Not Something Sisters Do (Cam...

By yeahx5h

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Thank you for reading :) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39: Part 2
Chapter 40
Final Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 25

49.5K 1.5K 2.8K
By yeahx5h

Enjoy :)

Bro you better be ready! I'm on my way to get you!

I roll my eyes at Devon's tenth text message telling me that he's on his way to come get me and Camila. Well I actually haven't told him that Camila is tagging along.. But knowing that he has an annoying ass crush on her, he will be pleasantly surprised.

Tossing my phone on the bed I go over and stand in front of my full body mirror. Wow, I look hot. Dressed in long black boots, short ripped denim shorts, a black crop top, a black and white plaid long sleeve, and last but not least this awesome bolo tie.

The creek of my bedroom door got my attention, once I turned around my jaw literally fell to the floor at the sight of the beautiful brunette standing in the doorway.

Holy shit.

Camila looked so fucking beautiful and sexy. Wow, I couldn't do anything but check her out. Her golden toned legs were on full display because of that short black skirt she's wearing, and a bit of her flat belly from the gray crop top.

I'm so lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend on the inside and the outside. My eyes reached her face, I chuckled when I saw a blush on her cheeks.

She began walking toward me, I tried to meet her eyes but they were too busy checking me out. I smirked at that.

"Lauren you look... wow.." she breathed, her voice raspy.

I sucked in a sharp breath of air, when her soft cold hands slid inside of my long sleeve and gripped the sides of my ribs.

"I could say the same to you," I replied smoothly. I wanted nothing more than to cup her sexy round ass underneath her skirt... But no.. Too soon. Too soon.

So instead of that I just wrapped my arms around her neck which was easy and not awkward since she was the same height as me due to the heels she's wearing.

"You look beautiful, Camz."

The blush on her cheeks appeared again, I smiled at that.

She gave my sides a gentle squeeze, "Thank you."

Not saying anything else, she leaned forward and captured my lips with her own in a sweet gentle kiss. Camila sucked on my bottom lip before pulling back.

I smiled at how breathless she was after a tiny kiss.

"You are amazing, Laur."

She bumped her nose against mine, while I blushed like an idiot. Oh god.

Not wanting her to see the affect she had on me with just her words, I hid my face in her neck. Soft vibrations let me know she was laughing at me.

The ring of my phone broke us apart, and so did the obnoxious honking from outside.

Rolling my eyes I knew it was Devon. That idiot.

"Who is that?" Camila asked obviously annoyed behind me as I grabbed my phone off my bed.

"Devon." was all I had to say and she nodded.

I answered my phone, and spoke before he could.

"I'll be downstairs just hold on and stop your fucking honking before I kick your scrawny ass."

The honking stopped.

"You know Lauren..." Not letting him finish I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket.

"You ready?" She nodded. I held my hand out for her to take which she gladly did warming my heart.

We walked down the stairs holding hands, once we reached the front door I pulled her against me. The hand not holding hers rested on her lower back keeping her close against my chest.

"Lauren what are you-"

I cut her off by smashing my lips against hers. We both moaned at the contact, her free hand reached up and played with the tiny hairs on the nape of my neck tugging slightly as I tilted my head deepening the kiss by sliding my tongue into her mouth. Camila moaned creating a vibrating sensation through our lips. Every kiss with Camila sent sparks throughout my whole entire body, I loved ever second of it. I massaged my tongue against hers gently before breaking the kiss.

I glanced back down at her swollen pink lips that were just asking to be kissed again. But no, we had to go.

"What was that for?" She asked breathless.

I sighed, "We probably won't be able to kiss tonight."

She pursed her lips, "Oh yeah.."

I removed my hand from her back and twirled the ends of her hair with my fingers. "Maybe we can hang there for a bit and bail when everyone is drunk and go unnoticed."

Camila smiled and nodded at that staring into my eyes. I love when we do this.

Loud honking broke our gaze and made us both groan and roll our eyes.

"I'm gonna kick his ass."

I gave Camila one last peck on the lips before letting go of her hand and headed out the door.

Right as we both stepped out Devon was standing there with an impatient look on his face. But when his eyes fell on Camila his cheeks turned a bright red making me chuckle.

"Hi Camila, I um didn't know you were coming," he stuttered and walked quickly to his car.

I heard Camila giggle behind me as we followed him.

Devon opened the back door and started throwing his trash and shit he had laying around under the driver seat to create room for Camila to sit down.

"Sorry about the.. uh.. mess," he got out of the way and held the door open for Camila who stood there awkwardly.

She mumbled a 'thanks' and got in.

I just laughed at his dorkiness. He never acts this way around any girl other than Camila. It was quite funny and kind of cute. The only thing that angers me is that she is my girlfriend.

