Freedom (Teen Wolf Season 2)

By NotMyself24

6.4K 167 24

16 year old TJ had nothing to live for. That is until she met the man who could change everything for her, on... More

1: Waiting for Superman
2: Panic Attacks
3: Noticed
4: Changes
5: Tabitha Jane
6: School
7: Wrench
8: Breathe
9: Dangerous
10: Marijuana, Liquor, and Pain
11: Tabby Jane Herself
13: Jackson
14: Mystilyst
15: I Love You, Goodbye

12: Sweet Bourbon

270 8 0
By NotMyself24

I don't know what to do. Derek said that he was in love with me and I told him that I was leaving. He told me something that he would probably never tell anyone. We made out and I told him to leave. I still have a choice if I leave or not. If I stay, I don't think I could get back with Derek. I'm starting to like Scott. He likes me too. He said that I wasn't invisible to him. What am I supposed to do now?

*Teen Wolf Credits*

I stare at the blank TV as I slowly pop popcorn into my mouth. I don't know what I am, but I hear everything. I hear the couple down the street planning a wedding, I hear Jackson taking a shower, I hear the kids in the house by Scott's playing in the backyard, I hear a girl talking on the phone with her friend about a guy she has a crush on, but I also hear the screams, not only them, but the words behind them. I don't know if I'm going crazy or what. Scott's boss needs to hurry up on finding out what I am. I can't stand this. I don't know what can hurt me if I don't know what I am. Wolfsbane didn't affect me, Kanima Venom barely phases me, what the hell am I?

I push up off the couch and walk toward the basement. I open the door and walk down the stairs. I turn the corner and walk toward the back. I open my father's storage room and flick the lights on. I go to the shelves in the far right corner and grab the oldest bottle of Bourbon, the one I hid in here, the 1903 suicide bourbon. A silver glint catches my eyes and I spin around. I crouch by where the glint came from and pick up my wrench. I twirl it in my fingers and stand up. I pop the top off my bottle and start drinking. I turn off the lights and walk back upstairs. I lock the basement door when I reach the top. I set my wrench on the island and plop down on the couch. I set the bottle on the table and my vision turns white.

Gerard comes up behind Matt and pushes him into the lake. Gerard holds him under and watches him suffer. Matt fights for his life, grabbing and pulling on the grass, his arms and legs flailing until he gives out. A drowning person can hold their breath for 87 seconds, but 87 is the breaking point. That's when involuntary apenoa kicks in. The Kanima comes out from under the bridge and looks at Gerard.

"Not scared of the water anymore?" Gerard asks. Jackson cocks his head sideways. "Don't worry, you won't have anything to fear now." Gerard takes off his glove and the Kanima's hand touches his.

Gerard controls Jackson now. People are going to die. Gerard will cause a massacre. Beacon Hills will have so many people coming, and even more running. The supernatural history will become historical. Beacon Hills will be a ghost town. Tourists will come to see what's going on. They'll all die. All because of a code-breaker. Unless they kill Gerard like they killed Kate. Both of them were code-breakers. This isn't going to be a good thing.


"Scott, Gerard controls Jackson now, he also killed Matt. I just saw it. We need to stop Gerard before too many people die. More importantly we need to save Jackson. I know that you're losing Allison, just like I'm losing Jackson. Okay, we're both losing our first loves, common problem and one common enemy. We kill Gerard, we both get our first loves. None of this would've started if Gerard hadn't came with reinforcements. He declared war, but he isn't going to win it. This will stay a secret in between you and me. Understood?"

"Understood. How do you plan on killing Gerard anyways?"

"Ever heard of an opportunity kill?"


"We wait for an opportunity, and tear him apart."

"Then what happens to Jackson?"

"We save him. We'll make sure that he turns into a werewolf like he was supposed to."

"He wasn't supposed to, Derek only bit him to try to kill him."

"Then we do the right thing and save Jackson."


I hang up on Scott and dial another number.


"Can you come over? I need to talk to someone and clear my mind. You're the only one that I could think of."

"How soon?"


"I'll be there in a New York minute."

"Thanks, Isaac."



I press the end button and throw my phone on the table. I run upstairs and quickly shave my legs. I throw on a pair of shorts and a baggy t-shirt that I stole from Isaac's closet for comfort. I run back down stairs and sit on the couch and take a sip from the bottle. My door opens to reveal Isaac. He slightly smirks and sits beside me.

