You Still Have All of Me (Slo...

By Jaz_azure

2.2K 10 0

Andrea Sun - The girl that gets along with pretty much everyone around her, thanks to her personality, good r... More

- Warning -
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

68 1 0
By Jaz_azure

Picture of Reece above.


Okay, I'm gonna say something quick. I'm really sorry if any of you got upset because I stopped updating...for like 4 FREAKING months. There is no excuse in saying that "stuff came up" or "life happened".

I'm still planning on finishing this sucker! Even if it has few votes or reads, because this story has a LOT of ghost readers, lol.

But that won't stop me.

And I appreciate every single one of you who has taken their time reading my story (and this note) and who has endured my writing mistakes and other issues throughout the book.

That's it for now!

I'll just shut up...

* * *

Everything stops. Hell, I think even time also stopped. I am struck when I get to see his face. Of all people, it just had to be this man.

Reece's Father.

I hated him, I hated every single moment he ever laid a hand on Reece. Day and night, he would drink, he would beat his wife and son, but would always forget what he had done later on. Even though Reece defended himself plenty of times, he was never able to persuade his mother on leaving the abusive man; so he moved out. Well, escaped to be exact.

But this isn't about Reece right now, it's about Megan and I's safety. All I can feel towards this man, is fear. I'm the one in danger now.

Yet, I can't remember his name..

He's not holding a gun like he said moments ago. Geez, I guess that helps a little.

His eyes widen, "You. I know you from somewhere. Who the hell are you?!" He yells, swaying around the pocket knife.

I tighten my grip on the bat, "Doesn't matter. I made a question first. Now, why the hell are you in my house?!"

He cocks his head to the side and laughs, "I think I remember about you, you and my bastard son dated some time ago, right?"

I ignore his words, "Answer me, what are you doing here?" I croaked.

"I don't have any time for questions, stupid b*tch!"

"Well, you surely had a lot of f*cking time to break in!" I shout.

"SHUT UP!" He gets irritated to the limit an attempts to stab me. I give his lower arm a blow with the bat when he swings at me, making him drop the weapon and it sliding behind me.

He tries to reach it but I block him. He forms a fist and attempts to punch me but fails when I duck down and swing the bat to his chest, but he grabs the other end of the bat quickly.

"Let go!" I yell.

Yes, Andrea. This man is probably stupid enough to listen to you.

I can hear the sirens getting closer and closer..

I feel my heart drop when Reece's father exceeds in snatching away the bat and hits my left leg. I fall to the ground, screaming. I hear crying and look above. Megan... I can't believe my little sister is watching how vulnerable I am right now.

My eyes plead to her to go back to the room, but she shakes her head and shouts to the man, "Please, stop! Don't hurt my sister anymore!"

He grins widely and pulls my hair upward to his chest as I stand up to try and relieve the pain going through my skull.

I look down, trying to find a way to release myself from him, and then I see it; his pocket knife.

Police officers start to come through the front and back door. They point their guns at him and demand him to let me go, he then cackles and slaps me.

*First shot*

"Aaagh! Shoot me again, I'll kill her!" He maintains his feet firm on the ground.

He just got shot on his right arm! Why doesn't he give up already? There is no escape.

I am able to release myself from him and grab the knife. Suddenly, I flinch; I can't move my leg to make a run for it. He raises the bat up high and is about to slam it on me.

*second shot*

Again, he endures the bullet, this time on his left thigh (how does he do that?!) and still goes for it. He misses and falls on his knees. I attempt to crawl away from him as I see one of the police men beginning to approach from behind.

Now I remember, his name is Benson!

Benson whispers to me, "You're a piece of crap, just like Reece."

As he raises his fist towards me, I get a tight grip on the pocket knife getting ready to pull it out before he hits me. But instead, Benson collapses on the ground as two police men get a hold of him.

Megan runs to me and hugs me with a tremendous force that I really have come to question. She says between sobs, "A-andy! Are you okay?" I kiss her on the head and tell her that I'm fine. Beaten, but fine.

When will these living nightmares stop?


"How much did you say? Are you sure?" asks May.

I wince as the lady continues to give me my leg massage treatment. No bones were fractured yesterday at least.

"Four months... I'm sure."

May covers her eyes with one hand, "I-I can't believe it, that man...THAT MAN needs to be locked up for much much longer than just four months!"

"Trust me, I think the same as well! Just look at me, I'm not happy about it either." I close my eyes and try to brush off the fear of seeing that man again. "But hey, I've got more important things to think about."

"Like what? Andy, I don't want to head back to Illinois knowing that he will be free soon enough."

I pay the lady and thank her while I push my body up slowly to sit down. "We still need to find Joshua. The only clues the detectives gave to my dad was that he was seen by a marriaged couple with some motorcycle gang the night he dissapeared... And don't worry, Benson will probably forget about everything."

May shakes her head, "Damn, I'm sorry. You're right, let's move on with what's next; you're brother. Yeah, that alzheimer really kicks in after very serious times."

I smile at her, "Thanks."

She turns gloomy, "Andy, I don't want to but, I might have to leave tomorrow..."

"It's fine, don't worry. I understand you have many things to do." I stretch out my leg carefully, "Thomas is taking me out next week." I say, trying to change the subject.

