I'd Fight for you (interracia...

By twinlovedyou

470K 18.7K 7.1K

A school divided by black and white Rich and poor. Anthony never thought he would be caught in the middle . More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

42.5K 1.1K 911
By twinlovedyou

Anthony pov
(Anthony above )

Oh wow this school is really big I thought right before I felt something hard like a brick wall crash  into me .

I grunted falling straight on my ass " Ow !" I hissed getting to my knees  and rubbing my ass gently , I immediately started looking around for my glasses noticing my vision was blurry and not clear .
  "Shit my bad you alright?  "  a deep voice said . I shook my head to clear looking up I gasped looking into a blurry image of a boy I never met before .

He scowled  deeply " Here this might help" . My eyes got wide as I felt him lean down to my level and pick up something before placing them on my face and my vision Immediately cleared .

Oh gods I though as I stared into the boy's  smooth chocolate face . Suddenly the bell rang cutting me off from asking his name .

A group of more black boys came up flanking the  boy who stood up straight but not before grabbing my hand and pulling me up with so much force I almost crashed into his chest.

I looked up into his dark eyes oh wow he's really tall probably 6'5 I think as he easily stares down at my  5'6 stature.

" Yo Jayden you gotta a problem with this white boy or what ?" One of the boys to the left of him asks. I glanced at him shivering as his mean eyes looked me up and down.

Stepping away from me the cute boy who I know is Jayden turns toward the boy  with a half smile.
" Nah we good son just ran into me by accident we all good ,no need to trip Ty ".

A snicker goes through the crowd of boys causing the boy who I assume now is Ty.
" I assume  your new here ?"  Jayden deep voice asks me. Why is he having this affect on me I just met .
" Um yea " I look into his eyes again. I don't know what it is but there's something about them that just draws me there .

Jayden steps slightly closer "What's your name ?" My breath hitches at his curious dark eyes, but before I could say a word a voice an annoying one I might add intruptted us.

" Hey what are you doing !?" I watch as Jayden's eyes go from curious to irritated  as he leans up easily peering over my shoulder.

I turn around to see a group of white boy's coming toward us with haste and too say they looked pissed was an understatement.

A boy with blonde hair walked  up in the front  stopping in front of me , he places a hand on my shoulder.
" Hey Kid are these punks bothering you ?" He asked his voice not at all sincere.
I glance at his hand on my shoulder hiding slight disgust .

" No you have it wrong these guys weren't bothering me " I state calmly glancing at Jayden , he glanced back at me and I could have swore I something flash in them before he went back to starring at the boy waiting for his next.

The boy scowled looking over my shoulder, it seemed like he didn't believe. 
" Yea see he's fine , maybe if you stopped stereotyping me and my friends ,Jason you wouldn't have to go around on false accusations that were bothering people  " Jayden said peacefully throwing his arm me and successfully pulling me into him.

I fought my blush as Jason then glares at me as if I did something wrong , I starred right back calmly , not in the lest bit intimated , ump jerk .

Jason face turned super ugly he starred at our group , he rolled his eyes " Whatever nigger " he said as if dismissing us.

The next few seconds were a blur what I'm sure of was hearing Jayden growl before pushing me toward the lockers and the next moments boys from both sides were on top each other as profanities , punches and kicks were being throw all over the place.

I tried to calm my breathing as I looked over at Jayden who was beating the shit out of Jason . He screamed while punching him " Didn't I tell yo ass not to ever say that word !?!" And with that I heard a crack as Jason's nose was cracked.
" Hey what are you doing ?all you get off each other now !" Yelled the principal waddling down the hallway.

I pushed myself of against the lockers more as several male teachers emerged from their classrooms and began ripping boys away from each other.

" Hey you alright ?" I looked up to see a pretty girl with deep brown skin holding her hand out to me , I quickly took it pulling myself up.
" Yea I'm fine " I said watching the principle drag Jayden away to his office.
" Shit !" the girl cussed watching the principal as well. When she saw me looking as her she sighed, " That boy over there is my brother , this is the third incident with Jason month , he's probably going to get suspended ".
I was confused

" Why ? the fight wasn't his fault that Jason asshole said a racist term " If you asked me the guy deserved to get his ass beat I think with disgust.

"Yea that might be true but whacth my brother get blamed for it " she looked defeated " No one ever believes him cause everyone thinks he's a thug even the principal" .
I frowned " No he won't be suspended I saw the whole thing " I quickly started walking to the principal's office with determined to stick up and save Jayden.
Vote if you want me to continue you I'm still not to sure of this idea

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