Hanging With the Senior Boys

By OutOf_Love

92.6K 2K 827

Alexis Spencer has just started freshman year, and is trying to balance five things: 1.) Keeping good grades ... More

Final Chapter
Hanging With the Senior Boys REVAMPED


7.8K 173 56
By OutOf_Love

Three days since that conversation, and she still never called. The police started looking for her at that point.

"I can't believe this is actually happening," Serena said at the lunch table.

"I know," I said, "it's unreal."

"Very," Claire said.

"But she's probably not gonna call. If they said she's with a boy, they're probably halfway across the world right now joining the mile high club," I said.

"Probably," Claire said, "but why does she hate you guys so much?"

"I'll don't know, and probably never will, but I do know she's stressing everyone out," I said, "Mom is always crying, Dad is always angry, and the police are always around, and it's not making it any better."

"I bet," Claire sighed.

"I wish she'd just say something," Serena said.

"Same," I sighed, "I'll see you guys later, I have to go to the gym during lunch for something."

"Okay, bye Lexi," Claire said.

"Bye Lex," Serena said.

The gym teacher was in the middle of conditioning some other students; during lunch. Instead of eat, sleep, run, their life consisted of sleep then run.

"You said you wanted to see me coach?" I said.

"Yes," he said, "I'd like to ask if you'd be ready for the meet this Friday."

"I thought Lillian was doing it," I said.

"Lily had something come up, so she won't be able to run for the rest of the season."

"Is she okay?"

"She's okay, but her ankle is broken."

"Oh no."

"Yeah, and you're the first girl on the team I thought of that could replace her. So do you think you could make it?"

"Thank you so much. That's an honor. I would be glad to."

"Are you sure? I know I've heard about your sister, and if you don't want to until you get some closure on that it'll be fine."

"Nah, I'm sure. Everything's fine."

"We'll then thank you. I'll see you after school today right?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright then. Have a nice rest of the day."

"You too."

As I walked back to the exit, someone stopped me, "Hey."

"Hey," I said, it was Levi.

I waited for a second; looking like an idiot when he went back to practicing.

Of course he's going to talk to you for thirty hours Alexis, he practically loves you.

I blended into the crowd of the hall to go back to class.

"Hey Lexi," said a voice to my back.

Does he have a tracker stuck in my neck or something?

"Hey Jack," I said.

"So did coach tell you-"

"Hey Alexis," Levi said running up to me, "I just remembered what I had to say."

Jack stopped with me as if he was required to hear the conversation. If I hadn't a heart, I would tell him to screw off. But since I valued humans, he stayed.

"Coach had already told us that he was going to put you in Lily's place," he said, "so me and the rest of the team wanted to know if you could make it to Buffalo Wild Wings with us to celebrate. We'll pay."

"That would be really nice," I said, "but I can't let you guys buy my food."

"Why not? We're a team, and you're apart of that team now, so get used to it," he said.

"Well thanks, I'll come."

"Great. We'll the bell's about to ring so I'll let you go. I'll see you after school to get your address and stuff. Nine times out of ten, we'll pick you up at six. Sound good?"


"Okay, see you then."


I was certain that my head had to be spinning in actuality, because mentally I was in a tornado.

"That was amazing!" Jack gasped.

"Why exactly?" I said.

"They're upperclassmen."


"Don't you think it's a little cool?"

I actually thought it was impossible and I was going to burst.

"It's average. They're high school students just like us, I don't think just because they're older they have to live by certain rules and things."

"You're one of kind then."

"Not at all. Bye Jack."

"Bye Lexi."

Once the day ended, I searched my room top to bottom like a hurricane, searching the seas for it's next country to rain on.

"What are you doing up there Lexi?" Mom called.

"I'm looking for something to wear," I said back.

"For what?"

"Some of the seniors are coming to get me to congratulate me for making the varsity team."

"Seniors? Aren't they a little old to hang out with you?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that? They're kids just like me. It's not that weird."

"It is when some of them are old enough to vote, purchase a gun, or dropout."

"It's not that serious."

She was how in my room, "I don't know about this."

"Why not?"

