Chapter 11 The real suprise

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   I turned to see Josh walking from behind the tree. They took me to the lake. They left me with Josh. How did they find him?

   I ran into his arms. Tears filling my eyes. It really is him. He really is back.

"I missed you."

"I know. Peter told me what happened while you were gone."

I emediatly felt ashamed "I'm sorry I was so miareable. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I almost gave up on coming back. There was times I almost killed my self."

"Where were you? How did you get out?"

"None of that matters now. What does matter is that I'm back now." 

   He placed his hand on my stomach.

"Peter told me you lost the baby."

"Yeah. It was a baby girl."

"Why didn't you try again?"

"I was waiting for you. Hoping you were coming back. I couldn't bring myself to try again."

"I would've understood if you had have tried to have another baby with him."

"On my way home I remembered you telling me to move on if something happened to us. It took me a while to realize Peter was the one you wanted me to move on with. I thought I should give him a chance, because it was your wish before you left. I didn't want to in the beginning though. I still wanted to wait for you." I waited to see how he would react to it all.

   He leaned over and embraced me with a kiss. He looked down to see my ring.

"You wore that all these seven months?"

"Yeah I tried my hardest to believe you were coming back. I did every thing to hold on to that. No matter how many people believed that I should give up."

"Well I'm glade you did not lost hope."

"So whose idea was the suprise?"

"Mine. I wanted us to have some alone time. I was expecting you to still be pregnate but now that you aren't," he said pulling me in closer to him "How bout we have a go at it?" He nuzzled my ear. I could smell the familar smell of strawberry. A smell I have not smelled in ages.

"That sounds like a plan." I went and kissed him. The smell of mint on his breath. Oh how I missed that.

"So where this time. Under the willow again? Like  our honeymoon." I asked

"Well I decided where our honeymoon would be. I'll let you pick the place this time."

   Oh snap. Well let's see under a willow, in the dark, next to the lake. Got it? Check. Oh yeah!

"How bout at the house. I'll make it a suprise this time for you."

"Okay. Wait. What about Peter?"

Great he is right. That was off the list of places to kiss. My honeymoon space was also a place to kiss. Oh well that happaned too.

"I'll take care of it." I kissed him again.

"Okay honey."

   We left the lake to go home.  We were holding hands all through the drive home.

"I'll talk to Peter. You can go do whatever you need to do. Okay."

"Okay." he leans over and kissed me then walks off. I headed for the house trying to figure out how to tell Peter that me and Josh need some alone time. I just need to tell it to him straight like it is.

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