Family Above All (Alexandra...

By Dracaria

46.4K 1.5K 147

After a big fight between vampires and witch hunters, Klaus sacrificed himself to save his own daughter, Alex... More

The truth
Moving out
Pure soul
Back to Mystic Falls
Welcome To Purgatory!
Army Of Souls
Saving mission
Not the right person
Deal with the devil
New soul
Unexpected Surprise
Blue demon
This Is It
It's nice to be home
Fairy tale
See You Again
Teen drama
Peronal trainer
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Like a lost puppy

Family reunion

1.7K 65 7
By Dracaria

This chapter is dedicated to @hotstuffnumber1 


„I still think it was a bad idea.“ Dorian said.

„Dorian, I already told you that this is the best solution.“

We were on our way to Mystic Falls. Me, Dorian, Thea, Saphrinne... and Damon

We couldn't leave him with Moira and we couldn't let him go. He know too much, he heard us, he know all plans we have, he could destroy the entire plan.

„You should linked us. Me and him.“ Dorian said once again and I sighed. He cant handle the fact that I magically linked us together.

"You're jealous? Because now I am her bodyguard?“ Damon teased him.

„More like a puppy.“ I smirked at him.

He stopped and looked at me.

„Dont try anything.“ I warned him. „What happens to me, happens to you.“

He jumped at me and he pressed me against the tree. „So what?“

I looked deep into his eyes and smiled. „Damon, you are the most selfish person I know. I would never hurt yourself.“

His face flashed with some unknown emotion. Pain? Did I hurt him with my words? But it disappeared before I could recognise it. He stepped away from me.

„You are lucky I cant kill you right here and right now.“ Dorian said to him.

„Hey, guys. Are we going?“ Saprinne asked.

I walked around Damon and I put Dorian's hands in mine. „Look, it's okay, he can't hurt me. Lets go.” I easily pulled him.

“I hate him.” he murmured quietly and I smiled.

Dorian is too over-protective of me. But I cant be mad at him, He thinks it's his job and I am grateful for that.


We arrived late in the evening, streets were strangely quiet.

“Ali, do you remember everything my grandmother said to you?” Saphrinne asked me on our way to the garage.

I nodded. “Control your temper, recognize the right time to return and be careful.” I repeated Moira's words.

“And Blue Demon.”

“Yeah, right, the Demon.”

Moira warned me specially against this Demon.

“Why do you have named your bar after the Demon?” Thea asked curiously.

“My grandmother said she can see Blue Demon here, in some people. Specially when their drunk.” she laughed.

“Guys, you should go.” I said at the door to the garage where lay the body of my father.

“What? We cant separate from each other.” Dorian protested.

“We have to take his body to the woods. And we need another ingredients for this ritual. We don't have to go everywhere together, it's just another wasting of time.” I shook my head.

“Ok, I can bring you some herbs.”

“Thanks, Thea.” I smiled at her. “Dorian, would you go with her?”

“No way!”


“I am not leaving you here with him!” he looked at Damon.

“He cant hurt me.” I hugged Dorian and kissed him on the cheek. “And Saphrinne is here too.”

He didn't answer.

“You don't trust me.”

“No, it's him I don't trust.”

“I am gonna be fine. I promise.”

He dropped his head into his hands and I knew I hurt him.

“You lied to him. There is a chance you are not going to be okay.” Saphrinne whispered in my ear.

“But I lied with good intentions.” I argued.

She raised her eye brown without the answer.

Saphrinne always tells what she thinks. She hates lies even if you can protect someone with them.

Room was cold and dark and completely empty except for the coffin.

I stepped closer and I slowly opened it. Inside lay the body of my father, perfectly motionless.

“Don't worry dad. I am going to bring you back.” I whispered and I quickly closed the coffin.

“Hurry up. The sooner we get into the forest, the better.” Saphrinne was just as nervous as I was.


We were standing in the middle of the forest and I was freaking out. Thoughts were swirling in my head, I remembered everything. Memories of my ritual, Klaus's death, my tears and incredible pain in my heart. I never used to the fact that I lost him, especially after my mother's death.

“Ali?” said a voice behind my back. But it wasn't Thea or Dorian like I would expect.

Elijah stood behind me, along with Rebekah and Kol. He didn't make a move like he wasn't sure what to do.

I couldn't say a word, I ran to them and I hugged Elijah.

I missed them more that I was willing to say.

“Ali.” I felt Rebekah and her tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Welcome back.” Kol smiled and me and I hugged him too.

“If you want to stop me...”

Elijah shook his head. “You were right. Klaus is our brother and we want to help you.”

“Thank you.” I nodded.

“And what is he doing here?” Kol finally noticed Damon, who quietly stood a few steps away from us.

He grabbed him and pressed his neck. I had no oxygen in my lungs and I began to choke.

“K...Kol....” I barely whispered.

“What is going on?” Rebekah asked with fear in her eyes.

“Let him go! They are connected, you are killing Ali.” Saphrinne cried.

“What?” Kol looked confused at me.

“I linked us together. He could ruin out plans.” I explained.

“So what is your plan?” Elijah asked me.

“I spent some time with Saphrinne and her grandmother, Moira. Klaus's body is here with us but his soul is locked in Purgatory. I am going there and I will bring him back.”

“Are you mad?! It's too dangerous! You may...”

“Rebekah. You promised me. And this is the only way. I don't have to agree with me but I am going to do that, no matter what. I am willing to risk everything.”

“What do you want me to do?” Elijah asked me and I smiled at him.


“Rebekah.” he stopped her. “We promised....”

I stepped closer to the coffin.

Saphrinne was holding her book from Moira and Thea came to us and handed me small bowl full of herbs and other ingredients.

“Are you ready?” Saphrinne asked me.

“Ready as I will ever be.” I sighed.


I know this chapter is boring but the next one will be about Purgatory! :)

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