"Are you living in the same house as me or is this a dream? Have you not seen how your sister is still missing?"

"Okay? She's obviously been running off with this guy since before both of us knew. Even I didn't know about Anastasia, and I'm the only one in the house who knew she ever left in the middle of the night. So she chose to be wherever she chose to be. I'm not going to do that. Besides there's going to be girls with me."

"Which changes what? Girls can be kidnappers too."

"How many times have you seen that though?"

"That's not important Alexis. What is important is that I fear for your safety, and need you to know that I'm not confident in this rendez-vous that you've just brought up the last minute."

"Ugh! Mom."

"I have to see these people first before I let you do anything."

"Okay then, you can walk out to the car with me like I'm four years old going to my first dentist appointment."

"It's not like that."

"That's what it seems like."

"It's just to keep you out of harms way."

I sighed, "Well can you help me find something to wear?"

"Okay. Where are you all going?"

"Buffalo Wild Wings."

"Well I can be assured it's just a friendly thing going to a place as basic as there."

"What are you saying their wings aren't to your exquisite taste mother?"

"I'm saying just the opposite. If someone wants to spend all that money, they must want you to sign up for something."

"You are too silly."

"I know, your father hasn't gotten used to it yet."

"What about this mustache shirt?"

"It looks too casual. You wanna dress casual, but you want to make an impression."

"Ooo, that one dress with my blue jean jacket."


It was a blue and white striped dress, that was longer in the back than the front, falling around in lengths. I wore some tan leather boots with it, and my tan cross-shoulder purse.

"You look nice," Mom said with a smile.

A car horn honked.

"That's them," I said.

"Okay, wait downstairs."


I ran down to the door, and opened it up. Levi stood broad and lengthy in front of the door above me.

"Hello," Mom said, "I'm Alexis' mother."

"Hello, nice to meet you," he said, reaching for her hand to shake. She returned.

"What's your name?" She said.

I could die from embarrassment.

"Levi. Levi Bradford."

"Nice. We'll my name is Annie Spencer. Her father, Craig, is just sleeping right now, so I'm sorry you couldn't meet him. Are there others in the car?"


He moved out of the way and showed two others who were in the car with the windows down. Lily and Dewy.

"Hello," Mom called, "I'm her mother."

I couldn't but say no duh under my breath to her statement.

"Can I go now?" My eyes glared to hers.

"Okay, everything seems okay. You all have a nice time, and she has to be in bed at nine, so she should be back by eight thirty at the most."

"I'll makes sure of it."

I practically ran from the house to the car, surpassing him.

"I'm so sorry," I said as he got close enough to hear me.

"No problem, I would do the same thing if it was me," he said.

"Hey Lexi," Lily waved.

"Sup," Dewy nodded.

"Hi," I said getting in.

"No, here you get the front seat," Dewy said, hopping out the car.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," he said.

After we were all secured, we drove off. Mom texted me just as the car was out if her sight. I simply ignored it. The only thing she said was to text her if something odd happened or if I didn't feel right. We made it to the restaurant faster than expected because of a shortcut he took thought the highway. He made a sharp turn into the lot.

"I swear Levi, you drive like a drag racer," Lily snarled.

"Really," Dewy agreed.

"Come on, I'm not that bad. Am I Lexi?" He said.

"Uh-no," I blurted.

"See, I'm just fine," he said.

He really was making me value walking more and more; like I was gonna tell him that though. He could really do anything he want as long as I got to sit inches from him in the front seat. We got inside, and met up with the rest of the gang: Katie, Damian, Guy, Sydney, and Jasmine; we were at a table near the back.

"Hey Alexis," they all said in different variations.

An hour in is when we finally stopped discussing school.

"So have you even tasted Bojangles?" Jasmine said.

"You are being such a black stereotype Jazz," Sydney laughed.

"How? I'm black and I like Bojangles? It's no relation there, it's a common human thing. Who doesn't like Bojangles?" She laughed.

"I hate you so much," Katie chuckled.

"I actually haven't. My dad hates it so he never volunteers to take me, and my mom is too scared to try it since she never has," I said.

