Chapter 14 My Small Fame

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   As me and Peter started to do more music we got better. We were also traveling more, not out of state or anything, mostly just from town to town. We also started writing more and more songs. We were also becoming more of a 'thing'  and I liked that.
   We were staying in a fancy like hotel  in Atlanta. The room was a nice size. It had a small kitchen, a small living that had a couch and a chair. We were not doing anything big yet just doing small gigs at parks mostly. Peter was laying on the bed as I had come out from showering. I climbed in the bed laying beside him. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close to him. I looked up and kissed him on the lips asking, "What ya doin?" He looked down at me with that look of love in his eyes and said, "Waiting for you to come lay with me. And guess what? I got my wish." In aww I said, "I love you."
   He was about to kiss me again when there was a knock on our door. "I got it." He said climbing out of the bed. He opened the door to reveal a women with long brown hair and green eyes. "Hey can I come in and talk to you both?" She said. She had a soft spoken voice and light skin to match. "Yeah come on in." Peter said moving to the side. She walked in and I got off the bed and we walked over to the couch to all sit down.
   "So I know you both are just starting out with your music, but I can help manage you both and help farther your career." Me and Peter just looked at each other. I mean what could be the harm in letting her help us out.
"I don't mind. Do you Peter?" I said looking over at him. "No not at all. I'm sorry but what's your name?"
"Oh, it's Jamie. Jamie Hall." She said with a smile.
   "Well Jamie when do you want to start and where?" I asked.
"Now and with your next show. I have the perfect place." She went on and on. Eventually I zoned out. I know it's rude but I could not help it. It was like sitting through a boring speech about something your are interested in but not what the person is saying about it.
   She was right. After three months of her just helping us we started traveling to other states and getting really big gigs. After seven months we finally left the country. I also noticed that Peter had some kind of strong feelings for Jamie.
   The way he looks at he is like... love. I thought what we have was love but I can see that I may have been wrong. I felt awful for being the reason that he is not with the one. I don't know how to tell him how I feel. I mean it is really really different then confessing your love for someone. I have to explain at how I know that I'm not the one for him, but that Jamie is the one he really loves.
   How can I do that? I know that he probably should know that he has feelings for her but why would he not do something about them? Is he afraid to hurt me? I want him to be happy and if I am standing in his way I want to be strong enough to step aside and let the right thing happen. Even more I want him to be able to go after what he wants and is right for him no matter who is standing in his way. Even if it's me.

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