My Office Daddy (Phan)

By phanphobia

21K 921 1.2K

Dan Howell is a 22 year old man, whilst finally having a good life starts to descend into a tremendous spira... More

Chapter 1 ~L'appel téléphonique
Chapter 2 ~Le frère en colère
Chapter 3 ~Employé Nécessaire
Chapter 4 ~Sa copine
Chapter 5 ~ Le Baiser
Chapter 6 ~ Mis à La Porte?
Chapter 7 ~ Est-ce Que Tu Sera?
Chapter 8 ~ Ludique et Lubrique
Chapter 9 ~ Emménager Avec Moi?
Chapter 10 ~ Le Nerf Qu'elle Avait
Chapter 11 ~ Mots Ivres Sont Des Pensées Sobres
Chapter 13 ~ Compte à Rebours à Partir de 1000
Chapter 14 ~ Amour?

Chapter 12 ~ Le Froid et Précipita

1K 43 64
By phanphobia

Phil's P.O.V
Its been a couple weeks since that whole "drunk thing" happened and I still haven't told Dan about it. I mean we didn't do anything, just a few kisses here and there, but I'm afraid he'll feel uncomfortable. Our relationship just started and I don't want to mess anything up. Even though I had been with Sophie for a vast amount of time, this is the first relationship I've had that actually feels real. My secretary walk in and clears her throat grasping my attention.

"Sorry to disturb you Mr Lester but, the CEO of the Memeingful™ Corporation is here for that meeting you scheduled." Shit I forgot all about that. My office isn't even close to ready for a meeting.

"Okay great! Tell her I'll be ready in ten." I respond calmly. She nods and heads out. Before the door was even fully closed I sprang up throwing, probably important, papers behind selves and used coffee cups in random places around my office until everything looked decent. As soon as I sat down and adjusted my tie properly, the door opened and in came Rachel. She was wearing a really, really, short black skirt with a top that barley covered her cleavage. We made eye contact, she walked over making sure to swing her hips a little as she did. Well know I know why her company is so successful.

"Hello Mr Lester, I'm guessing you already know why I'm here considering that you've conducted a meeting." She says, taking a seat.

"Yes, even though you explained briefly about why you need a loan in the email, I need you to elaborate in more depth and detail because I don't want my money going to a lost cause." I reply professionally, putting my hands together on my desk.

"Well, as you know, my company has been quickly growing in size and the building that we have is just simply too small for future expansion. So I need the loan to get a bigger working environment for my employees." she informs.

"Thank you for that explanation. Anyway while you were talking I found out they If I fund it, your building should be up and running in about 2 business months but that's the fastest I can get it done." I state while working out some numbers on a calculator.

"Well," she says getting out of her seat and walking behind my chair. I think I know where this is going. "I'd love it if I could just have your building." she whispers seductively in my ear. She's literally playing the oldest trick in the book. I shiver in disgust but I'll play along for the lols. Wait did I just say for the lols. Really Phil? You're actually turning into Dan.

"You'd love it huh?" I reply just as seductively. She hums in agreement as she starts massaging my shoulders. I turn my head backwards a little whispering in her ear.

"You know what I'd love even more Rachel?" As I stroke her cheek. This whole scene makes me want to gag. But I stay in character.

"No, tell me." she basically moans.

"If you could get your ass out of my office." I say pushing her off of me. She blinks in surprise at what just happened. "You seriously thought you could get me with that ancient trick. I'm not that stupid." She scoffs while flipping her hair and walking away.

"Bye Rachel." I say in a sing song voice before she slams the door. I laugh spinning in my chair a bit. She didn't really think that would work I mean that's like the 3rd women this month. This is just the first I decided to go along with it. I look up at the clock seeing its almost time for Dan's lunch break. I wonder if he wants to go out. I pull out my phone to text him.

|Phillip| lunch @ Panera?

|Bear💕| Y don't U go ask Rachel.

|Phillip| wht r u tlking about?

|Phillip| Dan?

Go ask Rachel? What does that even mean. Rolling my eyes, I leave my office heading down the long corridor, decorated in red and green for the holiday season, to the lift. I press the button that leads to Dan's floor and hum along to the festive music playing through the elevator. I walk down to Dan's office greeting a few people here and there. As I enter his office he jumps hurrying to out his phone away. Once he realizes its me he starts to pretend to be way more interested in the paper work on his desk.

