The Familiar-(SasuSaku Fanfic)

By MrUchiha54

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The dark, mysterious Sasuke Uchiha has been around for a long time. He's a feared prince who comes from a lon... More

Chap 1: Pale Prince
Chap 2: Ghoul School
Chap 3: Transformations and purposes pt.1
Chap 4: Transformations and purposes pt.2
Chap 5: Mission Complete?
Chap 6: Master and Familiar
Chap 7: Closing In
Chap 8: Shadowed Hearts
Chap 9: Elsa's Spunky Twin
Ch.10: Uneasy Life
Ch.12: Potion Emotions
Ch.13: the Pure Blood and the Half Breed
Ch.14: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer.
Ch.15: True Power
Ch.16: Pulling Strings
Ch.17: Power of a God
On it's way

Ch.11: Prey

2.8K 95 16
By MrUchiha54

Sasuke pov

"Look I'm not in the mood to be bothered by....." My sentence was cut short. "I can tell by your complexion and your dulled eyes that you havn't fed in a while. This will make things easier." He pulled out a short sharp knife and shoved it into my shoulder without even blinking. Now I know what your thinking, where the hell are all the students and teachers? I mean someone's got to see this right? Wrong. The man who stood in front of me was a hunter, a person who specialized in tearing apart monsters like me so anyone who saw what was going on would just slink back into the shadows. A wicked sneer curved onto his face, "I'm going to make you beg for mercy. Your going to wish you were never born." He pulled out the blade then sliced a line down my right arm. "That was for Tenten. You know the one you killed."

I grimaced but then felt it change into a pained smile. "You want to know what her final words were? I can tell you, hell I can even explain what her blood tasted like." His eyes were full of hatred but there was something else too. Pain. That girl, Tenten meant something to him. "Shut up. You didn't know her and I did. She was mine!" I took advantage of his anger to push him backwards with the remaining strength I had left. He slid across the hall and smashed against the lockers, I raised my right hand which was dripping with my blood and brought it to my mouth. That's the secret of my blood, part demon, part vampire. The demon part sent a surge of power threw my body, immediately I began to heal. "So that's your secret power? More injuries you take more of your own blood you can drink. Proper power for a half breed such as your self." With my thirst sedated for now I smiled at him.

"You have no ideal what your in for hunter." I spoke sadisticly slow. His hate filled eyes widened slightly, "Your eyes..." He muttered. "What's wrong trash, have I frightened you?" I asked. "As if scum. I'll cut you into pieces." He threw his blood stained knife to the floor and took out a rather amusing silver tipped chunk of wood and a machete. We inched closer, the air around us rippled with blood lust. "Stop!!" My body froze. Sakura stepped in front of me with her arms out stretched, "Leave Sasuke alone." She and her blonde friend stood in between us, "Move damn it! He deserves to die!" Neji started forward but was stopped by Anko. "Mr.Hyuga. I suspect you have a good reason for showing up, attacking one of my students and causing an uproar." She said with authority. " killed her...he killed Tenten!!" He yelled. There was a silence that laid on us, no one said anything for a few minutes as if to decide weather or not to turn on me. "Enough. You shall leave and not bother my students again. If you do I'll kill you myself, understand?" I could tell by her expression that she was no longer playing around. He must have sensed it to because he put the stake back in his bag.

"I'll warn you all now. I'll kill you when you least expect it." He turned and walked off down the hall then out of the building. Anko turned to face me, her expression was unreadable, "Mr.Uchiha you and Sakura report to your first class, there's around five minutes left. Sasuke I believe you will explain your mission to Sakura." She leaned in closer before continuing, "And you may want to do something about your eyes." Then she walked off as if nothing happened. I glanced over at Sakura then started toward our class leaving her to try to catch up. Once she did she pulled on my sleeve to get me to stop.

"Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded, "Well you may want to get a new shirt and wash up. You have blood on you. Also what's this mission she was talking about?" She asked.
"Sakura....our mission is to protect Toshida. Turns out she has something very powerful that Zabuza and Haku are after." I told her everything that Anko had said. She started to reply but then the bell rang allowing me to walk away while everyone was busy getting out of class.
I figured my day would start getting better but I was wrong. Right when I sat down the teacher cleared his throat, "We have a new student starting here today. Welcome Zoe Suchi." The girl who stood at the front of class was the same one who I fought just last night. A cold chill spread through the room, she smiled, winked at me then took her seat. Guess Elsa wasn't giving up.

