The Prince's Visions

By Havecouragebkind

171K 6.3K 1.8K

People say that death is not the end. For Evelyn, it's not. After battling cancer for almost four years, deat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty three
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter forty three
Chapter Forty four
Chapter Forty five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty seven
Author's Note
Becoming Aredhel

Chapter thirty two

2.9K 110 49
By Havecouragebkind

"Like a lily among thorns is my darling among the young women." -Song of Solomon 2:2



"You were able to bring a wilted flower back to life, yes?" Galadriel says to me quietly as she paces slowly around the library. Her light purple dress flows behind her ethereally, and the soft sunlight shining through the window brushes her figure beautifully.

"Yes, my lady," I reply, feeling slightly uncomfortable as Lord Elrond and Aragorn glance at each other seriously.

Galadriel stops next to the couch I am sitting on, and she sits down beside me gracefully, light glinting off her intricately designed circlet. Her piercing gaze meets mine. "Elrond has an idea on what powers you might possess, but we will not fully understand until your power is demonstrated." She looks to Elrond to explain.

His elbows are rested on the arms of his chair as he steeples his fingers in front of him in thought. His eyebrows are furrowed, and he wears a serious expression that seems to almost always adorn his facial features. His brown hair frames his face with two small braids hanging down on either side. "Well, a flower is a very small life form," he begins and meets my gaze, "But you were able to bring it back to life, nonetheless. I believe that when your powers reach their full potential, you might be able to bring back those who have fallen."

My throat tightens and my eyes widen at his words. It takes me a moment to speak due to surprise and worry at this new idea. "You... believe I will be able to bring the dead back to life?"

He nods solemnly. "I believe so. I understand that the idea sounds slightly far fetched, but magic comes in all forms and strengths. What I do know is that whatever power is inside of you was enough to attract the attention of Sauron when you were just a baby. He surely would not have fought so hard to get you if you merely had a small spark of magic," he says, his deep voice sounding natural speaking of such serious, important affairs.

"But death is only natural," I tell him as I shift to sit forward, "Who am I to judge whether someone should live or die?"

"I do not have all of the answers, Eilonwy," he replies patiently, placing his fist under his chin and crossing his left leg over his right, "But you were given this magic by Eru Ilúvatar. I believe that if the time ever comes for you to save a soul that has been taken too early, you will know in your heart whether it is right or wrong to bring them back. Eru did not give this power to me nor anyone else. Surely He gave it to you because He knows that you are the only one in all of Middle Earth who will know how to use such power correctly."

"No pressure," I mumble under my breath, playing with the material of my silky white dress, and Galadriel places her hand on my shoulder in comfort. Her laugh tinkles around the room like chiming bells, making the room seem even brighter and more open.

"Having responsibilities is never easy," she says as I meet her soft gaze, "But you would not have been given such abilities if you were not strong enough to handle them."

I look down at my hands, which are laying in my lap, and I open my palms to stare at them, extending my long and slender fingers as if expecting some sort of ball of magic to form.

Honestly, I am afraid. I wish that no one had to die. I know how it feels to pass away, to hurt those that you love by leaving them. How will I know who to save and who to let die? Everyone wants their loved ones to live. Death has to happen. It is a natural occurrence.

Lord Elrond slowly stands from his chair and glides effortlessly and noiselessly over to a random bookshelf. He slides out a book from the dozens on the shelf, and he brings it over to me, laying it gently in my open hands.

I look up at him in question, furrowing my eyebrows slightly.

"Concentrate on the book," he prompts and intertwines his fingers behind his back, squaring his shoulders and standing regally.

I look down at the worn leather cover that has obviously been well-loved, and I begin to block out all other thoughts putting all of my attention onto the book. After a few moments of silence and frustrated thoughts, the tingling sensation I got before Estrith was thrown back starts to rush through my veins, and I panic, immediately severing the connection to my powers when the image of her unconscious form comes to mind.

