My Undercover Life | ✓

By angellover254

1.7M 65.4K 16.3K

(The third installment in the 'My Life' series. Can be read alone.) Being the face of the Ace's fortune and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (NoMorebullying)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Did you know? (Extra)


24K 883 324
By angellover254

"So, you're dating?"

Bradlee reached his hand up, and wiped the cold sweat that had formed on his forehead. With his hands now tightly clasped together, he constantly fiddled with his knuckles, weaving his fingers together.

"Yeah, we're dating." I tried to sound confident, but I could hear my voice shaking. Feeling my pulse pounding in my temples, I grabbed Bradlee's hand, and looked at my brother—John, straight in the eye.

His eyes was intense as they peered back at Bradlee and me—his usual warmth gone. His lips was pulled up into a thin line while his frozen irises sent a electrical chill down the back of my spine.

"Does Mom and Dad know?"

My cheeks heated up. Just thinking about the moment they caught Bradlee and I making out last week made me cringe. They couldn't have picked a better time to barge into the hospital like that. Needless to say my parents were completely shellshocked. But, luckily they quickly got over it after they spent some time getting to know Bradlee as a person rather than a suspect.

"They know."

He lifted his brows. "And?"

"And, they're fine with it."

He frowned, looking at Bradlee. He let his eyes roam freely, taking in his leather jacket, chains, and dark jeans. "I'm guessing the motorcycle is yours?"

Bradlee nodded, squeezing my hand. I squeezed back.

"Right." John dipped his head. "And your name is?"

"Bradlee, um Sir?"

The corners of his eyes crinkled—his face suddenly morphed into a vision of unrestrained mirth. "No need to call me, Sir. I'm not that old, you know." He chuckled, his chest rumbling. "Just call me John."

I heard Bradlee inhale slowly, his lips stretching into a full blown smile. "Nice to finally meet you, John."

John gazed at me for a split second until his eyes made its way back to Bradlee. "I see that my lovely sister has mentioned me before."

Bradlee cracked a smile. "A couple of times."

"Was that why you were sweating bullets?" When Bradlee confirmed his suspicions, John let out another laugh. "Seriously, Lily. What did you tell the poor dude?"

"Oh, come on! You know as well as I do, that you're crazy protective. I mean, did you see yourself when you walked in?"

John shrugged, lifting his elbow. "I was only playing along. It's not my fault you thought I was going to go apeshit on him."

"I have all the reasons why I should." I let go of Bradlee's hand, and stepped closer to John. "Remember how you reacted when you found out Isabella was dating Thomas?"

"That was only because I knew the things he was capable of. I was only protecting her from a broken heart."

"Okay . . . what about Dennis?"

His eyes immediately narrowed down at his name. "That bastard's five years older than you, and he was making out with you when he knew you were only ten! Who wouldn't go berserk on him?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "We were practicing for a role, John. Seriously that was almost eight years ago. Let it go."

"Fine." He crossed his arms together. "At least you never actually dated that bastard."

I cracked a smile, shifting my eyes towards the ground. "Right." If only he knew . . .

"But I thought—" My pulse quickened knowing exactly what Bradlee was going to say.

I was about to switch the topic, but the rest of Bradlee's sentence got drowned out when a voice shouted, "Daddy!"

I breathed out a sigh of relief seeing the miracle that saved my life from the wrath of John.

Viktoria ran inside the house—but instead of going straight, she wobbled to and fro before she got to John. She waved her arms up for the pick-up she knew was coming.

John grinned down at her—a smile that could've lit up the whole town was planted on his face. "How's my little pumpkin doing?" he cooed, pinching her round cheeks.

She giggled, stretching her tiny hands out to touch John's nose. "Good!" She bounced in his arms, causing her light blonde hair to cover her eyes.

John reached up and tucked the pieces of hair behind her ears. "I'm glad my little pumpkin is doing well," he said, softly kissing the top of her forehead. "Is Mommy coming?"

"Mommy is in car."

"Actually, Mommy is here."

Viktoria's eyes lit up hearing her mother's voice. Moving her arms out towards Amanda, John gave into his daughter's demands and handed Viktoria off to Amanda. Viktoria wrapped her arms around Amanda's neck, resting her head on her shoulder. John leaned in and gave Amanda a quick kiss on the lips, and pulled her close to him.

Amanda smiled when we made eye contact.

"Lily, it's so nice to see you again," she exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Same." I smiled widely at her. "It feels like I haven't seen you in ages."

"Ditto," she agreed. "And you even changed your hair color," she pointed out. "Brunette looks great on you."

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks at her compliment, especially since she was beyond beautiful herself. "Thanks."

John pouted. "How come you weren't that excited when I showed up?"

"Because the first thing you said was, and I quote, 'So, you're dating'."

