply and divide. It may seem hard at first but it'll turn out to be really easy once you get used to it." Luke explained to his third grade class with a soft smile on his face.

All twenty two children nodded quickly in excitement. Luke was very glad the children weren't in that phase where they hated everything and didn't care what they were doing. He only had a couple of students who were already like that, but it didn't bother him.

The twenty seven year old man started writing problems on the board and asked if anyone already knew how to do it. No one did so Luke did them all while explaining each step as the students took notes. After he knew they understood, Luke wrote more on the white board and let the children who wanted to do problems do them. He knew some kids were shy and did not want them to do anything they didn't want to do.

A small smile appeared on his lips when one of his students, who's name was Kyle, did the problem correctly. He took out a piece of candy and handed it to the small boy with a good job buddy. When the children saw there was candy involved, most of them rose their hands immediately after Kyle sat down.

Before Luke could call on any of the children to do the next problem, he looked at the time and saw it was time for lunch. He told everyone to line up by the door as he grabbed his lunch, along with the other children. With a sigh when seeing the children chattering, he turned off the lights so he didn't have to when all the children were out of the room.

"Okay, everyone please be quiet while walking down the hall. There are still classes learning and we can't disturb them so they won't disturb us when you're learning. If anyone talks, you'll be sitting in the classroom for lunch with Mrs. Holly and I know none of you want that. Let's go." Luke informed, a slight tone of teasing in his voice but most of it was serious.

All the children nodded as Luke opened the door and they started walking in a line to the cafeteria. Luke closed and locked the classroom door before rushing to the front of the line and leading them to the cafeteria. He was glad when none of the children talked the way there.

They all walked into the cafeteria and the class walked to their original table and sat down. The kids who didn't bring their lunch went into the lunch line while the others started eating at the table. Luke walked over to the teacher's table and took out his own lunch, starting to eat his little sandwich.

Luke was very different from most teachers he worked with. He was gay, first of all. Some of his co-workers didn't like him just because of that and most of them were religious. But, Luke never said anything because he would never disrespect something someone else believed in. They were never mean to him but just a little rude at times.

Another thing was he understood children, some people say because he recently was one. But that's not true. He knew how little kids felt, he knew how it felt to be different. He helps children with anxiety, shaming themselves, and many others. Kids knew more than people thought.

But it was kind of lonely, sitting by himself at the teacher's table. His left leg crossed over his right as he quietly ate his sandwich. He always had a cute little lunch, and it was exactly the same every single day.

A peanut butter sandwich, a small salad, fruit in a cup, and a bottle of water. Sometimes the drink would be a juice box that a student gave him or orange juice. But the food was always the same.

"Mr. Hemmings, right?" Someone asked from behind him. Luke looked over his shoulder with a lift of the head, he saw a woman with short brown hair and a pretty smile, she barely had any makeup on.

"Yep, that's me. Can I help you with something?" Luke replied with a nod. He's never seen this woman before and she probably needed something from him.

"Can I sit with you? I'm new here and none of the teachers wanted to sit with me." The woman frowned, tightly holding onto her brown paper bag which contained her lunch.

"Of course you can, they never want to sit with me either. You can call me Luke, by the way." Luke informed, putting his hand out while the woman sat in front of him at the table.

"Robin Mosby." The woman said, shaking Luke's hand. They pulled their hands away so Robin could take out her food from her brown bag. She pulled out an apple and a sandwich, along with a juice box.

"Oh my god, that is the cutest thing I've ever seen." Luke gasped, taking the juice box from the table and holding it up to his face so he could get a better look of it. He was very fascinated by the smallest things and this juice box was apparently one of them.

"I know! My children, well, step-children, love them! They taste so good and I snuck one into my bag when I packed their lunches this morning." Robin exclaimed, taking her juice box back and started eating her sandwich.

"That is so adorable. So, where did you come from?" Luke asked, taking out his salad and started taking small bites of it after putting ranch on top of it. Salad may seem gross, but Luke loved it.

"New York. My family were living in this small apartment above a bar for a couple months after our house caught on fire because my husband doesn't know how to cook." Robin explained with a chuckle, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"I've always wanted to go to New York, it seems like so much fun. I never have the chance to give myself a vacation anymore. What does your husband do?" Luke said.

"He's an architect. He used to design buildings in New York but he was transferred to here so here I am." Robin replied, sipping on her juice box.

"That's so cool, do you guys move around a lot?" Luke asked but before Robin could reply, he looked at the time and saw it was time for his class to go back to the room. He frowned a little, he liked talking to Robin. "I'm sorry, but I have to take my class back to the room. We'll talk tomorrow, yeah?"

"Sure, I'll see you later." Robin smiled, watching as Luke stood up from the bench and throwing away his trash. He packed his fruit cup and water bottle back into his lunch box before waving bye to Robin and walking over to his class' table.

When he saw enough of his students looking at him from the end of the table, he rose both arms up to tell them to throw everything away. He always felt like a King during this part of the day, he loved it. All the children stood up from the table and lined up to throw their trash away in the trash bins.

"Then the tiger said — oh, that's the bell. Go pack your stuff, no homework tonight, unless you didn't complete today's work. You are dismissed." Luke announced, closing the book he was just reading to his class and standing up from his chair.

All the children quickly got off of the rainbow carpet and rushed over to their desks to pack their things. When they were ready, they ran out of the room to go home. Luke sighed when seeing trash all over the floor. He bent down and picked up the candy wrappers and threw them into his small trash bin.

Luke sat down at his desk in his now empty classroom and started working on the next day's lessons. He put on his glasses and opened his agenda and starting working on what he was supposed to teach for tomorrow. He did this every day.

After two hours, all of the teachers were allowed to go home. Luke packed his things into his bag before putting on his jacket and fingerless gloves. He ran a hand through his hair, locking the door from the inside and walking out of the classroom. He closed the door behind him with a sigh and started walking to the double doors that led outside of the school.

He walked over to his car, tightening his jacket around his body due to the cold weather. The blonde unlocked it and got inside, taking off his gloves and setting his bag in the passenger seat before he started driving home. Luke turned on the radio when passing all of the small houses and children who were playing outside of them.

Suddenly, he slowly passed a house where the lights were on. He saw plates flying across the room and he could hear yelling from inside of his car, the windows were down, that's how loud the people inside of that house were.

Luke turned the corner to his neighborhood and pulled into his driveway. He got out of his car with his things and walked into his house. Kicking off his shoes and setting his bag on his couch, he took off his coat and walked over to his kitchen to start dinner.

The silence in his home bothered him. He was lonely.

Well???? What do you guys think?? I'm really into stories where it's winter for some reason and I love Luke with fingerless gloves so yeah. Did anyone notice that I added Robin from HIMYM?

I'm actually really excited for this story, I wasn't at first but now I kind of am. How about you guys?

There were already eight votes in the first hour I published the intro. Wow, that has never happened before. Thank you guys.

I just wanted to show you guys what Luke's life was like. The next will be what Calum's life is like and then the story will actually start.

Let me know your thoughts :)


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