I look to Lady Galadriel with wide, panicked eyes, and she gives me a comforting smile. "It is alright, Eilonwy. Nothing bad will happen this time. Do not be fearful of your powers. You must be confident in yourself in order for it to work properly."

I inhale and then sigh as I focus my attention once more on the book in my hands. Almost immediately, I am once again connected to my magic, and it flows through me like a second pulse, rushing through my veins like a strong current. The feeling is warm and soft, just like the other night when Estrith awoke, reminding me of how it feels to bundle up in soft, fuzzy blankets in front of a sizzling fire when the air is crisp and cold. I have no idea what I am supposed to do to the book, but I picture myself transferring my magic to it from the palms of my hands as if my magic is a tangible thing.

I gasp slightly as the warm, golden glow from the other night begins to shine from the book, but I keep myself focused on trying to do something-anything- to it. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and wonder as something sprouts from the cover like a small, silver worm and begins to grow taller. The stem blossoms into a large silver flower that looks identical to the one I accidentally grew on one of my first nights in Gondor. The golden light fades, and I stare at the glowing flower in embarrassment.

I look up at Lord Elrond sheepishly, my eyes squinting in shyness, and I clear my throat. "Well," I begin lowly, "On the brightside, I can destroy our enemies with... plants."

Aragorn throws his head back as he laughs, the sound deep and calming, and Lord Elrond begins to chuckle. I glance at Galadriel who smirks at me amusedly and places her hand over her lips as she laughs lightly.

I laugh, too, as I look at Aragorn once again, and I jokingly exclaim, "Tremble with fear, King Elessar! I will smite you with this silver flower!"

He laughs louder, and he replies, "Truly, I am terrified!"

I meet his kind, silver eyes, and I smile widely at the humor and amusement shining within them. His grin is carefree and happy, and I realize that he does not look stressed anymore. He looks younger when he smiles, and the thought of his happiness makes me happy, too.

I look down at the flower again, and I sigh slightly. "What were you hoping to happen, Lord Elrond?" I inquire.

"You did exactly as I hoped," he replies to my surprise, but he keeps speaking before I can ask him why he wanted me to grow a flower of all things, "You created life with your magic. That is a wonderful start."

I look up at him and nod, showing that I am paying close attention to what he is saying.

"Now, I want you to make the flower disappear. I am sure Aragorn does not wish for someone to find a plant growing out of one of his books," he says with an amused smile.

"I would love to see the person's reaction to such an oddity. Surely it would be most amusing," he says with a handsome, rugged grin, and I laugh as I imagine such a situation. I picture King Thranduil finding the flower, and the idea becomes even more amusing.

I look down at the silver flower, and I concentrate once again. The rushing warmth pours into my veins once again, feeling more comfortable and familiar this time.

The golden glow appears, and when it dims, the flower is gone and the book is perfectly normal again.

"Perfect," Galadriel says, her hair falling like a crystalline waterfall down her shoulders, and she claps her hands together gracefully, "The point in doing smalls things such as this is to learn familiarity and control. I know that now it seems pointless, but this is how you begin. You start small."

"She is correct," Lord Elrond agrees, and I look up at him, "We are finished for today, but I think it wise if we meet again soon."

They all three stand, but before I can follow their lead, Elrond hesitates and meets my gaze. "Actually, I have been meaning to speak with you," he says to me as Galadriel and Aragorn leave the room, apparently already aware of the fact that he wants a private audience with me.

"What do you wish to speak of?" I ask him anxiously as he sits down next to me, his silken robes spreading out across the couch.

"I do not know if you are aware, but my sons have asked Legolas and his siblings to accompany us back to Rivendell after the celebrations here are finished," he states and folds his hands together in his lap.

I blink, completely surprised. "Oh."

He smirks a bit, trying to hide his smile. "I wanted to tell you that you are more than welcome in my home, Eilonwy. I am positive Legolas is planning to ask you to join us. He would never leave you. And I think that Rivendell has many things to offer you, especially with your magic. You may have a talent for healing."