A sharp pain in my arm brought me out of my thoughts.

"Ow what the fuck!" This dumbass punched me.

Devon stood there with his arms crossed, "Why didn't you tell me Camila was coming? I would have cleaned my car!"

"Why does it matter?"

"I don't want her to think I'm a slob or something!"

"Devon who cares. Let's just go."

I want to tell him off and stay away from her but I don't want to be mean to him. Usually I wouldn't give a fuck about his feelings but I know he really does like her and he's not a bad guy, he's actually a sweetheart... So I won't hurt his feelings, but if he tries something... He's done.

"Okay, but next time you tell me when she's tagging along."

Not gonna happen. "Fine whatever."

Devon opened the passenger door and held my hand to help me get in. He closed the door and ran to his side and hopped in.

The drive pretty much consisted of Devon singing along to almost every song on the radio while me and Camila laughed. I held her hand the whole way, which was uncomfortable on my part. I had arm bent weird in order to hold her hand without Devon noticing. But the pain was worth feeling Camila's hand in my own.

When we arrived we all gasped at the sight of the big house that looked like a fucking mansion. We weren't even out of the car yet and we could feel the beat of the bass from inside the damn car.

All I know is that this party is gonna be kick ass.

"Holy shit! I'm so excited lets go!" Devon exclaimed turning off the ignition.

We got out of the car, Devon was on the other side of the car so I was able to open the door for Camila like the chivalrous girl I am. I held my hand out for Camila to take and she did, my heart warmed up in my chest. Her hand fit so perfectly in my own that once I let it go I felt empty.

"Stay near me, alright?" I say to her and wrapped my hand around her wrist as I pull her to the open front door.

Right as we walked in it smelled like fucking heaven, well to me. But to Camila, I could hear her gag behind me. Inside the mansion it smelled like straight up dank weed and the whole place had a thin layer of smoke in the air. It was packed with a bunch of kids from school and other schools I recognized and usually partied with.

They all threw "heys" in my direction but I didn't stop to talk, I just nodded and kept going to find wherever the drinks are.


I let go of Camila's wrist and turn around to find Dinah with a wide grin heading our way.

I was still a bit uneasy around Dinah, her threats to beat the shit out of me still kind of freaked me out.

Dinah was dressed casual but looked sexy as well. Dressed in green short shorts, and a white shirt that showed a bit of her flat tummy, her hair was in blonde waves. She looked so confident, that's why all the boys turned their heads in her direction.

"Dinah?!" Camila hollered over the music and ran to Dinah and hugged her. "What are you doing here?"

The music was too loud so I couldn't hear anything they were saying. But the glances and smiles in my direction, I knew they were talking about me. I was glad the air was thick with smoke and they couldn't see the blush on my face.

I was still a bit thirsty and I could really go for something to drink. I looked around and saw people coming out of the room around the corner with drinks in their hands, so I guess that's where they must have gotten them from.

I looked back to Dinah and Camila who were still talking animatedly.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks!" I hollered over to Camila. She nodded, so I was on the move.

I entered the room, and saw coolers of beer and all of the above on top of this pool table. I shook my head, what idiot puts coolers on top of a pool table? Like what the hell? Don't they know that ruins them.

I didn't want Camila to get as drunk as she did last time, and I didn't really want to get that drunk either. I wanted to be sober when I was around Camila. So I went with something light. I grabbed us both strawberry bud light margaritas.

With both cans in my hands, I walked back to the place Camila and Dinah were. I caught a glimpse of Camila's beautiful self, she was laughing at something Dinah had said with her tongue between her teeth. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. But the smile on my face dropped and I stopped in place when I heard the familiar voice I had hoped I would never have to hear again.

"Lauren?! Is that you?!"

All I want to do is run, but she would catch me and make a big ass scene. She's known for doing that.

I slowly turned around, making eye contact with my ex girlfriend.

Jade came running and practically threw herself into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. She was wearing a very thin shirt with no bra... Talk about awkward.

I flinched when I felt her run her nose along the side of my cheek and whisper in my ear, "Hi Lauren... It's been awhile.."

Jade kept her hold around my neck, but leaned her head back to look at me. I laughed awkwardly, "Uh yeah.. I guess."

She laughed her slightly annoying squeaky laugh, "You're so cute Lauren.. But wow... You've gotten even more sexy."

Jade got off of me to check me out. I felt my cheeks heat up. This is weird.


A very gorgeous blonde girl approached us and hooked her arm over Jade's shoulder pulling her into her side. I raised a brow at them.

"So is this the famous Lauren?" The girl asked Jade.