Amanda let out a laugh. "So, you're the boyfriend I'd been hearing about?" she asked, turning her attention to Bradlee.

"What do you mean 'I'd been hearing about?'" John questioned, glancing down at Amanda. "Did you know beforehand?"

"Izzy told me." She shrugged her shoulders, lifting Viktoria up in her arms. "So, you're Bradlee, right?"

"Yup," Bradlee said with a nod. "It's nice to meet you. Lily has told me all about you."

The corners of her mouth lifted up into a smile. "Good things, I hope."

"The best." He gave her a lopsided grin. "She told me you saved her sister from her bullies in middle—"

"—wait a minute," John cut in. "Bell knew too?" he asked, referring to my older sister, Isabella. "Am I the only one who didn't know?"

I pulled at my lips. "Um . . . maybe Thomas doesn't know?"

"Knowing your sister, I doubt she kept that secret from her husband," Amanda said. "You know that girl could never keep anything from him."

"So, pretty much I'm the only one who didn't know."

Amanda patted John's back. "It's okay, honey. At least you know now."


"—hungry," Viktoria grumbled out, her brown eyes wide. Her hands tightened their hold on Amanda's neck. "Food, Mommy."

"On hold, Sweetie." Amanda turned to me. "Is your parents in the kitchen now, Lily?"

"Yeah, they're actually trying to cook tonight's dinner?"

"Hopefully they don't burn the house down," John joked. "Hopefully they have something edible to eat for Viktoria."

"If anything she can eat some baby carrots. Or maybe some crackers? I don't think Mom can mess that up."

"Crackers!" Viktoria threw her hands up at the word. "I want crackers."

"Alright, crackers it is." Amanda grinned down at her daughter. "Come on John, let's go say hi to your parents. Knowing them, they're probably going to need some help with the cooking since Mr. Baker isn't here."

"Oh." John wiggled his eyebrows together. "Maybe when we're alone, you can wear that sexy apron—"

"—John! Not in front of Viktoria," Amanda screamed, covering their child's ears. Bradlee and I couldn't help but laugh when Amanda kicked John in the leg, almost knocking him down.

"Well . . . that was unexpected," Bradlee said when they disappeared from our sight. "I thought for sure your brother would've interrogated me."

"Same. Maybe being a father finally made him softer?"

"Whatever it is, I'm just glad he didn't disapproved of me." His dimples crinkled, pulling me against him. "Is your other sibling coming down with her husband soon?"

"Um . . ." I scratched the top of my head. "I think so. They live a bit further away, so I'm not exactly sure when they'll get here. But—"

"They'll be here soon," Megan announced suddenly. I whipped my head around to see her coming down the stairs with her phone in her hands. "I just texted my brother, and he said they'll be here in about ten minutes."

"Great." I cracked a smile. "How exactly are you doing anyways?" Ever since she found out about Annemarie and Asher, she hasn't exactly been herself lately. Basically she was denying the possibility that Asher and Annemarie were a part of the murders. I knew it was hard on her-seeing that they were her close friends, so I didn't push it.

"Better than yesterday." She shrugged, shoving her phone back inside her pocket. "Annemarie called earlier."


"Yeah. She pleaded guilty in her arraignment."

"What about Asher?" I probed. Since Demitri and Skylar had to report back to base, they couldn't exactly keep me up to date anymore. So, the only information I got from the case was the things they reported on TV—most of which I already knew.

"He's still recovering at the hospital, but I'm pretty sure he's getting life in jail. He can't exactly get out of this one with all the evidence they have on him."

"I know." I grimaced, knowing all the evidence they'd were gathered up by me. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be," she responded quickly. "You were only doing your job."

"Thanks." I smiled, glad she was finally starting to accept everything. "Has he contacted you at all?"

Megan shook her head. "He hasn't contacted me, and he refuses to talk to anyone, even his doctors."

"He's probably using his right to stay silent," Bradlee said, leaning close to me. "That, or his lawyer is telling him to."

"Maybe." Megan nodded. "But, maybe I can somehow convince Ian to talk to him."

"Ian?" My brow lifted up. "You know Ian despises Asher now that he knows he's behind his sister kidnapping, right? Plus, Asher isn't exactly gay."

"I know, but what if Asher really did liked Ian? I mean, he couldn't have been that good of an actor, right?"

"Actually he is," Bradlee said. "When I was locked up, all Asher did was complain about Ian and how if he wasn't a part of his plans, he would've gotten rid of him a long time ago."

Megan closed her eyes, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can't believe I didn't notice anything. I should've. I mean, we were best friends. I should've been more—"

"—seriously Megan, don't beat yourself up about this." I touched her shoulder, patting it gently. "None of us saw it, and it's not like you could've prevented this yourself."

