No more Good Girl (badboy goo...

By smilelikeafool

7.8M 195K 94.9K


Chapter 1 (Picture of Naomi)
Chapter 2 (Picture of Jake)
Chapter 3 (Picture of Casey)
Chapter 4 (Picture of Macy)
Chapter 5 (Picture of Aaron)
Chapter 6 (Picture of Simone)
Chapter 7 (Picture of Justice)
Chapter 8 (Picture of Leanna)
Chapter 9 (Picture of Ethan)
Chapter 10 (Picture of Liam)
Chapter 11 (Picture of Rex)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Picture of Dre)
Chapter 14 (Picture of Halley)
Chapter 15 (Picture of Rachael)
Chapter 16 (Picture of Rico)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Picture of Jace)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Charter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56 (Picture of Sophie)
Chapter 57
Chapter 58 (Picture of Aria)
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69 (Picture of Parker and Sadie)
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75 (Picture of Aubrey)
Chapter 76
Attention‼️ Stop and Read this!
Aye! Check this out!
Dear Santa
Dear Santa

Chapter 77

56.7K 1.5K 536
By smilelikeafool

Naomi's POV

"I'll be fine," I told Cynthia.

"The twins are asleep and Casey is with Chase," she said.

"Cynthia, I got this," I said and she left. Thunder rumbled and I jumped, I looked out the window and lightning lit up the dark sky. I started cooking some fried bologna, suddenly it went dark. "Shit." I walked out and something hit my head, I fell on the floor and darkness surrounded me.


I blinked a couple times and I saw I was still in the dark. I tried to move but my hands were bound together. I looked around and I noticed I was in my food closet. I crawled to the door and opened it, I crawled out but I didn't heard anything. I crawled and I got up and ran quietly. I went upstairs to my room and to my bathroom.

I looked around and got my scissors, I started cutting through the thick ropes.

"Fuck!" Someone yelled, I panicked and I went faster. If came undone and I ran out, I went to the twins room and locked the door slamming it. I ran down the hall and slammed another door. I went into a mini closet and ducked down. Someone walked past and I waited, I walked out and they turned to me. I ran and something tangled my legs and I tripped. I tried to grabbed the railing but I started falling down the stairs.

I landed on the bottom and I groaned, my vision wasn't focused but a man was coming down the stairs. He kicked my stomach and I coughed, he grabbed my hair and punched me. I heard Parker let out a loud cry and he stopped. He smirked evilly and started up the stairs.

I got up and I used all my strength to jump on his back.

"Don't touch them," I spat and he fell back. I started to run but he grabbed my ankle. I kicked his face and he growled. Damn dog.

I jumped over him and I ran to grabbed anything, but I couldn't see in the dark. They grabbed me and I struggled.

"No!" I screamed and elbowed and threw him. I grabbed the rug and pulled it making him fall backwards.

"Shit," he hissed. I went to run but ran smacked into someone else. Make that three someone else's.

"Oh shit," I mumbled and they grabbed me. "Come on, my kids are upstairs."

"Yeah, Sadie and I had fun," he said, I kicked his nose.

"If you touched my kid, I swear to god I'll-"

"You'll what?" He spat. "Kill me?"

"Don't test me," I hissed, he punched me and I breathed in a sharp breath.

"Bring her in," he said and I saw them bring in Aubrey. They sat her on the couch. "This is how you take care of business baby." He punched me again.

"Come on, beat me but don't let her see this," I said. "She's a kid."

"She needs to learn if she's gonna grow up on the Mafia," he said.

"What would Jace do?" I asked.

"Jace would support it," I heard a voice and I looked at Jace. "God Hensley. Jake and Jace, did it never fucking click to your fucking head?"

"What?" I asked.

"You're so gullible, anybody would be able to see that," he said. "I'm Westside for god sakes and you still fell for it."

"Jace, if he told you something-" he laughed and got in my face.

"You actually believed I cared about you?" He asked and looked me up and down. "I picked you, my dad didn't force me." He touched my busted lip and I hissed. "Aubrey, go in the kitchen, daddy has some work to do."

"But daddy-"

"Now Bree," he said sternly, she got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Jace, we gotta get out of here," the man said.

"Not before I put a bullet in her brain," he said.

"Jace, please," I said. "The twins and Casey, and Aubrey. You want her to see you kill someone?"

"I'm in the mafia bitch," he said. "I'm such a good actor." I spit blood at his feet." He bit his lip. "Let her go."