"Yes this is," Jade smirked at me. "Lauren, this is Perrie. My girlfriend."

The girl, Perrie, winked at me. "Nice to meet you Lauren."

"You too," I replied looking away. Trying to see if Camila was anywhere near. Nope she wasn't.

"So who you with?" Perrie asked me.

"Uh," my girlfriend. "Some friends.."

"Devon and Normani?" She asked.

"Yeah them too."

Jade spoke up, "oh I saw them over here, let me show you." She grabbed my arm and her and Perrie led me over to the opposite side of the house away from Camila.

I tried to look around to find Camila but she was nowhere in sight. Damn it.

Jade and Perrie led me into this room, a breath caught in my throat when I saw Camila standing there with Normani and Dinah, smiling and laughing and moving her hands excitedly. But when her eyes met mine, they trailed to Jade and then to her hand that was firmly around my wrist.

I watch the smile on her face drop and her eyes turn into slits and her hands ball up into little fists. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is not good.

Jades grip on my wrist tightened as she pulled me over toward them, Normani and Dinah both had blank looks on their faces while Camila had a pissed off one.

"I'm getting a drink," Camila announced when we got close to them. She was about to storm away and most likely not come back. So I ripped my arm out of Jade's grip and turned toward Camila.

"Hey wait," I held up the can. "I got you a drink."

Camila's face softened but I could still see a small trace of sadness in her big brown eyes.


"Are you two together... or?" Jade asked rudely.

Camila rolled her eyes at her but didn't say anything, only opened the can and took a big gulp.

"There are my two favorite sisters!" Out of no-fucking-where Devon's drunk ass came into the room and wrapped both of his arms around mine and Camila's shoulders.

That answered Jade's question, and she seemed pretty satisfied with it judging by the devious little smirk on her lips.

"So" Devon shouted in mine and Camila's ears, still not letting go. "Who wants to play Truth Or Dare?" He asked all of us. Me, Camila, Normani, Dinah, Perrie, and Jade.

"I'm in," they all said while Camila and I remained silent.

"I'll play," Camila piped in surprising the shit out of me.

"Hell yeah!" Devon yelled.

Devon led us over to the middle of the room and we all sat down in a big circle, some other kids joined in because we needed more people to make the game interesting, according to Devon.

I sat down, not wanting to play this stupid game at all. These types of games only end badly and I wasn't in the mood to party anymore. I want to go home with Camila.

"Alright, Normani you start us off."

Normani took a drink before speaking, "Okay... Dinah, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Dinah smirked and took a drink of what I think is water.

"Pussy," Normani teased. "Uh.. Is it true that you and your ex Siope had sex in the choir room last year?"

Dinah's whole entire face turned pale then a bright red, "W-what?! No!"

"Then explain why the security cameras have footage of you on your–"

"Oh my god! Shut the fuck up!" Dinah covered her hands with her face as we all bursted out laughing. This game must not be as bad as I thought.

The game went on, it was actually pretty funny. It consisted of people making out, some strip tease which was nice. I was a bit tipsy and so was Camila and everyone else in the circle, they were all drunk as fuck. But I had a feeling when Jade kept daring Camila to take shots she was up to something.. I just don't know what.

"Lauren! Truth or dare?" Jade asked smiling at me. She was sitting on Perrie's lap. Perrie was too focused on mauling her neck instead of the game.

"Uh.. Truth." I hadn't chose that yet.

"Who gave you that hickie?"

My hand shot up to my neck, holy shit I thought I had covered it up pretty good with make up but guess not.

Coughing and sputtering interrupted my thoughts. I glanced over to the side to see Camila choking on her drink while Dinah laughed and patted her back.

"None of your business," I said a bit harshly.

"Do you have a girlfriend or something?" Jade asked, her voice a weird tone.

I had to lie. I had no choice.

"No I don't."

A smirk on Jade's lips turned into a devious one, "Then would you want to maybe.. Go up to one of the rooms upstairs?"


"Oh come on Lauren," Perrie piped in. What the fuck?

Jade leaned further into Perrie's chest. They both had these smirks that freaked me out.

"Are you asking me to have sex with the two of you?"

They laughed.

"You and I would have sex Lauren," Jade said. Devon and the other boys and girls hollered and wooped. "Perrie would watch."

My jaw dropped. I didn't know what to say. I just told them that I didn't have a girlfriend so I don't know how to get out of this.

I opened my mouth to say something to the two perverts across from me who waited for my response.

But in a blink of an eye, Camila tackled Jade knocking her off of Perrie's lap and held her to the floor with one hand raised to punch her in the face.


Cliffhangers are cool right? I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Lmao.. Honestly idk how I feel about it.

So tell me what you think!


Love you...

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