"So how was the meeting." he asks in a slightly aggressive tone. How did he know I had a meeting I mean I barley remembered myself.

"It was same o'l same o'l but how did yo-"

"You'd love it huh?" he says. I internally groan, he must have head that while exchange But disnr stay long enough to see what actually happened. But why was he up there anyway. I realize I haven't replied and quickly try to choke out something convincing.

"Dan look it-" I try to explain but he didn't even let me get out 3 words before cutting me off a second time.

"Oh so I'm guessing you hit on everyone that comes in your office. Is that just how you "roll". He replied his voice rising a little with every word.

"Dan please just listen to what I have to say, and please keep your voice down people may be listening." I plead.

"Listen to you, after that?" he says even louder than before,as he gets up shoving past me. I try to grab his arm but he jerks away and disappears into the crowd of busy employees.

Dans P.O.V

I stand restlessly on the elevator while being practically suffocated by my emotionally violent thoughts. Of course he's already off flirting with some high classed business women who can't keep her hands to her self. I'm mean he has been acting a little weird these past few weeks. But I guess it makes since they are both wealthy,successful, and run business. I mean perfect match right? Unlike me who is poor and only scrapping by because of Phil. Even with all those differences, I still wouldn't have thought Phil would be that type of person. Then it clicked, that's exactly the problem. I've only known him for a grand total of about a month in a half and that wasn't enough time to really get to know him and learn who he is completely. I was blinded by want and need, not spending a second properly thinking things through. We rushed into this relationship so quickly not giving time for any development it was just a,
"Hi you're cute"

"I think you're cute too."


"Boyfriends." and that was it no, do I really want to date you, or maybe we should wait, just okay now lets kiss and live happily ever after. My rant was cut off short by the sound of the elevator reaching floor one.

I leave the building and walk into the snowy streets of the city with no intended destination. After about 5 minutes I feel a buzzing in my pocket, already knowing who it is, I pull my phone out sliding my finger of the red decline button. I shove my hands in my jacket and slowly fall under the weight of my thoughts. I just need some time to think things through, it feels as if I'm over reacting about this, but it also feels as if I have all the rights in the world to feel this way. The only thing I can see it's the image of her hands on his chest, and him whispering in her war. Was this some kind of secret love affair or was this a one time fling? I kick some helpless gravel on the ground angrily. My phone rings again and I pull it out seeing that bright smile of his on the icon. I pounder about it, debating whether I should answer or not. I stand there in the middle of the side walk getting a couple of pissed of glances. Do I really want to say or do I want to sit here in 30° whether waiting for some sort of believable explanation to pop in my head? I sigh aloud knowing the only reasonable answer. I click the green button and pull the phone to my ear. As soon as it connects I don't even get to speak before Phil lunging forward into talking.

"Dan!" Phil says his voice coming out breathy and panicked. "Thank god you answered, I was so scared something happened to you, and I asked Jessica where you went and she said you walked out side, and you didn't answer your phone, and and and." he continues rushed.

"Phil I'm fine, I just needed to breath a little." I reply.

"Can you please just come back to the office and let me explain?" he pleads, almost as a soft cry. I've already made my decision by answering this phone call so there's no point in saying no now.

"I'll be there in 10 minuets , I didn't walk that far anyway." I speak calmly and hang up not waiting for a reply.
As I'm walking back I shiver pulling my hat down over my ears and stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jacket. As I'm doing this I pay no attention to any of my surroundings which could possibly lead to some huge disaster, but that isn't as remotely important as what's going on right now. Well at least that's what I thought until suddenly a hand was around my mouth and dragging me back into a dark alley. Oh wow 10/10 much creative. A dark alley? Really? what's next. They are going to throw me into the back of a white van? This is probably one of those sick Sam Pepper jokes they show on T.V. Then I actually think about what's happening, I'm being kidnapped and instead of struggling and yelling for help I'm critiquing on how creative they were. As soon as I realize, I start screaming and kicking but they only came out as muffles and my kicks were as useless as my belt. Then I was hit on the back of the head turning my vision black.

{AN: AYYE what's up fam we got some big problems coming up and im much excited about it anyway I'm pritts sure there's probs like 15-20 chapters but everything beyond this point i have to make up from scratch which is going to be bad. Anyway have a phanderphil day and thanks for reading this story }

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