"Ooh I see you finally gave in to him!" she gushes.

That's one of the things I adore about this girl, she can always brighten herself during dark moments.

Wait, what did she say just now?


"What? No, May. I'm telling you he is who he is. Besides, he's been telling me about this friend he met the other day."

"Yeah, a girl probably. He's into girls Andy, why don't you see that?"

"No, it's a guy. Apparently, he's got an eye for Tom and I'll be more than happy to accept that Tom is homo." I turn to look at my skeptic friend, "Why do you insist on him being straight?"

May sighs deeply, "Easy answer to an easy question. It's because he-" she snaps her mouth shut when my phone rings. I grab it from the coffee table and look at the screen.

I feel a slight blush showing when I see who it is, "It's Seth."

"Well, answer! You haven't told him about what happened yesterday."

"I don't think he should know every single thing that happens to me to be honest..." I take a deep breath and answer anyway.

Instead of answering like any normal person would do, I stutter, "Hey, what's up? I mean, how are you? Sh*t, I mean, yeah, what's up?"

Lame, just lame.

A rough but feminine voice answers, "Uhh hello? Um are you Franco's girlfriend? Anyway, could you tell him that he needs to pick me and Seth up? I think we're doing something that we really shouldn't be doing..."

Huh? What kind of prohibited thing?

"No, this is not f*cking Franco." I stagger.

"Haha, how funny. I know that. I can clearly hear that you're a girl, duh." she deadpans.

I hit my self in the head multiple of times. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

May whispers to me, "That's not Seth, is it?" I mouth to her, "no".

I get back on the phone, "Well, this isn't his-" I pause, "Nevermind, where are gou guys at?"


I tap my fingers on the steering wheel while waiting for the stoplight to change to green. From what that girl said, they should be a block from here to the right.

God, what am I doing? Am I really going to make presence of myself to the douches just because these bothersome feelings are getting the best of me?

Woah, woah, what feelings?

I completely forgot about May accompanying me, she also got curious as to who that chick was.

"Andy!" she shrieks, "The lights, girl! The lights!"

I jolt my eyes up and realize that the lights have changed. I take a quick right turn and try to calm down.

I see Seth's car parked at the mentioned place, some kind of shop it seems, the sign is old, rusted, and inelligeble. I pull over and see that he is talking to a girl dressed in flannels wearing a black cap, his back facing me.

My heart just can't stop pounding. What am I going to say, that she called the wrong number and that I offered to do them the favor? Why didn't I just tell her to call Seth's friend Franco?

I grit my teeth and park right next to his car, I take a deep breath and open the door.

"Oh my god." May says, looking out from her side of the window.

I look back at her before stepping out, "What?"

"That. Girl. Is. Hot!"

"MAY! Don't say that!"

She pouts, "I'm sorry! But c'mon, look at her! Beautiful straight brown hair and emerald green eyes!" She quiets down, "Wait, wait, wait un momento! You think she's competition? Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

I shake my hands uncontrollably, "No no no! It's fine, really! And what competition, huh? I don't know what you're talking about." I fluster. "I-I'll go talk to them, they're at the other side of his car. Wait here."

"Sorry..." she says quietly. I nod and close the door behind me.

I hear a knock from the window and see May mouthing, "You forgot your mullets."

"I'm good." I mouth back.

Walk straight, walk straight.

"Sh*t!" I scowl in a low tone. I take a look at my left leg, who is having a hard time to make any sudden movement.

Alright, you've got this Andrea. So what if she's hot? I don't care. I shouldn't care.

But... ah f*ck, I care.

I get a sight of Seth trying to ride a skateboard and he fails, of course. There's no sign of that girl around, meaning that I can grab him and we can make a run for it. Wait, bad idea.

My pace comes to a stop and I can tell he noticed my presence when he drops the skateboard and turns around. Surprised, he says, "Hey Andrea, what brings you here?" and salutes me soldier style.

"You." is the only word I can manage to say.

"Yo babes! I found the part!" a voice shouts from the distance.

Oh wow, it's her.
Wow, just wow.

Seth turns away from me and smiles at her, "Cool! Hey, come here! I want you to meet a friend of mine."

The fuck?


Oh great, now I can't even curse in a correct order in my mind.

She stops her tracks next to him holding a water bottle, "What's up?"

"Andrea, this is Elaine. Elaine, this is Andrea."

I nod at her, "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." she says whilst chugging down her bottle. That there's a talent.

"So," I inquire, "Are you guys related or something?" Damn, I hope that didn't seem too obvious.

Seth chuckles, "No, we're good friends. Just like you and me."

Uh, no.

Elaine adds, "Only difference is that Seth and I are really good friends." She winks as she rests her arm on his left shoulder.

Wait, what?

"Well, then." I refrain from glaring at her, it's not like there's anything between Seth and I anyway.

Seth takes it as some f*cking joke and laughs it off, "Yeah, whatever you say El."

Seems like I haven't had the best of days ever since I met this guy. This better not get worse..

"Say Andrea, you didn't happen to see my bud Franco when you were on your way here did you? He was supposed to pick us up a while ago."

"Uh, about that..."

Well shit.

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