"You said you needed me?"

I sit the bottle back on the table and turn back to Isaac. I bring one of my hands to the back of his neck and play with the tiny hairs growing. I roll my lips before crashing them onto his. My other hand moves toward the one by his head. His hands set at my waist.

"What's with your hands?"

"They're on your waist."

"I know. What am I? A nun?"

Isaac smirks and slides his hands down. Our lips collide again and start to move in perfect harmony. I push him down on the couch and rest my legs on either side of him. He pushes his hands to my thighs and picks me up. He walks until my back hits the wall. I use the wall as leverage and kiss harder. I stop kissing and slide down the wall until my feet touch the ground. Isaac peers down at me. I raise an eyebrow and lead him upstairs. I open my bedroom door and slide his hand under my shirt. He throws my shirt on the ground and throws his off next. I put my fingers in his belt loops and use my advanced strength to pull him closer. Our lips lock, Isaac puts his hands back near my butt. I tug down with my fingers still in the loops. Isaac takes his pants off and relocks our lips. He pushes me onto the bed and lays beside me. I throw one of my legs on his other side and slide a hand down his chest. Isaac grabs my side and flips us, taking top. My legs stay at his sides. His lips work wonders against my body. He kisses below my breast and a light moan escapes my throat. I Isaac continues down, driving me insane. I bite my lower lip containing anything else that wants to come out. Isaac slows down when he reaches my collar bone. Taking his time with each kiss. I bite so hard on my lip that it slowly starts to bleed. I release my lip and feel it heal before Isaac can see. Isaac lightly kisses my jaw bone making my eyes change. I flip us over and force my lips against his. His hands slide up and down on my butt. I press my lips against Isaac's chest and a throaty groan comes from his lips...


I wake up with his arm over my waist and my body against his. I really hope what I felt earlier was fake. I can't start having feelings for 3 guys. Not now. At least if I do feel for Isaac, we can run together. Scott won't, and I know Derek is staying because of his family's legacy. So, thing is, if I stay and feel for Isaac: how am I gonna get him to stay? I don't know what he has in mind yet, but I'm pretty sure he's leaving. Isaac would do anything to get away from his past. I don't blame him, I don't know if I'm gonna run from my past.

"You can either run from your past, or learn from it." Rafiki, the lion king.

So easy choice, right? Wrong. Weigh the consequences of both choices. Think on that.

"Something on your mind?" Isaac asks coolly.

"Just the topic wracking everyone's mind."

"Kanima, or running for our lives?"


"Well, you have until the game to decide if you're planning on being with them. Forever, if you're going solo."

"They're leaving during the game!?!"

"Everybody will be there, so the streets will be empty."

"Are you going?"

"Yeah, I think I am."

"Why are you leaving?"

"Same reason everyone else is. So we don't die. I'd like to get my licences, can't really do that if I'm dead. Just like you can't ride that motorcycle of yours if you're dead."

"I'm still debating on it Isaac. I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"The clocks ticking T." Isaac sighs getting out of bed. Isaac put his clothes back on and lightly kisses my forehead before walking toward the door. "Tell me when you decide." He says over his shoulder. Isaac walks away as a single tear slides down my cheek. I sit up and grab my clothes off the floor.

I throw my clothes in the basket and grab fresh ones to wear later. I start the water and let my tears fall silently. Sadly I notice who's gonna leave. Yet I can't seem to make the choice of what I'm doing. I hate it when I'm conflicted. It makes me feel like my head is going to explode. I run downstairs and grab my bottle of Bourbon. I speed back up the stairs and draw a bath. I pull my hair up and gulp down some of the bottle. I draw a bath and remove my undergarments before getting in. I slowly drink from the bottle as I relax in the water. I need this.

Leaving may save my life.

It may also be the end of me.

I could be free.

Or be stuck in hell.

Deciding is what's driving me insane.

It's easy, yes or no. When really it feels like, live or die, run or stay, flight or fight. I'd rather stay and die fighting than run and live running from my problems.

Easy now.

So now I decide.

I will not run.

Tabitha Jane Jacobs not run from her her problems.

She faces them head on.

I step out and get dressed. I'm going to the game in a pair of black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and my leather jacket.

I'm back bitches.

Whatever you fear, fear me more.

This is not my last resort.

Tabitha Jane is back.

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