I nod slightly and tuck a strand of my hair behind my pointed ear as my mind whirls with this new information. "Thank you, my lord. I am honored," I reply honestly, despite the sour taste in my mouth, "A change of scenery would be very welcome, indeed."

He gives me a look as if he knows that the idea of leaving what has become so familiar to me frightens me, but he nods nonetheless and stands. "That is good to hear," is all he says.

I stand, too, and we both walk to the door, Elrond allowing me to pass through first. As I begin the trek to my room, Lord Elrond calls after me, and I turn back to look at him standing wearily in the middle of the stone hallway. He gives me a sudden sad smile, and his eyes show the strain of many worries and burdens as they look into my own.

"Thank you for accepting my offer. Your acceptance will make Elladan very happy... and for that I thank you, with all of my old, worrisome heart."


I have a servant bring my dinner to my room that evening instead of eating with everyone else at the feast, and I sit in a chair by the window, my food untouched and lying on my nightstand. I have my elbow propped on the window sill, my fist tucked under my chin as I look out over Minas Tirith in thought. My hair is tied up in a messy bun on top of my head, several curls still hanging in my face, and I have my nightgown on, my silky robe pulled over it to fight away the sudden chill that seems to cling to my body.

Lord Elrond's last statement has haunted me since the moment it left his lips. Why would travelling to Rivendell make Elladan happy? Everyone knows that Legolas and I are a couple. Why would he say such a thing? I am reminded of when Elladan took me to the gardens and when I allowed him to lead me in my very first dance, and I become sad as I think of the light in his eyes even though everyone says he has not been happy since my mother's death. Elladan is truly kind and very soft spoken, a true gentlemen, but I cannot see him taking a liking to me. I have barely spoken to him. The thought is ridiculous, and I quickly push it from my mind. I am sure there is a better, more logical explanation for Elrond's reasoning in telling me such a thing. Maybe Elladan needs a friend, a confidant, and I would be more than happy to be that for him.

Yes, I am sure that is what Lord Elrond meant.

A knock sounds on my door, but I do not turn, knowing exactly who has come looking for me.

"Come in," I say softly.

I hear the door open and close, and soft footsteps approach me. I turn my head slightly to see Legolas stop behind me.

"Eilonwy," he says quietly and places his hands on my shoulders, "Are you alright, Melamin?"

I stand from my chair and turn, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his chest. He wraps his arms around me immediately, and I smile a bit as I snuggle closer to him. "I have not seen you today," I tell him, attempting to evade his question, "I missed you."

I feel him kiss the top of my head, and my body melts against his, the warmth of his skin sending butterflies into my stomach. "I missed you, too. I would have come sooner, but I figured you might have still been busy with Elrond and Galadriel."

His fingers grip the material of my robe that lies on my collar bones, and he slides the rode down my arms until it pools at my feet. He then takes my hand and leads me over to my bed, and we both sit down. He pulls me into his arms, and I lay with my back against his warm, muscular chest. I sigh as he takes my hair down from its bun, laughing internally at his love for my hair when it is down.

"Now," he sighs, his hands traveling up and down my arms soothingly, "Tell me what bothers you so."

I hesitate, knowing that bringing up Elladan will upset him, but I decide to tell him the truth anyway. "Well, as I was leaving the magic lesson, Lord Elrond said something that confused me, and I have not been able to stop thinking about it since."

"What did he say?" Legolas asks me quietly.

"He told me that the twins invited you to go back to Rivendell with them after the festivities are over," I say slowly, stalling, "Are you going?"

I feel his chest rumble with laughter. "Did you assume I was going to leave you?" he asks amusedly, "I would never do such a thing. I was planning on asking you, but Elrond apparently ruined the surprise."

I smile when he kisses my shoulder softly. "Even if you were not going to invite me, I would have followed you. You cannot rid yourself of me so easily!" I say jokingly, and I turn my head up to look at him.