Haku pov

Bang. The man's body hit the wall hard, throwing my steel needle I was able to nail him to the wall. Lord Zabuza walked casually toward the man who was now begging to be spared. "Just tell me what I need to know and you can live." He said. I for one thought my lord was being kind. The man we were interrogating was none other then a higher up of the leaf city. "My subordinate informed me that he was attacked by a familiar and its master. The master was an Uchiha, so tell us where to find him." The man said nothing, sighing Zabuza reached back and gripped the hilt of his sword. "One last time. Where can I find him." Lord Zabuza growled. "The....leaf..." He muttered. "Good. Good. Now die." With one quick swing of the giant hunk of metal that was his sword lord Zabuza cut the man in half along with the wall. Turning toward me he chuckled, he wore wrapping around his mouth so that it was hidden. Its been like that since I can remember. "Come Haku. We need to visit the leaf." I nodded and followed him out of the room.

The gates to the city stood wide open allowing anyone to walk in. Plenty of people were walking in and coming out. Getting in was easy now came the tricky part, finding the Uchiha. "My lord..." I stepped sideways dodging someone who wasn't watching where they were going, "Are you sure its wise to be here. You are a head demon, surly the leader will notice our presence." I wish I could say I wasn't worried but id be lying. Again he chuckled, "Please. We will be in and out before they can even guess wh..." He stopped. A shaggy haired man held a knife at Lord Zabuza's throat, "You look important. Come with me." He growled. Glancing over at me I readied myself to take out the trash. "Haku. Finish him quietly." In a split second the man received one of my needles right between the eyes.

"Bunch of hopeless people. We'll be doing this place a great service." I looked around out of habit, deep in the base of my stomach I couldn't help but feel as tho someone was watching us. "Come. We don't want to waste time." Nodding I followed, ready to kill anyone in my way.

Neji pov

Damn woman getting in my way! I had the bastard! Walking back to my living quarters I contemplated everything I had learned by facing him. His hidden ability which increased his power from drinking his own blood interested and surprised me. I've heard so many stories of this half breed demon vampire from the Uchiha branch, a very devious but strong head demons such as my family. "Neji... Wait." Came a voice behind me. My raven haired cousin was breathing heavily, "What happened back th...there?" She asked. Scowling I shrugged her question off, "What are you doing out here?" She blushed and looked away, "I...I wanted to make sure you were ok." I smiled. One thing about my cousin I liked was her inability to keep a straight face.

"I'm fine thanks but you better get back. If people see us together they'll give you more hell then normal." I said, her expression told me that due to the Hyuga's reputation of becoming hunters she had been picked on too. "I don't mind. Your my family so if something is wrong you can talk to me about it." There she goes again trying to reassure me. "Hey Hinata..... Oh sorry to interrupt." Came a voice. Two guys one carrying a dog and the other wearing sunglasses were standing off to our right. "Oh Kiba, Shino it's ok." She replied. I turned and walked off leaving her with her friends, at least I knew she'd be safe until I could kill that vampire.

Sakura pov

Why did Sasuke and I have to be drug into this. Last thing I wanted was to be stuck with him more then necessary. I didn't hate him but I didn't like him a whole lot either, he was my master and I'm his Familiar end of story. But why did I feel weird when he didn't want to talk to me today. "Snap out of it day dreamer!" Ino said while pushing me. We were walking to our last class of the day together; "So you and Sasuke are going to be watching this girl? Together? Alone? At his house?" She made it sound like I was up to something inappropriate. "Shut up Ino pig! It's not like I want to be there." I mumbled as we took our seats, this class was our free class so we could talk all we want. "Come on billboard brow, he saved you on your last mission. If I know you then I know that your starting to warm up to him." She said with the hint of a smile. I could feel my cheeks heat up just a little, "it's nothing like that." I replied.

