Shinobi (Sequel to Otokage)

By writer168

492K 30.3K 12.7K

They were shinobi: machines trained from childhood to kill or be killed. They were experienced soldiers; tool... More

Are You an Idiot?
Give a Warning First!
It's a Good Song!
For Her Sake, Not Yours.
So He's the Source.
What Brings You Here?
Fight Me.
I Don't Remember Anymore.
By Your Brother.
Well, What Made You?
Um... Surprise?
One Day.
How Have You Been... Itachi?
Now Shut Up and Stir Your Chocolate.
This is Yours.
No Buts.
An Idiot Who Finally Got It Right
He's Not Gonna Fall For That.
You Will.


22.9K 1.3K 892
By writer168

Kisame yawned as he stood up and stretched his arms over his head. Re-watching those seasons was an absolute nightmare with having to life through the introductions of Ayako and Shin, sparking up the anger he thought had previously subsided. He glanced around.

'I guess all this popcorn came from Hidan when he and Deidara threw a fit during episode seven. Not that I blame them.'

But that could've been avoided if Misaki had just-- NO. No, he and everyone else had done way too much yelling the past entire day and he knew his blood pressure had suffered enough. His attention moved to Kabuto when the man sighed and bent over to pick up the beer bottles.

"The least they could've done was pick up after themselves..." he muttered.

"I'll help you." Kisame offered.

"Oh, thanks."

Kisame walked over to the supply closet and pulled out the broom and dust pan. He knew this apartment like it was his own. This had been a place of multiple all-nighters, bad movies, and guava juice for the past six or so years, and he'd like to say that he remembered every minutes of it. Like mackerel and sea bream were Kabuto's favorite foods despite never saying anything, because eyes would light up every time he took a bite, or that he was actually a bit scared of thunder because his finger would twitch the moment the sky decided to roar.

Though he guessed it was just the little things he noticed as time went by. Kisame didn't really know, but it was easy to lose track of his day when he hung around Kabuto. Always.

He swept up the popcorn bits around the couch, grimacing at the darkened spot on the tan armrest.

"You have Hidan spit on your couch."


He continued sweeping, thankful that Kabuto decided to change his carpet to a wood flooring because this all would be an absolute bitch to clean out. After dumping all the garbage, he went back to the supply closed to put the broom and dustpan away and take out the floor cleaner.

"Hey, it's fine. I can clean up everything else." Kabuto said. Kisame frowned as he took a couple steps back to face the other.

"You sure? 'Cause I've got no problem hanging back longer. I was the one who brought the guys over on such short notice."

"Really, it's fine. You've been a big help already, and aren't you scheduled for an assessment? I don't want to make you late like last time." he replied as he took off his glasses to wipe them off on his shirt. Reluctantly, Kisame put the cleaner back on the shelf and shut the door.

"Are you sure sure?"

Kabuto made a shooing motion with his hands and urged him towards the door.

"Positive. I know Takenaka-san wouldn't appreciate it if I kept you."

Kisame tugged on his sandals and shrugged on his jacket.

"Oh, and Kisame?"

He turned around, a strange something bouncing in his chest. The shorter man smiled.

"Could you tell Sakura-sama I'll show up in half an hour? I'll be cleaning some more and wash up before I head out." he said. Kisame forced a good-natured grin to his face despite that suddenly sinking feeling he felt.

"No problem."

'What was I expecting?'


Kisame's chin was planted on her desk, a dejected sigh emptying his lungs. He told her a million times that he wouldn't let it get this far, but yet again, he got himself royally screwed over. Sakura tousled his hair sympathetically.

"It's not like you could help it, you two see each other nearly every day and you get along really well. You can't say that you didn't see it coming."

He sighed again.

"I guess. But I didn't think I'd be drowning this much right now."

She stared at him curiously.

"Drowning?" Sakura questioned.

Kisame expanded his chakra, reaching around the tower to make sure no one was standing outside the door or the windows. He then looked up at her, a twinge of sadness in his eyes.

"Yeah. I love him."


Kakashi wasn't happy with this development.

A rather new issue had arisen within the confines of Konoha's walls: a drug cartel. It hadn't been a problem in the past-- not at all, in fact-- but incidents had begun to spring up around the older parts of the village. Lower income individuals were getting addicted to this odd purple pill, civilians and shinobi alike participating in the making, smuggling, and distribution. The knew nothing of who the leader was or how they managed to get into Konoha.



"Get me Yamanaka Ino, Uchiha Sasuke, Aburame Shino, and Nara Shikamaru, please."

He waited patiently for those shinobi to trickle into his office one by one. Once they were all gathered, clad in the typical jounin outfits, he gave them their mission. Locate the smugglers, find the source, and eliminate the threat. He would've slated an Inuzuka to the team as will, but their noses were far too sensitive to the potency of the drug.

"I had a tracking team sent out before and we've located a trail. It suddenly ends just a little farther from the border, but I feel there's enough evidence for the four of you to make something out of it. Shikamaru, the team leader, spoke up.

"Where would we find the end of the trail?"

Kakashi handed over the scroll.

"Near Otogakure."

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