"I know, but I just wish I could've helped him somehow. Maybe if I—"

"—no. He told me himself this started when he was ten." I placed my other hand on her shoulder, locking eyes with her. "Meg, listen to me. He's not stable, and I don't think he ever was. There was nothing you, or anyone for that matter could've done to change him."

"I know." My hands dropped as she stepped away from me. "I just wish he didn't dragged Annemarie into this." She sighed, pushing a loose strand of hair out of her face. "Her dad's doing everything he can to get her the shortest sentence possible."

"Don't worry. We'll testified for her too. We won't let her riot in jail," Bradlee said.

Megan raised her eyes off the floor and met Bradlee's. Her mouth twitched, about to smile. "Thanks everyone. She'll really appreciate that—" Megan quickly closed her mouth when she heard the jingle of keys. We turned our heads in time to see my sister and Megan's brother coming in the front door—Thomas holding hands with his daughter, Clover. When Clover saw us, the dimples in her cheeks appeared.

"Lily!" Isabella shouted, rushing towards me. Her hands wrapped around me, engulfing me in a tight hug. "It's so great to see you."

I hugged her back, missing her soft embrace. "Welcome back, sis."

She chuckled, letting go of me. "It's good to be back," she said, looking into the direction of Bradlee. "And you must be Bradlee, Lily's boyfriend?"

"I am." He softly smiled at her, grasping her hand. "It's great to meet another one of Lily's siblings." He then faced Thomas, who was hugging Megan at the moment—exchanging their 'I miss yous' and 'hellos'. "And of course, her husband."

"Crap." Isabella's eyes rounded. "Does that mean you already met, John?" He lowered his head in response. "Damn, you must've really impressed him." She gave him a thumbs up. "Way to go."

His cheeks turned scarlet. "Thanks."

"You're lucky, dude. John was a nightmare to deal with when we were back in high school," Thomas chimed in, their daughter now in his hands. Her eyes were closed, as she rested her head on her dad's chest. I couldn't help but smile when Thomas rubbed her back, rocking her. She was definitely a daddy's girl.

"That's because you were a jerk." Isabella shoved Thomas' shoulder lightly.

Thomas laughed. "Guilty."

"But you were a cute jerk," she said, kissing Thomas' cheek.

Thomas flicked his finger over Isabella's nose. "And yet, you're still cuter."

"No, you're—"

"—even though I love watching you guys being affectionate with each other, please stop," Megan begged. "It's sickening." She made a gagging noise.

Thomas patted Megan on the shoulder. "Don't worry sis, you'll find a boyfriend soon."

She swatted his hand away. "Ugh." She groaned, pushing her hair back. "That's not what I meant!" she said stomping off towards the kitchen.

"Oh come on!" Thomas ran after her. "When you get yourself a boyfriend, you'll know—"

"—shut up!" I heard her scream, and then a soft mumble, before their voices completely disappeared.

"I think I should go and make sure they don't harm each other." Isabella laughed, knowing how ridiculous that sounded, even to her.

I nodded. "Just a head's up, Mom's trying to cook."

Isabella bit her lips. "Thanks for the warning, Sis. Maybe if I tell her I'm pregnant, she'll spare us and order some real food to celebrate with."

My eyes widened at the news. "So, you are pregnant!?"

She held a finger to her lips, leaning her body towards me. "I'm telling the rest of the family tonight, until then, I didn't say anything, got it?" she asked, looking at the two of us.

"Mum's the word."

She gave us a wink, and then left, calling Clover and Thomas' names.

"Maybe we should go too?" I said, turning around and grabbing onto Bradlee's hand. "You can give my parents some pointers on cooking. I'm sure they'll love that."

"Sure, but first I have something for you . . ." he let the end of his sentence drift off, as he dug in his pockets for something. Unclenching his hands, he produced two small seeds.

I looked at them, titling my head. "What are those?"

"They're lilies."


He scratched the back of his head, blushing furiously. "Well, I wanted to get you lilies, but they're not exactly in season right now. After doing some research, I heard the best time to plant them is around winter, so they'll bloom in the spring, and I thought we could . . . um, plant them together—if you want that is. You don't have to though. I can get a different flower, I just know that they're your favorite—"

I took his hands in mine. "Bradlee. Seriously, thank you."

"So, does that mean it wasn't a shitty gift for Christmas afterall? I really wanted to get you something special, but I didn't want to be cliché and get you jewelry or something, and then I suddenly thought about this—"

"—no, Bradlee. I love it." I leaned up, and planted a small kiss on his lips. "But, I gotta ask why two?"

"They're Calla lillies. When they bloom, they'll be pink and red. The pink represents gentleness, love, and innocence—all the feelings I get from you. And the red represents desire, courage, and strength—all the things you've given me."