"Well we're just going to have to kill your parents. Simple enough," Jasmine said.

"Wow," Damian said, "threaten to kill her parents Jazz, great first impression."

"I know, and besides, we all know that Bojangles is trash anyway," Levi said.

"Okay, now we have to kill Levi," Damian said.

"Have you guys realized we're in one chicken place, talking about another chicken place," Guy said.

Frivolous conversation filled the rest of the time. I checked the clock, and the world was near crashing. It was already eight o'clock. I looked back up at their smiling faces. Was I gonna be the one to end this joy?

"Oh, Lexi, it's eight," Levi said, "we've gotta go."

I wasn't.

"See ya," they all said variously.

"Bye," I replied.

This time, no one else joined us on our route to the car.

"Aren't Lily and Dewy coming?" I said.

"Lily's going home with Guy, and Dewy drove. He just came with me because he didn't feel like waiting. I could see if they wanna come if you'll feel better. I understand."

"Oh no, it's okay."

The night formed icicles in the air. I shivered as I got in the car. He turned on the heat once the car started, "You wanna listen to the radio?"

"If you want," I said.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I died twenty seconds before just watching him maneuver the steering wheel like it was nothing, his head turned back to the back windshield.

"Do you have music on your phone? If so, you can plug it into the aux cord," he said.

"I'm embarrassed by my playlist quite honestly," I said.

"It doesn't matter. Any music is good music."

"If you say so."

The first thing that played was Awkward by San Cisco, which made the situation itself awkward.

"I actually like this song," he chuckled.

He persisted to sing, "I left a message last night. You haven't called back I been calling you for days, do do do do do do."

I laughed that he actually knew it. The rest of the ride he sung to ever other song I played,"Upside inside out she's livin la vida loca," we sang in unison, "she'll push and pull you down."

Sadly the fun came to an end when we made it the house at eight thirty-one.

"Oh my gosh! I'm you got me here so late!" I said.

"I know. I'm so sorry. Trust me, it'll never happen again," he laughed, "bye Alexis."

"Bye Levi," I said.

I walked into the house and got ready for bed.

"How was it?" Mom asked.

"It was really fun," I said.

"I see that boy drove you home by himself," she said.


"Just be careful out there Lexi."

"I know Mom. I'm less like Alice than you think."

"That's not the reason."


"I used to date his father in high school. He was a jerk."

"He's not his father Mom."

"Same bloodline."

"Okay, so my friend will be a jerk. Fine mom, it's not like I'm dating him. We were around thirty other fricking kids."

"Just listen Alexis. I don't have a great feeling."

"I don't either to be honest Mom. But it's just because I'm annoyed that Alice just ran off. I do care enough about her to worry, but at the same time I think she's better off where she is. You're just anxious about the sane thing as me. So I understand."

"I guess."

"Goodnight Mom."


* * * *

"This plan is working a lot faster than expected," Serena said.

"I know," Claire gasped.

"You two are toons," I said with a smile.

We were sitting outside on the bleachers by the track, waiting for practice to star. The meet was tomorrow, so I was gonna stay late for sure.

"Look at Dewy over there," Claire swooned, "he looks even hotter when he's soaked in sweat."

"Hey," Damian said, walking outside from the door behind us. I felt Serena's heart drop through the seat, "you brought friends."

"Yeah," I said, "this is Serena and Claire."

"Hi Serena," he said, "Claire."

"Hey," they said together.

"Okay Lexi, we're about to start," he said, "you might wanna get changed."

"Okay," I said.

I went to the locker room, and came back within a minute or two. We started with thirty laps, only to have a mini-race directly after.

"Come on Spencer, push it!" Coach screamed.

I followed, pushing my muscles to their maximum potential. Then I reached the end.

"Second place," he said.

Only Levi could be first.

"You're faster than I thought," he huffed with little air.

"Did I scare you?" I laughed.

"Just a bit," he said with a smile, "nothing major."

Practice lasted for two more hours. Serena and Claire left thirty minutes prior. My mom picked me up later on.

At home I carbo-loaded with miles of random food that Mom supplied from who knows where. I crashed especially hard after my homework was finished.

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