"Well here I picked this up and was going to use it to have a little fun with Sai but you need it more then I do." She said then she handed me a glowing vile of pink liquid. I studied it for a few moments, "You have no ideal what is do you?" I frowned.
"Of course not. What is it?" A large sinister grin spread across her face, "A love potion. I had Shizuna whip it up. Use it on Sasuke or any other guy." I couldn't believe that she had given me one of these, especially for him... "Uh...umm...I don't need this for him..." I stammered. Ino started to laugh, "Hey ladies what exactly is funny?" I looked over at Ino and my old friend; the half troll, Choji. He was constantly eating chips of all kinds, he wasn't anyone's familiar since I don't think trolls can become familiars but his partner is the very cunning, very smart, very lazy shadow master. A guy named Shikamaru. "Oh nothing just giving Sakura here a love potion so she can seduce the new guy..." I slapped my hands across her mouth. "Ignore her. Rabbits often talk to much." I said. He rubbed his stomach, "Hmm...rabbits make good stew meat." I held in a laugh as the color drained from Ino's face.

"Anyway..." She murmured, "Back to Sakura and this new guy."
"What do you mean back? Nothing is going to happen emotionally between us and I hope it doesn't. He's a weird guy and a vamp none the less." I spouted. Choji ate a few more chips then casually mentioned, "I heard Neji Hyuga came back today and almost beat the crap out of that Sasuke guy." I glanced over at Ino, I couldn't and would not admit that I was worried when I saw that Sasuke and Neji were fighting. "They had a few words yeah but no one almost kicked anyone's butt." Ino said. I gave her a silent thank you. "Mmm...that's a fight i'd like to see." He said with a mouth full of ranch flavored chips. I was starting to wonder what Sasuke was doing right now. I looked back down at the glowing pink vial, could I ever feel anything romantic toward Sasuke and even if I did would he feel the same? Shaking that odd thought out of my head I joined in Ino's clambering.

Third person pov

She was happy to finally feel like she had a home. The past couple of days had been the best, before then she had been moving around nonstop trying to escape the horrid power of the shadowed heart. An evil man was searching for her and he would stop at nothing to get her especially back. Since she was five she had been raised by the mist demon, to everyone he was a stern monster but to her he was sweet and nice but one day that changed.


(Toshida 5 years old)

She held her mothers hand. It was cold and pale now, the life all but gone. She was young and already she's witnessed the horrid pain of losing a loved one. "Hehe..." Mumbled the man in black, he had cut her moms throat just for her purse or so this five year old girl thought. He dug threw the purse then pulled out a small circular object. "Heh...this is what I need." his evil gaze fell on her, she felt nothing right now. No heart ache, no anger, no hate toward the man. Nothing. The man approached her then cupped her face in his hand. "I'm sure you'll fetch a nice price as well. Don't worry doll I'm not so much an evil guy who'll let you rot here alone." He said with a grin, his black teeth did nothing to make him look anymore eerie. His grip tightened around her arm tight enough to leave a bruise but at the time she didn't feel it.

After dragging her a few feet he dropped her. Cursing at her he stomped on her hand breaking a few of her fingers. Tears spilled from her eyes yet she still made no noise nor tried to stop the man from hurting her. He bent down but then stopped suddenly, this action caught the girls attention. She watched as a large shadowy hand was wrapped around the man's neck, the hand itself seemed to be coming from her somehow. The hand started pulling toward the girl bringing with it a crimson wisp of light. Once it was fully removed from his body, the man fell down beside the girl lifeless. The sliver of crimson light flowed into the girl who's broken hand mended painlessly. But still she laid there staring up at the grey sky. Snow began to fall, two figures crouched beside her. One who's mouth was wrapped up. "Haku bring the child." He spoke gently to the other person behind him. They picked her up and walked away leaving her mother and that man dead under the falling snow.

*End Flashback*

Three years later the girl saw the man with the wrapped face kill people with his big sword. Fearing he would hurt her she fled. She ran for two months before an assassin was hired to kill or capture her so that the Shadowed Heart would be theirs to control. They ended up catching her but then a brave boy saved her, now she lives with him. She simply adores Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno the two that rescued her. She thought of them as her adopted mommy and daddy, she would never forget her words to the raven haired boy who's eyes held such pain. "It's ok. I'm different to."

To be continued....

(A/N: Let me clarify, Toshida is a character I created. Same goes for the blue haired Elsa twin. Some characters that are in this story will not all be from Naruto but rest assured the majority will be. Still gotta have the SasuSaku. Anyway hope you enjoy. Please vote, and comment. I apologize for any grammar errors ahead of time that way I don't get another long comment of someone complaining about my mistakes. Thank you all for reading I hope this story is good so far. More to come. Goodbye.)

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