A smile was permanently etched on my lips after he was done talking. And when I smiled, Bradlee smiled. The happiness in the air was infectious. It started as a tingle in my fingers—the spot where he held my hands—much like the warm bubbly feeling I get whenever he was around, down to my toes. The feeling was a blissful evocation, making my heart soar—causing my love for him to grow ten folds.

"Have I told you I love you yet?"

He chuckled, pulling my body flushed against his. "Yes, but I love hearing you say that."

I grinned. "I love you."

He leaned in, his forehead touching mine. "I love—" The loud music made us to jump apart, causing us to shift our heads around for any potential listeners. But, when I didn't see one, I realized the music was coming from my pocket.

Scrunching my brows down, I checked my phone to see Dennis' name flashing on the screen.

"Who is it?" Bradlee asked, peeking over my shoulder.

"It's Dennis."

"Dennis? Isn't he upstairs?"

"That's what I thought . . ." Hitting the call button, I put it on speaker. "Hello? You know you can just come downstairs, right? John isn't going to hurt you."

"I'm not in the house," Dennis said. I held the phone tighter in my hand as I heard the slight waver in his tone. "An emergency came up this morning at Elite University, and I won't be back for a few days. Pass this message onto your parents—bye."

"—Dennis? I yelled his name. "Hello? Are you there?"

Bradlee glanced at the phone in my hand and then at me. "What was that about?"

"I'm not sure . . . something about his college? Do you think we should call back—"

"—you're what?!" Mom's voice rang out in a shriek, making me jump. Catching my balance, I glanced towards the direction of the sound. "Get the camera, get the camera! I get to be a grandmother again."

I chuckled. Somehow I knew my sister couldn't keep that secret until dinner. "Looks like Isabella decided to spill the beans."

"Looks like it." Bradlee put his hand out, palm up. "Care to join the party?"

I smiled, putting my hand on top of his. "Let's." I took a step forward with Bradlee, and then paused mid-step. "Oh, wait. Shouldn't we call Dennis back?"

He shook his head. "I'm sure if he needs help, he'll call you back." When I still wasn't convinced, he added, "Plus, didn't you say Elite University was in California? I'm sure he'll be boarding a plane soon, so even if you call him, he won't be able to answer."

"Oh, yeah . . . I forgot about that. I guess I can call him back after dinner."

"I'll even remind you," he offered, wrapping his arm around me.

"Seriously, where have you been all my life?"

"Right under your nose." I hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his lips against mine-our breaths intertwined; his smelling like fresh oranges. You would think after everything we've been through, I would've gotten use to his kisses by now. But every kiss—every touch was just as addicting as the last. It was moments like these that reminds me that this was just the beginning—a beginning full of many new promises to come. 

*Cries* (read my author's note to the end - TRUST ME) It's finally over. After one long year, My Undercover Life is finally over. And with this ends the My Life series. I can't believe I started writing My High School Life (the first of this series) 6 years ago! I know, I know. It's been that long. But, with this I'm going to have to say goodbye to all of my characters . . . well, not all of them ;P That's right. Even though the Aces' siblings adventures are over, and I'm moving on from the My Life series, I decided to make Dennis a supporting character in my new story (which I hope you all enjoy) called Wrongly Labeled. This story takes place before all this happens though. (MUL time period was Dec 1 - to Christmas, while Wrongly Labeled will be from Nov 1 to Winter break), so you'll see Dennis and all his adventures with Ryann before Lily breaks up with him (I even introduced their college 'Elite University' in this chapter if you didn't already notice). But keep in mind it's not going to be their story. They're just supporting roles (they're Aaiden's friends). The main characters are Aubrey and Aaiden and let me tell you, Aaiden is "effing hot" as Scarlett would say ;)

Here's the summary:

Every year the most popular fraternity on campus: Alpha Chi Phi host an auction. Since this tradition started back in the 90's, Alpha Chi Phi has always managed to raise a hefty sum of money for charity. How you may ask?

Two words: Hot boys.

And this year, 4th year, Aaiden Airheart is being auctioned off as your personal "assistant" for one whole month. Sources says, the sky's the limit. In other words the unattainable, campus' heartthrob will be your personal slave that will do anything your heart desires.

Starting bid? 100,000 dollars.

To an average person, 100k may be considered "too much" but to students who attends Elite University, 100k is child's play. So what happens when every single female in sight goes crazy and starts a bidding war with one another just to win the body of Aaiden Airheart? A war that's what.

So how in the world did I get dragged into the middle of this mess? Let alone win the auction?

You can read the first chapter on my profile now! Or you can click on the external link :D

I hope to see you there, because I'm super excited about this story! (I actually started this story last year, so some of you might remember the first ch—though I edited it) <3 Let me know in the comments below if you're going to check it out! If you do, thank you! I promise, you won't regret it (:

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