At the End of the Day

By LieAris

153 38 4

A girl named Beth has a hard life and just wants to be happy. She faces a lot of bad things but she has her f... More

Chapter 1 No one, Everyone, Someone
Chapter 2 The Deal is Fufilled
Chapter 3 Testing our relationship
Chapter 4 A walk through my past
Chapter 6 He has to know
Chapter 7 A visitor
Chapter 8 Judgement with a name
Chapter 9 Plus and minus
Chapter 10 It can't be real
Chapter 11 The real suprise
Chapter 12 My Second Chance
Chapter 13 What to do
Chapter 14 My Small Fame
Chapter 15 The Right Thing
Chapter 16 Leaving

Chapter 5 One step foward and blown backwards

6 2 0
By LieAris

   I think this could work other than the every now and then getting yelled at I feel great about this. I think.

"What are you doing? I need that pot for the grits now!"

"Okay! I'm going!"

"You need to loose the attitude right now!"

"You got it from school!" my dad chimes in.

  Okay, so now that mom has just turned everything around she is okay. When will this ever end?!? I can hear the TV.

   "There has been a group going around and kidnapping people. Forcing them to work for them. From what is being reported the people are forced to do their drug deliverys, killing, and even worse going and selling themselves. Police are giving up on people who go missing after a week. They say once they are gone it's for good until they find their bodies."

   This can't be happening. First home now this. Will I ever find peace? Not like it could ever happen to anyone I know. The news here never happens after word gets out about one or two times and then it's over.

   The weekend can not go by any slower.

"Get up and help your mom cook."

"Go feed the animals."

"Fix me some food."
What do I look like? Your maid!

I didn't marry either of you. I don't baby sit you. I'm never getting married or having kids. No. I think kids are when you love your life so much that you are ready to share it with some one else. That is far from me. Maybe in the future but not now.

   Weeks have passed and like always my mom can't keep up the good wife act.

"I can't take it! I'm done! With both you and that rebellious daughter of yours!"

"Well fine! Go and don't come back!" I'm glade that I'm getting along better with him now but tomorrow he is leaving for a week. I'll be at home by myself. He trusts me enough to take care of things and nothing really bad should happen. We hope.

   Mom is gone and I have not heard from her since. No one is around to keep a close look on me so Josh is staying with me ao that I'm not alone.

"How you holding up?"

"I've been better. I'm glade your here with me though."

"I'm really sorry that this had to happen to you."

"It's fine. It was going to happen some time." We're sitting on the couch. I'm currled up next to him with his arms wrapped around me. It's cold so we are sharing a blanket.

"It's getting late. Where should I sleep?"

"Umm.... That's a good question. I don't want it to be noticable that there are two people here because everyone knows dad's gone. The biggest bed is mine and it would be bad if some one walked in or by to see two lights on with two people in the house. Why don't we split my bed?"

"If some one walks in and sees me in your bed they will flip and assume the worse."

"That's why I lock the door."

"No one else has a key?"

"Other than me, my dad, and my mom ,we have not heard from in a long while.... No."

"Okay. I'll sleep on the floor though. Just to keep things safe."

"Nothing is going to happen."

"Believe me I want to but my parents taught me not to be in the same bed with a woman if I'm not married to them. Not to take advantage of her and not to make her worth less then she is." That meant so much to me to know I have found some one who won't take advantage of me.

"Okay." I said with a smile.

   While he gets his shower I got the floor ready for him to sleep. When he got out he tucked me into bed with a kiss on my head. He turned out the light and we went to sleep. Him on the floor and me in the bed.

   It has been three days since my dad left. I told Josh if any one calls don't get the phone. They really will flip if they call and hear a guy answer. It's weird that he has been gone for three days and not called.

   The phone rang right after my thought. That must be him right now.


"Is your mom around?"

"No she left about maybe one or two weeks ago why? Who is this?"

"I'm from the sheriff department. A man has been identified along with an older woman. Are you his daughter and her grandchild, Beth?"

"Yes. What happened? Are they okay? What's wrong with them?"

"I think it's better that we talk in person. Do you have anyone close to you that you can call?"

"Yes my friend Josh. He can come over. Is that fine?"

"Yes mam that is fine. I'll be over in a little bit."

   I hung up the phone knowing something bad has happened I just don't know what.

"Did you call me?" Josh asked walking into the room.

"No the Sheriff is coming over to talk to me about something. He asked if anyone could come over to stay with me."

"And you told him me?"

"Yeah but you are my friend not my boyfriend to him. Okay?"

"Yeah that's fine."

   The wait is killing me

I want to know what is going on. Where is my dad and grandma? Why does the Sheriff want to talk to me? There was a knock at the door. As soon as I open it all my questions will be answered.

"Hello Beth. I'm Owen. They sent me over to talk to you. How are you doing today?"

"I'm fine. What is going on? Where is my dad and grandma?"

"It seems that on the way to South Carolina they had an accident. A couple of teenagers were racing on the very road they were on. One of the cars swearved and cliped their car sending it into a ditch. They stoped to look at the damage but just hid the bodies in the woods. They told the doctors they swearved to miss a deer is why they were in such a bad shape. A hunter was in the woods and found them and called 911. The doctors remembered them coming in and the rest fell into place. Right now they are facing some serious charges."

"So you mean..." I didn't have the strenght to finish.

"Yes. I'm sorry. If there is any thing I can do don't hesitate to call."