He chuckles and leans down, capturing my lips with his own. "I would never even consider leaving you," he whispers to me with a grin, his nose brushing mine, "I would miss you terribly."

I raise my eyebrow at him as his lips barely brush mine again. "Would you really?" I ask him.

He plants a firm kiss on my mouth this time, taking my breath away. I shiver slightly as his fingers leave my jaw, brushing down the skin of my neck and resting at my collar bone. He pulls away, his eyes shining yet darker in color than they were a few moments ago. "Yes," he whispers, placing his hand on the side of my neck as he gazes into my eyes.

I kiss him once more before pulling away slightly, meeting his loving gaze. I shift my gaze from his, wondering how to phrase my thoughts. "There is something else I have to say. Lord Elrond invited me to come along, and I, of course, agreed, but as I was leaving he said that my acceptance of his offer would make... Elladan... very happy," I say hesitantly, not meeting his gaze.

He tenses as soon as the name leaves my lips, and his eyes narrow slightly. "Elladan? What does he mean by saying such nonsense?"

I wince slightly. "I am not sure. That is why it has been bothering me," I admit, "I have only spoken with Elladan just a few times. I do not understand why my presence would make him happy."

Legolas untangles himself from me and stands from the bed, his fists clenched dangerously and his back facing me. "Well, I know exactly what Elladan is thinking, and if he thinks for one moment-," he cuts himself off, muttering, "First it is Haldir, and now it is Elladan!"

I scoot to the edge of my bed, my legs dangling over the side as I watch him warily. I have never seen Legolas so angry, and I regret bringing the topic up. But I know that Legolas will always listen to me and give me the advice I need. Legolas is one of the only people I trust with my thoughts, and I felt that telling him of Elladan is important.

"Legolas," I begin softly, standing and walking to him, "There is no need for you to be angry." I place my hand on his back to calm him, feeling his muscles tense at my touch.

He turns to look at me in disbelief. "Why should I not be angry, Eilonwy? Elladan clearly fancies you," he says, his expression one of hurt and anger, "And I thought I made it perfectly clear that you are my beloved. I feel it is fairly obvious." His tone is sarcastic and biting, like nothing I have ever heard before.

I look down. "Elladan does not fancy me. It does not make any sense! I have barely spoken to him."

"Well, clearly that has not stopped his feelings for you from growing. And he does care for you! It is quite obvious," he shakes his head, "If he tries to touch you, I will-,"

"Stop this, Legolas!" I exclaim, cutting him off in distress, "I will not allow you to mistreat him!"

Legolas stares at me as if I have slapped him. "Why are you defending him?" he hisses accusingly.

"Because he is innocent! He has done nothing wrong, yet you speak of him as if he is dirt beneath your feet!" I yell at him, "He has gone through so much pain! I have seen it in Galadriel's mirror! He loved my mother, yet he had to watch her marry my father! He had to live knowing I was born! Me, the product of their love for one another! And the worst of it all, he had to hold her lifeless body, Legolas!" I lose my voice when I speak Legolas's name, fighting back tears that threaten to fall when I realize just how badly Elladan must be hurting.

Legolas looks down for a moment, his muscles now relaxed as he begins to look guilty. I instantly feel bad for yelling at him, and I realize that this is the first argument we have ever had. I bite my lip, afraid of what he will say.

"Forgive me," Legolas says, his voice quiet and regretful.

"There is nothing to forgive," I tell him instantly, feeling stiff and awkward, "I did not mean to yell at you."

He meets my gaze, and he steps toward me, brushing his fingers across my cheek. "I am sorry, truly," he says sincerely, "My behavior has been most uncalled for. It is just... the mere thought of you growing to love him... it would destroy me." His beautiful blue eyes gaze into mine like a wounded animal, and my heart is pained as I look at him.

"I am sorry for yelling," I whisper, stepping closer to him, "I only stand up for Elladan because I feel as if he deserves it. He has only ever been kind to me, and the way his eyes dulled in Galadriel's mirror as he looked at my mother's lifeless body... 'tis something I will never forget. I feel like I owe him for all of the pain he suffered at the hand of my mother, though she only followed her heart which is an action that cannot be looked down upon."