"I got this," he said and they let me go. Jace punched me. Jace hit like Jake and Dre put together, quick and hurt instantly. He punched me again and I fell, but he grabbed my neck pulling me back up. He grabbed my hair and he threw me on the floor, he kicked me and I rolled and groaned. I suddenly heard a gun cock. "Do you understand how long I've been waiting to end your life Hensley?"

"Blake plea-" he pistol whipped me.

"My name is Jace!" He yelled.

"Not to me!" I spat, he kicked me and I hissed sharply.

"Oh and one more thing," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Now," he said and I kicked one of the guys and punched the others nuts. I tripped the other guy, I grabbed the two guys head and smashed it with the third guys. They all were unconscious and Jace was fighting his dad, he punched Jace but Jace was quick to jab back. I fell on the floor feeling weak.

"You're my son," he said and I heard a gun cock. "You were suppose to do the right thing."

"You think killing her is the right thing?" Jace asked. "I'm gonna raise Aubrey better than you ever raised me."

"I trained you," he spat.

"To be something I'm not!" Jace spat, I heard a gunshot and I heard a thud. It was Jace's dad, Jace was froze and I dropped the gun. I fell back. "Naomi." He ran to me and he looked at me.

"Was the beating necessary?" I asked.

"It didn't look real and I had to buy time," he said. "I'm sorry."

"It's...ok," I said and I blacked out.


I felt a stinging sensation through my cheek and I hissed.

"Jace, easy," I said weakly.

"It's not Jace," I heard Jake.

"Jake," I said and moved but winced.

"Don't move," he said and kept washing me off. "What happened?"

"The twins," I said.

"Sh, they're with Ethan and Simone," he said. "Everything is ok, Naomi." I heard a big thunder boom and rain poured harder. "That's just the storm. Naomi, I need you to relax."

"Jake," I said starting to get weak again.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I wanna," I started.

"You wanna what?" He asked.

"I wanna live in a um, house," I said.

"Baby, you live in a house," he said.

"No, it's gonna have those rooms," I said.

"Naomi, all houses have rooms," he said

I felt dizzy and I tried to talk but the words were stuck in my throat. I started to go out again but I licked my lips and I said, not even in barely a whisper. I whispered. "I do." Blackness took over my body again.

Jake's POV

I stared at her and tried to make sure what  I heard was right.

"Wait, was that a yes?" I asked and shook her. I laid her down and I kissed her head, I pulled out the ring and slipped it on her finger.

I wrapped my arms around her and sang softly to her. "I'll never leave your side."


"It's been three days and she's still like this," Jace said. "We gotta do something."

"Do what?" I asked. "What am I gonna tell them?"

"She got jumped," he said.

"Too many questions," I said.

"Jake," I heard Naomi and she walked in, her face looked better but you could still see the bruises.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"My head hurts," she said and walked to me.

"I know, princess," I said and kissed her head.

"Make it go away," she said, I hated seeing her in pain. I wrapped my arms around her and I looked at Jace.

"Remind me why I can't beat your ass for doing this to her," I said.

"Because, if I didn't, he would've and she'd be dead," he said.

"Where's Aubrey?" Naomi asked.

"She's upstairs with the twins and Casey," Jace said. "She's still mad at me."

"You're dad told her-"

"I know and I feel bad," he said. "I want to be better than him and he saw me beat her mom. He use to make me watch him beat my mom." Naomi sniffled and wiped her eyes. I rubbed her temples and rubbed her back.

"Stop," she said.

"What do you want me to do then?" I asked. "Babydoll, I hate seeing you in pain. Tell me what I can do and I'll do it."

"Just shut up, can you do that?" she snapped and I sighed.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids," I said and I walked out.

"Jake," she said softly, I looked at her. "I'm sorry, my heard hurts and I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"It's ok," I said and I walked away, I walked upstairs. I walked into Casey's room, I smiled. Sadie and Parker were in there bouncers, Aubrey was doing Casey's hair and I walked over and sat down. "Can I join?"

"Sure," Aubrey said.

"Casey, is Aubrey doing your hair?" I asked, she gave me a look that said 'what does it look like bitch'.

"I'm doing your hair next," Aubrey said.'

"No, my hair is fine," I said.

"Don't argue with the princess," she said, you are Naomi's child alright. "There you go Case. Come here Jake." I crawled over and she stood up behind me. She started playing with my hair. "Can I ask you question?"

"Sure," I said.

"Do you have a mommy and daddy?" She asked.

"I do now, but I didn't at first," I said.

"Are they nice?" She asked and I looked at her.

"What's up, Aubrey?" I asked.

"I scared of Mr. Jace," she said.

"Aubrey," I said softly and tears filled her eyes. "Aw Aubrey." I pulled her on my lap and hugged her. "Come on baby, don't cry."