   By now I was in tears. My dad is not coming home. My grandma is also dead. How could such a thing happen? Am I going to loose every one that means any thing to me?

"Do you have things here or so you want me to stay?"

"No thank you, Officer Owen. I've got her. Thank you for letting me be here for her."

"No problem. Have a good..." he knew that I would not even have a good month if that but it is a requirement that they say it. "Good day. Please. Please. If you need me call." He left a card on the table on his way out. I knew he felt sorry for me and I appreciate it.

   We sat there for hours. Me crying and Josh still holding me. At some point I fell asleep and woke to see Kayla, Zoey, and Jill.

"Hey. How are you?" Jill asked, really worried about what this might do to me. I can't say fine because that is a huge lie.

"How did you get here? How did ya'll know?"

"Josh called and told us what happened. He thought that we could help keep you company." Zoey said. She must have been going some where because her bright red curly hair was fixed up nice and she was in some nice looking clothes.

   Jill must have just woke up or some thing because her long brown hair that is almost always in a pony tail is a little messed up.

   Kayla. I'm not sure. Either with Chris or out in the woods. Maybe a little of both.

   After I stopped crying they made little chit chat. Not saying any thing to upset me. As time slowly moved on one by one they headed home. Telling me good bye and if I needed any thing to call. Soon it was just me and Josh. To night we were still quiet I did not say much after Owen's visit. Josh locked the doors and shut the blinds so no one could look in. We slept on the couch together. I was not up for talking or even giving him a kiss.

   My Christmas was lonly and awful even though I pretty much spent it with Josh. It would soon be time to go back to school. Josh offered to stay with me if I decided to not go.

   People were telling me sorry for my losses and if I need any thing they are here for me. It was weird and awful because I knew with each person that grandma and dad were not coming back.

   After about two weeks things were okay not perfect not awful just okay. I was at the mall with Zoey, Jill, Kayla, and Josh. Me and him were holding hands. They won't let me go any where alone now. We were looking at the clothes and an aile down I saw some one that looked like Coach Johnson my teacher. No that can't be him. He's looking over here a lot and it's making me nervious. We left and went some where else.

   The next day at school Coach Johnson didn't say or act like he saw me so it must not have been him. That was a relief. We're trying some thing new, we are all going to bring our boyfriends to the mall with us. I feel a little bad because Zoey does not have one.

   I saw her in 5th period. Perfect time to talk to her. It's a relief that she changed classes too. I now have her and Mark to talk to and pass time with.

"Hey Zoey we're all going to the mall and yes Mark you are going with Jill. Would that make you feel out of place if you don't have a boyfriend with us?"

"No, because I kind of do."

"What?!? When?"

"I met him when you left with Josh a few weeks ago.Oh!Oh!Snap and Elliot is back. He is secretly/not secretly dating Mr. Townson. We all call him Wesley when we're not in school though."

"Oh! How cool is that! He can come too. So... what is this guy's name?"

"Arron Vincent. He has black 'emo' looking hair. He fitts right in with us." I know she means the vampire thing. I told the others shortly after and they loved the idea. Now we walk around calling each other vampires. It works. I told Jill and Kayla Elliot and Wesley were coming with us. We all have a bad habbit of calling teachers by their first name. Not their face or to other teachers though.

   At the mall we all got split up after about 15 minutes. Well more like Elliot and Wesley. Kayla found them behind the building when she went to take a smoke break. She decided not to because well... they were just a little busy.

   Jill and Mark were looking at the books. Kayla and Chris were looking for clothes. More like Kayla was and Chris just judged them. That left me, Josh, Zoey, and Arron together. Doing pretty much nothing but walking around and looking. I looked up and saw the man again. I'm sure it is Johnson.

   Josh huged me and kissed me on the head "Hey what's wrong? You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." hugging him back. I looked up to see the man was gone. Maybe it's just in my head.

   I found out that my mom is in jail for drugs, so I'm pretty much living with Josh for good. He drives me to school now.

   Coach Johnson stopped me in the hallway when I arived at school.

"Hey I need you to stay after school today."

"Okay." Weird but who cares. Now I have to tell Josh I'll have to stay after school for some thing.

   I've been a lot 'happier' lately. Even though my dad and grandma are dead and my mom is in jail. The year is almost over we have about four more months before school is out. Then I'll have two more years before I can marry Josh. We can be together and no one can complain or any thing. I'll be the happiest woman ever. I know that I didn't want to get married but lately every thing has changed dealing with that.

   "Hey Beth you know what? We forgot to celebrate your birthday. With all that has happened I can't help but feel bad about it now."

"Josh my bithday was November 13. It's long past. Don't worry about it."

"I know it but just know that your next birthday we are going to celebrate it. Even if it's just me and you."

"Fine. You can celebrate my birthday. Next year though."

   Some thing is wrong and I just know it.

"Kayla I need to talk to you 


"Okay." We headed to the bathrooms.

   As we walked out Josh was standing there. "Hey. How ya'll doing today?" I looked at Kayla and said "We're  fine. How bout you?"

"I'm doing good." I looked at Kayla making sure Josh is gone and out of ear shot. "Should I tell him?"

"Yes! He has to know. I'm sure he will understand and if not I'm sorry."

"I'm going to tell him tomorrow after noon. I'm scared Kayla. I'm really scared. Please don't tell anyone yet. Please."

"I won't I promise." She gave me a hug and we went our ways. I don't know what to do after I tell him because I'm scared of what will happen.

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