I rest my hand on his strong jaw, and he leans into my touch. "I love you, Legolas," I say, and I kiss him softly.

His arms slide around my waist, holding me to him longingly. He kisses me deeply, and I feel the sadness in the kiss, the emotion almost tangible. I hold his jaw with both of my hands on either side of his face, pulling him to me in desperation. Kissing him, I know that I never wish to fight with him again, though it will undoubtedly happen again. His hand slides up my spine, tangling in my hair, and I pull away after a moment in order to breathe.

"Amin mela lle," he says lowly, his voice husky after our kiss as it always is.

Despite not knowing what the phrase means, butterflies erupt in my lower abdomen, and I blush at his intense gaze. He pulls me completely against him, leaving no room between our bodies, and he buries his face in the crook of my neck, his chest rumbling with laughter.

"What?" I mumble in embarrassment, "You cannot kiss me or look at me in such a way and not expect me to blush."

He kisses the skin of my neck softly, his lips barely brushing my skin in a way that he knows drives me crazy, and he pulls back, resting his forehead against mine. "I love it when your cheeks turn rosy," he says and kisses me softly, "And I said 'I love you.'"

"Amin mela lle," I repeat, and his eyes shine as he looks down at me. He grins, and my heart seems to flutter in my chest as if it has grown beautiful, graceful wings that resemble those of a great eagle.

"Do you remember when you took me to see the spring in Lothlorien?" I ask him softly, taking pleasure in the way his strong hands hold onto my waist as he trails kisses from my cheek to my neck.

He hums softly, the sound vibrating through his chest and into mine, and I struggle to think clearly. "Well," I say, my voice shaking slightly, and I feel Legolas smile against my skin, "You spoke to me in Elvish, and I wish to know what you said."

"I told you that you hold my heart in your hands," he says, his lips at my ear, "And I said that you have my love. I have loved you for years, Eilonwy, before even meeting you. I cannot even begin to describe the power you hold over me. When I first laid eyes on you in Lothlorien, knowing that you were real, my first thought was, 'How can anyone be so beautiful?' I then remembered all of the visions I had had of you and I, and I was so anxious to win you over, to make you fall in love with me. Everytime you say my name or say that you love me, the feeling is indescribable. I love you and will always love you with every breath that I breathe. I will never be complete without you."

I smile bashfully as he pulls back to look at me, and I look down, away from his gaze. "Then I guess you will always be complete, my prince, because I do not plan on leaving your side," I say quietly, honestly, "I did not realize you said such sweet words. Now I feel like a fool for not telling you then that I cared for you. I was smitten with you from the first moment you looked into my eyes. Maybe it was the open emotions that played so beautifully in your divine eyes, or maybe it was the way your soul seemed to whisper to mine every time you were near. Whatever it was, it made me realize instantly that you were the one I had been looking for my entire life. Without a single word spoken, I had fallen in love with you."

"Most people do not believe in love at first sight," Legolas says lowly, grinning before his lips brush mine.

"I believe in almost anything," I respond, my eyes crinkling at the corners as I smile up at the handsome prince, "Especially love at first sight."


A/N: Thank y'all for reading! I will admit that I am a bit disappointed at the lack of participation in my challenge. :( But it's okay. I understand that most people don't want to video themselves (It does feel pretty awkward babbling on to a camera), so I won't hold it against any of y'all. ;) I really hope y'all still like this story! I am trying my hardest to make it the best it can possibly be. I know that it seems to drag on and on, but I'm all about plot and character depth, so please hang in there! Action is very soon to come, and I thank y'all for sticking with this story! Your support means the world!!

Please remember to comment. Feel free to talk to me more because I feel so distant to people on here, but it's simply because I'm just not a talkative person. Please forgive me for that! I hope y'all enjoyed this update, and I will see y'all next chapter!! <3


Josie :D

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