"Jace hit Mimi," she said. "Will he hit me?"

"No princess, he won't," I said and rubbed her arm. "How about you talk to him?"

"No, no, I can't," She said.

"Why?" I asked, I picked her up and she kicked and fought.

"No!" She yelled, I shut the door and walked downstairs. I took her into the kitchen and Jace went on high alert.

"Hey, what're you doing to Aubrey?" Jace asked and took her.

"Aubrey, tell him what you told me," I said and she shook her no.

"What's wrong?" Jace asked. "Did someone touch you Aubrey? Don't lie to me either because you know what happens."

"Daddy, would you ever hit me like you did Mimi?" She asked and he looked taken back by the question.

"No princess, god no princess," he said. "I would never hurt you on purpose."

"Promise?" She asked.

"I promise baby girl," he said and kissed her head.


Jace and Aubrey left not long after they had their moment. I was in the shower while Jake was getting the little ones asleep.

I got out and dried off, I hooked my bra and pulled on underwear. I tugged on a big shirt and walked out, Jake was sitting on the bed looking at something. My journal. I quickly grabbed it from him and snapped it shut.

"I wasn't finished," he said.

"What's wrong with you?" I snapped.

"What?" He asked.

"You can't just look at my stuff," I said.

"You said no secrets," he said.

"That doesn't mean be nosey," I hissed.

"You don't trust me?" He asked.

"Stop putting words in my mouth," I spat.

"Then what're you hiding?" He asked.

"Some things I just wanna have for myself," I said. "Is that bad?"

"You're hiding something," he said, I threw the book at him.

"Read the damn book, I don't care," I spat and I grabbed some pants.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot when you became my dad," I said.

"It's dark and I wanna know where my fiancé is going," he said.

"Somewhere," I said and I started to walk out but he grabbed me.

"You're not leaving," he said.

"Watch me," I said and walked out, I got in my car and drove away. I stopped and I got out, I walked to and sat on the dirt. I looked at the big screen, I didn't know the movie, but I didn't care.

A lump grew in my throat and I tried swallowing it but it didn't work. Tears welled in my eyes and I wiped them.

Someone suddenly sat beside me and I smelled popcorn. I looked at Jake and he took a handful of popcorn and ate it.

"How'd you know?" I asked.

"This was one of your drawings," he said. "This is the only drive-in movie."

"I use to come out here when I wanted to get a break," I said. "I never knew the movies but it didn't bother me. Why are you here?"

"I called Simone and her and Ethan have the kids," he said.

"I'll never be normal Jake," I said.

"I don't want you to be normal," he said. "I love exactly how you are."

"You can't even have a peaceful thunderstorm," I said. "What kind of 18 year old cries during a storm?"

"Why would I have problem with it?" He asked. "I get to hold you and make you feel safe." I stood up and walked away a little. "Why do you always walk away?" I turned to him.

"That's what I do Cameron, I walk away so I don't face them," I said.

"That's the worst thing you can do," he said.

"Everyone has walked away from me,"

"I'm here, is that not enough?"

"I'm trying to see why you're staying,"

"That ring is on your finger for a reason,"

"Maybe we thought the wrong reason,"

"It's like you don't want us together," he snapped.

"I don't want to just go in a circle and be crying myself to sleep again," I hissed.

"You won't," he said.

"How many times have you promised not to hurt me?" I yelled. "You don't have to touch someone to hurt them."

"I never meant to," he said. "I've broken a lot of promises Naomi, but this is one I won't break." He looked me dead in my eyes. "Everything I did to you, me hitting you and hurting you. I'll make it to you and I'll be the best father you can think of."

"Why do you love a broken girl?" I asked.

"Why do you love a broken boy?" He asked and I looked down. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, he walked and sat on the ground. I sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me. "I promise you Naomi Skye, the past will be gone and our future will be the only thing you worry about."

"Do you think we can do this?" I asked.

"I'll fight for us," he said. "You won't do this alone." I looked up at him and he pecked my lips. I looked at the movie again. My whole life has been reality. Now it's time for me to live my fairytale.


Omg! This is the end of No More Good Girl.

I want to thank all of you for sticking with me through this journey. It's been a long one.

I feel bad for all the ones who quit reading because of Jake hitting Naomi. If only they knew how good it got. Their loss.

Anyway, check out my other books. I'm also about to publish another book. It is called Undercover.

Blake Ramsey has to protect this arrogant rich boy, Jace Parker. I'll tell you when it's up. Ok peace my penguin ducks. I fucking love you with everything I got!

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